Test - Review: Saboom.com

Test: Saboom.com

Test - Review: Saboom.com

Test: Saboom.com

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Sex Websites Review: Review of the German interactive porn site Saboom.com

If you like to watch ero­tic movies, you have sure­ly wis­hed that the plot of a sex scene would take a dif­fe­rent cour­se. For exam­p­le, that the ero­tic model is fucked in a dif­fe­rent posi­ti­on, that the porn actor should do some­thing spe­ci­fic, where the final sperm splash lands.

At the porn site Saboom this is pos­si­ble! Visitors can deter­mi­ne the plot of the movies them­sel­ves. This is also cal­led „inter­ac­ti­ve ero­ti­ca“ or „inter­ac­ti­ve porn“. Of cour­se, this unu­su­al ero­tic site made me very curious and I was eager to see what this pro­mi­se is.

In this review you can read how cool the „First inter­ac­ti­ve sex video site in the world“ real­ly is. We test not only the con­tent of the porn vide­os, but also how it works with regis­tra­ti­on, can­cel­la­ti­on and navi­ga­ti­on. Furthermore, we also go into the gra­phic design in this review.

Visit Saboom.com

Opinion about the preview area of Saboom.com

When ente­ring the ero­tic site for the first time, the first sur­pri­se awaits the visi­tor: The lan­guage of Saboom.com is German. A look at the imprint quick­ly pro­vi­des cla­ri­ty. The site is ope­ra­ted by Joyfactor GmbH in Austria, which also explains the German language.

Unlike ero­tic sites from the English-speaking world, howe­ver, you have to do wit­hout a pre­view with FSK18 pre­view images here. You only get to see the respec­ti­ve actres­ses – most­ly in a close-up of the face. This is not very meaningful, but you have to accept the strict pro­tec­tion of minors in German-speaking countries 

However, the ope­ra­tors have come up with some­thing to gua­ran­tee the poten­ti­al cus­to­mer a deeper insight into your offer.

Another point that is not enti­re­ly unim­portant for future users is the pri­cing: Compared to other sex sites, where you can see at first glan­ce what the fun costs, Saboom keeps a bit of a low pro­fi­le. Only when you scroll all the way down do you find a small link in the foo­ter that says„rate over­view“.

The struc­tu­re is quite clear and con­sists of three rates with a mini­mum con­tract peri­od of one, two or three months, which then cost €29.90, €24.90 and €19.90 per month, respec­tively. So that you don’t have to buy a pig in a poke, the­re’s a two-day trial that costs €1.90 and gives you full access to the site. If this is not can­ce­led within the two test days again, it auto­ma­ti­cal­ly goes into the 1st month tariff.


Evaluation of the porn sites – Registration

After this first impres­si­on, we move on to the Saboom regis­tra­ti­on. This is kept incre­di­bly simple.

The regis­tra­ti­on is star­ted by cli­cking on the „Get access now“ but­ton in the upper right cor­ner. The first step is to enter a valid e‑mail address and decla­re whe­ther you are a woman or a man. In addi­ti­on, it must be con­firm­ed that one is aware of the terms and con­di­ti­ons, can­cel­la­ti­on poli­cy and pri­va­cy poli­cy. These words them­sel­ves clickable links. With a click on „Register“ one rea­ches the second step.

In this step, the date of birth is requi­red and you must choo­se a user­na­me and pass­word. Only let­ters and num­bers are accept­ed for the pass­word. The next step is to click on the „Register“ button.

Payment without fraud and rip-off

In step three, the pay­ment data is reques­ted. You can choo­se bet­ween direct debit and cre­dit card. In case you over­loo­ked the price list on the home page, this is the first time you see what a Saboom mem­ber­ship will cost. Since one usual­ly does not want the woman to know what one(s) is spen­ding one’s money on, one could opt to pay by cre­dit card.

The bil­ling is done via the pay­ment ser­vice Digitalpayment GmbH from Austria. After ente­ring the cre­dit card data, one clicks on BUY NOW and the pay­ment pro­cess is com­ple­ted. By the way, our pre­paid cre­dit card was accept­ed wit­hout any problems.

