Test - Review: 21sextury.com

Test: 21sextury.com

Test - Review: 21sextury.com

Test: 21sextury.com

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21sextury.com porn mega site review: One of the biggest European porn networks

The Czech ero­tic site 21Sextury.com adver­ti­ses its­elf as being „the place with the hot­test porn stars in the world“.

In fact, 21Sextury is one of the big­gest European porn net­works. Along with DDFnetwork, BRAZZERS Gasm.com, PuffyNetwork, Marc Dorcel, Private and Realking this porn site fea­tures a huge amount of adult movies.

Their trade­mark is extre­me­ly high qua­li­ty and high defi­ni­ti­on porn fea­turing the most popu­lar porn­stars from Europe and the USA. Among others, the label also has porn­stars like Aleska Diamond, Aletta Ocean, Sweet Sophie Moo under contract.

PornMega Sites are an asso­cia­ti­on of various porn sites and are espe­ci­al­ly inte­res­t­ing for those who want to save money. You pay e.g. 30 dol­lars per month and have access to all web­sites of the net­work. In German-speaking count­ries, one could also speak of a porn flat rate.

21sextury is a net­work of 30 porn sites of various ero­tic niches. No mat­ter if you are into tra­di­tio­nal porn, three­so­mes, four­so­mes, fetish, BDSM, cum games or gang­bang.… According to the descrip­ti­on in the pre­view sec­tion, every taste is cate­red for!

I took a clo­ser look at 21Sextury and would like to share my opi­ni­ons and expe­ri­en­ces with you in this review. First and fore­most, I’m inte­res­ted in the cum fac­tor – in other words, „How horny is the porn?“. But also the page struc­tu­re, the boo­king pro­ce­du­re and the log­out pro­cess are important. If you have any ques­ti­ons about this review, just write me via the com­ment function.

visit 21sextury.com

Opinion about the preview area of 21sextury.com

The 21Sextury net­work unites the fol­lo­wing web­sites under one roof:

Once you enter the pre­view area, you will be sur­pri­sed by the very res­trai­ned design. 21sextury.com pres­ents its­elf in a simp­le black color. The unador­ned sequence of thumb­nail gra­phics is more remi­nis­cent of a free PornTube por­tal than a high-quality porn label. The fact that the site is in English is basi­cal­ly not a pro­blem, since text is extre­me­ly stingy.

Here are the porn stars at home

The pro­ject name 21 Sextury also somehow reminds me of the American movie label„21st Century Fox“.

On top there is a logo and next to it a but­ton for the mem­ber login and a second but­ton for regis­tra­ti­on. Below that is a very large pre­view area with a total of 100 images from various movies at 21sextury.com.

Most of the pre­view pic­tures are well cho­sen and arou­se the curio­si­ty of the view­er. The actres­ses are all very pret­ty and you can see the ladies in full action. If you hold the mouse poin­ter over one of the thumb­nails, a short pic­tu­re show with nine more pho­tos from the movie starts.

Unfortunately, the movies are not very varied in con­tent. Mostly you only see nor­mal sex sce­nes and three­so­mes with two men. If you search a bit, you might see a solo lady play­ing dildo games, two women plea­su­ring each other or a four­so­me with two cou­ples. But these make up at most 10 per­cent of the total preview.

At the very end of the page you will find an English text, which prai­ses the advan­ta­ges of 21sextury.com and a few links to terms and con­di­ti­ons and support.

21sextury Review

Rating of the porn sites registration

As it is usual with these sites, with every click you are direc­ted to the page for boo­king. As a small goo­die, on the first page you get a big pic­tu­re from a movie and an impres­si­on about the struc­tu­re of the video window.

In the first step one enters an e‑mail address, a user­na­me and a pass­word. In step two you choo­se a mem­ber­ship. There are four opti­ons to choo­se from.

The check­box for the con­fir­ma­ti­on that you have read the rules and con­di­ti­ons is alre­a­dy pre­sel­ec­ted, so you can click on „Continue“ to go to the next page. If you have a promo code, you can enter it before­hand via the link „Enter Your Promo Code“.

In the next step, the cre­dit card data is sett­led. The sett­le­ment is done via the pro­vi­der Epoch. Alternatively, one can also sett­le the amount via elec­tro­nic direct debit or SafetyPay.

You should take a close look at the page, becau­se it is only here that we learn that the one-day trial access auto­ma­ti­cal­ly turns into a one-month mem­ber­ship if it is not canceled.

