Test - Review: DDFNetwork.com

Test: DDFNetwork.com (now: pornworld.com)

Test - Review: DDFNetwork.com

Test: DDFNetwork.com (now: pornworld.com)

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Review: Experience with DDFNetwork.com – One of the horniest and most popular porn network in Europe

As I am always loo­king for good German and European porn sites, one day I came across the porn net­work ddfnetwork.com. The net­work ope­ra­tes under the name DDF Media and is based in Ijmuiden, North Holland.

DDF Network Review

The Dutch peo­p­le are said to be quite rela­xed and open-minded in the sexu­al area. Therefore, we were par­ti­cu­lar­ly inte­res­ted in test­ing the porn site of our European neigh­bors. The pre­view pages made us curious about what would await us on the network.

The abbre­via­ti­on DDF is an acro­nym or syn­onym for„Drug and Disease Free“ in the English lan­guage. Thus, the label of the same name cer­tain­ly wants to write on the flag to deal very careful­ly with the health of porn performers.

The web­site www.ddfnetwork.com unites the fol­lo­wing web­sites under one roof: OnlyBlowJob.com, HotLegsandFeet.com, HandsonHardcore.com, HouseofTaboo.com, EuroTeenErotica.com, EuroGirlsonGirls.com, EveAngelOfficial.com, CherryJul.com, SandysFantasies.com, HairyTwatter.net, GirlsinLove.xxx

In the fol­lo­wing review I would like to tell you what is behind this ero­tic site. As usual, you can expect our honest review, in which we will not only dis­cuss the posi­ti­ve, but also the nega­ti­ve things about the porn site. I am inte­res­ted in your opi­ni­on. Please post your expe­ri­ence below the review in the com­ment box.

Visit DDFNetwork.com

Opinion about the preview section of DDFNetwork.com

The pre­view area (cal­led tour area) is very attrac­tively desi­gned. The upper area is domi­na­ted by a slide­show, which pres­ents a rough over­view of the DDFNetwork program.

Pornoseitentest DDFnetwork

Below that, you can find the latest vide­os and an excerpt from the cate­go­ries, as well as pic­tures of the most popu­lar per­for­mers. All pic­tures and vide­os in the pre­view sec­tion are uncen­so­red and give a good over­view of what to expect.

Usually, most porn sites take you to a regis­tra­ti­on form after cli­cking on the pre­view pic­tures. Not so with DDFNetwork! Here you get to see a trai­ler of about 30 seconds and an excerpt from the image sets. Very nice. You can go incre­di­bly deep into the site struc­tu­re. The search and fil­ter func­tions work wit­hout rest­ric­tions and you final­ly have the fee­ling that you are not buy­ing a pig in a poke on this ero­tic site.

The video cover design is very easy on the eyes. The fol­lo­wing scene pages are incre­di­bly tidy and well thought out. The scene descrip­ti­ons allow even an English lay­man to get a quick over­view of the actions. Also extre­me­ly posi­ti­ve is that the many thou­sands of porn models are named by their model name, which allows fil­te­ring by one’s favo­ri­te models.

Somewhat con­fu­sing are the coun­try flags German, English, French, Italian, Spanish, Japanese. In abso­lut­e­ly bad trans­la­ti­on the most important ele­ments of the pages were trans­la­ted. Why Dutch of all lan­guages is miss­ing, we won­der a bit. It looks like this pro­ject was crea­ted pri­ma­ri­ly for the American mar­ket. We recom­mend that you sim­ply sel­ect the web­site in the English language.

Porn page rating – registration

Tracy Delicious alias: Tracy Lindsay

The regis­tra­ti­on is very simp­le. With a click, top right on the green but­ton „Join Us“ you start the regis­tra­ti­on.

Depending on the pro­vi­der, the brow­ser used and the lan­guage set in the brow­ser, one lands on the page of the bil­ling com­pa­ny EPOCH or VENDO. Both ser­vices are equal­ly reputable.

The first step is to enter a user­na­me, e‑mail address and pass­word and sel­ect the type of mem­ber­ship. We recom­mend not to use the 1‑day trial access, becau­se it is limi­t­ed to a num­ber of only three movies.

In the second and last step. The cre­dit card data is ente­red. We used a pre­paid cre­dit card, which was accept­ed wit­hout any problems.

