Test - Review: Puaka-collection.com

Test: Puaka-Collection.com

Test - Review: Puaka-collection.com

Test: Puaka-Collection.com

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Review: Review of the incredibly kinky website of the German porn studio PUAKA

PUAKA is the video label par excel­lence when it comes to real­ly kinky porn movies. Unusual acts, kinky les­bi­an sex, anal sce­nes, bizar­re cum games, squir­ting and group sex with taboo per­for­mers and wil­ling models are part of PUAKA’s stan­dard repertoire.

PUAKA Video Production

The German or „Austrian“ pro­duc­tion com­pa­ny PUAKA Video Productions shoots in its own (most­ly light green and blue pain­ted) stu­di­os in Essen and often in ama­teur locations.

On puaka-collection.com, you can get a large part of the filt­hy movies from the porn pro­du­cer direct­ly first hand.

Since I found the PUAKA porn DVDs very horny alre­a­dy 15 years ago, I was very curious to see how the video pre­sen­ta­ti­on was sol­ved nowa­days via inter­net stream.

In this test report we eva­lua­te the con­tent of the mem­bers area. In addi­ti­on, you will learn the advan­ta­ges and dis­ad­van­ta­ges of this porn site and whe­ther a mem­ber­ship is worth it at all. You are wel­co­me to share your opi­ni­ons and expe­ri­en­ces with us via the com­ment func­tion below the review.

Visit Puaka-collection.com

Opinion about the preview area of Puaka-collection.com

When ente­ring the porn site puaka-collection.com for the first time, the visi­tor is gree­ted with a black-pink-purple design. In the FSK16 pre­view area, one can call up over eigh­ty PUAKA movies inclu­ding cover, descrip­ti­on text, thumb­nail pre­view images, run­ning time and video for­mat via the HOME home page.

Via the but­ton FILMS the offe­red movies are cle­ar­ly lis­ted as DVD covers. If you click on ALL SCENES, 369 sce­nes from these movies will be displayed

In the movie detail pages a video play­er is simu­la­ted. When you click on the but­tons, you get the hint that you have to log in first.

Unfortunately, there is no infor­ma­ti­on in the enti­re pre­view area (also on the info and FAQ pages), which sys­tem requi­re­ments must be given and how the con­tent is pro­vi­ded. There are also no pri­ces mentioned.

We start the blind flight and regis­ter for this test report at Puaka-collection.com. In the fol­lo­wing pages we will tell you about our fur­ther experiences.

Rating of the porn sites registration

From the Puaka-Collection pre­view area, the many links and but­tons labe­led „Register Now“ „Test Now“, „View Scene“ take you to a regis­tra­ti­on form. On this page, next to the form, there is a noti­ce that one should get a pass­word to be able to watch video clips uncen­so­red and in full length. You can then chat with hot live­cam girls around the clock, recei­ve daily video updates and unlock count­less high qua­li­ty DVDs.

Unfortunately, the con­clu­si­on of the con­tract is com­ple­te­ly non-transparent. You don’t get to know any pri­ces (yet) and also no contract-relevant infor­ma­ti­on – only a tiny data pro­tec­tion noti­ce makes the atten­ti­ve porn sur­fer won­der: You agree to have your per­so­nal data che­cked by SCHUFA and to make it available to other adver­ti­sing com­pa­nies (by phone, fax, SMS, MMS, e‑mail!). We are curious to see what SPAM will come in soon.

Well – let’s go in with user name and e‑mail address and press the „Must try“ but­ton expectantly.

On the next page you final­ly find the pri­ces. Three sub­scrip­ti­on rates are offe­red (see table on the right). Pre-selected is the most expen­si­ve packa­ge for 6 months. You can pay by direct debit, cre­dit card and ClickandBuy. Out of cau­ti­on against rebills, we choo­se the month­ly access and pay by ClickandBuy for security.

Annoying registration process for this porn site

Unfortunately, only the pay­ment is not enough for PUAKA. You have to enter your com­ple­te address, phone num­ber and date of birth in the next step. As a pre­cau­ti­on against unwan­ted adver­ti­sing calls, we only enter our cell phone number.

On the ClickandBuy page, you can choo­se bet­ween the pay­ment methods instant trans­fer, direct debit, cre­dit card and Giropay. Now you have to enter your date of birth again and agree that your per­so­nal data will be pas­sed on to other ClickandBuy part­ners. YES ISS CLEAR! We leave the check­box unche­cked and docu­ment this with a screenshot.

On the final regis­tra­ti­on page, all data is dis­play­ed and pay­ment is con­firm­ed. A free addi­tio­nal offer for any sex flat rate we do not accept, becau­se we can not esti­ma­te what one enters then again for windy conditions.

We then click on the yel­low but­ton TO LOGIN and log into the mem­ber area. During this time we get a regis­tra­ti­on con­fir­ma­ti­on from puaka-collection.com by e‑mail, in which all important data are summarized.

Addendum September 2012: Unfortunately, there is a mas­si­ve amount of SPAM coming in via our test e‑mail address. Currently there are bet­ween 2 and 5 ero­tic and finan­cial spam mails daily! It is stron­gly advi­sed to set up a porn email address to avoid bur­ning your pri­va­te mailbox!