Attention sub­scrip­ti­on trap: Unfortunately, a check­box for a two-day mem­ber­ship at VideoZ.com is sel­ec­ted. If you don’t noti­ce and uncheck it, you run the risk of pay­ing ano­ther $30 a month for a site you did­n’t even want. This is cal­led cross-selling in tech­ni­cal jar­gon and leads to point deduc­tions in our test.

Once you have ente­red all the data, click on „Submit“ and you will see that our pre­paid cre­dit card is not accept­ed by SKRILL. Here you need a cre­dit card issued by a bank. Fortunately, an alter­na­ti­ve boo­king text can be sel­ec­ted, so that no embar­ras­sing expen­ses appear on the statements.

Test – Review Member Area

When you log in to a site like 21sextury.com, you land on a very cle­ar­ly laid out home page. Unfortunately, the unador­ned design con­ti­nues here as well.

Brilliant video quality

The video detail pages are quite sim­ply laid out. The cen­tral part is of cour­se the video win­dow, which is divi­ded into two parts. The video is dis­play­ed in the upper area, while the sce­nes of a movie can be sel­ec­ted direct­ly in the lower area. A very good idea, which we would like to see more often.

Below the video win­dow there are a few key­words about the film and a short descrip­ti­on as well as a pic­tu­re link to fur­ther details of the actresses.

The porn vide­os are available in 540, 720 or 1020 HD for­mat with a reso­lu­ti­on of up to 1920 by 1020 pixels and can be easi­ly pul­led onto the hard drive

In addi­ti­on to the movies, there are of cour­se other pages available on the net­work. These are each spe­cia­li­zed in a par­ti­cu­lar niche such as MILF, foot fetish or fisting.

Pretty models, but sometimes somewhat monotonous actions

Again and again, the above-average good looks of the actres­ses stand out. The pro­du­cers of 21sextury.com obvious­ly put a lot of empha­sis on per­fect cos­me­tics and gor­ge­ous figu­res. However, you don’t get the impres­si­on that the ladies have under­go­ne any ope­ra­ti­ons and if they have, it’s only their breasts that have „grown“ a bit 

In terms of con­tent, nor­mal „1 to 1“ sex sce­nes and „three­so­mes with two men and one woman“ pre­do­mi­na­te. But there are also genre les­bi­an sex, teen porn, European porn and num­e­rous others. You can also see an above avera­ge num­ber of anal sex sce­nes.

21Sextury knows how to „stage“ sex per­fect­ly. Besides luxu­rious loca­ti­ons, appro­pria­te props and pro­fes­sio­nal came­ra and light­ing equip­ment, the came­ra angles are also very, very cool! Especially for the film­ing and pho­to­gra­phy of the cumshots in the face of the models was often taken a lot of time, so that breath­ta­king facial cumshots were created!

In the vide­os was pro­vi­ded with sexu­al games such as with foot fetis­hism, cho­king, deep throat, pussy spread, sperm games and squir­ting for varie­ty. In addi­ti­on to young teen girls, you will also find many MILFs in the model selection.

Real orgasms and natu­ral horny fee­lings, as seen in ama­teur porn, are unfort­u­na­te­ly rather a rarity.

Razor-sharp porn photos in gigantic resolution

For each of the movies, you can also down­load a set of at least 110 pho­tos in incre­di­ble reso­lu­ti­on of 5600 x 3750 as a ZIP. An image vie­w­ing modu­le allows you to zoom in and scroll through the image galleries.

It looks like the video shoot was inter­rupt­ed to crea­te the per­fect pho­tos. The light­ing, depth of field, and even the posi­ti­ons and per­spec­ti­ves were done by a pro­fes­sio­nal photographer.

In my per­so­nal opi­ni­on, howe­ver, the natu­ral­ness often suf­fers. The models just look beau­tiful, but they don’t show horny fee­lings or an orgasm-distorted face.

New updates every day

What is of cour­se an extre­me advan­ta­ge with such a huge porn site is the sup­p­ly of new photo and video mate­ri­al.

With over 14,000 movies in HD qua­li­ty, new porn is added daily. With this num­ber of movies, actual­ly no genre and no type of woman remains excluded.

21sextury - Hier sind die Pornostars zu Hause

Opinions about page structure & design

The page lay­out at 21sextury.com is quite simp­le and does wit­hout unneces­sa­ry gim­micks. In the upper field you find the menu, over which the dif­fe­rent ran­ges of the side are attainable. Below that, the indi­vi­du­al sec­tions of the page are displayed.

The gray/black back­ground is very plea­sant and looks clas­sy. With the white and red font it forms a very good con­trast. Only the icons of the menu bar could stand out more cle­ar­ly from the background.

