Test - Review: Puffynetwork.com

Test: PuffyNetwork.com

Test - Review: Puffynetwork.com

Test: PuffyNetwork.com

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Porn Sites Review: Review of European porn megasite PuffyNetwork.com

A good pay porn web­site should offer the visi­tor the most unu­su­al ero­tic movies pos­si­ble, which he will not find in the ille­gal free tube por­tals. It is opti­mal if the vide­os offer the view­er expe­ri­en­ces that he can­not get at home with his partner.

A good exam­p­le of this is the European ero­tic site puffynetwork.com, which focu­ses on pee­ing, mas­tur­ba­ti­on and real orgasms.

It is a so-called „mega site“, also cal­led „porn net­work“. Puffynetwork.com includes the fol­lo­wing porn sites under one roof:

In this review, I would like to intro­du­ce you to the Puffy net­work in more detail. I have exami­ned whe­ther it is ano­ther „of the many 0815 ero­tic sites“ or whe­ther it is worth pay­ing money for. I am also inte­res­ted in your opi­ni­on! Please write me below the review if you have any ques­ti­ons or comments.

Visit Puffynetwork.com

Opinion about the preview section of Puffynetwork.com

The first thing you will noti­ce is that the enti­re width of the screen is not used. This is pri­ma­ri­ly to the advan­ta­ge of users who use an older screen with a 4:3 ratio. The majo­ri­ty of users cer­tain­ly use a newer screen, smart­phone or tablet and will be dis­ap­poin­ted as a lot of space has been wasted.

Puffy Network

Overall, the pre­view area looks pro­fes­sio­nal­ly desi­gned and very clear. Even wit­hout a paid mem­ber­ship, the pro­s­pec­ti­ve cus­to­mer gets an insight into what to expect on the site. What is not offe­red is flower sex.

The sec­tions „Wet and Puffy“, „Wet and Pissy“, We Like to Suck“, „Eurobabefacials“ and „Simplyanal“ give an idea of what the site is about. If you move the mouse poin­ter over the pre­view image, you can view a short excerpt. Clicking on the photo opens the HTML5 player.

The pre­view video lasts a good minu­te. This one does­n’t just show bor­ing details, but real­ly gets down to busi­ness. There are also some pic­tures for each video. However, these can­not be enlar­ged or down­loa­ded at first.

In the „Girls“ sec­tion he gets more infor­ma­ti­on about the actres­ses. He lear­ns their age, their ori­gin, their weight, the size of their vagi­na and their breast. In addi­ti­on, the vide­os are also lis­ted. The inte­res­ted party also gets access to the blog free of char­ge. This is in English, but since it con­ta­ins a large num­ber of exci­ting pic­tures, it can be unders­tood even wit­hout lan­guage skills.

Rating of the porn sites registration

To the right of the image, there is a big but­ton with the inscrip­ti­on „Join Now“. If you click on it, you will get to the page of a bil­ling com­pa­ny. Puffynetwork.com coope­ra­tes with VENDO and EPOCH. Which one is cal­led depends on where the user lives. Both com­pa­nies are inter­na­tio­nal­ly well respec­ted and trust­wor­t­hy. The pro­cess with EPOCH is descri­bed below 

  • In the form, the inte­res­ted party must now enter his e‑mail address, a user name of his own choice and a pass­word that is as com­pli­ca­ted as pos­si­ble. Both data are alre­a­dy ente­red by the sys­tem. This is very inse­cu­re, so every user should chan­ge the information 
  • Now the new mem­ber can choo­se the mem­ber­ship rate. For those who are not sure yet, there is a very cheap trial mem­ber­ship. Although this sounds very temp­ting at first glan­ce, it is not worth it in most cases. The trial mem­ber­ship is great­ly redu­ced, so that the pro­s­pec­ti­ve cus­to­mer nevert­hel­ess soo­ner or later con­cludes a month­ly con­tract. This costs a few euros more, but the user gets a com­pre­hen­si­ve impres­si­on of the site 
  • After the user has made his choice, the EPOCH pay­ment form opens. This is only available in English, but that should not be a big pro­blem. Anyone with basic know­ledge of English at school should be able to com­ple­te the regis­tra­ti­on wit­hout any problems.

Be attentive when filling out the booking form!

  • It is very important to uncheck the acti­va­ted check­bo­xes over the sub­mit but­ton. Those who don’t do this also sign up for a free mem­ber­ship at ddfnetwork.com and fistertwister.com, which cost $30 each. This is cal­led „cross-selling“.
  • As pay­ment method, one can choo­se bet­ween cre­dit card, direct debit and instant trans­fer. If you want to be pro­tec­ted from unaut­ho­ri­zed debits, you can choo­se instant bank trans­fer. Unfortunately, puffynetwork.com does not offer pay­ment with pre­paid cre­dit cards. After the user has ente­red the pay­ment data, he clicks on „Complete Purchase“. After that, he is gui­ded through the pro­cess of instant trans­fer, which should be fami­li­ar to most Internet shop­pers
  • After suc­cessful pay­ment, a simp­le, white EPOCH page opens with the title „Aproved“, i.e. appro­ved. The most important data is sum­ma­ri­zed there once again, i.e. the mem­ber ID, the URL www.puffynetwork.com. The price, a note that it is a sub­scrip­ti­on and the access data 

    In addi­ti­on, the user will recei­ve an email that also con­ta­ins the afo­re­men­tio­ned data.

