Test - Review: Purzelvideos.com

Test: PurzelVideos.com

Test - Review: Purzelvideos.com

Test: PurzelVideos.com

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Erotic sites review about PurzelVideos.com: Sex movies from German porn studio Purzel Video

Purzel Video is a popu­lar German video label that has been shoo­ting with German girls for many years. Mainly Purzelvideo has young girls bet­ween 18 and 25 with ama­teur cha­rac­ters in the pro­gram, who often real­ly take part in a lot of messes.

As the digi­tal media mar­ket in Germany is shif­ting inex­orab­ly from DVD to the Internet, the porn indus­try is final­ly reig­ning supre­me and offe­ring its ero­tic films more and more online. In tech­ni­cal jar­gon, this is cal­led „video on demand“, or „VoD“ for short.

With VoD, the porn con­su­mer gets the oppor­tu­ni­ty to down­load high-resolution video mate­ri­al com­ple­te­ly legal­ly and inex­pen­si­ve­ly – ins­tead of being satis­fied with hea­vi­ly redu­ced and com­pres­sed, some­ti­mes even virus- and Trojan-infested vide­os from the file-sharing, tube & tor­rent gray area of the Internet.

At purzelvideos.com, you can watch the ero­tic films of the epony­mous label via VoD since 2010. Of cour­se, this German VoD site from Purzel Video should not be miss­ing from our ero­tic site test 

In this review, we pre­sent you with our opi­ni­on as well as the pros and cons. If you know the porn site, you can share your per­so­nal expe­ri­en­ces and opi­ni­ons with us below the review.

Visit Purzelvideos.com

Opinion about the preview area of Purzelvideos.com

The pre­view area of purzelvideos.com is alre­a­dy very pro­mi­sing. In the German lan­guage, you can click around on count­less pages and find num­e­rous DVDs and video sce­nes. You should defi­ni­te­ly also click on the (some­what too small) top navi­ga­ti­on at the top of the browser.

After a short time, you feel that you are in good hands with purzelvideos.com. Especially the German lan­guage has its charm. The vul­gar lan­guage fits the­ma­ti­cal­ly and is not dis­tur­bing, in our opi­ni­on. The focus of the site is cle­ar­ly on teen ama­teurs and young German girls with a slight­ly American orientation.

Compared to other ero­tic sites, the abso­lu­te trans­pa­ren­cy is com­men­da­ble. You can find the price, the cont­act per­son (a Spanish S.L.), the terms and con­di­ti­ons and a F.A.Q. direct­ly in the page foo­ter wit­hout having to search forever.

Rating of the porn sites registration

To beco­me a mem­ber of purzelvideos.com, click on one of the „Sign up“ links. A page with a pur­zel­vi­de­os demo trai­ler will open. On the right-hand side there is an English form, the lan­guage of which can be chan­ged by cli­cking on the German flag in the upper-right corner 

In the form you enter a desi­red user­na­me, a pass­word, your e‑mail address and sel­ect your coun­try. You can also choo­se bet­ween cre­dit card or debit card. Very fair is the indi­ca­ti­on at the rate sel­ec­tion that it is a subscription.

A page then opens where you enter your cre­dit card data. Fortunately, our pre­paid cre­dit card work­ed. What’s also nice is that you don’t have to enter your address anywhere.

After suc­cessful pay­ment, you are redi­rec­ted to a page that says: „Your tran­sac­tion has been appro­ved. Click here to enter the mem­ber area.“ You will then be redi­rec­ted to the login page: http://purzel.gasm.com/user/de/login

At the same time you will recei­ve two e‑mails con­tai­ning the boo­king num­bers, the login URL, the user­na­me and other inter­nal data.

Test – Review Member Area

Once you have log­ged in via the login form, you land on a con­fu­sing black page with the URL „www.gasm.com“. The back­ground is quick­ly explai­ned: GASM is quasi the plat­form (cal­led Porn Mega Site or Porn Network) for seve­ral European video labels and you can also book and access other ero­tic sites through it.

But we click on the gra­phic for Purzel Video under „Your Websites“ and then we get to the mem­ber area home page of Purzel Video. This con­sists of 24 video thumb­nails of the latest vide­os, each with a short German description 

We recom­mend that you always navi­ga­te via the incon­spi­cuous top menu at the top of your brow­ser. Click there best on „Scenes“ or „DVD’s“. You will see 16 thumb­nails of the latest porn movies. In the upper area you can also fil­ter the movies by models and genres.

