Test - Review: WeLoveBukkake.com

Test: WeLoveBukkake.com

Test - Review: WeLoveBukkake.com

Test: WeLoveBukkake.com

4 4,960

Review of WeLoveBukkake.com: One of the horniest amateur porn sites with massive facial cumshots

For most cou­ples, male eja­cu­la­ti­on repres­ents the high­light of the sexu­al act. Mobilizing all his strength, the guy fucks his wife again very pas­sio­na­te­ly, fast and hard during his orgasm.

We Love Bukkake

In con­trast to the unspec­ta­cu­lar „Creampie(cake with cream fil­ling) where is eja­cu­la­ted into the vagi­na, it looks much hor­nier when the sperm splas­hes with seve­ral powerful splas­hes out­side the pussy on the skin of the part­ner (cumshot = sperm shot).

It is in the natu­re of things that men like to „aim at some­thing“ when inse­mi­na­ting. Usually this is the part­ner’s beau­tiful face, her great breasts, her cute glas­ses, the tight butt, the pubic mound, the belly, the labia, feet, arm­pits or other places.

Sexually very acti­ve women love it when they get fucked hard by seve­ral men as part of a gang­bang orgy and get spray­ed all over. Most of the time, the guys squirt pri­ma­ri­ly in the face of the lady. The tech­ni­cal term for this is Bukkake.

A horny facial cumshot makes men’s hearts beat faster

Why a full cum face is so extre­me­ly sti­mu­la­ting to many men is unknown. Basically, it does­n’t mat­ter eit­her, as it’s a good win-win situa­ti­on where both man and woman get their money­’s worth: Women like to be fucked and inse­mi­na­ted and men like the sight. ^^

British Bukkake Brille mit Sperma besamt
British buk­ka­ke glas­ses inse­mi­na­ted with cum

The ero­tic site welovebukkake.com is com­ple­te­ly dedi­ca­ted to buk­ka­ke and facial inse­mi­na­ti­on and shows ero­tic vide­os with real­ly extre­me­ly kinky cum scenes.

For me, as a lover of extra­or­di­na­ry sex sce­nes with lots of cum, it was reason enough to set up a test account at WeLoveBukkake.com. I wan­ted to see if my expec­ta­ti­ons were met and if I could give you a test ver­dict to pro­tect you from making a bad purcha­se. I hope my review will ans­wer all your ques­ti­ons and help you to form your own opinion.

Visit WeLoveBukkake.com

Opinion about the preview area of WeLoveBukkake.com

As soon as WeLoveBukkake.com is cli­cked, a so-called pre­view area appears, on which you can inform yours­elf about the con­tents of the website.

Unfortunately, the pre­view area con­ta­ins only small thumb­nails from the offe­red buk­ka­ke vide­os. In a light green shade, the page is visual­ly quite uninspiring.

Nevertheless, 75 pho­tos with inse­mi­na­ted sperm faces have a „cer­tain some­thing“ and one imme­dia­te­ly reco­gni­zes what con­tent the sex site offers. The facials are all very horny sel­ec­ted and are par­ti­al­ly ani­ma­ted. It is alre­a­dy get­ting extre­me­ly tight in the pants!


The pre­view area was desi­gned in the modern HTML5 tech­no­lo­gy. Thus, the ero­tic site looks equal­ly good on clas­sic 17″ moni­tors, as well as on a smart TV and also on smart­phones and tablets.

If you scroll down, you will see short pre­view vide­os. However, if you click on one of the vide­os, you are imme­dia­te­ly redi­rec­ted to the regis­tra­ti­on form – which means that you can­not watch any movies or trai­lers wit­hout registering.

There is not­hing more to dis­co­ver in the pre­view area. However, since I was curious about the Bukkake vide­os, I deci­ded to book a month­ly account.

Rating of the porn sites registration


To beco­me a mem­ber of welovebukkake.com, you sim­ply have to click the yel­low „Subscribe now“ but­ton in the midd­le of the page. A page opens with a black regis­tra­ti­on form and on which horny video sequen­ces play in the background.

One choo­ses his rate from three opti­ons of a month­ly, quar­ter­ly or half-year mem­ber­ship. The pri­ces are given in EUR. Unfortunately, there is no expli­cit refe­rence to a subscription.