After veri­fy­ing the pay­ment data, the last step is to save the account on Digitalpayment’s ser­ver. A con­fir­ma­ti­on noti­ce is dis­play­ed and you are auto­ma­ti­cal­ly log­ged in to Saboom.com right away. We wai­ted in vain for the order con­fir­ma­ti­on email, becau­se it con­ta­ins a num­ber that you need to can­cel your mem­ber­ship. A look in the spam fol­der sol­ved the uncer­tain­ty, becau­se the con­fir­ma­ti­on email was found there after all.

Test – Review Member Area

After regis­tra­ti­on you can log into the mem­ber area. The first impres­si­on is very promising.

The cen­tral start­ing point of saboom.com is the archi­ve, which is also the start page. On the right side you can find the cate­go­ries, with which you can at least nar­row down the sel­ec­tion a bit.

In the upper area there is ano­ther menu with which you can navi­ga­te to the indi­vi­du­al areas. Under „Shows“ you find in prin­ci­ple again the same as on the start page, with „Stars“ as the name alre­a­dy says a sel­ec­tion of the actres­ses are lis­ted.
I’ll talk about the „Livecams“ menu item in a litt­le more detail in a moment, and the „Community“ item is pro­ba­b­ly inten­ded to crea­te a fee­ling of togetherness.

Interestingly, cli­cking on the porn stars takes you to a sedcard where you can read and see inte­res­t­ing infor­ma­ti­on. From here you can also access the porn model’s videos.

SABOOM offers high-quality, interactive videos

On Saboom, the main focus is on strea­ming vide­os, which are pro­vi­ded in a flash play­er in HD qua­li­ty. The video for­mat can be chan­ged to S, M AND XL.

Also, there is a POV switch built into the play­er. POV means Point of view, which trans­la­tes to „From the view­er’s point of view“. A green LED indi­ca­tes when you can turn on the func­tion. You then have the per­spec­ti­ve, as if you would fuck the porn model then its­elf. Really great and very, very cool!

Now we come to the real­ly inte­res­t­ing part of saboom.com – inter­ac­ti­vi­ty. You have two opti­ons to inter­ve­ne in the flow of the movie via the player:

  • Interactive porn – con­trol 1:
    The movie runs as usual. After play­ing a scene, you will be asked how you want the movie to con­ti­nue. The choice dif­fers from film to film.
    There are rough­ly three cate­go­ries: Foreplay, Positions and Cumshot. After cli­cking on a cate­go­ry, more opti­ons appear such as licking, doggy and how the sex, or cumshot should take place.
  • Interactive porn – con­trol 2:
    The second opti­on is to crea­te a play­list. To do this, you click on the cor­re­spon­ding but­ton below the video win­dow. You will be direc­ted to a page whose lower part con­ta­ins a time­line and the upper part con­ta­ins all the sce­nes available for the movie.
    To crea­te your own movie, you drag one of the sequen­ces from the upper part to the time­line and you can arran­ge them in any order. This is a fun idea that you would like to see more often, as it allows you to com­pi­le only the hot­test parts of a movie.

Very horny porn actresses and beautiful locations

The pro­mi­se that the user can deter­mi­ne the actions of the sex movies like a „porn video direc­tor“ has been imple­men­ted very well. It is fun to jump back and forth in the sce­nes. In com­bi­na­ti­on with the POV func­tion, you real­ly feel like you are live in the porn!

Unfortunately, no video down­load func­tion is pro­vi­ded. However, with the brow­ser plug­in ANT Videodownloader for Firefox, you can down­load the desi­red sce­nes and even your crea­ted stream to your hard drive.

The films shown are all high-quality pro­duc­tions, where atten­ti­on was paid to good image and sound qua­li­ty. The film­ing loca­ti­ons are also very nice­ly sel­ec­ted, which speaks for a high level of pro­fes­sio­na­lism. Unfortunately, the pro­fes­sio­na­lism can also be seen in the actres­ses.
They are pret­ty to extre­me­ly pret­ty throug­hout, but for the most part the bust was unfort­u­na­te­ly enhan­ced with sili­co­ne. If you like ama­teur girls, you are defi­ni­te­ly on the wrong web­site.