It should be noted here that one tries to sell ano­ther access to ano­ther site! This unfort­u­na­te­ly gives a point deduc­tion when orde­ring. We the­r­e­fo­re advi­se you to take a close look at the form to avoid any unp­lea­sant sur­pri­ses. Now you only have to con­firm the purcha­se with the big blue button.

A few seconds after regis­tra­ti­on, you recei­ve an e‑mail with your pay­ment and access data. Fortunately, the e‑mail is writ­ten in German and there is even a free 0800 num­ber to reach cus­to­mer ser­vice. Although there is no expli­cit noti­ce for the can­cel­la­ti­on of the sub­scrip­ti­on, you can get to a bil­ling area with just one click, where the can­cel­la­ti­on is very easy.


Test – Review Member Area

After one has ente­red the mem­ber area with its access data, the posi­ti­ve impres­si­on, which one won in the pre­view area, con­ti­nues for­t­u­na­te­ly. The cus­to­mer acqui­res access to one of the lar­gest and at the same time hig­hest qua­li­ty porn archi­ves in the world!

First you find yours­elf on the start page. It is the same design as the pre­view lay­out. From here you can view the latest movies of the last four days. If you pay atten­ti­on to the timestamp, you will see that two new movies appear every day.

DDFNetwork - Pornoflatrate

The archi­ve con­ta­ins over 14,000 movies with an avera­ge play­ing time of about 30 minu­tes. In addi­ti­on, there are more than 1 mil­li­on pho­tos. So you have quite a bit to do if you want to watch all the films. 🙂

What is striking about ddfnetwork.com is the rela­tively high num­ber of vide­os that serve various fetis­hes. Friends of gol­den show­er, cos­tu­me, bon­da­ge, foot fetish, latex or SM get their money­’s worth here. Threesomes, where a woman gets fucked by two or three men, are also quite com­mon. Conversely, three­so­mes with two women and one man or the clas­sic gang­bang are repre­sen­ted but unfort­u­na­te­ly a litt­le underrepresented.

Primarily European erotic models on DDFNetwork

There are more than 2300 models and porn­stars in the DDF Network model data­ba­se. The girls are main­ly from Europe. Known are for exam­p­le: Blue Angel, Black Angelica, Kathia Nobili, Aleska Diamond, Latex Lucy, Eve Angel, Anetta Keys, Christina Jolie, Angelina Crow, Roxy Panther, Cara Brett, Mya Diamond, Aneta Keys, Szilvia Lauren, Veronica Carso, Stella Hot, Sophie Moone, Tera Bond, Mia Stone, Sonia Red, Bonny Bon, Henessy, Veronica Carso, Satin Bloom, Eva Parcker, Angel Dark and Sandra Star.

The porn actres­ses at ddfnetwork.com are extre­me­ly pret­ty and very well built. The age is esti­ma­ted to be bet­ween 19 and 45 years old. As far as looks are con­cer­ned, with more than 2,000 actres­ses, you natu­ral­ly have a wide range.

Most of the models can defi­ni­te­ly pass for „natu­ral“, or if beau­ty sur­ge­ries were invol­ved, they are done in such a way that they don’t stand out much. However, we noti­ced that almost all of the actres­ses had their breasts more or less pum­ped up. Of cour­se, there are also women who have been ope­ra­ted to the extre­me and look almost like dolls.

The acting qua­li­ties are just as varied. With most of the ladies you get the impres­si­on that they enjoy having sex in front of the came­ra. The moa­ning is often unneces­s­a­ri­ly loud and should pro­ba­b­ly reflect the horn­i­ness acou­sti­cal­ly. A litt­le less would be pre­fera­ble for us. In any case, the films are well made and it is a real feast for the eyes to watch the ladies having sex.

What I real­ly find abso­lut­e­ly inge­nious is the fact that DDF lets the fan com­mu­ni­ty deter­mi­ne who the true porn stars are. There is an annu­al DDF Awards cerem­o­ny where users can vote for their favo­ri­te porn stars.

DDF Awards

Damn horny videos on DDFNetwork

The extre­me­ly high-resolution porn vide­os of DDF Network are very, very, very horny. The penis stands after a few minu­tes like a „one“!

