Test - Review: Amateurcommunity.de

Test: AmateurCommunity.de

Test - Review: Amateurcommunity.de

Test: AmateurCommunity.de


Review of AmateurCommunity.de: One of the hottest, German amateur sex portals

If you want to stand out in the Internet por­no­gra­phy mar­ket, you have to stand out from the crowd of porn web­sites. Nowadays you have to offer more than the usual stan­dard pro­gram of movies, pic­tures and webcams.

The sex site amateurcommunity.com has come up with some­thing and that is why we have sub­jec­ted the site to an inde­pen­dent test. Unlike other ama­teur sites, where you can most­ly just watch porn or watch the cam­girls, amateurcommunity.com takes a dif­fe­rent approach.

The site is a midd­le ground bet­ween porn site for ama­teur vide­os and dating por­tal for sin­gle women, sin­gle men and cou­ples who just enjoy sex. In addi­ti­on, the satis­fac­tion of fetis­hes, such as bon­da­ge, sado­ma­so, lac­quer, latex, urine, etc. are also in the fore­ground here.

You can see a sur­pri­sin­gly large num­ber of cou­ples on this ama­teur plat­form, who post movies and pic­tures here and thus pur­sue their voy­eu­ristic incli­na­ti­ons. Thus, Amateurcommunity.com repres­ents an alter­na­ti­ve to joyclub.com to share inte­rest in group sex and part­ner swapping.

Before our test we were real­ly curious about what to expect and wrote down all our expe­ri­en­ces and thoughts for you. In this review you will learn not only the advan­ta­ges and dis­ad­van­ta­ges of amateurcommunity.com, but also how the ama­teur site com­pa­res to other ero­tic sites.

Visit amateurcommunity.com

Opinion about the preview area of Amateurcommunity.com

As always, the first thing we do is enter the pre­view area and are a bit dis­ap­poin­ted. The design looks a bit old-fashioned and reminds us of the time until the year 2000. Furthermore, it lacks a bit of overview.

In the upper area, the pre­view area offers the usual menu. Below that is a sel­ec­tion of women that await us at amateurcommunity.com. Preview pic­tures of new ama­teurs and top ama­teurs are dis­play­ed as well as from the areas „Top Movies“, „New Movies“ and „New Pics“.

In addi­ti­on, there is a large win­dow on the right side, in which an „Amateur of the Moment“ or a „Livecam of the Moment“ is dis­play­ed alter­na­te­ly. In addi­ti­on, you will be infor­med about events orga­ni­zed by the ama­teurs, you can read new diary ent­ries or view the ama­teurs fil­te­red by zip code.

Unfortunately the thumb­nails are very small. However, if you move the mouse over one of the pic­tures, it will be dis­play­ed enlar­ged in a box and you can read the descrip­ti­on text at the same time. A click on the pre­view pic­tu­re leads us to the respec­ti­ve pro­fi­le of the ama­teur or the film. By the way, these are not cen­so­red, even if not all ama­teurs adver­ti­se their con­tent with sex scenes.

What is very annoy­ing is that alre­a­dy in the pre­view area, a pop-up win­dow (AC Messenger) opens every few minu­tes, which wants to invi­te us to chat. For sure, these are pre-written texts, since our pro­fi­le is being prai­sed. The pro­blem is that we are not regis­tered yet and the­r­e­fo­re can­not have a profile.

The site is ope­ra­ted by IP Broadcasting B.V. from the Netherlands, who are no stran­gers to the Internet busi­ness. In addi­ti­on to the ama­teur com­mu­ni­ty, the com­pa­ny also ope­ra­tes the web­site mydatingportal.net and the web­cam por­tal live6.com. There you can at least alre­a­dy assu­me that well-founded expe­ri­ence in the busi­ness of Internet por­no­gra­phy is available.

Rating of the porn sites registration

The good news before­hand is that regis­tra­ti­on at amateurcommunity.com is initi­al­ly free, very simp­le and com­ple­ted in a mat­ter of minu­tes.