On Saboom there are sur­pri­sin­gly many inter­na­tio­nal porn­stars. e.g.: Carla Cox, Tarra White, Angelica Heart, Alison Star, Jasmine la Rouge and many more. In the ero­tic vide­os only English is spo­ken. Even some porn titles are in English. However, this is not a big deal, becau­se you can under­stand most of the con­tent even with basic know­ledge of English.


If you pre­fer live action, the Livecam sec­tion is a good choice. But the porn live chat costs extra and is paid with the site’s inter­nal cur­ren­cy „Coins“. One recei­ves 1000 Coins bonus after the regis­tra­ti­on, but these last these only a few minutes.

The coins can be reor­de­red through three packa­ges of 3000, 4000 and 5000 coins, which is then not exact­ly cheap at 10 euros per 1000 coins. If you do not want to use the live cams, they are annoy­ing due to con­stant requests.

However, also here cau­ti­on is appro­pria­te! It is enough on the page „ACTION! Today 3000 Coins for 30 EUR Click the green but­ton and load now 3000 Coins for 30 EUR!“ a care­less click on „Buy now“ and then the mes­sa­ge appears „The sum of 3000 Coins for 30 EUR will be boo­ked from your account depo­si­ted with us.“

Unfortunately, you won’t find any detail­ed infor­ma­ti­on about the updates. If you click on „Shows“ in the menu, you will see a date in the upper right cor­ner of the screen. But in rea­li­ty there are no updates since April 2014. This is a great, great pity!

Opinions on page layout & design

The design is nice, though I per­so­nal­ly would pre­fer a more subt­le back­ground color and less eye-pleasing.

I like the page struc­tu­re for the most part. The link struc­tu­re is clear, easy to under­stand and all areas are acces­si­ble with one or two clicks 

There is room for signi­fi­cant impro­ve­ment in the search for spe­ci­fic vide­os. There is no fil­ter func­tion. So I would wish that the sel­ec­tion of films could at least be limi­t­ed to hair color or bust size of the models.

Experiences with subscription cancellation

The can­cel­la­ti­on of an offer is made dif­fi­cult by many ero­tic pro­vi­ders and saboom.com is unfort­u­na­te­ly no exception 

It is unfort­u­na­te­ly nowhe­re expli­cit to read that it is a sub­scrip­ti­on and „how“ you can can­cel it „where“. The opti­on to can­cel the account is hid­den very deep on the page. This costs some sympathy.

Only a few weeks later, one finds on the bank state­ment, or the cre­dit card state­ment that the sub­scrip­ti­on is actual­ly run­ning for three months! Therefore, you should can­cel the sub­scrip­ti­on within the first week after you have boo­ked it.

To can­cel Saboom, click on „My Account“ and on the next page on „Account“. At the bot­tom right, you will see the sel­ec­ted tariff and a link next to it with the label „More infor­ma­ti­on“. If you click on this, you will find the link to „Cancel my mem­ber­ship“ at the bottom.

Alternatively, one can can­cel the sub­scrip­ti­on via the page of the bil­ling com­pa­ny Digitalpayment GmbH: http://www.customersupport.de/ The can­cel­la­ti­on opti­on is also hid­den here. One must click on „Manage mem­ber­ship“ and finds at the very bot­tom of the page a but­ton „View your pay­ments“. There you will find the can­cel­la­ti­on form https://info.digitalpayment.net/index.php/rh. You will be asked for a mem­ber­ship key, which you will find in the boo­king con­fir­ma­ti­on email.

When can­ce­ling Saboom, you real­ly have to be very atten­ti­ve!
The bil­ling com­pa­ny Digitalpayment is very behind in pay­ing the bills via a law firm. To be on the safe side, you should check the fol­lo­wing page to see if the can­cel­la­ti­on real­ly work­ed: https://info.digitalpayment.net/index.php/rh Also, you must recei­ve an email with a can­cel­la­ti­on con­fir­ma­ti­on!

