Test - Review: Private.com

Test: Private.com

Test - Review: Private.com

Test: Private.com

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Porn Sites Test: Review of the official website of the Spanish porn studio PRIVATE

Although peo­p­le think that nowa­days they should be sexu­al­ly „satu­ra­ted“, ero­ti­cism still plays an important role on the Internet. More than 25 per­cent of all sear­ches have por­no­gra­phic the­mes. Almost every man looks at porn from time to time. Thanks to smart, mobi­le devices, more and more women are get­ting a taste for it, too. Currently, 30% of women in Europe and the USA regu­lar­ly watch ero­tic films.

PRIVATE Media Group - Pornstudio

But with the abso­lu­te over-offer of free porn vide­os, the demands are now also rising. For many con­su­mers, pixel­a­ted 640×480 vide­os are not enough; they want vir­tu­al rea­li­ty (VR), high-resolution vide­os in HD or 4K UltraHD.

PRIVATE is an extre­me­ly well-known porn label from Spain world­wi­de and has been at the fore­front of inven­ting tech­ni­cal achie­ve­ments in the porn scene. For peo­p­le who like to watch European good porn of dif­fe­rent gen­res, the web­site www.private.com is made for them.

Compared to other sex sites, it is not focu­sed on a spe­ci­fic topic, but there you will find porn vide­os from all gen­res, from teens to MILFs to dou­ble pene­tra­ti­on, orgi­es, fetish and sexy lin­ge­rie. This type of porn site is cal­led a mega site, porn net­work, ero­tic por­tal or porn flat­rate.

But is it worth it to book a mem­ber­ship at private.com? I will ans­wer this important ques­ti­on as best as I can in the fol­lo­wing review. I am always happy to recei­ve comm­ents. Please write me your opi­ni­on, ques­ti­ons and expe­ri­en­ces under the test.

Visit Private.com

Opinion about the preview area of Private.com

The home­page of ero­tic web­site private.com is domi­na­ted by in a large slider with screen­shots from 5 porn movies, which are shown as a con­ti­nuous slide show. Clicking on the respec­ti­ve screen­shot you can watch a trai­ler of 62 seconds length wit­hout regis­tra­ti­on, which shows important sce­nes from the video.

If you scroll down a bit, you will find more porn movies, sor­ted by release date and rating, whose trai­lers you can also enjoy wit­hout any restrictions.

Below you will find pho­tos of the most popu­lar porn stars on the web­site. When you click on the pic­tures, a short bio­gra­phy appears and you can see in which movies the girl is star­ring. Also, private.com pro­vi­des trai­lers of 45 seconds length.

At the top of the page you will find an over­view of the vide­os available on the site. When you click on the „Stars“ but­ton, pho­tos of all the fema­le stars appear. You can also search for a star by name. By cli­cking on the photo, you will see all the movies of the girl, of which you can watch trai­lers. Next to them you will see DVDs, top cate­go­ries and a porn advi­sor that will help you find vide­os in your taste.

Besides Extras, Webcams, VoD (Video on Demand) and others, there is even a „Free Zone“ but­ton. If you click on it, you can watch 12 full vide­os wit­hout regis­tra­ti­on and for free. This is some­thing you rare­ly find on porn sites.

The lan­guage sel­ec­tion of the menu is also posi­ti­ve. German, English, Spanish, French and Dutch are offe­red. It is a real lan­guage sel­ec­tion, which does not only refer to the head­lines. Also the DeepL descrip­ti­on, which stands under each video, as well as the bio­gra­phies of the models are held in the respec­ti­ve language.

According to the pro­vi­der, you have access to a total of 12 pages with a mem­ber­ship. The pre­view area looks very inte­res­t­ing and makes you want to enter the mem­bers area.

You are not forced to book. This is also not neces­sa­ry, as my curio­si­ty was aroused.

Rating of the porn sites registration

The regis­tra­ti­on is rela­tively simp­le. On the top right you will find the „Join Now“ but­ton. When you click on it, you will land on a boo­king form. First you have to enter an e‑mail address. I recom­mend that you set up an extra „porn address“ at GMail, so that no por­no­gra­phic e‑mails or spam end up in your nor­mal account.

The next step is to choo­se a user­na­me and pass­word. You will be offe­red 3 mem­ber­ship options:

  • 12 months
  • 3 months
  • 1 month

I chose the one-month mem­ber­ship becau­se I can can­cel it prac­ti­cal­ly any­ti­me. Credit card, direct debit and instant bank trans­fer are offe­red as pay­ment methods.

