Test - Review: Amateurseite.com

Test: AmateurSeite.com

Test - Review: Amateurseite.com

Test: AmateurSeite.com

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Test- Review of the extremely horny amateur porn site AmateurSeite.com: Horny women fill up their household budget here

The Internet has chan­ged us humans. Most peo­p­le nowa­days can hard­ly ima­gi­ne living wit­hout this means of communication.

But the Internet has also chan­ged our ero­ti­cism. Many women, men and cou­ples now con­su­me ero­tic movies quite unin­hi­bi­ted­ly. While porn used to be wat­ched almost exclu­si­ve­ly by men, more and more women are dis­co­ve­ring their enjoy­ment in wat­ching other peo­p­le play kinky sex games.

Women in par­ti­cu­lar have less and less of a pro­blem film­ing them­sel­ves having sex or being film­ed. This may have been the case in the days befo­re the Internet, but then the video­tapes and pho­tos were hid­den in the bot­tom drawer.

Of cour­se, tech­no­lo­gy also makes it easier that porn movies and pic­tures from the pri­va­te sphe­re are no lon­ger a rari­ty today. The pho­tos no lon­ger have to be deve­lo­ped at the local pho­to­grapher or photo lab.

Fortunately, these times are over and sex is dealt with much more open­ly, as various ama­teur web­sites have spe­cia­li­zed prove. We have cho­sen one of them for our test and that is the site amateurseite.com. Amateurseite pur­sues a busi­ness model that has now beco­me wide­spread. Private indi­vi­du­als can upload their self-made porn movies here and as a user you can buy them.

In this review you will learn all the advan­ta­ges and dis­ad­van­ta­ges of the ero­tic site amateurseite.com. We show you via screen­shots what it looks like behind the sce­nes and we tell you if it is worth spen­ding money on a sex site, even though ever­y­thing is free at Youporn.com.

Visit Amateursite.com

Opinion about the preview section of Amateurseite.com

The pre­view area is kept very clear. At the top of the page, there is a search field, with which you can start a detail­ed search for cer­tain key­words. Below that is the menu that allows you to navi­ga­te to the dif­fe­rent sec­tions of the pre­view pages.

Except for a ban­ner with some self-advertising, no adver­ti­sing dis­tracts from the pre­view images. In times where annoy­ing ban­ners are blin­king at you from all cor­ners and ends, this is a plea­sant change.

The pre­view – pic­tures them­sel­ves are quite good for ama­teur shots and show a lot of skin. Crucial parts are pixel­a­ted, though. Clicking on one of the images takes you to a detail page that pro­vi­des more infor­ma­ti­on about the sel­ec­ted movie. Unfortunately, there are no trai­lers, which was not to be expec­ted due to the pixel­a­ted pre­view images.

The „Show more“ but­ton, howe­ver, turns out to be a „dud“. Instead of show­ing more, the pre­view images alre­a­dy seen are sim­ply pre­sen­ted in a new arran­ge­ment. Here one would have wis­hed nevert­hel­ess some­what more.

Under the menu item „Categories“ you can find a list of the cate­go­ries in which movies have been pos­ted. In addi­ti­on to stan­dards like „Blowjob“, Anal, Teens or Sex Toys, the inte­res­ted user will also find ple­nty of fetish topics. These include lac­quer & lea­ther, gol­den show­ers, latex and rub­ber, bon­da­ge and SM.

A look at the imprint shows that the site is ope­ra­ted by the com­pa­ny IDNR Inc. which is based in Panama. However, the cont­act address is in Austria. However, such com­pa­ny con­s­truc­tions are not uncom­mon in the porn indus­try and are not a cause for concern.

Rating of the porn sites registration

The regis­tra­ti­on is a bit cum­ber­so­me, but it is also free of char­ge. Thus, first of all, there is no need to enter cre­dit card infor­ma­ti­on or bank account details.

  • We start the regis­tra­ti­on by cli­cking on the but­ton „Register“ in the upper right cor­ner. A box opens with the hea­ding „Protected pri­va­te area – Register now for free“ where we enter our e‑mail address.

    One should crea­tenew email account for the regis­tra­ti­on, which does not allow any con­clu­si­ons about the name. The reason is sim­ply that the text in front of the @ sign also beco­mes the user­na­me. And who wants to appear with his real name as a user of a porn site?

