Test - Review: Joyfactor.com

Test: Joyfactor.com

Test - Review: Joyfactor.com

Test: Joyfactor.com


Porn Sites Review: Test report of the German erotic flatrate Joyfactor.com

Any man inte­res­ted in German porn will be fami­li­ar with names like Biggi Bardot, Vivian Schmitt, Tyra Misoux, Sharon da Vale or Maria Mia. If not: these are well-known German porn actres­ses. How about acces­sing all the movies of German actres­ses through one portal?

The German ero­tic por­tal joyfactor.com wri­tes on its home­page to be „The No. 1“ when it comes to ero­ti­cism! There would be in the con­text of a favorable month­ly Erotikflatrate innu­me­ra­ble porno pic­tures and Hardcorevideos, which there is to be seen nowhe­re else. Furthermore, the most popu­lar series of well-known ero­tic film labels and the „hot­test porn stars“ are pro­mi­sed in con­tra­dic­tion to this. 24-hour live cams and ting­ling chat round off the offer.

These are big pro­mi­ses that Joyfactor makes, and we were inte­res­ted to see how far they are kept and if there is a catch some­whe­re. In the fol­lo­wing test report, we will shed some light on this. We will tell you our advan­ta­ges and dis­ad­van­ta­ges with this ero­tic site and write you our expe­ri­en­ces and opinions.

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Opinion about the preview area of Joyfactor.com

As in other adult site reviews, the first thing we find inte­res­t­ing is the pre­view sec­tion. The home page con­sists of a lis­ting of 31 detail­ed images. Depending on the brow­ser lan­guage set, the geni­tals are gra­phi­cal­ly hid­den. For the inter­na­tio­nal visi­tors not­hing is hid­den and all posi­ti­ons are shown open­ly. Of cour­se, only the most attrac­ti­ve per­for­mers were sel­ec­ted for the pre­view area.

As in many pre­view areas of other porn sites, a litt­le trick is used: It is sug­gested by means of a JavaScript that with a click on one of the pic­tures at least a trai­ler is play­ed. Unfortunately, this is not the case! Because no mat­ter where the click lands, one is always led back to an order form. This also appli­es to the navi­ga­ti­on ele­ments.

In the upper area you will find a short menu bar, with which an over­view of 20 per­for­mers and again 34 video screen­shots can be cal­led up. In addi­ti­on, there is some self-advertisement for the flat rate ero­tic por­tal under the item „About us“.

Rating of the porn sites registration

After we have loo­ked at the pre­view area, we come to the obli­ga­to­ry regis­tra­ti­on. This is plea­sing­ly simp­le for a German-language site, becau­se usual­ly exten­si­ve youth pro­tec­tion mea­su­res have to be obser­ved in Germany. The solu­ti­on lies in the imprint – becau­se there you can see that the site is based in Austria and there the pro­tec­tion of minors is inter­pre­ted less strictly.

We start the regis­tra­ti­on by cli­cking on „Get access“ in the upper right cor­ner. The form that fol­lows is very simp­le. First you can choo­se the lan­guage bet­ween „German“ and „English“. Of cour­se we leave it at German and turn to the second field 

Here, the pay­ment peri­od is sel­ec­ted, wher­eby these are also quite clear with two ent­ries. One can eit­her opt for a two-day trial account or, if one is alre­a­dy sure, for a month­ly pay­ment interval.

However, cau­ti­on is advi­sed here: If one does not can­cel the account again within the two days, it will turn into a month­ly mem­ber­ship. With a 42-day can­cel­la­ti­on peri­od, this means that you have to pay 29.99 EUR each for two months. This is incom­pre­hen­si­ble to us, becau­se a 30-day can­cel­la­ti­on peri­od would have done the trick.

The next step con­cerns the sel­ec­tion of the pay­ment method, where we can choo­se bet­ween bank trans­fer and cre­dit card. We deci­de to pay by cre­dit card and enter the data such as card num­ber and veri­fi­ca­ti­on num­ber. With a click on „Buy now“ the order is almost completed.

But only almost, becau­se only after purcha­sing fur­ther data such as the address details are reques­ted. After we have fil­led these in, we click on „Activate access“ and get the mes­sa­ge „The pay­ment was suc­cessful! Congratulations – your purcha­se was suc­cessful! Your per­so­nal tran­sac­tion summary“.

So far, so smooth. Because even our pre­paid cre­dit card was accept­ed wit­hout any problems.

Test – Review Member Area

After you have com­ple­ted the regis­tra­ti­on, you are of cour­se extre­me­ly curious about the mem­ber area 

This is very cle­ar­ly arran­ged, so cle­ar­ly that we first asked our­sel­ves the ques­ti­on: How the hell do you get to other pages? The solu­ti­on to this ridd­le fol­lows in the sec­tion „Pages – Structure & Design“. Here we will only deal with the con­tent, which is impres­si­ve at first glan­ce, but at second glan­ce – well, yes.

