Test - Review: PremiumGFs.com

Test: PremiumGFs.com

Test - Review: PremiumGFs.com

Test: PremiumGFs.com

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Porn site Test of PremiumGFs.com: Teen Sex Sites Review – Young Amateur Women Having Teensex

Every day hundreds of thou­sands of men world­wi­de are loo­king for horny teen porn web­sites. Not kno­wing their con­tent and struc­tu­re in advan­ce, it is real­ly not easy to distin­gu­ish good porn sites from bad ones. You always buy the cat in the bag.

By chan­ce, one day I lan­ded on RealTeenNetwork.com. Even though the design did­n’t blow me away, there were cute teens there that piqued my inte­rest. Later in the boo­king pro­cess, I was sur­pri­sed to find out that „Real Teen Network“ is not a porn net­work at all, but the real name is PremiumGFs.com.

In this test I will descri­be to you what is in the mem­ber area of PremiumGFs.com and what I expe­ri­en­ced during boo­king and can­cel­la­ti­on. Please leave a com­ment below the test report if you want to share your opi­ni­ons and expe­ri­en­ces with us.

Visit PremiumGFs.com

Opinion about the preview area of PremiumGFs.com

As alre­a­dy men­tio­ned, the PremiumGFs.com web­site is a so-called porn net­work. It includes 111 sex sites. The ope­ra­tor takes a lot of effort to dis­gu­i­se on these pages that you are in any case ente­ring into a mem­ber­ship with PremiumGFs. Relatively well done are for example:

The hea­der of the home page pro­mi­ses a lot in ban­ners and texts. I always react a bit all­er­gic to such lurid slo­gans „to be the best or „to be the grea­test“ from expe­ri­ence and I like to check the truth con­tent in my reviews.

  • The hot­test exclu­si­ve Teen Hardcore Movies
  • Unlimited Teen Extreme Downloads
  • 10.000 of vide­os and pictures
  • 100 exclu­si­ve sites for the price of 1$
  • All the trai­lers below have a full-length 1080p video in our Members Area!
  • The lar­gest Collection of Girlfriend Porn on the Net

In the main sec­tion of the web­site, there are 36 video screen­shots lis­ted, but they don’t have much to do with teens. Below the pho­tos fol­lows a fake page navi­ga­ti­on and then a huge link „Click here for full access now!“.

All of the links on the page lead to the regis­tra­ti­on form, so you can’t get a detail­ed over­view of wha­t’s shown in the mem­bers area.

I did­n’t find the pre­view area visual­ly appe­al­ing, but as I was keen on the teen vide­os from RealTeenNetwork.com, I still took the boo­king motivated.

Premium Girlfruend (Premiumgf) Porn Network

Rating of the porn sites registration

The regis­tra­ti­on is done in a few steps.

  • 1.) If you have deci­ded to beco­me a mem­ber of PremiumGFs.com, you click on the but­ton „Instant Access“ in the upper right corner
  • 2.) A so-called„pre-join page“ opens, which con­ta­ins a video win­dow, a boo­king form, a ban­ner with „bene­fits of mem­ber­ship“ and 12 screen­shots of teen porn

    In the video win­dow you will see the pseu­do error mes­sa­ge „Error. Unable to play Video, Registration Required…“. In the regis­tra­ti­on form you have to enter user­na­me, pass­word and an e‑mail address. You also have to sel­ect „Germany“ as the coun­try.
    In the Membership field you can choo­se bet­ween a two-day trial mem­ber­ship or a month­ly fee. The sel­ec­tion field Payment offers only Credit Card. After your input click on the big but­ton „CLICK HERE TO JOIN NOW“.

    I stron­gly advi­se you not to use a per­so­nal email address. It is bet­ter to crea­te a sepa­ra­te email address at Googlemail or GMX for regis­tering with sex sites. Some porn site ope­ra­tors spam their cus­to­mers with news­let­ters that can­not be stop­ped.