    The second recom­men­da­ti­on we give you is that you regis­ter a free email account at www.googlemail.com for regis­tra­ti­on. Here you can be rela­tively sure that the e‑mail will arri­ve. With other pro­vi­ders like web.de, gmx.de or T‑Online there is the bad habit that mails with sexu­al con­tent are fil­te­red or even dele­ted completely.
  • But let’s con­ti­nue with our regis­tra­ti­on and tha­t’s what it says on the green but­ton in the box. After we have ente­red our e‑mail address, we click on the but­ton„All fil­led in? Then con­ti­nue!“. This but­ton will turn gray and we will recei­ve a mes­sa­ge that our input is being che­cked. If the gray but­ton does not dis­ap­pear, the e‑mail address is not accept­ed. But with our test account from Googlemails there were no problems.
  • We are now redi­rec­ted to a page that tells us that a mail has been sent to the spe­ci­fied address. This con­ta­ins a four-digit code, which we should copy. In fact, the e‑mail has arri­ved at Googlemail. It con­ta­ins the four-digit code, here cal­led Membershipkey, as well as the user­na­me and pass­word. It is also real­ly advi­sa­ble to copy the code, becau­se it must be ente­red in a total of four places. Only then you will be redi­rec­ted to the mem­ber area.
  • Now you will see some adver­ti­sing. In the upper right cor­ner there is the link: „Unlock uncen­so­red con­tent“. After cli­cking on it, ano­ther box appears, tel­ling us that more infor­ma­ti­on is nee­ded. More spe­ci­fi­cal­ly, they want to know the date of birth as well as the pass­word needs to be entered.

We were alre­a­dy afraid that we would now have to go through ano­ther paren­tal con­trol ordeal. But for­t­u­na­te­ly, apart from ente­ring the date of birth, no fur­ther age check is required.

Test – Review Member Area

As men­tio­ned, we were alre­a­dy auto­ma­ti­cal­ly log­ged into the mem­bers area when we regis­tered. Now that we are here, we can have a look around.

The struc­tu­re of the mem­ber area does not dif­fer from the pre­view area. Who has alre­a­dy loo­ked around there exten­si­ve­ly, will quick­ly find his way. Only in the menu bar some new items have been added, but more about that in a moment. First, we want to devo­te our­sel­ves to the most important points, name­ly the actres­ses and the videos.

Incredibly many varied amateur porn videos

That with such a large num­ber of ama­teurs, the range of appearance is of cour­se very wide. From „very pret­ty and natu­ral“ to „well“, you can find all out­ward appearan­ces. Whereby also here appli­es – the pret­tier the woman, the more popu­lar are the films. This is alre­a­dy a good approach to ori­en­ta­te a little.

As for the age of the actres­ses, it looks no dif­fe­rent. You can real­ly find ever­y­thing from 19-year-old teens to 60-year-old gran­nies. In total, we found no less than 1800 acti­ve ama­teur women!

Now we come to the vide­os. For the most part, the qua­li­ty is quite good, alt­hough you always have to keep in mind that there are no pro­fes­sio­nal actres­ses in front of the came­ra. What is to be cri­ti­ci­zed, howe­ver, is the dura­ti­on of the films. Most of them have a run­ning time of 5 – 10 minu­tes. There are also lon­ger strips, but these are the excep­ti­on. So, a cozy porn evening needs some pre­pa­ra­ti­on to put the movies together.

The movies are only available in the reso­lu­ti­on that is uploa­ded by the crea­tor. Switching bet­ween dif­fe­rent qua­li­ty levels or even down­loa­ding is not pro­vi­ded. Previews are also not available, making the sel­ec­tion a bit of a lot­tery game. After all, a movie costs an avera­ge of five euros, so you should get a brief insight into what you’­re buying.

Transparent, fair crediting system

The films are paid for with so-called coins. These can be loa­ded in packa­ges of 3,000 for 30 euros and 5,000 coins for 50 euros. By the way, you can pay by cre­dit card, direct debit, instant bank trans­fer and prepayment.

If you con­sider that the films cost on avera­ge about 500 coins with a run­ning time of about 8 minu­tes, you get about the same price per minu­te that you would have to esti­ma­te for a porn DVD.

By the way, ever­y­thing you want to do on the site costs coins and the­r­e­fo­re money. For exam­p­le, sen­ding a mes­sa­ge costs 30 coins and the­r­e­fo­re 30 cents. That the use of the web­cam costs money any­way is not new.

Opinions about page structure & design

As in the pre­view area, the page struc­tu­re is very clear. More than two or three clicks are hard­ly neces­sa­ry to per­form an action like wat­ching a video or chat­ting. The struc­tu­re of the pages always remains the same and only chan­ges in details.

