Test - Review: Privatporno.com

Test: PrivatPorno.com

Test - Review: Privatporno.com

Test: PrivatPorno.com

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Amateur sex portal review: Review of PrivatPorno.com – The amateur portal of Beate Uhse

Who likes to watch porn, at some point no lon­ger has a desi­re for English-language glos­sy pro­duc­tions with sili­co­ne breasts and acted moaning.

The idea is much more appe­al­ing that in the neigh­bor­hood or neigh­bor­ing town there are horny house­wi­ves, sexu­al­ly star­ved MILFs and „finan­ci­al­ly poor“ fema­le stu­dents – who fill up their bud­get by sel­ling their horny vide­os & ama­teur pho­tos or pre­sen­ting them in front of the web­cam. Since one glad­ly pays pocket money for this extra­or­di­na­ry service.

Amateur porn usual­ly does not fea­ture pro­fes­sio­nal actors and actres­ses in front of the came­ra. Rather, they are peo­p­le who enjoy sex and like to be wat­ched doing it. Real fee­lings, real orgasms and real plea­su­re are guaranteed!

While sear­ching for inte­res­t­ing German ero­tic sites, we stumb­led across PrivatPorno.com this time. The sex site is ope­ra­ted by ET-Onlineservice AG from Switzerland, a sub­si­dia­ry of Beate Uhse AG.

In this test report I write to you whe­ther a regis­tra­ti­on with privatporno.com is wort­hwhile its­elf. As always, I go into my test not only on the advan­ta­ges, but also on the dis­ad­van­ta­ges. If you alre­a­dy know the ama­teur sex site, I would be happy if you leave a com­ment below the review.

Visit Privatporno.com

Opinion about the preview section of Privatporno.com

As always, we start our test with a „tour“ through the pre­view area. When you open the page in the brow­ser, the first thing you noti­ce is the very clear design. The color palet­te of the page ele­ments is limi­t­ed to white for the back­ground and blue for the font.

The start page of the pre­view area offers, bes­i­des the obli­ga­to­ry menu, a small over­view of the cur­rent top movies as well as a sel­ec­tion of the latest movies that have been pos­ted on PrivatPorno.com. Moreover, in the upper part of the page you can find a lar­ger sec­tion that draws atten­ti­on to spe­cial movies.

One lear­ns that at pre­sent about 70,000 films and 7,000 pic­tu­re sets are available for vie­w­ing at PrivatPorno.com, which have been put online by over 1,000 women, men and cou­ples. This makes the site not neces­s­a­ri­ly one of the lar­gest of its kind, but not the smal­lest eit­her. However, the pro­ba­bi­li­ty of mee­ting a neigh­bor is not very high. ^^

When brow­sing through the pre­view area, one noti­ces that there are gene­rous areas for an unre­gis­tered visi­tor to explore.

By default, the pic­tures in the pre­view area are cen­so­red. However, this is only noti­ceable at a second glan­ce. Apparently, the ama­teurs are ins­truc­ted to avoid por­no­gra­phic images as previews.

We recommend you to use THIS LINK to bypass the parental control procedure.

If you click on the pho­tos of the fea­tured vide­os, you will get to the video details page. On it you will find more infor­ma­ti­on about the movie and a short descrip­ti­on text. You will also see a few screen­shots from the movie that are also FSK16.

In sum­ma­ry, I like the pre­view area of Privatporno.com very much. One is quick­ly con­vin­ced to want to sign up for a free mem­ber­ship here to see uncen­so­red content.

Rating of the porn sites registration

Registration at privatporno.com is plea­sant­ly simp­le and, above all, free of char­ge. However, free does not mean free. If you want to use the ero­tic site to its full ext­ent, soo­ner or later you will have to dig into your pocket. But more about that in a moment.

  • The regis­tra­ti­on is star­ted by cli­cking the but­ton „Register for free“ in the upper right cor­ner. A win­dow opens, in which you have to enter a user name, a pass­word and an e‑mail address that you have made up yourself 
  • By the way, we recom­mend that you crea­te an e‑mail address with one of the free­mail pro­vi­ders such as Gmail or GMX in order to avoid over­laps with a regu­lar e‑mail address.
  • After cli­cking on ‚Next‘, the regis­tra­ti­on is almost com­ple­te. A mes­sa­ge appears that a mail with a con­fir­ma­ti­on link has been sent to the spe­ci­fied e‑mail address 
  • If you click on the link in this mail, you will be redi­rec­ted to the mem­ber area of privatporno.com and log­ged in automatically.