The ent­rance to joyfactor.com takes place as with many other sides from this indus­try in the video archi­ve. In this way, the new mem­ber not only gets a first impres­si­on of the films, but can also jump right into the fun. On the home­page, a cross-section of all cate­go­ries is offe­red, and via the but­ton with the three stripes, the movies can be fil­te­red accor­ding to num­e­rous categories.

Quality of the porn movies:

The qua­li­ty of the movies varies great­ly, which is also true for the age of the movies.
So you can find in the video store also films with Gina Wild, Jana Bach, Dolly Buster part­ly for years no lon­ger acti­ve as actres­ses. In part, you can see this in the films, becau­se the qua­li­ty is quite often as sub­ter­ra­ne­an as an old VHS video cas­set­te. It does­n’t help that the clips are available in at least two qua­li­ty levels („low“ and „medi­um“). No digi­tal post-processing has been done.

It looks much bet­ter with the new films! In addi­ti­on to the qua­li­ty levels alre­a­dy men­tio­ned, these are also available in „high“. The video win­dow is quite large, which can lead to play­back pro­blems on smal­ler monitors.

From a tech­ni­cal point of view, the big­gest draw­back is the ser­ver speed. Since Joyfactor was only foun­ded in 2009 and was thus com­pa­ra­tively new on the mar­ket, one would think that they would have inves­ted in fast ser­vers. Unfortunately, this does not seem to be the case. Because espe­ci­al­ly when fast-forwarding, there are always long rel­oad times. However, the fact that you can down­load the movies to your hard drive at home makes up for this a bit. In this way, you also avoid the loa­ding bars that get annoy­ing over time.

But now enough about the tech­ni­cal side of Joyfactor and to the plea­sant part – the con­tent of the movies.

Contents of the erotic movies:

As alre­a­dy men­tio­ned, Joyfactor offers count­less movies from almost all cate­go­ries that exist in the porn indus­try. Whether ama­teur, anal, out­door, bon­da­ge, latex, gang­bang and so on.

With the mass of films, it is also impos­si­ble to make a uni­form state­ment about the appearance of the actres­ses. But, whe­ther well-known actres­ses like Sharon da Vale, Kyra Shade or Mandy Bride or Mandy Bright or one of the many actres­ses who never real­ly made the big breakth­rough to the porn star – there is real­ly some­thing for every porn consumer.

What is to be cri­ti­ci­zed about many fema­le porn stars is their natu­ral beha­vi­or in front of the came­ra. As is gene­ral­ly the case in many porn movies, there is arti­fi­ci­al moa­ning and screa­ming here, what the lungs give. You have to search a bit to find a movie where the actors act at least half­way natu­ral in front of the camera.

Erotic Livecams:

In addi­ti­on to the range of movies, Joyfactor also offers a num­ber of live­cams. To what ext­ent these are real or fake is not easy for us to deter­mi­ne. However, we have dis­co­ver­ed a few indi­ca­ti­ons that things might not be above board here. For exam­p­le, the live cams are con­stant­ly occu­p­ied or at 2 o’clock at night women get the idea to lie down in a sola­ri­um. A bit dubio­us for us.

Porn photos:

The offer is roun­ded off by very many photo gal­le­ries, to which the same can be said as to the films. The newer the pic­tures are, the bet­ter the qua­li­ty is and the gal­le­ries can be down­loa­ded as well.

Opinions on page structure & design

When it comes to navi­ga­ti­on, joyfactor.com makes it very simp­le. So simp­le, in fact, that we first had to puz­zle over how to navi­ga­te the site. The solu­ti­on to the puz­zle are the but­tons on the left and right above the pre­view images. If you click on the but­ton on the left, you can navi­ga­te to the indi­vi­du­al areas such as vide­os, girls and live cams. The but­tons on the right side are respon­si­ble for mana­ging the account.

Once you have figu­red this out, the navi­ga­ti­on is plea­sant­ly simp­le and well thought out. You rare­ly need more than two clicks to get to a movie or a live­cam. In gene­ral, the design is plea­sing due to its sim­pli­ci­ty, which dis­pen­ses with unneces­sa­ry gimmicks 

Although the few texts are in German, the cate­go­ries are labe­led in English. On Joyfactor there are the fol­lo­wing gen­res: Amateur, Anal, Art, Asia, Ass, Ass to Mouth, Babe, Bi, Big Dick, Big Tits, Big beau­tiful women, Bikini, Black, Blondes, Blowjob, Bondage, Brunette, Casting, Clinic, Couples, Cum, Cumshot„ Debutantes, Deep Throat, Dominatrix, Double Penetration, Extreme, FKK, Fetish, Fisting, Footjobs, Gangbang, Gay, Groupsex, Hairy, Handjob, Hardcore, Harry S. Morgan, Housewives, Interracial, Latex, Latina, Leather, Lesbians, MILF, Masturbation, Nurse, Office, Oldies, Outdoor, POV (Point of view), Party, Piercing, Pornstars, Pregnant, Reality, Role Play, Sandwich, Shaved, Shemale, Solo, Squirting, Tattoo, Teens, Threesome, Tits, Toys, Vintage, Voyeur

Experience with subscription cancellation

Where you only need a few clicks for the movies, it looks a bit dif­fe­rent when you want to can­cel your account. Here you have to go through seve­ral sub­pages until the mem­ber­ship is in the past.

