Test - Review: Xloadz.com

Test: Xloadz.com

Test - Review: Xloadz.com

Test: Xloadz.com

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Review: Review of the German video-on-demand porn portal Xloadz.com

Hardly anyo­ne buys DVDs these days. Netflix, Amazon Prime and many other strea­ming pro­vi­ders make it pos­si­ble to watch end­less movies for a small, fair price.

xLOADz.com is a video-on-demand por­tal where you can down­load ero­tic movie DVDs com­ple­te­ly legal­ly as a DTO licen­se (down­load to own) direct­ly to your hard drive. The most signi­fi­cant dif­fe­rence bet­ween xLOADz.com and other adult video por­tals is that xLOADz.com offers a flat rate for porn movies and does not char­ge for indi­vi­du­al movies.

The pro­ject ope­ra­tor of xLOADz.com adver­ti­ses with powerful arguments 

  • There is no long wait for data media orde­red by mail and also no queu­ing in the video store necessary.
  • The visi­tor can look at each bought ero­tic film imme­dia­te­ly and again.
  • It even allows to burn the porn on CD or DVD and pro­vi­des the covers for prin­ting right away!
  • Watching and pay­ing be abso­lut­e­ly discreet.
  • There is always a huge sel­ec­tion of new porn movies in many cate­go­ries available.
  • Daily a film comes in addition! 
  • … and THAT all almost in DVD quality.

We were very curious whe­ther xLOADz.com can keep these many pro­mi­ses or whe­ther there is rip-off or other unfair methods to be expec­ted. In this review, we will explain to you what porn vide­os are offe­red and what advan­ta­ges and dis­ad­van­ta­ges there are. Feel free to share your opi­ni­ons and expe­ri­en­ces with us. Please use the com­ment func­tion below the review.

Visit Xloadz.com

Opinion about the preview section of Xloadz.com

When you enter xLOADz.com for the first time, you will find a very simp­le and tidy web­site. In the left menu bar, you will find the above-mentioned purcha­se argu­ments, inclu­ding a fil­ter func­tion by cate­go­ry, actors, stu­di­os and latest movies. In the right menu bar you can fil­ter again by cate­go­ry and stu­di­os and get five DVD tips.

In the midd­le of the page, various small trai­lers are shown. Among them are three porn top 10 charts for the best and newest movies. If you brow­se through the ero­tic cate­go­ries, you will find a large sel­ec­tion of most­ly German-language videos.

On the video detail pages, various FSK16 pic­tures, movie descrip­ti­ons and covers cle­ar­ly show what hap­pens in the movies. For many vide­os you can even watch FSK16 pre­view vide­os (trai­lers).

German porn from Austria

It is noti­ceable that the enti­re VoD por­tal is desi­gned for the German-speaking regi­on. All DVD titles, descrip­ti­ons, cate­go­ries and other texts are in German. The German ser­ver loca­ti­on gua­ran­tees excel­lent data trans­fer rates. A look at the imprint reve­als that the ope­ra­tor of the pro­ject is based in Austria.

What bothers us is the lack of cost trans­pa­ren­cy. No costs are dis­play­ed in the pre­view area. Only if one has sent the e‑mail address in the first regis­tra­ti­on fear step, one expe­ri­en­ces the pri­ces of the ero­tic por­tal. In the event of a purcha­se can­cel­la­ti­on, the ope­ra­tor thus alre­a­dy has the e‑mail address of the pro­s­pec­ti­ve cus­to­mer for adver­ti­sing purposes.

Really plea­sant and pornsite-atypical is that no annoy­ing adver­ti­sing ban­ners are faded in. The cus­to­mer ser­vice, the imprint and the terms and con­di­ti­ons can be rea­ched directly.

It is important to know that the con­tent of xLOADz.com is also clo­ned on num­e­rous mir­ror sites (also cal­led mir­rors or white label pro­jects). These include for exam­p­le: teeny-movie.com, dvdloadz.com, heissefilme.com, heissefilme.de, scharfedvds.com, pornofilme-runterladen.com, sexyloads.com, pornostars.de, pornostars24.tv, oralsexfilme.com, anal-filme.com, deutschepornofilme.com etc. xLOADz.com is the mother pro­ject of all mir­ror sites! 