It starts with a click on the link „Register now for free“ on the top right. As man­da­to­ry infor­ma­ti­on, a user­na­me and pass­word must be ente­red, the e‑mail address and gen­der. Optionally, the date of birth and the zip code of the place of resi­dence can be added.

By cli­cking on the „Register now for free“ but­ton, the regis­tra­ti­on is almost com­ple­te. You will be redi­rec­ted to a page that informs you that an e‑mail has been sent to the spe­ci­fied mail­box. This con­ta­ins a con­fir­ma­ti­on link that must be cli­cked. This com­ple­tes the regis­tra­ti­on pro­cess and you can log in to the mem­ber area with your user­na­me and password.

After log­ging in, we find our­sel­ves in the mem­ber area. This is simi­lar to the pre­view area, but some new func­tions have been added. These are the pro­fi­le manage­ment func­tions now dis­play­ed in the upper right cor­ner and the account balan­ce overview.

Not really „free

Unfortunately, at amateurcommunity.com free regis­tra­ti­on does not mean that the offer is also free. As with other ama­teur sites, you pay here by means of the vir­tu­al cur­ren­cy Coins. These can be bought in packa­ges of 50, 100, 250, 500 and 1,000 at pri­ces ran­ging from 5 euros to 100 euros.

The pay­ment methods are very diver­se even for a porn site. In addi­ti­on to the usual opti­ons such as cre­dit card, instant bank trans­fer and direct debit, the coins can also be purcha­sed via Giropay, Paysafe cards or the mobi­le phone bill.

Another pos­si­bi­li­ty is to coll­ect VIP Points. These you get for various actions such as the daily regis­tra­ti­on or com­men­ting and rating movies and pic­tures. These VIP Points can be exch­an­ged for coins, but here too there is a small catch. Before you can exch­an­ge the VIP Points for coins, you have to top up your account at least once using the pay­ment methods men­tio­ned above.

Youth protection necessary

When sur­fing on the ama­teur site, one is sur­pri­sed that one always reads such funny texts as F**ze or T***tenf**ck despi­te regis­tra­ti­on. You also see only inno­cuous pho­tos and the FSK18 pho­tos are pixel­a­ted and bear the inscrip­ti­on „18+“. If you click on the pic­tures, you will find an incon­spi­cuous but­ton „for age verification“.

On the fol­lo­wing page you will find SOFORTident, X‑check, CHECK2GO, Blue18, ueber18.de and 18ok. Since we have alre­a­dy had seve­ral good expe­ri­en­ces with SOFORTident, we choo­se this ser­vice, which runs via the SCHUFA information.

The fact that you need a youth pro­tec­tion veri­fi­ca­ti­on with a Dutch com­pa­ny is a bit stran­ge, but we do ever­y­thing to be able to make a real, unbi­a­sed test judgment.
You log in with your bank code and the access data of your che­cking account and land on a page cal­led „Address Information“. There you enter your name, date of birth and address, which is then che­cked against the bank and SCHUFA. You don’t find out whe­ther the check wor­sens your SCHUFA score.

After suc­cessful veri­fi­ca­ti­on, you are redi­rec­ted back to amateurcommunity.com and a big red layer con­firms the age veri­fi­ca­ti­on: „Your age veri­fi­ca­ti­on was suc­cessful. From now on, there are no more rest­ric­tions for you on AmateurCommunity.“

Test – Review Member Area

After we have sur­vi­ved the almost half-hour regis­tra­ti­on, pay­ment and paren­tal con­trol pro­cess, we now come to the reason why you regis­ter with a porn site in the first place: the ladies, vide­os and pictures 

Let’s start with the per­for­mers, which can be found under the„Amateurs“ sec­tion.
Here you can once again view all new ama­teurs and all ama­teurs who are curr­ent­ly online, or you can use the menu item „All Amateurs“ to view all mem­bers regis­tered with the AmateurCommunity

Unfortunately, the fil­ter func­tions are very limi­t­ed here. Gender, age, zip code, type are the only details by which you can fil­ter the members.