In case of bil­ling pro­blems, one can cont­act the com­pa­ny Digitalpayment via the German tele­pho­ne num­ber: 0511 71109979 or via an Austrian num­ber: 0043 2983 299 20 10. In the tele­pho­ne hot­line, one has to press the 5 key to be able to speak to an employee.

Review verdict & conclusion of the Saboom.com test report

For a porn site that has twice recei­ved the Venus Award as the best porn site, my expec­ta­ti­ons were accor­din­gly high and these were also met by saboom.com.

The HD porn vide­os are real­ly cool! You can find very beau­tiful women who let you do ever­y­thing with them. Also, the great pic­tu­re and sound qua­li­ty let ever­yo­ne get their money­’s worth 

The fact that you can chan­ge the order of the sce­nes of a movie is a funny idea. The plot and the out­co­me of each porn can thus be super self-determined. The point of view func­tion rounds off this real­ly inge­nious porn pro­ject. The view­er can com­ple­te­ly immer­se hims­elf in the film scenes!

What cle­ar­ly clouds the over­all impres­si­on, howe­ver, is the very hid­den log­out. Here, the ope­ra­tor must make an impro­ve­ment. The abso­lut­e­ly unfair can­cel­la­ti­on peri­od of 42 days, as well as the fact that you only have the opti­on to can­cel quar­ter­ly, tar­nis­hes the other­wi­se very good opi­ni­on of this ero­tic project.

Therefore, my con­clu­si­on is that the site has defi­ni­te­ly ear­ned a recom­men­da­ti­on for horny hours. However, you should plan for the fact that the sub­scrip­ti­on is basi­cal­ly for three months (i.e. 60 EUR). Provided that you can­cel within the first week!

Visit Saboom.com
Website infor­ma­ti­on
Country of operator:
Cost:1.90 EUR 2 days (sub­scrip­ti­on)
29.90 EUR 1 month
24.90 EUR 2 months
19.90 EUR 3 months
Test / Demo – Access:yes
Payment methods:Credit card, direct debit
Member manage­ment:yes
Youth pro­tec­tion filter:no
Download limit:no
Cross-selling pre­sel­ec­ted:no
Content offe­red
Photos / Images:
Quantity:0 porn images
Ø Resolution:-
Image Gallery Control:-
ZIP archi­ves:-
Quantity:200 porn movies
Ø Resolution:1920×1090 HD
Ø Length:60 minu­tes
Ø DL speed:90,000 kB/sec
Download pos­si­ble:no
Streaming pos­si­ble:yes
DRM copy protection:no


Demo pics

Test report summary for Saboom.com

Interactive porn with acti­ve con­trol by your choices

Are you loo­king for varie­ty of the unspec­ta­cu­lar stan­dard porn? Then you should take a look at this sex site. You can actively influence the actions of the porn movie by your decis­i­ons. Very inno­va­ti­ve and worth watching!

  • Image qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Video qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Sound qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Exclusivity – 100%
  • Models – 100%
  • Authentic emo­ti­ons – 67%
  • Variety – 100%
  • Extraordinary – 100%
  • Content quan­ti­ty – 83%
  • Fairness – 50%
  • Promises / Reality – 100%
  • Sexual sti­mu­la­ti­on – 100%
  • Design – 100%
  • Navigation – 100%
  • Preview area (Tour pages) – 100%
  • Updates – 50%
  • Loading speed – 100%
  • Costs – 50%
  • Price-performance ratio – 100%
  • Payment – 67%
  • Price trans­pa­ren­cy – 67%
  • Advertising / Spam – 50%
  • Subscription can­cel­la­ti­on – 17%
  • Overall impres­si­on – 100%
User Review
0 (0 votes)


  • Innovative idea
  • Strongly arou­sing videos
  • Great inter­ac­tion possibilities
  • Extremely good quality
  • Great design & good navigation


  • No video down­load possibility
  • No updates since April 2014
  • Cancellation opti­on hidden
  • 42 days noti­ce period!
  • Cancellation only until the end of the quarter!
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