Test – Review Member Area

The mem­ber area is simi­lar to the pre­view area. The user sees a series of thumb­nails of the vide­os, and can also view the porn per­for­mers on the home page. The per­for­mers are bare-breasted 

Clicking on the pic­tu­re opens the pro­fi­le with more details and the vide­os. The user can now enjoy these in full length. The vide­os can be fil­te­red accor­ding to the cri­te­ria spe­ci­fied above 

Further cri­te­ria beco­me visi­ble when the new mem­ber clicks on the but­ton below the vide­os. Then the ladies can be sel­ec­ted by key­words, phy­si­cal cha­rac­te­ristics and name, among other things.

  • Especially in the cate­go­ries „Wet and Puffy“ and „Wet and Pissy“ there are often women wit­hout a part­ner. Many play with a dildo or pee on a table or in a glass
  • The cate­go­ries „We Like To Suck“ and „Eurobabefacial“ are pri­ma­ri­ly vide­os with part­ner sex. They are most­ly about fel­la­tio or cun­ni­lin­gus.
    The pre­do­mi­nant theme of „Eurobabefacial“ is the part­ner’s cum in the woman’s face. These vide­os are most­ly, but not exclu­si­ve­ly, film­ed from the man’s point of view. This makes it easier for the view­er to get into the action. Thus, he is almost part of the action
  • In the „Simplyanal“ cate­go­ry, anal sex is the theme. Some vide­os show detail­ed sex with a part­ner. Some women insert the dildo behind them­sel­ves. In this cate­go­ry, it is espe­ci­al­ly note­wor­t­hy that there are some vide­os where two women have sex with each other and have anal plea­su­re with the dildo.

Quality of Puffy Network porn videos

Most of the vide­os have a length bet­ween 25 and 30 minu­tes. The HTML5 vide­os run in the so-called JW play­er. The video can be enlar­ged so that it takes up the enti­re screen 

The recor­dings have a good qua­li­ty throug­hout. However, you can tell that the actors are ama­teurs. But tha­t’s not a dis­ad­van­ta­ge, becau­se tha­t’s what makes these vide­os so char­ming. The ladies (and gen­tle­men) act com­ple­te­ly natu­ral­ly in front of the came­ra. The user can easi­ly put hims­elf into the action. The illu­mi­na­ti­on is good, all details are visible.

Different qua­li­ty levels can be set during play­back (320p, 480p, 720p and 1080p). 320 or 480p are suf­fi­ci­ent for the cell phone. If you want to see vide­os in HD and large, you’d bet­ter choo­se 720 or 1080p. The vide­os can be enlar­ged so that they take up the enti­re screen. It is easy to navi­ga­te within the videos.

If you move along the bar, you will see the appro­pria­te images in each case, so that you can quick­ly find your favo­ri­te part. The user also has the opti­on of wat­ching one-minute clips. To do this, they scroll down. There, next to „Pictures“ and „Comments“, he will find „1 Minute Clips“. In this cate­go­ry, the film is divi­ded into short clips, each las­ting about one minu­te. This allows the mem­ber to watch a par­ti­cu­lar scene as many times as he wants.

The vide­os can be down­loa­ded in dif­fe­rent qua­li­ties. 320, 480, 720 and 1080p are available as mp4 vide­os. In addi­ti­on, the user can down­load a 4K video, but this requi­res a lot of sto­rage space. A video with 25 minu­tes brings it to 3.65 GB. Of cour­se, the qua­li­ty is cor­re­spon­din­gly good.

As an alter­na­ti­ve, a WMV (Windows Media File) in 1080p reso­lu­ti­on is also available. The vide­os are loca­ted in the cor­re­spon­ding fol­der after suc­cessful down­load and can be view­ed inde­pendent­ly of an Internet connection.

Rating of Puffy Network porn pictures

There is a large coll­ec­tion of images for each movie. These can be seen below the video and the tag list. The enti­re video is dis­play­ed once again in the images. The num­ber of pic­tures varies 

Usually there are at least 100, in some cases signi­fi­cant­ly more. The user can view them in a slide­show. He can set how often the images chan­ge. By cli­cking on a par­ti­cu­lar pic­tu­re, they are dis­play­ed larger 

The pho­tos can not be down­loa­ded through the on-board means of Windows. This is also not neces­sa­ry, becau­se under each pic­tu­re there is a link. Interested peo­p­le who click on it initia­te the down­load of the image 

A sin­gle image is down­loa­ded in HQ as a .jpg file. If you want to have all the images on your com­pu­ter, you can down­load the enti­re gal­lery eit­her in HQ or in LQ. The second opti­on requi­res less disk space, but the qua­li­ty is not very good 

The images are not down­loa­ded indi­vi­du­al­ly, but as a com­pres­sed .zip file. This can be easi­ly unpa­cked with the on-board tools of Windows. Simply right-click on the file and click on „extra­ct all“. There are also pro­grams for unzip­ping. The best known are 7‑Zip and WIN-RAR.