Good quality and model selection

The sel­ec­tion of actres­ses lea­ves not­hing to be desi­red. Whether young or old, slim or full-figured, blon­de, bru­net­te or red, shaved or not shaved… as far as appearance is con­cer­ned, there is some­thing for ever­yo­ne. Even though you might not be able to apply the stan­dards of pro­fes­sio­nal porn actres­ses, there are very pret­ty women among them. It must be said that the ope­ra­tors of the ama­teur com­mu­ni­ty have litt­le influence on the sel­ec­tion of the actres­ses. Unfortunately, you can see some fami­li­ar faces that are also acti­ve on other ama­teur portals.

One noti­ces noti­ce­ab­ly, on the basis of the num­ber of vide­os pos­ted, that con­sider­a­b­ly more porn than pic­tures are in demand. Under the items „Movies“ and „Pics“ you can find incre­di­bly horny recor­dings. The pic­tu­re and sound qua­li­ty of the mate­ri­al can real­ly be rated as „ama­teu­rish“ – but the con­tent of the mem­bers clas­si­fied as top ama­teurs is ama­zin­gly good.

In terms of per­forming qua­li­ties, you can alre­a­dy tell that the ladies are not pro­fes­sio­nal per­for­mers. But this is what makes this ama­teur site so appe­al­ing!

Unfortunately, the clips are most­ly quite short and range from about one minu­te in length to 10 minu­tes. Unfortunately, even the pre­views can only be view­ed if you are wil­ling to pay.

Under the point Movies you can also find the cate­go­ry over­view and here num­e­rous pre­fe­ren­ces are ser­ved. Thus, in addi­ti­on to the „stan­dards“ such as milf, teen, anal, lac­quer or latex, there are also fetish, tied, pis­sing, food or rubber.

Very cool is the price ham­mer fil­ter func­tion from the main menu. There you can find a lot of cheap and real­ly horny pho­tos and videos.

The AmateurCommunity.com dating section

The AmateurCommunity.com is not just ano­ther porn site, you can reco­gni­ze by the dating area. This can be found in the menu under the item, who would have thought, „Dates“. If desi­red, the sel­ec­tion can be rough­ly nar­ro­wed down to one’s own zip code area, which increa­ses the chan­ce of fin­ding someone in one’s area.

The detail pages offer a lot of infor­ma­ti­on about the respec­ti­ve ama­teurs. Of cour­se, you can deci­de for yours­elf which infor­ma­ti­on you want to pro­vi­de. In addi­ti­on to very exten­si­ve infor­ma­ti­on about the appearance, these are also various opti­ons what you are loo­king for (man, woman, cou­ple), for what you are loo­king (for exam­p­le, dating, fling, rela­ti­onship) and what things you find ero­tic (such as anal sex, flower sex, domi­nant and so on).

However, one should not make false hopes. According to expe­ri­ence, the per­cen­ta­ge of hobby hoo­kers who are on this way to catch cus­to­mers is very high. But if you write with the mem­ber, you get this very quick­ly and can con­sider whe­ther you want to get invol­ved in this adven­ture. By the way, wri­ting in the chat is also not free, but is char­ged with 8 coins per mes­sa­ge

Note: Ladies who are acti­ve in the live­cam area in addi­ti­on to the dating area are usual­ly not serious­ly loo­king for a rela­ti­onship. One-night stands are not uncom­mon in case of sympathy.

Opinions on page structure & design

The site struc­tu­re is rela­tively unspec­ta­cu­lar. In prin­ci­ple, you will find all the important items, such as menus and but­tons, where you expect them.

The only point of cri­ti­cism is the menu. This pro­vi­des a short descrip­ti­on text for each menu item. Whether you like that or not is pro­ba­b­ly a mat­ter of taste. For us, the cla­ri­ty suf­fers a little.

The design of the page is OK so far. The pre­do­mi­nant colors are gray and red. However, the thumb­nails are a bit small, which is part­ly com­pen­sa­ted by the lar­ger view when hove­ring the mouse over them. The white font on a red back­ground makes for a very rea­da­ble con­trast. However, there is also black font on a gray back­ground, which is then alre­a­dy not so readable.