In addi­ti­on, one enters a desi­red user name and pass­word and one’s e‑mail address. The pass­word may only con­sist of let­ters and num­bers and must start with a let­ter. So you are not allo­wed to use spe­cial characters.

Afterwards, a very clear form opens, from the Swiss bil­ling com­pa­ny VENDO. First you choo­se the pay­ment method. You can choo­se bet­ween cre­dit card, direct debit (SEPA) and instant bank trans­fer. VENDO is con­side­red a very relia­ble bil­ling com­pa­ny. I am not aware of any problems.

I pay with my VISA card and once again I noti­ce that two ABOs with pre-selected form boxes are fois­ted on me. This is cal­led „cross sel­ling.“ Before you start to fill out the boo­king form, uncheck the two boxes IMMEDIATELY! Otherwise you will book the mem­ber areas for DDF Network and Gasm.com.

Upon suc­cessful pay­ment, a page will be dis­play­ed with the text „Thank you for your purcha­se! You now have access to We Love Bukkake „. On this page you will find the access data, pay­ment details and cont­act infor­ma­ti­on for VENDO cus­to­mer sup­port.
At the same time, you will recei­ve an email with the same data. Do not close the win­dow until you have actual­ly recei­ved the email.

Roothaariger Amateur genießt ihren Sperma Facial
Redheaded ama­teur enjoys her cum facial

Test – Review Member Area

After log­ging into the mem­ber area, you are a bit dis­ap­poin­ted to find out that welovebukkake.com is not an inde­pen­dent pro­ject at all, but a kind of „bait site“ for the porn net­work„Realsexpass“. Although this has beco­me a com­mon prac­ti­ce in the porn busi­ness, it is still very annoying.

In the Real Sex Pass net­work there are curr­ent­ly 3509 vide­os, 346 pic­tu­re gal­le­ries and 901 models. To enter the „We Love Bukkake“ cate­go­ry, click on „Sites“ in the left menu. Numerous tile-like ban­ners will open and at the very bot­tom you will find the pro­ject „WE LOVE BUKKAKE“. There you will find 340 buk­ka­ke porn sites.

One is led to a sub­page, which at first only show­ed a photo gal­lery of a woman. Only by scrol­ling down did I get to the buk­ka­ke vide­os, which are lis­ted in a table just like in the pre­view area. Even wit­hout any know­ledge of English, you can intui­tively get to the video detail pages of We Love Bukkake.

Amateurs for every taste

Glückliche Hotwife mit Sperma auf der Brille
Lucky MILF gets fucked by BBC and inse­mi­na­ted on glasses

Already in the pre­view pic­tures of the porn vide­os, it is noti­ceable that the most dif­fe­rent types of women appear there. There are very young teens around 18 – 20, matu­re MILFs bet­ween 30 and 45 and even older ladies.

You can find dark-skinned Amazons, snow-white British girls with freck­les and even red-haired school­girls with glas­ses. Slim women can be seen as well as chub­by ladies, women with small breasts and those with giant boobs. Every visi­tor will find the type of woman he imagined.

The actres­ses make an ama­teu­rish and above all extre­me­ly natu­ral impres­si­on. It is rare to find a pro­fes­sio­nal porn actress! The men don’t seem to be pro­fes­sio­nals eit­her, but nor­mal guys who like to squirt their sperm on the women’s bodies. However, I am not so sure if the movies are real­ly exclu­si­ve, as many of the ama­teurs from amateurfacialsuk.com and other British porn sites seem familiar.

What is striking is the large num­ber of women wea­ring glas­ses. In the video descrip­ti­ons, you can always read „Cum On My Glasses“, which means „Sperm on my glas­ses“. In my per­so­nal opi­ni­on, espe­ci­al­ly the pho­tos and porn vide­os with a glas­ses inse­mi­na­ti­on are extre­me­ly horny.

Die Amateurfrauen lieben Spermaspiele: Cum food - Sperma Schokolade
Many ama­teur women love cum games: Cum food – cum chocolate

Varied actions in each bukkake video

Most of the time, cum porn takes place in the con­text of a cumshot party in British pri­va­te apart­ments or hotel rooms with two to four girls. Sometimes you can also see a British swin­gers club or party base­ment as a location.