Since 21sextury.com is a net­work, the design is not uni­form. Thus, the pages are very dif­fe­rent from each other. But with a litt­le will, the dif­fe­rent navi­ga­ti­on struc­tures can be accepted.

Experiences with the subscription cancellation

Unfortunately, you don’t get any expli­cit infor­ma­ti­on about where and how to can­cel the sub­scrip­ti­on. Fortunately, can­ce­ling is simp­le. You have two options:

  • Take a look at your regis­tra­ti­on con­fir­ma­ti­on email for the bil­ling com­pa­ny (cal­led pay­ment pro­ces­sor). Click on the link in the gree­ting line. A form will open where you can enter your boo­king num­ber and email address to can­cel your subscription.
  • In the Terms and Conditions, you can find a link to https://www.famesupport.com. You can can­cel by live chat, sup­port ticket or online form (https://www.famesupport.com/cancel.php).

With a few clicks, your sub­scrip­ti­on will be terminated.

Review judgment & conclusion to the test report of 21sextury.com

21sextury.com is very, very horny! You real­ly get a lot of kinky vide­os for your money and can speak with a clear con­sci­ence of a „porn flatrate“.

Most of the movies are very sti­mu­la­ting and the actres­ses are extre­me­ly pret­ty. Also the pro­duc­tion tech­ni­ques and loca­ti­ons are on pro­fes­sio­nal level and other porn labels should take a huge leaf out of 21sextury’s book! However, accor­ding to my per­so­nal taste, the authen­ti­ci­ty and natu­ral­ness suf­fers with so much perfectionism.

Instead of mono­to­no­us, show-piercing moa­ning, I would rather wish for more rela­xa­ti­on in the actres­ses and that they allow a real orgasm. Very horny were often the cumshots (Facials) in scene.

The design is not par­ti­cu­lar­ly beau­tiful and also not uni­form. However, the page struc­tu­re is very func­tion­al and easy to understand.

All in all, a mem­ber­ship at one of the lar­gest porn net­works in the world is defi­ni­te­ly worth it. Every man will find ladies accor­ding to his „booty pat­tern“ and vide­os accor­ding to his „sexu­al incli­na­ti­ons“. I was a mem­ber mys­elf for 3 months and kept fin­ding new, sti­mu­la­ting porn.

visit 21sextury.com
Website infor­ma­ti­on
Country of operator:
TschechienCzech Republic
Cost:$1.00 / day test (sub­scrip­ti­on)
$29.95 / 30 days
$69.95 / 3 months
$95.95 12 months
Test / Demo – Access:yes
Payment methods:Credit card, direct debit
Member manage­ment:yes
Parental fil­ter:no
Download limit:no
Cross-selling pre­sel­ec­ted:yes
Offered con­tent
Photos / Images:
Number:9,000,000 porn images
Ø Resolution:5600 x 3750 pixels
Image gal­lery control:yes
ZIP archi­ves:yes
Number:15,000 porn movies
Ø Resolution:Full HD 1080p
Ø Length:30 minu­tes
Ø DL Speed:10,000 kB/sec
Download pos­si­ble:yes
Streaming pos­si­ble:yes
DRM copy protection:no
Test report summary for 21sextury.com

A Czech porn stu­dio with high qua­li­ty standards

Although European por­no­gra­phy has a dif­fe­rent cha­rac­ter than American porn, this porn stu­dio can com­pe­te inter­na­tio­nal­ly. You will find thou­sands of high-quality porn movies in num­e­rous gen­res at first­hand. This sex site is high­ly recommended.

  • Image qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Video qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Sound qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Exclusivity – 100%
  • Models – 100%
  • Authentic emo­ti­ons – 83%
  • Variety – 83%
  • Extraordinary – 83%
  • Content quan­ti­ty – 100%
  • Fairness – 100%
  • Promises / Reality – 100%
  • Sexual sti­mu­la­ti­on – 100%
  • Design – 50%
  • Navigation – 67%
  • Preview area (Tour pages) – 83%
  • Updates – 83%
  • Loading speed – 83%
  • Costs – 67%
  • Price-performance ratio – 83%
  • Payment – 50%
  • Price trans­pa­ren­cy – 83%
  • Advertising / Spam – 83%
  • Subscription can­cel­la­ti­on – 50%
  • Overall impres­si­on – 100%
User Review
0 (0 votes)


  • Well-known stars from Europe & the USA
  • Extremely high qua­li­ty ero­tic videos
  • Great porn collection
  • Numerous niches are covered
  • Gigantic photo & movie resolutions


  • Feelings often acted
  • Many models look too perfect
  • Some web­sites wit­hout new updates
  • Too litt­le varie­ty in the porn
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