The can­cel­la­ti­on of the mem­ber­ship beg­ins with a click on the gear in the upper right cor­ner. This takes you to a page where you click on „Change mem­ber­ship data“. We are now redi­rec­ted to the page of the pay­ment ser­vice „Digital Payment“. Here we have the choice bet­ween dif­fe­rent options.

For us, the but­ton „Cancellation“ is inte­res­t­ing and we click on it. Now a page fol­lows that wants to per­sua­de us to stay, but we gene­rous­ly igno­re that and click on the link „I can’t be hel­ped any­mo­re“. Now we can final­ly dele­te the account by ente­ring the mem­ber­ship key and our e‑mail address.

And once again the important hint: If you have cho­sen a 2‑day trial sub­scrip­ti­on at the begin­ning of the mem­ber­ship, you abso­lut­e­ly have to can­cel within these two days. Otherwise one pays, thanks to the noti­ce peri­od of 42 days. For two months for free.

Test verdict & conclusion to the test report of Joyfactor.com

On the whole, the flat-rate ero­tic por­tal joyfactor.com makes a good impres­si­on. The cur­rent porn movies are strea­med razor-sharp in HD quality.

On a large screen, you real­ly have the fee­ling that you are wat­ching the porn yours­elf. The ope­ra­ti­on is also incre­di­bly easy. The full sup­port of mobi­le devices is par­ti­cu­lar­ly posi­ti­ve, as many porn sites are still lag­ging behind the tech­ni­cal development.

On the other hand, it is incom­pre­hen­si­ble why the text was so stin­gy. It is alre­a­dy inte­res­t­ing as a visi­tor who the actors are and rough­ly what hap­pens in the film. Unfortunately, it is not clear when which ero­tic film was uploa­ded. One has the fee­ling that no new updates are added at all.

A thorn in the eye is the dubio­us can­cel­la­ti­on peri­od of 42 days. So you always have to book 2 months mini­mum! That bor­ders on rip-off.

In addi­ti­on, the films in the ero­tic flat rate are part­ly very old. Nothing against clas­sics, but somehow I pre­fer to see new HD porn. If you like clas­sic porn movies, Joyfactor is the right choice and offers a huge sel­ec­tion. Newer HD pro­duc­tions are unfort­u­na­te­ly scar­ce. If you want to see them, you should look for ano­ther provider.

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Website Information
Country of operator:
Cost:$2.99 / 2 days (sub­scrip­ti­on)
$29.90 € / month
Test / Demo – Access:yes
Payment methods:Credit card, direct debit
Member manage­ment:yes
Youth pro­tec­tion filter:no
Download limit:no
Cross-selling pre­sel­ec­ted:no
Offered con­tent
Photos / Images:
Quantity:0 porn images
Ø Resolution:-
Image Gallery Control:-
ZIP archi­ves:-
Count:300 porn movies
Ø Resolution:1200 x 900
Ø Length:30 minu­tes
Ø DL-Speed:1,000 kB/sec
Download pos­si­ble:no
Streaming pos­si­ble:yes
DRM copy protection:no
Test report summary for Joyfactor.com
  • Image qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Video qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Sound qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Exclusivity – 50%
  • Models – 100%
  • Authentic emo­ti­ons – 83%
  • Variety – 100%
  • Extraordinary – 100%
  • Content quan­ti­ty – 100%
  • Fairness – 67%
  • Promises / Reality – 100%
  • Sexual sti­mu­la­ti­on – 100%
  • Design – 83%
  • Navigation – 83%
  • Preview area (Tour pages) – 67%
  • Updates – 50%
  • Loading speed – 100%
  • Costs – 50%
  • Price-performance ratio – 100%
  • Payment – 83%
  • Price trans­pa­ren­cy – 67%
  • Advertising / Spam – 67%
  • Subscription can­cel­la­ti­on – 67%
  • Overall impres­si­on – 83%
User Review
0 (0 votes)


  • Over 300 porn movies on offer
  • Partially pre­mi­um HD quality
  • Fully com­pa­ti­ble with mobi­le devices
  • Easy navi­ga­ti­on
  • Very easy registration


  • Almost no texts & descriptions
  • No noti­ces of updates
  • No video down­load function
  • Server is quite slow
  • Hidden, unfair can­cel­la­ti­on period
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