You can quick­ly find your favo­ri­te models. No mat­ter if red-haired, blon­de or black-haired, with shaved pussy or natu­ral hair… No mat­ter if slim, fat, big breasts or small breasts, freck­les… You can find a dream woman for every taste with just a few clicks! 

The same goes for the acts. Most of the porn offers sex in all posi­ti­ons, but it also caters to an incre­di­ble num­ber of fetis­hes and sexu­al inclinations.

Above the large video win­dow, you will find a rather incon­spi­cuous but­ton that allows you to switch bet­ween the full movie and a pre­view. Below the win­dow, various infor­ma­ti­on about the movie is dis­play­ed. This includes dura­ti­on, the names of the actres­ses and a short descrip­ti­on of the con­tent in text form.

We real­ly like the list with the depic­ted sex prac­ti­ces. A small bar behind it pro­vi­des infor­ma­ti­on about the inten­si­ty with which these are per­for­med in the film. A list of key­words (tags), with detail­ed search terms, rounds off the flood of information.

There is not­hing to cri­ti­ci­ze about the qua­li­ty of pic­tu­re and sound. For some films, the sound could per­haps be a bit bet­ter, but tha­t’s more due to the spa­ti­al con­di­ti­ons. What we real­ly liked is that you can adjust the qua­li­ty of the stream. Clicking on the „Stream Quality“ but­ton opens a field in which the available qua­li­ty levels can be sel­ec­ted. The default set­ting is 960×540.

An opti­on to down­load the movies is also available. As with play­back, you can sel­ect the qua­li­ty level at which the movies should end up on your hard drive.

High-Quality DDFNetwork Model Photos

For those who pre­fer to see pic­tures – a set of pho­to­graphs is available for each movie. As with the vide­os, the qua­li­ty of the pic­tures can be set in three levels.

The qua­li­ty of the ero­tic pic­tures is the upper ham­mer! You can see every hair, every skin fold and you can tell that both the video team and the pho­to­grapher are true professionals.

You can com­for­ta­b­ly „zap“ around in the pic­tures with an intui­ti­ve con­trol func­tion and save your favo­ri­te pic­tures in huge sizes on your PC.

Moreover, the images can be down­loa­ded as a com­ple­te set.

Opinions about site structure & design

DDF ist auf allen Smartphones und Tablets voll mobile tauglich

After regis­tra­ti­on and pay­ment, you can direct­ly enter the mem­ber area. Fortunately, this is struc­tu­red in the same way as the pre­view area. So, you don’t have to chan­ge your orientation.

The dark gray design is quite plea­sing and does not seem dis­tur­bing at all. After a short fami­lia­riza­ti­on phase, you can find your way around right away and watch the first movies.

A new addi­ti­on is an exten­ded menu in the upper area. For the sake of sim­pli­ci­ty, we’ll go through the indi­vi­du­al menu items.

On the far left, there is a small flag over which the lan­guage can be set. Here you can also chan­ge the lan­guage of the page. Besides German and English, French, Spanish, Italian and even Japanese are also available. By the way, English is pre­sel­ec­ted. Unfortunately, the site does not remem­ber the set­tings made and you have to set them again after each login.

The but­ton with the small house takes you direct­ly to the start page if you are a bit lost in the depths of the DDFNetwork.

Clicking on „Updated“ shows all available movies by date of release. „Pornstars“, as the name sug­gests, shows all the actres­ses appearing in the movies.

The menu item „Sites“ is pro­ba­b­ly the point why the DDFNetwork is cal­led net­work. However, they resort to a litt­le trick here. Instead of actual­ly offe­ring links to various sub-sites of a net­work like other sites do, DDF Network sim­ply refers to the cate­go­ries as sites. Cleverly thought out, but not neces­s­a­ri­ly the sense behind a network.

Experience with the subscription cancellation

Ddfnetwork.com takes an almost exem­pla­ry approach to can­cel­la­ti­on. The opti­on to can­cel mem­ber­ship is only one or two clicks away. On the one hand, one finds a but­ton with the inscrip­ti­on „Cancel mem­ber­ship“ above the sty­li­zed figu­re in the menu bar under the item „Account data“ or one scrolls to the bot­tom of the page and clicks on the link „Delete membership“.