Filters like „Most view­ed“ or „Best rated“ can be appli­ed to all pages. Where the search for per­sons plays a role, such as in the „Amateurs“ or „Webcam“ sec­tions, fur­ther fil­ters are added. These then refer to gen­der, age, hair color and figure.

The design is, as alre­a­dy men­tio­ned, plea­sant­ly res­trai­ned. Only here and there a ban­ner flas­hes, which refers to actions or actres­ses. The blue font in front of the white back­ground is very legi­ble. Despite the mini­ma­list design, or per­haps becau­se of it, the look of the site is pleasing.

Experiences with the subscription cancellation

A litt­le sur­pri­sing for us was that amateurseite.com offers the pos­si­bi­li­ty to deac­ti­va­te the account. From some other sites, where you can regis­ter for free, we would have wis­hed the same. It should be noted that with the can­cel­la­ti­on still exis­ting coins expire.

To deac­ti­va­te the account, click on the wrench in the upper right cor­ner and sel­ect „My account“. On the page that fol­lows, we find the item „Deactivate account“ in the menu on the right. We click on it and are direc­ted to ano­ther page.

Here we have to enter our e‑mail address, our pass­word and the four-digit code we recei­ved during regis­tra­ti­on. In addi­ti­on, we can still give a reason why we want to can­cel the mem­ber­ship. Clicking on the „Deactivate account“ but­ton also com­ple­tes the can­cel­la­ti­on. Cancellation is rare­ly made this easy for us. Very good!

Review verdict & conclusion of the Amateurseite.com test report

The test of Amateurseite.com sur­pri­sed me posi­tively. Behind the plain design and simp­le navi­ga­ti­on you will find incre­di­bly horny German porn!

Due to the many mem­bers, the qua­li­ty of the pho­tos and vide­os, as well as the appearance of the actres­ses is wide-ranging. We real­ly liked the wide range of sexu­al games, where even fetish lovers get their money­’s worth.

There is real­ly some­thing for every taste. It goes wit­hout say­ing that the ama­teur women publish their sexu­al secrets in order to increase their bud­get – I find that legi­ti­ma­te and I like to sup­port it!

Amateurseite.com can also con­vin­ce with many litt­le things. For peo­p­le who can’t watch glos­sy porn any­mo­re, Amateurseite.com is defi­ni­te­ly an excel­lent alternative!

Visit Amateurseite.com
Website Information
Country of operator:
Cost:500 Coins / 1 €
1500 Coins / 15 €
3000 Coins / 30 €
730 Coins / 10 €
Test / Demo – Access:yes
Payment methods:Credit card, direct debit, pay per call (phone), bank trans­fer, instant bank transfer
Member manage­ment:no
Youth pro­tec­tion filter:no
Download limit:no
Cross-selling pre­sel­ec­ted:no
Offered con­tent
Photos / Images:
Quantity:> 200,000 porn images
Ø Resolution:dif­fe­rent
Image Gallery Control:yes
ZIP archi­ves:no
Count:100,000 porn movies
Ø Resolution:852 × 480 to HD
Ø Length:4 – 15 minutes
Ø DL speed:100,000 kB/sec
Download pos­si­ble:no
Streaming pos­si­ble:yes
DRM copy protection:no
Test report summary for Amateurseite.com

Erotic vide­os, pic­tures & web­cams from amateurs

If you’­re see­king an good alter­na­ti­ve to the porn-monotony with REAL German ama­teur women, this ama­teur por­tal is per­fect. You get very kinky vide­os and pic­tures, and you can com­mu­ni­ca­te with the women via web­cam or chat window.

  • Image qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Video qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Sound qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Exclusivity – 83%
  • Models – 100%
  • Authentic emo­ti­ons – 100%
  • Variety – 100%
  • Extraordinary – 83%
  • Content quan­ti­ty – 100%
  • Fairness – 67%
  • Promises / Reality – 83%
  • Sexual sti­mu­la­ti­on – 83%
  • Design – 100%
  • Navigation – 100%
  • Preview area (Tour pages) – 100%
  • Updates – 100%
  • Loading speed – 100%
  • Costs – 67%
  • Price-performance ratio – 100%
  • Payment – 100%
  • Price trans­pa­ren­cy – 67%
  • Advertising / Spam – 17%
  • Subscription can­cel­la­ti­on – 100%
  • Overall impres­si­on – 100%
User Review
0 (0 votes)


  • Page com­ple­te­ly in German
  • German real amateurs
  • Meet ama­teurs, chat, flirt
  • Fair, reasonable prices
  • No youth protection


  • Many SPAM emails !!!!
  • Primarily only short video clips
  • Video qua­li­ty only amateurish
  • No video download
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