Rating of porn sites registration

To bypass the paren­tal con­trol veri­fi­ca­ti­on, be sure to click THIS link.

As alre­a­dy men­tio­ned, you sign up for a month­ly ero­tic sub­scrip­ti­on as part of a porn flat rate and you can down­load all available ero­tic movies. The cost of xLOADz.com only dis­play­ed after ente­ring the e‑mail address. One clicks on the links „Direct to down­load“ or „Download DVD“ and a blue page opens. If one has ente­red his e‑mail address there, one rea­ches a regis­tra­ti­on form, in which one enters his per­so­nal data.

In a DropDown field is then final­ly the price. The stan­dard price is a hefty €39.95 per month or €79.95 for three months. You also enter your per­so­nal and bank details in the same form so that the amount can be coll­ec­ted by direct debit.

On the next page, the new cus­to­mer is shown his login data. That’s it with the registration 😉


Test – Review Member Area

When you log in for the first time at xLOADz.com and start to brow­se, you just think „WOW!!!“. With the simp­le design of the pre­view area, you don’t even begin to suspect that there are so incre­di­bly many, good and espe­ci­al­ly German vide­os in the film archive.

Unlike other VoD porn por­tals, you pay a fixed month­ly fee (as men­tio­ned above) and can real­ly down­load all ero­tic movies for free and wit­hout rest­ric­tions. The porn hun­ters and coll­ec­tors will be plea­sed that the cus­to­mer acqui­res the rights of use as a DTO licen­se (Download-to-Own). One may archi­ve the films and watch them as often as one likes – but not pass them on to third parties.

For exam­p­le, if you down­load only 10 ero­tic films, one costs only €3.99! This is mad­ness and puts all porn libra­ri­es with 24-hour vie­w­ing rights in the shade! 

The porn movies are offe­red for down­load in an ope­ra­ting sys­tem neu­tral AVI for­mat. You can eit­her use the good old VLC play­er or install AVI video play­er plug­ins for Windows, Apple Macintosh or Linux (sui­ta­ble codecs like Xvid, DivX, Perian are free of char­ge). Thanks to the AVI for­mat, you can scale the movie to TV size wit­hout visi­ble chunking.

Incredible amount of German sex movies for a fair price

Visually, the mem­bers area does not dif­fer from the pre­view area. Nevertheless, both pro­jects are not 100% iden­ti­cal in terms of link struc­tu­re and gra­phics. However, you don’t have to get used to it very much.

It’s great that you can not only down­load the movies, but also the front and back cover of the DVD. Thus, there is the pos­si­bi­li­ty to print the covers direct­ly and to archi­ve the bur­ned DVDs in a slee­ve. However, the more modern porn con­su­mer saves ever­y­thing on the hard drive any­way. One could build a visual­ly appe­al­ing porn libra­ry thanks to the DVD covers using a sui­ta­ble pro­gram such as iTunes or Windows Media Player.

When we were rese­ar­ching for this review, we noti­ced that main­ly older porn movies and pri­ma­ri­ly from the German porn labels BEX-TV and MAGMA Film are pre­sent. Recent flicks are some­what scar­ce. To be honest, this does not bother us a bit. In our ero­tic site test, we did miss a free text search, but you can search for hot porn rela­tively easi­ly using the cate­go­ries, model and stu­dio filters.

Download instead of streaming

It is a pity that curr­ent­ly „only“ 2,000 ero­tic movies are available for down­load in direct com­pa­ri­son to other porn video on demand por­tals. It is to be hoped that soon again a tidy momen­tum will be added. A voting and com­ment func­tion would also be very desi­ra­ble in our opinion.

The only thing that is real­ly annoy­ing is the fact that every porn DVD is cut into sce­nes. This means that you can’t watch the DVD „in one piece“, but always have to start the new sce­nes manu­al­ly after 20 minu­tes, for exam­p­le. This dis­turbs a rela­xed porn evening a bit. If neces­sa­ry, you can (depen­ding on the video play­er) crea­te a play­list in which the sce­nes run consecutively.

All in all, you get a lot of good porn for the month­ly fee!