To be pro­tec­ted from unaut­ho­ri­zed debits, I chose SOFORT pay­ment. This German pay­ment method is very secu­re. Each pay­ment tran­sac­tion can only be exe­cu­ted once, as a TAN that is only valid once must be used for aut­ho­riza­ti­on. The pay­ment pro­cess dif­fers slight­ly from bank to bank and also depends on your cho­sen TAN method

After sel­ec­ting the opti­on „SOFORT pay­ment“, click the but­ton „Continue“ and you will be redi­rec­ted to a boo­king form. There, Germany is alre­a­dy pre­sel­ec­ted in the coun­try sel­ec­tion. You will be infor­med that you are buy­ing a 30-day mem­ber­ship at Private.com for 29.95 €. By cli­cking on „Buy now“ you con­firm the pay­ment and are auto­ma­ti­cal­ly gui­ded through the pro­cess of instant bank transfer 

After suc­cessful pay­ment a page from Private.com will open with the title„Thank you for your purcha­se! Have fun!“ Below it appears the infor­ma­ti­on that you will recei­ve a con­fir­ma­ti­on email with the boo­king and access data. The debit appears under the name PRVBILLING:COM. The e‑mail will be sent at the same time as the pay­ment is recei­ved. If you do not recei­ve it, plea­se check your spam folder 

Test – Review Member Area

The struc­tu­re of the mem­ber area is simi­lar to the pre­view area. Only the but­ton for the Free Zone is miss­ing. The newest and most popu­lar sce­nes are displayed.

The order is based on the release date and the num­ber of users who have added the respec­ti­ve film to their favo­ri­tes. Besides, you can search the site by porn stars, which are lis­ted alpha­be­ti­cal­ly. Clicking on the photo of the beau­ty will show you all the movies that are available with her on Private.com.

You also have the opti­on to click on the „Movies“ but­ton. There you will see all the movies on Private.com. If you click on the title, you will see all the sce­nes that are available on the web­site. The navi­ga­ti­on on the site is simp­le, but it will take you some time to find your way around due to the abun­dance of the offer.

If you have a par­ti­cu­lar taste, you can search the vide­os by cate­go­ry, for exam­p­le. A key­word search is also offe­red. If you sel­ect DE for German at the top right of the page, all texts are dis­play­ed in German, not only the head­lines, but also the sum­ma­ry of the videos.

The pro­vi­der pro­mi­ses that all files on the web­site are free of mal­wa­re (harmful soft­ware). The latest vide­os are just a day old. There are even pre­views of sce­nes that are just being shot. Advertising is limi­t­ed to offers for the two sites Private Classics and Private Castings.

Quality and impression of the videos

Currently, more than 6,000 vide­os of various cate­go­ries are pro­vi­ded on the site.

Mainly, PRIVATE.com offers full-HD porn vide­os with 1080 pixels. The latest movies are even available for down­load in razor-sharp 4K UltraHD, which will be the TV stan­dard in a few years. You can also choo­se a lower qua­li­ty, for exam­p­le 720 or 480 pixels. However, not all vide­os are in HD (high defi­ni­ti­on), but SD (stan­dard definition).

A modern HTML5 play­er is used to play the vide­os, not an out­da­ted, virus-prone Flash play­er. When play­ing, you can choo­se to watch only the trai­ler or the com­ple­te scene. If you click on the but­ton „DVD“ above the video, you will get a short sum­ma­ry and a list of all sce­nes from the DVD that you can watch on the website.

Below the video you will find pho­tos of the porn actres­ses. Clicking on them will open a sel­ec­tion of all the movies they star in. Even fur­ther down comes a sel­ec­tion of simi­lar sce­nes with other models 

You can down­load the vide­os in dif­fe­rent reso­lu­ti­ons (1080, 720, 480 pixels) and as a mobi­le ver­si­on. The vide­os in HD run smooth­ly. However, some clips are only available in 480 pixel reso­lu­ti­on. While the HD clips ran flaw­less­ly, the low-resolution movies jerk­ed and did­n’t fast-forward and rewind well either 

Professional porn

With the vide­os, you can tell at first glan­ce that they were shot by pro­fes­sio­nals. Not only are the light­ing and sound per­fect, but the back­ground is also well staged. This is not only true for clips that were shot in the stu­dio, but also to a great ext­ent for sce­nes with out­door sex, for exam­p­le on the beach or in the Caribbean. You don’t hear any dis­tur­bing back­ground noise and you don’t see the shadow or the hands or feet of the cameraman.

The models are pro­fes­sio­nals. You can tell becau­se they always posi­ti­on them­sel­ves so that the came­ra has a view of the action. During the action, they always look into the came­ra, so you feel included in the action. They also visi­bly enjoy sex and show it. This makes the vide­os very stimulating.