If you click on the scene pre­view gra­phics that inte­rest you, you will be taken to the video details page. There the film is dis­play­ed in a Flash play­er. Below the movie, you can see the matching video cover from which the movie is taken. Next to it, there is more infor­ma­ti­on about the porn star and even a detail­ed, German-language film descrip­ti­on and pho­tos from the film are available. If you click on the DVD cover, you will land in the cor­re­spon­ding DVD and from there, you can navi­ga­te to the other sce­nes of the DVD.

In the DVD over­view you can see the latest porn movies lis­ted chro­no­lo­gi­cal­ly. If you click on a DVD, you get a clear dis­play of the video details and con­tai­ned scenes.

Our test verdict on the PurzelVideo videos

As alre­a­dy men­tio­ned, the vide­os are the sce­nes of com­ple­te DVDs of the com­pa­ny Purzel Videos.

Purzel Video has laun­ched seve­ral porn series over the years. The fol­lo­wing porn series can be found through this mem­bers area: German Girls, Pigtail Sluts, Bikini Zone, Raven Girls (Raven Girls = Black Hair), Ass Parties, Casting + Cunt Play, Innocent Angels, Meadow Pussy Cum, Skinny Girls (Very slim girls), Maturbation hard, Honey it does­n’t hurt at all, Party cham­pa­gne and gang bang, Semmel Vulvas, First Anal, Anal tor­tu­re, I need the money – Purzel helps, Purzels tri­ang­le, Anal inferno.

The lan­guage of the per­for­mers in the vide­os is German. Most of the older vide­os are still in SD qua­li­ty. Since 2013, the first high-definition HD films have been added.

The films them­sel­ves are, depen­ding on the genre, most­ly very appe­al­ing. A large part of the porn actres­ses actual­ly seem to be bet­ween 18 and 25 years old. You also noti­ce that they are rare­ly camera-fixated porn professionals 

The girls are often exci­ted and inse­cu­re, but after they are pro­per­ly fucked by the cocks, they lose all inhi­bi­ti­ons and muta­te into litt­le dirty piglets. This phe­no­me­non is espe­ci­al­ly noti­ceable in the group sex and gang­bang movies.

What’s also inte­res­t­ing is that Purzel often shoots in home loca­ti­ons – pro­ba­b­ly at models‘ homes. The German fur­nis­hing style of various apart­ments also ensu­res that Germans feel at home in the Purzel videos.

What we don’t like at all is the fact that you can’t down­load the ero­tic movies direct­ly (pro­ba­b­ly inten­tio­nal­ly). We recom­mend you to use the Firefox addon Ant Video Downloader. It reco­gni­zes the Flash movies and shows in the addon bar by means of an ani­ma­ti­on that a movie can be down­loa­ded. One click and the down­load begins.

Our opinion about the Purzel video photos

You can find the pho­tos in the video details page at the bot­tom or you can reach the photo series by cli­cking the incon­spi­cuous pink but­ton „Photo series“.

The pho­tos of purzelvideos.com are taken during the action, i.e. during the video shoo­ting. Per scene you usual­ly get about 15 to 20 pho­tos.
A navi­ga­ti­on allows you to scroll through the pic­tu­re gal­lery. You can adjust the pic­tu­re size and start a slide­show. The down­load of the porn pic­tures as a ZIP file is also possible.

Thanks to the pho­tos you can look at the ama­teur girls in peace and can give free rein to his imagination.

Tip: By the way, you should not click on the con­fu­sing black-bordered pho­tos or the pho­tos in the box „More recom­men­ded sce­nes“, they are just adver­ti­se­ments and lead to the sis­ter pro­jects of the GASM – ero­tic net­work. The same appli­es to the but­tons Dating, Bonus, Discounts and „See more girls“.

Opinions about page structure & design

The design of PurzelVideos.com is ok. It fits the­ma­ti­cal­ly, but wit­hout dis­trac­ting too much from the con­tent. Especially the German lan­guage texts, gra­phics and video covers make sure that there are no lan­guage barriers.

However, the site struc­tu­re is so deep­ly nes­ted that you need a good half hour to under­stand it com­ple­te­ly. In par­ti­cu­lar, the adver­ti­se­ments to other GASM web­sites are posi­tio­ned so incon­ve­ni­ent­ly that you keep get­ting lost and intui­tively cli­cking the home button.