Test – Review Member Area

Privatporno.com - TestAfter log­ging in, we noti­ce that there is hard­ly any dif­fe­rence from the pre­view area in terms of page lay­out and design. Those who have alre­a­dy loo­ked around exten­si­ve­ly in the pre­view area do not have to get used to it.

New in the added is the free movies sec­tion on the home page. These are pro­mo­tio­nal clips about 1 – 2 minu­tes long, in which the ama­teur women try to con­vin­ce us to meet them in chat or web­cam or watch their videos.

Very clear portal structure

The cen­tral com­po­nent for all actions is the menu on the left side. Here you can direct­ly sel­ect the dif­fe­rent areas like movies, pic­tu­re sets or the over­view of cate­go­ries. Clicking on one of the links opens fur­ther sel­ec­tion opti­ons like new ama­teurs or top ama­teurs. Or you can dis­play the regis­tered ama­teurs by alphabet.

The pro­fi­le pic­tures do not con­tain any pho­tos that could be con­side­red offen­si­ve. Instead, the num­ber of movies pos­ted and the date since when the respec­ti­ve user is log­ged in are dis­play­ed next to the user­na­mes of the amateurs.

Clicking on one of the pro­fi­le pic­tures takes you to a pro­fi­le page where various per­so­nal details, such as age, sexu­al ori­en­ta­ti­on, height, weight and sexu­al pre­fe­ren­ces are displayed.

If you have cho­sen a movie and click on it, some details will be dis­play­ed. These include a short descrip­ti­on, the length, the rating and some key points about what sex prac­ti­ces are in the film. With a click on ‚Buy now‘ you can watch the movie. These are in Flash for­mat and are play­ed in a sepa­ra­te player.

Different amateur porn quality

With over 1,000 ama­teurs pos­ting their films on privatporno.com, it is of cour­se impos­si­ble to make any state­ments about qua­li­ty that would be gene­ral­ly valid. Every ama­teur uses dif­fe­rent equip­ment, which leads to dif­fe­ren­ces in pic­tu­re and sound qua­li­ty. However, a spot check indi­ca­tes that many cur­rent porn movies are in HD quality.

What appli­es to the image and sound qua­li­ty appli­es all the more to the appearance and acting qua­li­ties of the amateurs,

The appearance ran­ges from „real­ly pret­ty“ and nice to look at to „well, rather does­n’t have to be“. We have alre­a­dy brief­ly com­men­ted on the acting qua­li­ties at the begin­ning of this section.

The menu items’Movies‘ and’Picture Sets‘ are self-explanatory. Here you can find an over­view of the curr­ent­ly available movies on privatporno.com. These can be sor­ted accor­ding to various criteria:

  • The first item sets an upper cate­go­ry – for exam­p­le, fetish.
  • With the second point the search can be refi­ned, so under fetish for exam­p­le foot­job, gol­den show­er or doc­tor games can be set as a subcategory.
  • The third and fourth points sort the found vide­os or image sets by date (this year, this month) and various other cri­te­ria (rating, price, most bought).

Mega horny amateur porn

Purely in terms of con­tent, the visi­tor is offe­red incre­di­bly horny con­tent! It is real­ly a lot of fun to surf this porn site.

From clas­sic mas­tur­ba­ti­on with fin­gers and sex toys like dil­dos and vibra­tors, sex machi­nes, elec­tro­sex, vege­ta­bles, fruits, cand­les and house­hold items are also used! Many fans of various actres­ses give the girls various unu­su­al love­toys. There is horny squir­ting porn with the Womanizer and Satisfyer and other prac­ti­cal G‑spot stimulators.

The sex movies are also very diver­se! From nor­mal sex with the part­ner, some ladies allow real visits and film the horny sex. Besides dar­ing loca­ti­ons, out­door sex, BDSM and cli­nic sex, you can even see real gang­bangs with real users!

In my opi­ni­on, the best thing is that the movies are in German! This is a huge advan­ta­ge over the 0815 ama­teur porn from the porn tube portals!

Exciting livecam and news system

The ama­teur cams are ano­ther sec­tion at privatporno.com. Here, too, ever­y­thing is lar­ge­ly self-explanatory. A green dot on the pro­fi­le means that the ama­teur is curr­ent­ly online. In addi­ti­on, a pro­fi­le can be dis­play­ed, which informs about the per­so­nal data and pre­fe­ren­ces of the lady.

Just below that, you will find various links that rela­te to the account. These include mes­sa­ges, chan­ging the login data and, of cour­se, the deposit.

Convenient payment

In order to use privatporno.com, the cus­to­mer account must be top­ped up. The top-up is star­ted by cli­cking on the menu item ‚Make a deposit‘.