    In addi­ti­on, I recom­mend that you do wit­hout the trial mem­ber­ship and book a month­ly account. The trial accounts are always extre­me­ly slim­med down and you are asked to beco­me a full mem­ber to play vide­os etc. anyway.
  • 3.)pay­ment form of the American bil­ling com­pa­ny EPOCH opens, which is very well known and repu­ta­ble. If the form was not alre­a­dy auto­ma­ti­cal­ly set to German, you can set it yours­elf in the page hea­der via a sel­ec­tion field, can Due to the favorable dol­lar exch­an­ge rate, the mem­ber­ship costs only 25 €. A sub­scrip­ti­on is indi­ca­ted.

    To my sur­pri­se, Paypal is available as a pay­ment method in addi­ti­on to cre­dit card pay­ment. This sur­pri­sed me a lot, since Paypal distances its­elf from porn sites. Since this is very unu­su­al, I chose Paypal for pay­ment.

    Although the ope­ra­tor of RealTeenNetwork.com has dis­play­ed a cross-selling check­box during cre­dit card pay­ment, the check­box has not been acti­va­ted. If you check the box, you book ano­ther sub­scrip­ti­on for the sex site PuffyNetwork for 30 €. Another posi­ti­ve thing is that no resi­den­ti­al address is reques­ted.

    To my delight, no one is asked for any details when making a Paypal pay­ment, so all I had to do was click the „go to Paypal“ button.
  • When the pay­ment is accept­ed, the mes­sa­ge „CONGRATULATIONS. You order has been fully appro­ved, Thank you.“ Below that is the user­na­me, pass­word, email address and the link to the mem­bers area. At the same time you will recei­ve an e‑mail with a boo­king confirmation.
Teenager Maedchen Tiny Emo

Test – Review Member Area

The login to the mem­ber area is pos­si­ble from all web­sites of the net­work via http://members.premiumgfs.com/members/. If one calls the start­ing side of the mem­ber range of PremiumGFs.com the first time, the ten­si­on and anti­ci­pa­ti­on sinks rapidly!

The site looks incre­di­bly unpro­fes­sio­nal! The pink back­ground color ter­ro­ri­zes the eyes. On the left is a long menu bar with the hea­ding „Network of Sites“. There are over 100 links to porn sites lis­ted that belong to the network.

A large ban­ner with a PremiumGFs logo, 4 pho­tos and the slo­gan „The lar­gest Collection of GFs on the web“ deco­ra­te the page. Below that is a small menu bar with the links „Photos | Movies | Models | ON DEMAND DVDS | LIVE CAMS“.

Above the ban­ner the link „Network Home“ is the most important link of the mem­ber area. With this link you will always come back to the home page. Below the menu bar on the home page you will find a big box with the title „Latest Network Updates“. This lists 21 video screen­shots show­ing the latest videos.

Lots of advertising!

Below the video screen­shots, in the „Upcoming Updates“ box, are three screen­shots show­ing future video updates. Below this fol­lo­wed a box cal­led „New Sites“, but these con­tain only adver­ti­sing ban­ners. In gene­ral, there is no sting­i­ness with pene­t­ra­ting adver­ti­sing. For exam­p­le, a new brow­ser win­dow of the LiveCam site pornstar.com pops up again and again. As many as 15 links in the navi­ga­ti­on are adver­ti­sing links. Also on the right side of the main box a ver­ti­cal adver­ti­sing ban­ner flas­hes and fidgets.

To view the ero­tic movies on offer, click on the „Movies“ link in the top menu. On 250 pages, 20 screen­shots are lis­ted per page, which adds up to almost 5000 videos.

Clicking on these thumb­nail gra­phics takes you to the video details page. Here you can watch the video with an Adobe Flash based JW-Player in a strea­ming win­dow. Above the video win­dow, you can find various infor­ma­ti­on about the film, which is not very well pre­sen­ted. You can see there the release date, a star rating, cate­go­ries, a descrip­ti­on text.