Sehr massiver Sperma Facial
Very mas­si­ve cum facial

At the begin­ning there is a lot of laug­hing and joking, but as soon as the first cocks come into play, the mood quick­ly turns into unac­ted pas­si­on and pure lust.

Until it comes to the buk­ka­ke, there are often vio­lent sex sce­nes before­hand, such as blo­wjobs, vagi­nal inter­cour­se, riding, dog­gy­style and also anal inter­cour­se. On WeLoveBukkake the fuck sce­nes are very rare­ly ever bor­ing or monotonous.

Some men wear yel­low colo­red brace­lets – appar­ent­ly it is pre­de­ter­mi­ned who should do which action (fuck, squirt in the face, etc.).

The ladies moan very quick­ly unres­trai­ned and unac­ted, while the many guys fuck them skillful­ly through. Personally, I like most the pri­va­te gang­bangs with seve­ral women – in which the ladies are taken by seve­ral men in many posi­ti­ons, where dou­ble pene­tra­ti­ons are also included.

Either the woman jerks the penis and gets squir­ted – or the man jerks hims­elf and squirts the woman whe­re­ver he wants. Last but not least, there is also bise­xu­al action to be seen bet­ween women but also bet­ween men.

I suspect that the secret to a lot of damn horny film­ing is a sym­pa­the­tic film crew with a fema­le came­ra­man present.

Doppel Bukkake
Double buk­ka­ke: Numerous men inse­mi­na­te two ama­teur faces at the same time.

The difference to other sex sites

Compared to American mass pro­duc­tions with porn stars, most ama­teur women noti­ce­ab­ly enjoy sex in front of the came­ra! They also get the one or other vio­lent orgasm and find it real­ly horny when they are spray­ed with a lot of sperm. They real­ly absorb lots of white fresh fuck juice on every part of their body, but pre­fer­a­b­ly on their face.

Gangbang Kamerafrau
Gangbang came­ra­wo­man

Unlike real gang­bang porn sites, the group sex sce­nes on Welovebukkake are quite short. It is a cum site with the focus on facials/ buk­ka­ke.

By the way, WeLoveBukkake.com also dif­fers from so-called gok­kun sites. The women are not encou­ra­ged to „swal­low sperm“ 

It is enough for the gen­tle­men if they let it run out of their mouths – which of cour­se looks extra horny. Many ama­teur ladies are so tur­ned on by the gang­bang that they real­ly gree­di­ly take up the cum with their mouths and swal­low it voluntarily.

Skillful combination of actresses

When seve­ral girls play along, they like to moti­va­te and assist each other. Some help their girl­fri­end jerk off and make the cor­re­spon­ding cock cum (with a thie­ving grin) in the girl­fri­en­d’s face. Others help with swal­lo­wing and lick the cre­am­pie or the inse­mi­na­ted breasts or face clean.

Really kinky bi women also like to give each other cum kis­ses with plea­su­re, lick each other clean and even spit the sperm into each other’s mouths! They exch­an­ge the eja­cu­la­te thus befo­re swal­lo­wing by kis­sing among them­sel­ves (snow­bal­ling)! Such per­ver­ted sperm games horny the ladies and gen­tle­men again extra strong.

Sperma sammeln ist sehr beliebt bei Bukkake- Partys. Hier wird mit einer Tasse gesammelt.
Collecting sperm is very popu­lar at buk­ka­ke par­ties. Here is coll­ec­ted with a cup.

Besides the many girls who like to be inse­mi­na­ted, there are also the so-called „Cumsluts“. A Cumslut is a woman who likes to be injec­ted into her mouth and also swal­lows. Since WeLoveBukkake is very authen­tic, there are not many cums­luts. But for exam­p­le Jakki Louise is a horny cumslut.

Very varied are the cum movies with mixed-race per­for­mers (inter­acial) bet­ween a black man and a white woman or vice versa. On dark skin, the cum comes out even bet­ter visual­ly. Older women and grand­mo­thers can also be seen get­ting their cum from young men. Especially for MILFs, abun­dant cum and buk­ka­ke is not­hing out of the ordinary.

