Test - Review: Beate-uhse-movie.com

Test: Beate-Uhse-Movie.com

Test - Review: Beate-uhse-movie.com

Test: Beate-Uhse-Movie.com

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Review: Porn Site Test of the Video-on-Demand Porn Site Beate-Uhse-Movie.com

While the „video store around the cor­ner“ and also the clas­sic DVD are beco­ming more and more extinct, the busi­ness with vir­tu­al ren­tal vide­os via the Internet has now fully estab­lished itself 

In tech­ni­cal jar­gon, this is known as „video on demand,“ or VoD for short. Translated into German, this means„video on demand“ or on-demand video. Internet users have the opti­on of down­loa­ding vide­os com­ple­te­ly legal­ly or wat­ching them in their brow­ser via streaming.

Mobile tablets and set-top boxes play a major role in the suc­cess of video-on-demand thanks to their ease of use and pay­ment. Via max­do­me, Amazon Prime, Netflix, Videoload, Sky online, Watchever, iTunes, Videociety and others, you can now watch almost all fea­ture films and series when and where you want. However, these pro­vi­ders find it dif­fi­cult to offer porn as well 

But for­t­u­na­te­ly, the first porn VOD por­tals have now beco­me firm­ly estab­lished. These are also cal­led porn video stores, porn online video stores or porn stores.

In this review, we will intro­du­ce you to Beate-uhse-movie.com. The ero­tic com­pa­ny Beate Uhse has been ope­ra­ting this VoD por­tal via a Dutch sub­si­dia­ry under the name MovieOn since 2007. In 2016, MovieOn.com was ren­a­med Pleasure.xxx. The pro­ject was again ren­a­med to Beate-Uhse-Movie.com in 2017.

In this review, we will tell you about our expe­ri­ence with Beate-uhse-movie.com. We will tell you the advan­ta­ges and dis­ad­van­ta­ges of this porn por­tal. Please use the com­ment func­tion below this review if you have your own opi­ni­ons or questions.

Visit Beate-uhse-movie.com

Opinion about the preview area of Beate-uhse-movie.com

As a German com­pa­ny, Beate Uhse cor­rect­ly imple­ments the German youth pro­tec­tion regu­la­ti­ons on beate-uhse-movie.com by default. But with the fol­lo­wing trick, you can bypass the youth pro­tec­tion ordeal:

First, it is important to click THIS LINK. It will open the page, in the lower area, with a black-transparent layer. There is the text: „Hi! We would like to store the fol­lo­wing regio­nal set­tings for you: English, Germany“. Click on the blue but­ton [Change] and set the lan­guage to „German“ and the coun­try to „Austria“. Save your sel­ec­tion with [Save]. If it work­ed, you can see all con­tent uncen­so­red now.

On the start page you can see a big slider under the main menu, where every 5 seconds various porn movies are pre­sen­ted. Below that you can see 16 DVD covers of the latest porn. As a visi­tor with a German IP address, the video covers are dis­play­ed censored.

Attractively designed preview area

The menu is loca­ted in the upper area, which can be used to sel­ect the sec­tions. Under the point „Movies“ one finds all movies available on beate-uhse-movie.com lis­ted. By default, the view is set to show the newest movies. Alternatively, the dis­play can be set to „Oldest movies“, alpha­be­ti­cal­ly from A to Z or Z to A or by „Best rated“.

Clicking on one of the pre­view images takes you to a detail page that pro­vi­des more infor­ma­ti­on about the film. This includes a short info text and which sce­nes are available in the film. For youth pro­tec­tion reasons, all por­no­gra­phic con­tent is also cen­so­red here with an opaque milky gas effect.

In gene­ral, the inte­res­ted visi­tor of beate-uhse-movie.com can get an excel­lent over­view. Almost all areas can be cal­led up and later dif­fer only insi­gni­fi­cant­ly when log­ged in. This trans­pa­ren­cy and also the ease of use reap many plus points in our test report.

Evaluation of the porn sites registration

The regis­tra­ti­on is com­ple­te­ly unob­tru­si­ve and takes place at the top right via the „Register“ but­ton. A form opens in which you enter your e‑mail address and a user name 

  • Important! Set up an e‑mail account for porn sites. This has the advan­ta­ge that your regu­lar account will not be spam­med with porn emails. It also redu­ces the risk that your part­ner might find out where you get your inspi­ra­ti­on. It is best to use Gmail. In con­trast to Web.de and T‑Online, mails with por­no­gra­phic terms are not dele­ted imme­dia­te­ly wit­hout war­ning, but at most moved to the spam folder.
  • As for the user­na­me, you should also think about one that you don’t alre­a­dy use on other pri­va­te sites like Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. Possibly this name appears some­whe­re on beate-uhse-movie.com and one could draw con­clu­si­ons about your iden­ti­ty. It would cer­tain­ly be very unp­lea­sant if fami­ly mem­bers or col­le­agues find out how you spend your free time.

Next, a win­dow opens tel­ling us that the regis­tra­ti­on was suc­cessful and we find a con­fir­ma­ti­on mail in our inbox. In fact, we find a mail from beate-uhse-movie.com. In it we find the con­fir­ma­ti­on link, the access data and a cou­pon code. So we click on the link and we are imme­dia­te­ly redi­rec­ted to ano­ther page.