Opinions about site structure & design

Design-wise Xloadz.com is not the best, but you know intui­tively where to click to get to your desi­red infor­ma­ti­on quick­ly and wit­hout a long search.

What’s real­ly nice is the German lan­guage throug­hout, so peo­p­le who are at war with English won’t have any pro­blems fin­ding qua­li­ty porn.

Experience with subscription cancellation

At some point, you will want to can­cel your mem­ber­ship with xLOADz.com. It is com­fort­ing to know that the can­cel­la­ti­on of the online porn libra­ry is very, very simp­le and accessible.

One logs into the xLOADz mem­ber area and clicks in the left menu in the box account manage­ment on admi­nis­tra­ti­on. It opens a new page with the domain online-pay.net. There you must first enter your user­na­me and pass­word and land on an over­view page with your per­so­nal data. Then you go to the menu item Administration and can ter­mi­na­te the sub­scrip­ti­on there with just one mouse click.

It is important to know that the com­ple­te access is blo­cked with the click of this can­cel­la­ti­on link. So you should only can­cel when you are done down­loa­ding your favo­ri­te movies. Alternatively, it may be hel­pful to set a calen­dar date so that you don’t for­get to can­cel your sub­scrip­ti­on in time.

Review verdict & conclusion of the Xloadz.com test report

The ero­tic video store xLOADz.com is an abso­lu­te upper ban­ger! One does not look at the simp­le pre­view area, which enorm­ous video quan­ti­ties are available for download! 

For a flat month­ly amount, the cus­to­mer gets a real porn flat rate with 2,500 German ero­tic movies wit­hout any rip-off. There is neither the annoy­ing DRM copy pro­tec­tion nor any other rest­ric­tions! Due to the uncom­pres­sed AVI file for­mat, the ero­tic movies can be view­ed in excel­lent reso­lu­ti­on on all Windows, Mac and Linux ope­ra­ting sys­tems with the appro­pria­te media play­er plugins.

The only annoy­ing thing is that the ero­tic DVDs can­not be down­loa­ded com­ple­te­ly, but only scene by scene. Furthermore, the lack of free text search, the lack of strea­ming func­tion and the many con­fu­sing xLOADz mir­ror pro­jects should be criticized.

Nevertheless, xLOADz.com is THE ULTIMATE gold­mi­ne for all VoD and porn fans!

Visit Xloadz.com
Website infor­ma­ti­on
Country of operator:
Cost:€39.95 / month (sub­scrip­ti­on)
€79.95 / 3 months
Test / Demo – Access:no
Payment methods:Direct debit
Member manage­ment:yes
Youth pro­tec­tion filter:no
Download limit:no
Cross-selling pre­sel­ec­ted:no
Offered con­tent
Photos / Images:
Quantity:0 porn images
Ø Resolution:-
Image Gallery Control:-
ZIP archi­ves:-
Count:2,000 porn movies
Ø Resolution:640×480
Ø Length:60 minu­tes
Ø DL-Speed:800 kB/sec
Download pos­si­ble:yes
Streaming pos­si­ble:no
DRM copy protection:no


Test report summary for Xloadz.com
  • Image qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Video qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Sound qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Exclusivity – 100%
  • Models – 100%
  • Authentic emo­ti­ons – 100%
  • Variety – 100%
  • Extraordinary – 100%
  • Content quan­ti­ty – 33%
  • Fairness – 83%
  • Promises / Reality – 100%
  • Sexual sti­mu­la­ti­on – 100%
  • Design – 83%
  • Navigation – 100%
  • Preview area (Tour pages) – 100%
  • Updates – 100%
  • Loading speed – 100%
  • Costs – 100%
  • Price-performance ratio – 100%
  • Payment – 100%
  • Price trans­pa­ren­cy – 100%
  • Advertising / Spam – 100%
  • Subscription can­cel­la­ti­on – 67%
  • Overall impres­si­on – 100%
User Review
0 (0 votes)


  • Real porn flat rate
  • German lan­guage, German porn
  • No DRM copy protection
  • No youth pro­tec­tion nerve
  • No spam by email or banner
  • .


  • No costs dis­play in the preview
  • .

  • No search function
  • Porn is cut­ted scene by scene
  • No high-definition (HD) porn
  • No strea­ming function
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