Compared to other porn sites, on We Love Bukkake the models are cal­led by their stage names. For exam­p­le, Jessica Lo and Emma Butt, whose glas­ses are their trade­marks, are very popu­lar. Very horny is also Alexis May, a sexy, ama­teu­rish blon­de with extre­me­ly many freck­les. Also cute are: red­head Holly Kiss, Rebecca Rude, Michelle Thorne, Elise, Satine Spark, Emma Star, Mandy Cinn, Sandie Caine, Chantelle Foxx, Autumn Angel, Bambi Black, Ashley Ryder, Bukake Teen Tabby, Black Girl Lola Marie and many more.

We Love Bukkake

Great playback and interaction options

The video detail pages are very well-structured. It’s a pity that you don’t get to know the release date for the vide­os and that nobo­dy took the trou­ble to write some more detail­ed scene descriptions.

Auch Gläser sind bei der Gesichtsbesamung sehr gut zum Sperma auffangen geeignet.
Glasses are also very good for cat­ching sperm during facial insemination.

By cli­cking on the pre­view win­dow, the movies are play­ed, for this pur­po­se a sepa­ra­te win­dow is ope­ned, from which you can get back to the pre­view area with the „back but­ton“. Thanks to the con­trol ele­ments of the strea­ming video play­er, you can easi­ly con­trol the porn.

With a click on „Download“ the movie is play­ed in full screen mode. Everything is actual­ly quite fast and wit­hout any major pro­blems. Via „Back“ you get back to the overview.

Each video can be added to your own favo­ri­tes or play­list. Comments and ratings on the indi­vi­du­al vide­os are also possible.

Surprisingly horny sperm photo collection

In addi­ti­on, there is also a photo gal­lery with many dif­fe­rent buk­ka­ke sce­nes in the mem­ber area. Unfortunately, the photo gal­le­ries can only be acces­sed glo­bal­ly via for the Realsexpass – net­work via the menu item „Photos“ above, left. Unfortunately, there is no fil­ter func­tion for buk­ka­ke pho­tos. So you have to take some time to find the sperm galleries.

The Bukkake pic­tures are quite good and also fast to down­load. By means of a JavaScript scroll func­tion you can jump well from one photo to the next.

Unfortunately, the photo gal­le­ries can­not be down­loa­ded as a ZIP file.

Real Sex Pass Network

Opinions on page structure & design

The design lea­ves a lot to be desi­red in some areas, but it is still eye-friendly, modern and easy to use. That cree­py gaudy green of the pre­view page is made up for with the gray tones of the mem­bers area.

The page lay­out of welovebukkake.com is rela­tively simp­le in design and easy to use even with litt­le know­ledge of English.

The run­ning times of the vide­os are easy to read and there is also a coun­ter that lists the views. For the popu­la­ri­ty of the films, there is also a voting coun­ter with up to five stars and the cor­re­spon­ding percentage.

On mobi­le devices such as tablets and smart­phones, the web­site auto­ma­ti­cal­ly adjus­ts to the dis­play size.

Experience with the subscription cancellation

The RealSexPass sub­scrip­ti­on is very easy to can­cel with just a few clicks:

  • Search out the email with the boo­king con­fir­ma­ti­on.
    You will find a link to the bil­ling com­pa­ny there. In my case, the can­cel­la­ti­on is done via the Vendo cus­to­mer por­tal https://secure.vend‑o.com/customers/profile/login/. If the German lan­guage is not pre­sel­ec­ted, you can chan­ge it in the upper right corner.
  • Enter your e‑mail address and pass­word to log in. Then run the Google SPAM check (reCaptcha) and click on the LOGIN button
  • After log­ging in, you will be taken to a page titled „Your Subscriptions“. The sub­scrip­ti­on is dis­play­ed very cle­ar­ly with all rele­vant data. e.g. user­na­me, pass­word, sub­scrip­ti­on num­ber, order date, pay­ment details, date of next debit
  • On the right, there are two gray boxes „ACTIVE“ and „CANCEL“. To can­cel the sub­scrip­ti­on, click on the unhap­pi­ly trans­la­ted CANCEL button.
  • On the fol­lo­wing page, you will be asked for the can­cel­la­ti­on reason.
    Select „I don’t want to renew“ and click on „Cancel subscription“
  • That’s it! A layer dis­plays the text: „You have suc­cessful­ly can­ce­led your subscription.“
  • On the over­view page, the green but­ton „ACTIVE“ has now been chan­ged to „EXPIRES“.
  • In par­al­lel, you also get a can­cel­la­ti­on con­fir­ma­ti­on by e‑mail.
Facial: Sperma auf Brille - Sexy Brillenbesamung
Facial: Cum on Glasses – Sexy Glasses Insemination

Test verdict & conclusion of the WeLoveBukkake.com review

The porn of welovebukkake.com is all not only horny, no – they are real­ly, real­ly mega horny!!!!