Quite complicated payment process

Funnily enough, this is kept very plain white and only con­ta­ins the text „Make a depo­sit“. Tip: Before ente­ring any­thing at all, you should copy the cou­pon code from the email into the field provided!

To be pro­tec­ted from nasty sur­pri­ses and uncon­trol­led re-billings, I recom­mend pay­ing by instant bank trans­fer or pre­paid cre­dit card. Since it is only a first test, I deci­de to make a depo­sit of 9.99 euros. Together with the bonus from the vou­ch­er, I have a balan­ce of 19.99 euros. By the way, the sett­le­ment takes place via ET-Onlineservice AG.

After the depo­sit is finis­hed, we get ano­ther simp­le page tel­ling us that our depo­sit was suc­cessful. We also recei­ve ano­ther cou­pon code that gives us 5% bonus for ano­ther deposit.

If you have fol­lo­wed our ins­truc­tions in the white box above, you will now see a but­ton that says „Continue“. If not, you must now over­co­me the paren­tal con­trol and click on the but­ton „Continue to age veri­fi­ca­ti­on“. We recom­mend the „SOFORTident“ method, since the Telekom „ID pass“ is incre­di­bly cum­ber­so­me and takes ages.

This com­ple­tes the regis­tra­ti­on and we are imme­dia­te­ly redi­rec­ted to the mem­ber area.

Test – Review Member Area

After the descrip­ti­on of the regis­tra­ti­on, I now come to the most beau­tiful part of the test – the mem­ber area:

The first thing you noti­ce is that this is no dif­fe­rent from the pre­view area. Except that all pic­tures are no lon­ger cen­so­red and video covers of e.g. „Jetzt wir­d’s schmut­zig“, „Ganggirls“ or „Dreilochstuten“ can be view­ed wit­hout dis­tur­bing pixels.

But I’m first inte­res­ted in the sel­ec­tion of cate­go­ries. Everyone has dif­fe­rent pre­fe­ren­ces, which are some­ti­mes more or some­ti­mes less main­stream. Mine are for exam­p­le „Milf“, „Threesome“ or „Amateurs“ – all quite unspec­ta­cu­lar. But also for fri­ends of fetish and hard­core the Sex Videothek has a lot to offer. BDSM, bon­da­ge or gol­den show­er are just a few of the inte­res­t­ing categories.

While you are still in the explo­ra­ti­on phase, the incon­spi­cuous but­tons „Start trai­ler“ and „Remember movie“ prove to be very handy.

Fair prices and well thought-out video-on-demand concept

The pri­ces for purcha­se films are quite accep­ta­ble at around 14.99 to 39.99 euros and are within the usual range. The strea­ming pri­ces are abso­lut­e­ly fair at 4.99 to 8.99 euros. Unfortunately, you can only access the streams for 24 hours. With other VoD por­tals, you usual­ly have 48 hours. Personally, I am a „hun­ter and coll­ec­tor“ and pre­fer to buy my movies any­way. ^^ The file for­mat at beate-uhse-movie.com is for­t­u­na­te­ly MP4.

If you want to watch a porn video as a stream, a win­dow with 600 x 450 pixels opens as a layer that covers the page. Apart from a full screen opti­on and a few but­tons, no other con­trol can be exer­cis­ed. Here I also noti­ced that the ser­vers of beate-uhse-movie.com are not among the fas­test. If you want to „fast for­ward“ to a cer­tain point, you have to be pre­pared for a more or less long wait. If you want to „fast for­ward“ bet­ween sce­nes, this is a bit annoying.

Modern browser technologies for „online porn watching“

If you take a clo­ser look at the pro­ject, you will see that it was imple­men­ted using modern HTML5 tech­no­lo­gy. No Flash brow­ser plug­in is nee­ded and there are no pro­blems with smart­phones and tablets.

Generally, I don’t get far with my mini­mum depo­sit of 9.99 euros despi­te 10 euros bonus. You are real­ly tempt­ed to buy seve­ral porn movies. The 19.99 euros are just enough for two to three strea­ming vide­os OR one to two purcha­se vide­os. And tha­t’s only if you don’t want newer pro­duc­tions from Beate Uhse, Magmafilm or Dorcel. There you are then quick­ly with over 20 euros.

Beate Uhse porn scenes also bookable individually

Instead of enti­re films, indi­vi­du­al sce­nes can also be cal­led up direct­ly. There is even a sepa­ra­te item in the menu for this. Alternatively, the sce­nes can also be star­ted direct­ly from the details page of the film. The advan­ta­ge is that the sequen­ces are che­a­per (bet­ween 0.99 and 2.99 euros).

Compared to other sex sites, one is used to the fact that the films are available in dif­fe­rent qua­li­ty levels. This is very prac­ti­cal on a smart­phone, for exam­p­le. At beate-uhse-movie.com, there is curr­ent­ly no opti­on to adjust the qua­li­ty levels to one’s Internet speed 

The down­load works wit­hout any pro­blems – just click on the but­ton and the down­load starts automatically.