The porn movies are on avera­ge a litt­le less than 30 minu­tes long, but there are also shorter sce­nes. The dia­lo­gues are most­ly in English, but some are in other lan­guages as well, alt­hough not in German. However, this does not mat­ter much becau­se nobo­dy wat­ches the movies becau­se of the dialogues.

Quality of the erotic photos

Above each video, there is a but­ton labe­led „Pictures“. There you will see how many pho­tos there are of the par­ti­cu­lar clip. The num­ber varies from just over 100 to well over 200 pic­tures. Clicking on the but­ton will show you the pic­tures. There is no slide show, but you can view each pic­tu­re individually.

Some of them are spe­cial pho­tos of the models, others are screen­shots of sce­nes from the video. The pho­tos are in the long-established JPEG for­mat and have an avera­ge size of 250 kB. You can down­load the com­ple­te series, but also indi­vi­du­al shots that you are par­ti­cu­lar­ly inte­res­ted in.

Top-class pornstars

Although PRIVATE is ori­gi­nal­ly a European com­pa­ny, num­e­rous American porn stars have shot at PRIVATE. However, the stu­dio has also made many European porn actress stars. Very famous models include Tarra White, Lucy Belle, Sylvia Saint, Sophie Evans, Julia Taylor, Rita Faltoyano, Priva, Angel Dark and Boroka.

Opinions on page layout & design

The site is easy to read and cle­ar­ly struc­tu­red. The font is easy to read. You don’t need to know English, becau­se you can choo­se your lan­guage in the upper-right cor­ner. Private.com is modern and also offers a ver­si­on for smart­phones and tablet PCs. You can access it from your PC as well as from your smart­phone at any time.

There is neither a down­load limit nor a volu­me limit for the num­ber of vide­os you can watch per day. That’s a good thing becau­se the offer is almost inex­haus­ti­ble. You will be lar­ge­ly spared from annoy­ing advertising.

Experiences with the subscription cancellation

Although private.com is an incre­di­bly horny sex site, limi­t­ed help is pro­vi­ded on how to can­cel the sub­scrip­ti­on. There is no account details over­view page (except for the bil­ling com­pa­ny EPOCH).

First of all, take a look at the help page:

  • At the bot­tom of the page there is a small link„Help“ (English sup­port), which leads to the page https://support.private.com .
  • Click on the but­ton„Memberships and Billing
  • On the fol­lo­wing page, click on„I want to can­cel, what should I do?
  • Translated into German, it says: „The fas­test way to can­cel is direct­ly with the bil­ling com­pa­ny. They will stop the bil­ling pro­cess and noti­fy PRIVATE of the can­cel­la­ti­on of your sub­scrip­ti­on.“
    This is a huge mess in my eyes. Because loo­se­ly trans­la­ted, this means, „See for yours­elf how you get your sub­scrip­ti­on can­ce­led again!“ That’s why I’ll descri­be in more detail below how to can­cel the PRIVATE sub­scrip­ti­on wit­hout any problems:

The can­cel­la­ti­on pro­cess depends on which pay­ment pro­ces­sor you have been bil­led by. You can find the bil­ling com­pa­ny in your regis­tra­ti­on con­fir­ma­ti­on e‑mail.

epoch The easie­st way is if you were bil­led via EPOCH. You can easi­ly can­cel online using the can­cel­la­ti­on form at https://epoch.com/de/find_purchase. The can­cel­la­ti­on pro­cess is easy to under­stand and in German.
Webbilling Unfortunately, espe­ci­al­ly European pay­ments are char­ged by web bil­ling. There is no can­cel­la­ti­on form on webbilling.com. It is assu­med that the pro­gramm­ers of the sex site make a can­cel­la­ti­on opti­on via an inter­face. Unfortunately, Private has fai­led to do so. On the sup­port, side wri­tes PRIVATE all serious­ness that one over the email address [email protected] in wri­ting! As an alter­na­ti­ve, it is offe­red to write the can­cel­la­ti­on via the PRIVATE cont­act form
Rocketgate The situa­ti­on is no bet­ter for the pay­ment pro­vi­der Rocketgate. Also on https://www.rocketgate.com there is unf­air­ly no noti­ce form. Instead, one reads HERE that porn site ope­ra­tors maxi­mi­ze their „pro­fit“ with rebil­ling (recur­ring pay­ments). But one also lear­ns that they can pro­gram a pos­si­bi­li­ty for online can­cel­la­ti­on via a so-called API inter­face, which PRIVATE unfort­u­na­te­ly did not do. One should send accor­ding to sup­port page to [email protected] send. After a search, I found the online form http://prvtbilling.com for RocketGate noti­ces. However, I was not able to test it.