Test – Review Member Area

If you are log­ged in to the mem­ber area of puaka-collection.com, a sys­tem check is per­for­med. If neces­sa­ry it is indi­ca­ted, if some­thing is not com­pa­ti­ble. A solu­ti­on help is also available. Furthermore, a big ban­ner shows that you have to do an age check. If you have regis­tered via our regis­tra­ti­on link above, you will only be asked if you are 18 years old. Further youth pro­tec­tion gates and simi­lar nerve are omit­ted. All peo­p­le wit­hout our regis­tra­ti­on link only see a FSK16 page and have to veri­fy their age first.

Highly moti­va­ted you then start with the inspec­tion of the mem­ber area. Visually, the pre­view and mem­ber area are iden­ti­cal. On the start page and in the menu item FILMS, the 84 DVD vide­os are lis­ted again. As alre­a­dy in the pre­view area one can list the con­tai­ned 369 sce­nes of the DVDs over the but­ton ALL SCENES.

If you want to watch an ero­tic movie, click on the gra­phics or the link „Watch scene“. Then the page goes dark and an embedded Flash play­er over­lays the page. The play­er can be used very well and intui­tively under Windows, Linux and Mac OS 10 – in con­nec­tion with a DSL con­nec­tion. You can easi­ly fast-forward and rewind as well as scale the stream to screen size. On large moni­tors or the TV, slight arti­facts can be seen due to the compression.

Saucy PUAKA Porn

Most PUAKA movies are actual­ly very sti­mu­la­ting and the per­for­mers pre­sent their sex games mer­ci­less­ly dirty. You can alre­a­dy tell from the titles of the movies what they are about and mas­tur­ba­ti­on plea­su­re is guaranteed.

Anyone who has seen PUAKA films knows that the label pres­ents sex sce­nes as any­thing but flowery. The focus is pri­ma­ri­ly on har­der sex, cum and anal sex sce­nes. Since there is a high per­cen­ta­ge of ama­teurs in the films, the per­for­mers are not as camera-focused and come across quite natu­ral and honest. Pleasantly, you rare­ly find well-known and acting porn models.

Unfortunately, there is no down­load func­tion at Puaka-collection.com. If you still want to down­load the movies in Flash for­mat, you should install the Internet Explorer or Firefox plug­in Video Downloader AdOn. With just one mouse click, the Flash movie can then be down­loa­ded direct­ly to the hard drive.

We also noti­ced the „faul­ty“ voting func­tion in our test, which is some­what unat­trac­ti­ve. Clicking on the voting stars has no effect on the over­all rating – despi­te a two-digit deci­mal value. A search func­tion might also be hel­pful, since the num­ber of sce­nes is alre­a­dy con­fu­sin­gly large.

The BONUS sec­tion can be negle­c­ted. It con­ta­ins vide­os from for­eign, inter­na­tio­nal porn labels, which you have to unlock before­hand. We also do not test the PREMIUM FILMS offer, becau­se we do not see the point of pay­ing money for a mem­ber area in order to pay money again for every video-on-demand movie in the pre­mi­um area. We did not find a live­cam chat with hot models.

Opinions on page structure & design

We rate the page design as very suc­cessful in this review. The way of pre­sen­ta­ti­on plea­sant­ly high­lights the ero­tic vide­os wit­hout making the site look too gloomy.

The link buil­ding is very quick to under­stand and flows even­ly through the pre­view and mem­ber areas. Once you under­stand the prin­ci­ple with the sce­nes and DVDs, you’ll get along real­ly well.

A big bonus com­pared to the English ero­tic sites is the German lan­guage. One under­stands any sexu­al phra­ses and for­mu­la­ti­ons on the enti­re project.

Experience with the subscription cancellation

If one wants to can­cel the PUAKA sub­scrip­ti­on again, in our opi­ni­on, a hell of a lot of sticks are put in the cus­to­mer’s way. There are 11 steps and even a CAPTCHA gra­phic to be typed out befo­re one final­ly gets the can­cel­la­ti­on confirmation.

Here are the details:

  • 1.) One clicks in the mem­ber area on the top right on MY ACCOUNT
  • 2.) On the fol­lo­wing page a form is dis­play­ed, where you can chan­ge your per­so­nal data. But you click on the link My Membership
  • 3.) Now you can cont­act the sup­port or find the link to my mem­ber­ship data
  • 4.) A new web page opens with the domain digitalpayment.net. Some but­tons to the user pro­fi­le are shown. But we are inte­res­ted: Cancellation
  • 5.) Although all data is clear and the cus­to­mer data was trans­fer­red via ses­si­on, it is reques­ted that one enters a mem­ber­ship­key and one’s e‑mail address from the wel­co­me mail. If you don’t have the mail (any­mo­re) – e.g. becau­se of a wrong e‑mail address, a spam fil­ter, becau­se of your wife dele­ted – you are out of luck!
  • 6.) A very con­fu­sing page opens with the hint that there were pro­blems with the login (Which is not true at all!). A lot of text and the pos­si­bi­li­ty to cont­act the sup­port is dis­play­ed. Who thinks that the sub­scrip­ti­on is now can­ce­led, is on the wrong track! After inquiry with the sup­port chat, we lear­ned that one must click on WEITER – Button at the bot­tom right!!!
  • 7.) On the fol­lo­wing page, one is inte­res­ted in why one can­cels. We click on „Cancel wit­hout sur­vey“ and click on CONTINUE.
  • 8.) Now a page opens, where one is offe­red, what one „LOSES“ ever­y­thing and it would be bet­ter to extend the sub­scrip­ti­on. We igno­re the great offers and go to NO, I WANT TO LOSE IT ALL.
  • 9.) Now we are asked if we real­ly want to can­cel the whole mem­ber­ship or chan­ge our bank and cre­dit card data. Annoyed, we click on „can­cel enti­re mem­ber­ship“ and on CONTINUE
  • 10.) That was not it for a long time! Now you want to know if you want to can­cel IMMEDIATELY, in two or in three months. Shaking our heads, we click on IMMEDIATE and CONTINUE.
  • 11.) Of cour­se, you also have to know if the cus­to­mer was infor­med about the can­cel­la­ti­on opti­ons. Slowly a bit angry, one clicks on YES and sets three fur­ther check marks at appro­pria­te boxes. A code from a CAPTCHA gra­phic must also be typed.
  • 12.) HEY WOOOOW – A con­fir­ma­ti­on of can­cel­la­ti­on. We print out the page to be on the safe side and also find an email in our inbox con­fir­ming the cancellation.

Review verdict & conclusion of the Puaka-collection.com test report

For peo­p­le who like to watch kinky sex, puaka-collection.com is in sum­ma­ry an incre­di­bly horny pro­ject. The visi­tor can expect 84 extra­or­di­na­ry ero­tic movies for the price of a con­ven­tio­nal ero­tic DVD.

As expec­ted from PUAKA, the bet­ween three and forty minu­tes long sex vide­os are mer­ci­less­ly dirty. With a pinch of humor, the films come across most­ly unin­hi­bi­ted, honest and rela­xed. Hardly a scene is boring!

Not so nice, howe­ver, is that in the pre­view area infor­ma­ti­on about pri­ces, sub­scrip­ti­ons, sys­tem requi­re­ments, type of video dis­play, etc. has been „for­got­ten“. The eleven-step can­cel­la­ti­on pro­cess is an unre­asonable ordeal.

Visit Puaka-collection.com
Website Information
Country of operator:
Cost:€19.90 / 1 month (sub­scrip­ti­on)
€44.70 / 3 months
€59.40 / 6 months
Test / Demo – Access:yes
Payment methods:Credit card, direct debit, ClickandBuy, instant bank transfer
Member manage­ment:no
Youth pro­tec­tion filter:no
Download limit:no
Cross-selling pre­sel­ec­ted:no
Offered con­tents
Photos / Images:
Quantity:0 porn images
Ø Resolution:-
Image Gallery Control:-
ZIP archi­ves:-
Count:84 porn movies
Ø Resolution:720 × 540
Ø Length:60 minu­tes
Ø DL speed:4,000 kB/sec
Download pos­si­ble:yes
Streaming pos­si­ble:yes
DRM copy protection:no


Test report summary for Puaka-collection.com

One of the dir­ty­est porn labels

PUAKA is the epi­to­me of extre­me­ly unin­hi­bi­ted and mer­ci­less­ly filt­hy German porn. Unfortunately, on this web­site, you only get to see a frac­tion of the vide­os that are available and the degree of actua­liza­ti­on is also ques­tionable. It’s best to check out Erotik.com if you want to find the sex movies.

  • Image qua­li­ty – 150%
  • Video qua­li­ty – 83%
  • Sound qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Exclusivity – 100%
  • Models – 100%
  • Authentic emo­ti­ons – 83%
  • Variety – 100%
  • Extraordinary – 100%
  • Content quan­ti­ty – 100%
  • Fairness – 50%
  • Promises / Reality – 83%
  • Sexual sti­mu­la­ti­on – 100%
  • Design – 100%
  • Navigation – 100%
  • Preview area (Tour pages) – 83%
  • Updates – 17%
  • Loading speed – 83%
  • Costs – 83%
  • Price-performance ratio – 83%
  • Payment – 100%
  • Price trans­pa­ren­cy – 67%
  • Advertising / Spam – 50%
  • Subscription can­cel­la­ti­on – 50%
  • Overall impres­si­on – 83%
User Review
0 (0 votes)


  • Market awa­re­ness of the PUAKA label
  • Porn direct­ly from first hand
  • Operating sys­tem inde­pen­dent playable
  • Horny movies
  • Ant video down­loa­der works


  • Costs are hid­den in pre­view area
  • Videos only as flash stream
  • No infor­ma­ti­on about updates
  • Videos very com­pres­sed and pixelated
  • Long sub­scrip­ti­on can­cel­la­ti­on procedure
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