Due to the large func­tion­al scope of the sub­pages, one over­looks such beau­tiful details at first glan­ce, such as the but­ton to the photo series or the ZIP func­tion in the pho­tos.
We see a need for opti­miza­ti­on in the page lay­out of the video sce­nes. You always have to wait a bit until all thumb­nails are listed.

Experiences with the subscription cancellation

Unfortunately, it was „for­got­ten“ to point out expli­cit­ly and in German lan­guage where and how to can­cel the subscription.

To do this, click in the page foo­ter of purzelvideos.com on „Help and Support“ and find under Cheap Question the point „How do I can­cel my mem­ber­ship?“. There it says to go to http://users.manicasupport.com/ and fol­low the instructions.

Unfortunately it con­ti­nues in English. You have to enter your user­na­me and pass­word. If it works, the next page says „Success – For PLUGNPAY just click the but­ton below. We’ll can­cel the mem­ber­ship direct­ly“. Click on the but­ton „Cancel my mem­ber­ship“ and on the next page you will see: „Success – Your sub­scrip­ti­on has been can­cel­led“. That’s it.

Review verdict & conclusion of the Purzelvideos.com test report

PurzelVideos.com is cle­ar­ly one of the few good porn sites in the German-speaking area! 

Most of the Purzel vide­os are high­ly sti­mu­la­ting, well shot and the models are often just horny. The ama­teur teen con­cept has pro­ven its­elf with the many series for deca­des and with the Internet pre­sence Purzel now again fits per­fect­ly into the image of the cur­rent time – the Internet age.

The German lan­guage of the porn actors and actres­ses, as well as the home loca­ti­ons, give the films a plea­sant home­land feel com­pared to American porn.

More HD movies, a fas­ter page load and a down­load opti­on for the movies would be desi­ra­ble. Furthermore, an indi­ca­ti­on of the update inter­vals would be useful.

Visit Purzelvideos.com
Website Information
Country of operator:
Cost:€1.95 / 1 day (sub­scrip­ti­on)
€29.95 / 30 days
€69.95 / 3 months
€129.00 / 1 year
Test / Demo – Access:yes
Payment methods:Credit card, direct debit
Member manage­ment:no
Youth pro­tec­tion filter:no
Download limit:no
Cross-selling pre­sel­ec­ted:no
Offered con­tent
Photos / Images:
Quantity:300 porn images
Ø Resolution:3088×256 pixels
Image gal­lery control:yes
ZIP archi­ves:yes
Quantity:200 porn movies
Ø Resolution:
Ø Length:30 minu­tes
Ø DL-Speed:800 kB/sec
Download pos­si­ble:no
Streaming pos­si­ble:yes
DRM copy protection:no
Test report summary for Purzelvideos.com

Very horny ger­man ama­teur porn movies

If you are sear­ching for horny ama­teur porn with German porn actors, then this porn site is per­fect for you. Only a few porn stu­di­os can catch the ama­teur cha­rac­ter of mas­tur­ba­ti­on and sex sce­nes so pro­fes­sio­nal­ly. We can high­ly recom­mend this adult web­site to you.

  • Image qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Video qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Sound qua­li­ty – 83%
  • Exclusivity – 100%
  • Models – 100%
  • Authentic emo­ti­ons – 100%
  • Variety – 83%
  • Extraordinary – 100%
  • Content quan­ti­ty – 33%
  • Fairness – 67%
  • Promises / Reality – 67%
  • Sexual sti­mu­la­ti­on – 100%
  • Design – 83%
  • Navigation – 67%
  • Preview area (Tour pages) – 100%
  • Updates – 83%
  • Loading speed – 100%
  • Costs – 50%
  • Price-performance ratio – 100%
  • Payment – 100%
  • Price trans­pa­ren­cy – 67%
  • Advertising / Spam – 50%
  • Subscription can­cel­la­ti­on – 67%
  • Overall impres­si­on – 100%
User Review
0 (0 votes)


  • No need to buy DVDs anymore
  • Purzel movies very exciting
  • Horny German ama­teur teens
  • Complete German mem­ber area
  • German lan­guage in videos


  • No down­load function
  • Somewhat com­pli­ca­ted page structure
  • Advertising for other projects
  • Session run­time is too short
  • Email Spam
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