Below the video win­dow, there are seven pink-colored but­tons for video down­load. You can down­load the sex movies as WMV or MP4 for­mat in dif­fe­rent qua­li­ty levels. Two but­tons are once again hid­den adver­ti­sing links for live­cam sex sites. Below the down­load but­tons, other ban­ner ads and video recom­men­da­ti­ons are displayed.

Real Teen Network

Only mediocre teen porn

Content-wise and visual­ly, the vide­os dis­ap­poin­ted me a lot! My last anti­ci­pa­ti­on was lost when I star­ted the first vide­os. As alre­a­dy men­tio­ned, the main focus of PremiumGFs.com is on teens and amateurs(girlfriends). However, there are also MILFs (women over 30).

Although updates are made every 2–3 days, I did not find any FullHD vide­os in 1080p reso­lu­ti­on. Most of the movies seem to be a few years older and in SD reso­lu­ti­on at most. With quite a bit of „eye squeezing“, some clips seem to be the web HD – reso­lu­ti­on at 720p.

Although I found very cute teens after a litt­le lon­ger search, so the „action“ was incre­di­bly bor­ing. Either they chat with the came­ra­man fore­ver or they strip for minu­tes or shake their breasts & butts. For me, most teen porn could real­ly only eli­cit a yawn.

The girls are incre­di­bly camera-fixated. They grin, gawk and act for all they’­re worth. I have not been able to dis­co­ver a real orgasm. I dis­co­ver­ed three movies where the cumshots were injec­ted into the girls‘ faces with arti­fi­ci­al sperm (pro­ba­b­ly with a hose and syringe).

I thought to mys­elf that maybe I was having a bad day and gave the mem­bers area a second chan­ce ano­ther day. But even then, not­hing stir­red in my pants. My opi­ni­on dete­rio­ra­ted at the many adver­ti­sing links, non-functioning links (bro­ken links) and that you could not fast for­ward or rewind in the video win­dow! If you click on the time­line in the video play­er, the movie starts over and over again.

Beautiful teen photos

On the other hand, it looks dif­fe­rent with the pho­tos. Under the link „Photos“ you can find beau­tiful teens with litt­le effort. For many vide­os, pho­tos are also offe­red in parallel.

A Javascript scrol­ling func­tion faci­li­ta­tes a plea­sant navi­ga­ti­on in the pic­tu­re gal­le­ries. There is also the pos­si­bi­li­ty to down­load the enti­re photo series as a ZIP file.

However, the same appli­es here: You will look for real plea­su­re or orgasm pho­tos in vain. Other teen porn sites are much better.

Unknown, very beautiful teen models

You can get an over­view of which girls can be found on PremiumGFs via the Models menu item. However, many girls have not been given any names at all or they have been given a „18“ behind a cute first name or the words „Litle“ or „Teen“ in front of it.

You can pro­ba­b­ly talk about these names of porn stars or star­lets: Kayden Krush, Kitty Karsen, Sarah Kimble, Little Summer, Little April, Tiny Tyler, Mandy Mayhem, Kristi Montana, Emo Emily, Tiny Tabby.

Looking at the girls, it feels like it is run from Russia.

Teen Girl Llittle Lupe

Experiences with subscription cancellation

To unsub­scri­be from PremiumGFs.com, one scrolls down to the bot­tom of the site and clicks on the „Click Here for Billing Support“ link.

  • One then lands on the epoch.com page, which has an input form. Enter two pie­ces of infor­ma­ti­on here. Either your user­na­me and email address, or your sub­scrip­ti­on ID, or cre­dit card num­ber. Then click on the but­ton „Find my account“
  • A page will open with the title „MANAGE YOUR INCOME“. In a table the sub­scrip­ti­on is lis­ted. Click on the but­ton „Cancel“.
  • A box will open asking for the reason for can­cel­la­ti­on. Select „No pro­blem, just not inte­res­ted any­mo­re“ and click on the but­ton „Cancel purchase“.
  • A „Special Offer“ page opens, offe­ring to remain a mem­ber for half the month­ly price. Select „No thanks – plea­se can­cel my mem­ber­ship.“ and click the sub­mit button.
  • That’s it. You’re taken back to the sub­scrip­ti­on lis­ting page and it now says „Repeat Cancelled“ under the sub­scrip­ti­on. An e‑mail con­firms the can­cel­la­ti­on again.