The com­bi­na­ti­on of young and older women, slim and chub­by women makes this porn site extre­me­ly inte­res­t­ing. You can feel that the often amateur-looking women real­ly love to be fucked hard and splat­te­red with cum – and they don’t do it professionally 

Süße Teen- Maus lässt sich die Brille mit Sperma besamen
Cute teen mouse gets her glas­ses and face cum­med on by huge BBC cock.

The dif­fe­rent men also pro­vi­de great authen­ti­ci­ty with their dif­fe­rent peni­s­es. In many cases the view­er belie­ves to be in the midd­le of the scene.

It is some­what con­fu­sing that the pro­ject „We Love Bukkake“ is sud­den­ly cal­led Realsexpass after pay­ment. However, since the cus­to­mer is offe­red exact­ly what he boo­ked, this does not lead to any point deduc­tions. The bonus con­tent fits the­ma­ti­cal­ly and you are sud­den­ly not in such a hurry to cancel.

For lovers of facial inse­mi­na­ti­on and buk­ka­ke, the video por­tal „WeLoveBukkake“ is cle­ar­ly one of the hor­niest on the mar­ket. If you value real fee­lings, real ama­teurs, cum on glas­ses and faces, you should real­ly try this porn site! 

Visit WeLoveBukkake.com
British Bukake Facials
British Bukake Facials
Website infor­ma­ti­on
Country of operator:
GroßbritannienUnited Kingdom
Cost:$34.95 / month (sub­scrip­ti­on)
$79.95 / 3 months
$99.95 / 6 months
Test / Demo – Access:no
Payment methods:Credit card, direct debit, instant bank transfer
Member manage­ment:yes
Parental con­trol filter:no
Download limit:no
Cross-selling pre­sel­ec­ted:no
Offered con­tents
Photos / Images:
Number:35.000 Porn images
Ø Resolution:1600 × 1064 pixels
Image gal­lery control:yes
ZIP archi­ves:no
Quantity:350 porn movies
Ø Resolution:Full HD 1080p
Ø Length:15 minu­tes
Ø DL speed:10.000 kB/sec
Download pos­si­ble:yes
Streaming pos­si­ble:yes
DRM copy protection:no



Test report summary for WeLoveBukkake.com

One of the best ama­teur facial porn web­sites in the world

This British ama­teur sex porn site has its own spe­cial cha­rac­ter. Very sym­pa­the­tic natu­ral women from „next door“ enjoy very kinky sex games in sex clubs and swin­gers clubs. They let them­sel­ves be fucked and inse­mi­na­ted by seve­ral men. The focus is on facial inse­mi­na­ti­on. This is very horny staged. Really worth seeing!

  • Image qua­li­ty – 83%
  • Video qua­li­ty – 83%
  • Sound qua­li­ty – 67%
  • Exclusivity – 83%
  • Models – 83%
  • Authentic emo­ti­ons – 100%
  • Variety – 100%
  • Extraordinary – 100%
  • Content quan­ti­ty – 100%
  • Fairness – 50%
  • Promises / Reality – 100%
  • Sexual sti­mu­la­ti­on – 100%
  • Design – 100%
  • Navigation – 100%
  • Preview area (Tour pages) – 83%
  • Updates – 50%
  • Loading speed – 100%
  • Costs – 50%
  • Price-performance ratio – 100%
  • Payment – 83%
  • Price trans­pa­ren­cy – 83%
  • Advertising / Spam – 100%
  • Subscription can­cel­la­ti­on – 67%
  • Overall impres­si­on – 100%
User Review
0 (0 votes)


  • Extremely horny facials and cumshots
  • Mostly real orgasms and feelings
  • Partially extre­me­ly dirty girls
  • Great page lay­out + easy navigation
  • Helpful rating function


  • Baiting page for the Realsexpass network
  • No ZIP down­load of image galleries
  • Infrequent, irre­gu­lar updates
  • Cross-selling in the boo­king form
  • Older cum porn in 640×480 px
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