Clicking on eit­her of these links takes you to a sup­port page. The link to can­cel is hid­den quite incon­spi­cuous­ly in the upper-right cor­ner under „Cancel Membership“. Clicking on this link shows all available pay­ment pro­vi­ders – from which you have to sel­ect the one you used to sign up.

In our case, you will be redi­rec­ted to the Vendo page https://secure.vend‑o.com/customers/profile/login/, where you log in with your data for ddfnetwork.com.

A page appears with the list of sub­scrip­ti­on and pay­ment data. Here you click on the red but­ton with the inscrip­ti­on „Cancel“.

Now ano­ther page opens, where you should spe­ci­fy for what reason you want to leave the net­work. Just choo­se „I don’t want to renew.“ and click on „Cancel mem­ber­ship“. That’s it! Access to the DDF net­work has been terminated.

Even if you unsub­scri­be befo­re the end of a bil­ling peri­od, you can still exhaust it to the end and log in to the network.

Review conclusion of the DDFNetwork.com test report

DDFNetwork is next to Marc Dorcel pro­ba­b­ly the hot­test porn net­work in Europe!

More than 14,000 por­no­gra­phic movies in various porn gen­res and in razor-sharp qua­li­ty are offe­red. You vir­tual­ly pay for a porn site and get access to over ten high-quality ero­tic sites of the DFF network 

The many European porn actres­ses are very pret­ty and know what plea­ses a man. There are a few points deduc­ted for natu­ral­ness, becau­se real­ly „natu­ral women“ are rather rare. However, they make up for the point deduc­tion with horn­i­ness and sex drive.

We give you a clear recom­men­da­ti­on for this sex site! There is hard­ly any other ero­tic site in Europe that offers such a large num­ber of high-quality and at the same time excep­tio­nal­ly horny ero­tic movies.

The only dow­ner is the price. However, I think that the ope­ra­tors and models can be well reward­ed for such a horny ero­tic pro­ject.

Visit DDFNetwork.com
Website Information
Country of operator:
Cost:$5.00 / 3 days trial (sub­scrip­ti­on)
$33.95 / month
$69.95 / 3 months
$99.99 / 12 months
Test / Demo – Access:yes
Payment methods:Credit card, direct debit, instant bank transfer
Billing:Vendo NL
Member manage­ment:yes
Youth pro­tec­tion filter:no
Download limit:no
Cross-selling pre­sel­ec­ted:no
Offered con­tent
Photos / Images:
Number:1,000,000 porn images
Ø Resolution:2000 × 1333 pixels
Image gal­lery control:yes
ZIP archi­ves:yes
Number:14,000 porn movies
Ø Resolution:Full HD 1080p
Ø Length:30 minu­tes
Ø DL Speed:1,000 kB/sec
Download pos­si­ble:yes
Streaming pos­si­ble:yes
DRM copy protection:no



Test report summary for DDFNetwork.com

A giant, high­ly pro­fes­sio­nal euro­pean porn network

This porn site is next to Marc Dorcel, Gasm , 21Sextury and Private one of the big­gest porn net­works in Europe. The uni­ma­gi­nable amount of porn movies, but also the varie­ty and diver­si­ty can be cal­led an in-branch leader.

  • Image qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Video qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Sound qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Exclusivity – 100%
  • Models – 100%
  • Authentic emo­ti­ons – 67%
  • Variety – 67%
  • Extraordinary – 100%
  • Content quan­ti­ty – 100%
  • Fairness – 67%
  • Promises / Reality – 83%
  • Sexual sti­mu­la­ti­on – 83%
  • Design – 83%
  • Navigation – 83%
  • Preview area (Tour pages) – 100%
  • Updates – 100%
  • Loading speed – 100%
  • Costs – 50%
  • Price-performance ratio – 100%
  • Payment – 67%
  • Price trans­pa­ren­cy – 67%
  • Advertising / Spam – 67%
  • Subscription can­cel­la­ti­on – 83%
  • Overall impres­si­on – 100%
User Review
0 (0 votes)


  • Gigantic photo & video selection
  • Daily updates !!!
  • Sharp reso­lu­ti­on
  • Numerous porn genres
  • HD porn vide­os are downloadable


  • Models most­ly extre­me­ly styled
  • Often high-heels and sili­co­ne breasts
  • Feelings often acted
  • Confusing price display
  • Subscription trap in the boo­king form
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