What is real­ly great is that num­e­rous German-language porn movies are offe­red. Very popu­lar are the ero­tic movies from Marc Dorcel, Beate Uhse, Private, Videorama, Inflagranti, RIBU Film, Puaka, Manni Moneto, Pleasure, MMV, DBM, Herzog-Video, BB-Video and the English-speaking labels Digital Sin, New Sensations, Nectar, Sweetheart Video, WICKED, Adam & Eve, VIVID and Abby Winters. Unfortunately, there is hard­ly any porn from Magmafilm.

Opinions about page structure & design

The page struc­tu­re is kept very simp­le and con­sists most­ly of pre­views for the respec­ti­ve sec­tion. Even inex­pe­ri­en­ced Internet users will not be faced with major hurd­les here 

Very good are the fil­ter opti­ons, with which the films can be sor­ted by price, length, stu­dio and language.

The design, on the other hand, is rather unspec­ta­cu­lar. Blue ele­ments in front of a white back­ground don’t look like much. On the other hand, the font is suf­fi­ci­ent­ly large and easy to read. For porn video stores it is not self-evident that all texts are com­ple­te­ly in German.

Experiences with the subscription cancellation

Since you can regis­ter at beate-uhse-movie.com com­ple­te­ly free of char­ge, it is not sur­pri­sing that there is no pos­si­bi­li­ty to can­cel the subscription 

In gene­ral, it seems that porn site pro­vi­ders who adver­ti­se with „Free“ or „Free“ are very atta­ched to their mem­bers. Hardly any of these pro­vi­ders have pro­vi­ded for the pos­si­bi­li­ty of cancellation.

At beate-uhse-movie.com you have to send an e‑mail to the cus­to­mer service.

Review verdict & conclusion of the Beate-uhse-movie.com test report

Since there is a big com­pa­ny behind beate-uhse-movie.com, the visi­tor can assu­me a serious offer. There is real­ly very litt­le to cri­ti­ci­ze about this porn library 

The offer includes about 8,000 pri­ma­ri­ly European and German porn movies – It ran­ges from older clas­sics to the latest pro­duc­tions. For quite a few films, real German ama­teurs are used. In most of the porn movies you can see porn­stars like Gina Wild, Mandy Mysery, Jana Bach and many others.

Beate-uhse-movie.com is easy to navi­ga­te and use on PC and Apple Mac, as well as on smart­phones and tablets wit­hout any pro­blems. Desirable would be the sel­ec­tion of dif­fe­rent qua­li­ty levels and a mar­king of HD porn.

The pri­ces of the strea­ming and purcha­se vide­os are reasonable. Those who want to save money have the opti­on of boo­king indi­vi­du­al scenes.

Visit Beate-uhse-movie.com
Website infor­ma­ti­on
Country of operator:
Cost:Payment per ero­tic film
DVD down­load: €15 to €25
DVD stream: approx. €6.00 / 24 h
Scene down­load: €3.99
Test / Demo – Access:no
Payment methods:Credit card, direct debit, pay per call (tele­pho­ne), instant bank trans­fer, Paysafecard
Billing:ET online service
Member manage­ment:yes
Youth pro­tec­tion filter:no
Download limit:no
Updates:every 2–3 days
Cross-selling pre­sel­ec­ted:no
Offered con­tent
Photos / Images:
Quantity:0 porn images
Ø Resolution:-
Image Gallery Control:-
ZIP archi­ves:-
Count:8,000 porn movies
Ø Resolution:SD to HD
Ø Length:60 minu­tes
Ø DL speed:1,000 kB/sec
Download pos­si­ble:yes
Streaming pos­si­ble:yes
DRM copy protection:no
Test report summary for Beate-uhse-movie.com

Beate Uhse Pornos aus ers­ter Hand

On this porn video-on-demand por­tal you can stream and buy Beate Uhse porn movies from the first-hand.

  • Video qua­li­ty – 90%
  • Sound qua­li­ty – 90%
  • Exclusivity – 100%
  • Models – 80%
  • Authentic emo­ti­ons – 50%
  • Variety – 60%
  • Extraordinary – 50%
  • Content quan­ti­ty – 60%
  • Fairness – 60%
  • Promises / Reality – 70%
  • Sexual sti­mu­la­ti­on – 80%
  • Design – 60%
  • Navigation – 60%
  • Preview area (Tour pages) – 60%
  • Updates – 50%
  • Loading speed – 90%
  • Costs – 50%
  • Price-performance ratio – 80%
  • Payment – 80%
  • Price trans­pa­ren­cy – 80%
  • Advertising / Spam – 60%
  • Subscription can­cel­la­ti­on – 90%
  • Overall impres­si­on – 60%
User Review
0 (0 votes)


  • Many German porn movies
  • Rent AND buy porn possible
  • Scene purcha­se possible
  • Model bio­gra­phies + pro­du­cer info
  • Modern HTML5 video player


  • Boring design
  • Streams only callable for 24 hrs
  • No labe­l­ing of HD movies
  • No qua­li­ty levels
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