Opinions about page structure & design

The page shows only a small sel­ec­tion of the available vide­os in the respec­ti­ve cate­go­ry. This can easi­ly give the impres­si­on that their num­ber is limi­t­ed. But this is not the case. At the end of the thumb­nails there is a but­ton „Click for more Updates“. After that, all the vide­os in this cate­go­ry appear, which can now also be sel­ec­ted accor­ding to cer­tain criteria.

There is a pos­si­bi­li­ty to view the newest, the most popu­lar and the most com­men­ted vide­os. Besides, the user can search for a spe­ci­fic model, enter tags, deter­mi­ne the size of the vagi­na or sim­ply sel­ect the page. Thus, he has quick access to a spe­ci­fic video.

Since there are many vide­os on the site, it is useful that they can be added to favo­ri­tes.
All models are also acces­si­ble on the home page. However, these are only sor­ted alpha­be­ti­cal­ly, which makes access a bit more dif­fi­cult. For each model, he can find detail­ed infor­ma­ti­on and the respec­ti­ve films

Experiences with subscription cancellation

The can­cel­la­ti­on of the sub­scrip­ti­on work­ed for me wit­hout any pro­blems. You will find the links to the bil­ler in your boo­king con­fir­ma­ti­on email or at the bot­tom of the web­site (in the footer).

Enter the requi­red data in the appro­pria­te forms and you will recei­ve a boo­king over­view. Click „Cancel Subscription“ there and your mem­ber­ship will be can­ce­led at the end of the paid mem­ber­ship wit­hout any hassle.

We have not found any unfair hurd­les that com­pli­ca­te the can­cel­la­ti­on process.

Review conclusion of the test report of Puffynetwork.com

This site is main­ly some­thing for men who like to watch women pis­sing or mas­tur­ba­ting with a dildo. There are also quite a few movies where the man jerks off in his part­ner’s face or the woman plea­su­res the man with fellatio.

The qua­li­ty of the vide­os is con­sis­t­ent­ly good, even if the per­for­mers do not always act pro­fes­sio­nal­ly. Each video and also the pic­tures can be down­loa­ded in dif­fe­rent qua­li­ty. The search is a bit cum­ber­so­me. A tag list on the site would be useful, as is the case with many other simi­lar sites.

The site is recom­men­ded for fri­ends of hard­core porn. It is less sui­ta­ble for users who love the mis­sio­na­ry posi­ti­on and value a lot of ten­der­ness. The site does not requi­re any spe­cial know­ledge of English. The per­for­mers do speak English in the vide­os, but since it’s all about sex any­way, con­ver­sa­ti­on is secondary.

Visit Puffynetwork.com
Website Information
Country of operator:
TschechienCzech Republic
Cost:$2,95 € / 3 days (sub­scrip­ti­on)
$34,95 € / month
$75,95 € / 3 months
$99,95 € / 6 months
Test / Demo – Access:yes
Payment methods:Credit card, direct debit, instant bank transfer
Billing:VENDO or EPOCH
Member manage­ment:yes
Parental con­trol filter:no
Download limit:no
Updates:every 2–3 days
Cross-selling pre­sel­ec­ted:no
Offered con­tent
Photos / Images:
Quantity:30,000 porn images
Ø Resolution:3400 × 2267 pixels
Image Gallery Control:yes
ZIP archi­ves:yes
Count:3,000 porn movies
Ø Resolution:1080p HD
Ø Length:30 minu­tes
Ø DL Speed:10,000 kB/sec
Download pos­si­ble:yes
Streaming pos­si­ble:yes
DRM copy protection:no
Test report summary for Puffynetwork.com
  • Image qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Video qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Sound qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Exclusivity – 67%
  • Models – 100%
  • Authentic emo­ti­ons – 50%
  • Variety – 100%
  • Extraordinary – 83%
  • Content quan­ti­ty – 83%
  • Fairness – 83%
  • Promises / Reality – 67%
  • Sexual sti­mu­la­ti­on – 100%
  • Design – 83%
  • Navigation – 83%
  • Preview area (Tour pages) – 100%
  • Updates – 67%
  • Loading speed – 100%
  • Costs – 33%
  • Price-performance ratio – 83%
  • Payment – 83%
  • Price trans­pa­ren­cy – 67%
  • Advertising / Spam – 33%
  • Subscription can­cel­la­ti­on – 67%
  • Overall impres­si­on – 100%
User Review
0 (0 votes)


  • European porn
  • Focus is on urine fetish / peeing
  • Very high qua­li­ty pro­du­ced vide­os and photos
  • High reso­lu­ti­on


  • Pre-selected cross-sell box
  • Comparatively litt­le content
  • Less text in scene descriptions
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