I recommend you to use the following e‑mail template:

To be real­ly sure that your e‑mail arri­ves, I recom­mend you:

  • a) send an email from exact­ly the e‑mail address you regis­tered with. (To avoid fur­ther queries and delays)
  • b) AND send the same e‑mail via the PRIVATE cont­act form.

After sen­ding the cont­act form to PRIVATE and also after sen­ding the e‑mail to Webbilling you will recei­ve an e‑mail with a so-called e‑mail ticket ID. The pro­ces­sing can take one day.

Test verdict & conclusion to the test report of Private.com

I liked Private.com very much in my review. It is a very modern and above-average sex site. In my opi­ni­on, it is worth boo­king it if you have a cer­tain demand for qua­li­ty and want to see European porn. The offer is very large and ser­ves almost every taste – whe­ther anal, fetish, group sex, Latinas, sexy lin­ge­rie, les­bi­ans, out­door sex and, and… Almost all sought-after European porn stars have alre­a­dy film­ed at PRIVATE

The porn label PRIVATE keeps up with tech­no­lo­gy and cus­to­mer wis­hes. Damn cool, for exam­p­le, is the razor-sharp 4K Ultra HD reso­lu­ti­on. What’s great is that you can sel­ect the German lan­guage and very many texts are sen­si­bly rea­da­ble in German!

The fact that you don’t con­ta­mi­na­te your com­pu­ter with mal­wa­re or viru­s­es (unli­ke many grai­tis porn sites) is also a point worth men­tio­ning. With your mem­ber­ship you sup­port the pro­duc­tion of new, modern porn movies.

One cri­ti­cism could be that with the per­fect loca­ti­ons, pro­fes­sio­nal porn stars and modern tech­no­lo­gy, the authen­ti­ci­ty suf­fers a bit. Many sce­nes alre­a­dy seem „too per­fect“ and almost arti­fi­ci­al. Real fee­lings or unac­ted orgasms are only con­nec­ted with a litt­le more inten­si­ve search.

Private.com pro­mi­ses unadul­tera­ted porn enjoy­ment and can undoub­ted­ly be rated as one of the best European porn sites. Full points from me and one star on top. Really great!

Visit Private.com
Website Information
Country of operator:
Cost:$29.95 / month (sub­scrip­ti­on)
$59.85 / 3 months
$149.95 / 12 months
Test / Demo – Access:no
Payment methods:Credit card, direct debit, instant bank trans­fer, PayPal, Bitcoin
Billing:PRVBILLING, Vendo
Member manage­ment:yes
Youth pro­tec­tion filter:no
Download limit:no
Cross-selling pre­sel­ec­ted:no
Offered con­tent
Photos / Images:
Number:500,000 Porn images
Ø Resolution:3000 x 2000 pixels
Image gal­lery control:yes
ZIP archi­ves:yes
Number:6,000 porn movies
Ø Resolution:1080p HD, 4K Ultra-HD
Ø Length:45 minu­tes
Ø DL speed:10,000 kB/sec
Download pos­si­ble:yes
Streaming pos­si­ble:yes
DRM copy protection:no
Test report summary for Private.com

One of the lea­ding, European porn studios

Everyone who is inte­res­ted in porn movies will also have stumb­led across the porn label PRIVATE. The Spanish film stu­dio pro­du­ces very high-quality and couples-friendly porn movies. On this offi­ci­al web­site, you get the sex movies from the first hand. Many vide­os can be found exclu­si­ve­ly only here.

  • Image qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Video qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Sound qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Exclusivity – 100%
  • Models – 100%
  • Authentic emo­ti­ons – 67%
  • Variety – 100%
  • Extraordinary – 100%
  • Content quan­ti­ty – 100%
  • Fairness – 100%
  • Promises / Reality – 100%
  • Sexual sti­mu­la­ti­on – 100%
  • Design – 100%
  • Navigation – 100%
  • Preview area (Tour pages) – 100%
  • Updates – 100%
  • Loading speed – 100%
  • Costs – 50%
  • Price-performance ratio – 100%
  • Payment – 67%
  • Price trans­pa­ren­cy – 83%
  • Advertising / Spam – 67%
  • Subscription can­cel­la­ti­on – 67%
  • Overall impres­si­on – 100%
User Review
0 (0 votes)


  • Extremely high-quality porn
  • Very sharp 4K Ultra-HD resolution
  • Popular porn actresses
  • Many European porn movies
  • Perfect loca­ti­ons
  • Modern web technologies


  • Subscription trap in the boo­king form
  • Feelings often acted
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