Review judgment & conclusion of the PremiumGFs.com test report

PremiumGFs.com (aka RealTeenNetwork.com, Tinyteenpass.com) is only medio­cre in terms of appearance and content.

Worst of all is the mas­si­ve adver­ti­sing hid­den in menus and but­tons, fid­ge­ting and flas­hing on ban­ner ads. You get about 5000 colorful vide­os, which show only a few real teens bet­ween 18 and 20. Contrary to the pro­mi­ses, the films do not have full HD reso­lu­ti­on! Most of them have even left and right so-called mour­ning bor­ders (black bars), becau­se the came­ras film only in the for­mat 4:3, ins­tead of 16:9.

The most beau­tiful thing on PremiumGFs are the pho­tos. You can find a lot of horny teen girls and let your ima­gi­na­ti­on run wild.

At this point, I would like to point out that RealTeenNetwork.com and TinyTeenPass.com are not teen porn net­works. After boo­king a mem­ber­ship, you will find out that it is once again the PremiumGFs network!

You get the fee­ling that there is more pro­mi­sed on many pre­view pages of the porn net­work than is actual­ly kept. Constantly is exag­ge­ra­ted, chea­ted and vei­led! This the­sis is also sup­port­ed by the fact that arti­fi­ci­al sperm is used ins­tead of real cumshots. I recom­mend you to rather choo­se ano­ther teen site.

Visit PremiumGFs.com
Website infor­ma­ti­on
Country of operator:
Cost:$1.29 / 2 day trial (sub­scrip­ti­on)
$29.95 / 1 month
Test / Demo – Access:yes
Payment methods:Credit card
Member manage­ment:yes
Parental fil­ter:no
Download limit:no
Updates:every 2–3 days
Cross-selling pre­sel­ec­ted:no
Offered con­tent
Photos / Images:
Number:80,000 Porn images
Ø Resolution:1600 × 1067 pixels
Image gal­lery control:yes
ZIP archi­ves:yes
Number:5,000 porn movies
Ø Resolution:Web HD 720p
Ø Length:30 minu­tes
Ø DL speed:10,000 kB/sec
Format:WMV, MPEG, MP4
Download pos­si­ble:yes
Streaming pos­si­ble:yes
DRM copy protection:no
Test report summary for PremiumGFs.com
  • Image qua­li­ty – 83%
  • Video qua­li­ty – 67%
  • Sound qua­li­ty – 67%
  • Exclusivity – 83%
  • Models – 100%
  • Authentic emo­ti­ons – 50%
  • Variety – 67%
  • Extraordinary – 67%
  • Content quan­ti­ty – 83%
  • Fairness – 50%
  • Promises / Reality – 33%
  • Sexual sti­mu­la­ti­on – 67%
  • Design – 67%
  • Navigation – 67%
  • Preview area (Tour pages) – 67%
  • Updates – 83%
  • Loading speed – 100%
  • Costs – 50%
  • Price-performance ratio – 50%
  • Payment – 83%
  • Price trans­pa­ren­cy – 83%
  • Advertising / Spam – 33%
  • Subscription can­cel­la­ti­on – 83%
  • Overall impres­si­on – 50%
User Review
0 (0 votes)


  • Many ama­teur and teen porn
  • Very young women
  • Gorgeous porn actresses
  • Payment by PayPal possible
  • No resi­den­ti­al address query


  • A lot of annoy­ing advertising
  • Unclear struc­tu­re
  • Rarely real fee­lings / orgasms
  • Many bor­ing porn movies
  • Very many older porn movies
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