Nowadays, more and more web­sites are swit­ching to HTML5 for good reasons and we hope that Amateurcommunity.de will also „move with the times“ in a time­ly man­ner and offer more com­pa­ti­bi­li­ty for mobi­le devices.

Experiences with the subscription cancellation

We had to search (as almost always) for the can­cel­la­ti­on. In the help sec­tion we found what we were loo­king for – or rather not 

Although there is a sec­tion titled „How and where can I can­cel?“, we learn that no can­cel­la­ti­on is neces­sa­ry, since the account is free any­way. You should sim­ply not log in, in the future.

For data pro­tec­tion reasons, we are of cour­se not satis­fied that you can­not dele­te your cus­to­mer account just as easi­ly as you crea­te it. There can be num­e­rous reasons in life why one no lon­ger wis­hes to have an account with Amateurcommunity.de.

Review verdict & conclusion of the Amateurcommunity.de test report

All in all AmateurCommunity.com is a very horny ama­teur portal!

There are many ama­teurs repre­sen­ted who put extre­me­ly (!) horny movies and pic­tures online that you won’t find on the usual sites. The fact that the pic­tu­re and sound qua­li­ty is not always the best can be for­gi­ven. Very cool is the pos­si­bi­li­ty to „earn“ „VIP Points“ by actively par­ti­ci­pa­ting in the community 

The Poins can be con­ver­ted into Coins! Very prac­ti­cal is the very com­for­ta­ble dating func­tion, through which you can real­ly meet women, men and cou­ples. Thanks to a price ham­mer fil­ter you can make great bargains!

Really annoy­ing is the con­stant request to write in AC Messenger. If you don’t want to do that, you should click on the „Do not show again“ item and have peace of mind, at least for the next 24 hours 

The non-transparent pri­ces and the fact that you want to see money for every action leave a bad taste. We would also like to see a more con­tem­po­ra­ry design.

Visit Amateurcommunity.de
Website infor­ma­ti­on
Country of the operator:
Cost:Registration free of charge
10 Cent per coin
10 cents per chat message
Test / Demo – access:yes
Payment methods:Credit card, direct debit, pay per call (phone), instant bank trans­fer, Paysafecard
Billing:IP Broadcasting B.V.
Member manage­ment:yes
Parental con­trol filter:yes
Download limit:no
Cross-selling pre­sel­ec­ted:no
Offered con­tent
Photos / Images:
Number:600,000 Porn images
Ø Resolution:1920 × 1080 pixels
Image gal­lery control:yes
ZIP archi­ves:no
Number:130,000 porn movies
Ø Resolution:various
Ø Length:3 minu­tes
Ø DL speed:10,000 kB/sec
Format:FLV, MP4
Download pos­si­ble:yes
Streaming pos­si­ble:yes
DRM copy protection:no
Test report summary for Amateurcommunity.de
  • Image qua­li­ty – 150%
  • Video qua­li­ty – 150%
  • Sound qua­li­ty – 150%
  • Exclusivity – 67%
  • Models – 100%
  • Authentic emo­ti­ons – 83%
  • Variety – 100%
  • Extraordinary – 83%
  • Content quan­ti­ty – 100%
  • Fairness – 67%
  • Promises / Reality – 67%
  • Sexual sti­mu­la­ti­on – 100%
  • Design – 50%
  • Navigation – 67%
  • Preview area (Tour pages) – 83%
  • Updates – 100%
  • Loading speed – 100%
  • Costs – 50%
  • Price-performance ratio – 67%
  • Payment – 83%
  • Price trans­pa­ren­cy – 50%
  • Advertising / Spam – 50%
  • Subscription can­cel­la­ti­on – 0%
  • Overall impres­si­on – 67%
User Review
5 (1 vote)


  • Real German amateurs
  • Live ama­teur cams wit­hout fakes
  • No sub­scrip­ti­on
  • Great dating function
  • Many fetish pho­tos & fetish videos


  • Limited mobi­le support
  • Many ama­teurs also elsewhere
  • Prices part­ly non-transparent
  • Hidden youth protection
  • AC Messenger win­dow sucks
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