We arri­ve at the page of the ser­vice pro­vi­der, which offers various pay­ment opti­ons. These include cre­dit card (Mastercard, American Express, Visa), SEPA direct debit, instant bank trans­fer and the opti­on of top­ping up cre­dit via Onecall using the phone bill. If you click on the incon­spi­cuous link ‚Show more pay­ment methods‘, the opti­on to top up cre­dit with a Paysafe card appears.

We again choo­se the cre­dit card as the pay­ment method and from the list of pos­si­ble depo­sit amounts 9.99 euros. Clicking ‚Next‘ takes us to the page where we enter the cre­dit card data. The next two pages sum­ma­ri­ze the infor­ma­ti­on pro­vi­ded and show the confirmation.

The pri­ces for the movies, pic­tu­re sets and live­cams are in the range of the usual and some of them are even very reasonable. The price for the movies starts at 1,49 Euro, the pic­tu­re sets are alre­a­dy available from 0,39 Euro. The costs for the live­cams are char­ged by the minu­te and start at 1,39 Euro per minute 

Opinions on page structure & design

The site struc­tu­re is well imple­men­ted. Thanks to the mini­ma­list design, you can navi­ga­te com­for­ta­b­ly even on mobi­le devices. You always know where you are and where to click. Very good!

In my opi­ni­on, the color sche­me is also very plea­sing and easy on the eyes.

However, the rea­da­bili­ty of the texts could be impro­ved some­what. The light gray font of the links are just not so rea­da­ble against the background.

Experiences with the subscription cancellation

We had to find out seve­ral times, that with free offers a can­cel­la­ti­on is not pos­si­ble. Privatporno.com is no exception.

In nor­mal cases, it should be suf­fi­ci­ent not to log in in the future. If you real­ly want to make sure that your account will be dele­ted, you have to write a mes­sa­ge to the cus­to­mer support.

Review verdict & conclusion of the Privatporno.com test report

PrivatPorno.com is an excel­lent alter­na­ti­ve to the ille­gal PornoTubes and the hack­ney­ed Californian ami porn! The main advan­ta­ge is the German lan­guage of the performers.

The pos­si­bi­li­ty to com­mu­ni­ca­te with the German ama­teur women and even meet with many of them makes the plat­form incre­di­bly exci­ting! The high num­ber of films from the fetish area is striking on PrivatPorno – here, espe­ci­al­ly gol­den show­ers and domi­na­ti­on films are in front. This shows that you can often wish for the con­tent of the ero­tic films!

Even though the design is a bit sober, I espe­ci­al­ly like the fact that you can easi­ly view the site on modern mobi­le devices, such as tablets and smart­phones. The advan­cing video qua­li­ty is slow­ly but sure­ly out­pa­cing the pro­fes­sio­nal porn labels.

Visit Privatporno.com
Website Information
Country of operator:
Cost:Registration free of charge
Test / Demo – Access:yes
Payment methods:Credit card, direct debit
Billing:ET online service
Member manage­ment:yes
Youth pro­tec­tion filter:no
Download limit:no
Cross-selling pre­sel­ec­ted:no
Offered con­tent
Photos / Images:
Number:80,000 Porn images
Ø Resolution:dif­fe­rent pixels
Image gal­lery control:yes
ZIP archi­ves:no
Number:70,000 porn movies
Ø Resolution:various
Ø Length:3 minu­tes
Ø DL speed:10,000 kB/sec
Download pos­si­ble:no
Streaming pos­si­ble:yes
DRM copy protection:no
Test report summary for Privatporno.com
  • Image qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Video qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Sound qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Exclusivity – 67%
  • Models – 83%
  • Authentic emo­ti­ons – 100%
  • Variety – 100%
  • Extraordinary – 83%
  • Content quan­ti­ty – 100%
  • Fairness – 67%
  • Promises / Reality – 83%
  • Sexual sti­mu­la­ti­on – 100%
  • Design – 67%
  • Navigation – 100%
  • Preview area (Tour pages) – 67%
  • Updates – 100%
  • Loading speed – 100%
  • Costs – 50%
  • Price-performance ratio – 83%
  • Payment – 83%
  • Price trans­pa­ren­cy – 83%
  • Advertising / Spam – 83%
  • Subscription can­cel­la­ti­on – 17%
  • Overall impres­si­on – 83%
User Review
0 (0 votes)


  • German real amateurs
  • Beate Uhse sub-company
  • Extremely kinky women
  • Very sti­mu­la­ting ama­teur porn
  • Many fetish pho­tos & fetish videos


  • Somewhat too plain design
  • Many ama­teurs else­whe­re as well
  • Not fully mobile-friendly
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