Test - Review: TeenDreams.com

Test: Teendreams.com

Test - Review: TeenDreams.com

Test: Teendreams.com

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Review: One of the Biggest Teen Porn Websites in the World: Teendreams.com

TeenDreams.com is one of the lar­gest and most suc­cessful teen ero­tic sites in the world, with curr­ent­ly over 8600 teen models. Founded in 2001, the pro­ject has been award­ed top ran­kings seve­ral times in other porn site tests and is repea­ted­ly prai­sed in num­e­rous ero­tic forums.

The amount of data, with over 2.7 mil­li­on pho­tos and well over 4000 vide­os, is uni­ma­gi­nable – espe­ci­al­ly when you con­sider that it’s almost exclu­si­ve­ly teenage shots bet­ween the ages of 18 – 21. The first impres­si­on was real­ly impres­si­ve and inspi­red me to book a membership.

In this adult site review, I would like to intro­du­ce you to the teen site TeenDreams.com and high­light the nega­ti­ve as well as posi­ti­ve sides. I will tell you what con­tent is hid­den in the mem­ber’s area and if a mem­ber­ship is worth it. Under the test report, you have the pos­si­bi­li­ty to tell us your per­so­nal opi­ni­ons, ques­ti­ons, and experiences.

Visit TeenDreams.com

Opinion About the Preview Area of Teendreams.com

The pre­view area of Teendreams.com is very inte­res­t­ing and can be descri­bed as incre­di­bly gene­rous. You can move very free­ly on the many sub­pages and get a first impres­si­on of the gigan­tic amount of pho­tos and vide­os. Occasionally, demo vide­os and free pre­view images await to be enlar­ged and „whet your appetite“.

TeanDreams Review

It is noti­ceable that every model takes care to post a won­derful facial por­trait, which makes a very sym­pa­the­tic impres­si­on. You can get to a model detail page via the girls‘ thumb­nails and from there again to the photo and video pre­view pages. It’s real­ly fun to spend time in the pre­view area alone.

But TeenDream goes one bet­ter! If you click on „Member Areas Tour“, you auto­ma­ti­cal­ly log in as a guest in the mem­ber area and can see almost wit­hout rest­ric­tion what it will look like later. The embedded vide­os even run for a minu­te. Such a great ser­vice, we have never seen it on any other sex site!

One of the secrets of Teendreams.com’s suc­cess is undoub­ted­ly its trans­pa­ren­cy. Compared to other ero­tic sites, there is no secret about the mem­ber area. Not only the pre­view area is gigan­tic, no – you can log in fully auto­ma­ti­cal­ly as a guest in the mem­ber area. There, the ero­tic fan can almost com­ple­te­ly click through the enti­re struc­tu­re up to the photo pre­views and video sets!

Although TeenDreams is such a popu­lar ero­tic site, there are unfort­u­na­te­ly no trans­la­ti­ons, and so at least basic English know­ledge is necessary.

Rating of the Porn Sites Registration

In order to get a mem­ber­ship at teendreams.com, one lands in the pre­view area or else via the JOIN NOW but­tons on a page with the head­line „Get Instant Access to TeenDreams now!“. By means of the IP address, it is reco­gni­zed that one comes from Europe.

You have the choice to pay via CCBill by cre­dit card, direct debit, phone pay, or check. If the debit from the cre­dit card does not work, you have the pos­si­bi­li­ty to pay with EPOCH.

Once you have cli­cked on your desi­red pay­ment but­ton, a CCBill pay­ment form opens. You enter your data, such as first and last name, address, cre­dit card num­ber, expi­ra­ti­on date, and the CVV code, etc. Just enter the desi­red user­na­me and pass­word, and off you go.

TeenDreams Mila Azul

Easy Payment, but Beware of Cross-Selling Boxes

Pleasantly, the form is auto­ma­ti­cal­ly trans­la­ted into German. Confusion is cau­sed by the two sub­mit but­tons, which are trans­la­ted stran­ge­ly: „Complete the purcha­se“, and „Complete the purcha­se and con­ti­nue shop­ping at ccbill.com“. You have to click the first button.

Unfortunately, there are even two pre-selected cross-selling boxes in the boo­king form. You have to uncheck them befo­re sub­mit­ting them.

After sub­mit­ting, it takes a good 10 seconds, and in case of suc­cess, a page with the access data and the login link to the mem­ber area is dis­play­ed. At the same time, a con­fir­ma­ti­on mail with the data will be sent.

For some inter­net users, it is pos­si­ble that the reco­gni­ti­on via the IP address does not work. In this case, the American pay­ment form will be dis­play­ed, where you can only pay by cre­dit card or check. The above pro­ce­du­re is then mini­mal­ly different.

CCBill is one of the most renow­ned bil­lers in the ero­tic sec­tor. The tele­pho­ne hot­line and sup­port chat are man­ned 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Unfortunately, we noti­ced that our test e‑mail address is mas­si­ve­ly spam­med. Currently, we recei­ve 10 to 15 spam e‑mails a day! It should be man­da­to­ry to enter an ero­tic email address (Gmail or GMX) when registering!

Pornsitetest TeendDreams

Test – Review: The Member Area of Teen Dreams

With great anti­ci­pa­ti­on, you log in to the mem­ber area, but first, a stran­ge mes­sa­ge is dis­play­ed (see screen­shot). Freely trans­la­ted, it says that you want to pre­vent access data from hacker sites from being ente­red. You should enter your e‑mail address, which you ente­red during regis­tra­ti­on, into the form field. No soo­ner said than done… You will have imme­dia­te access to the mem­ber area.

As alre­a­dy men­tio­ned, you can alre­a­dy look into the com­ple­te mem­ber area as a guest. As a mem­ber, you are posi­tively sur­pri­sed that you don’t have to get used to anything.

In the left menu bar, there is a box con­tai­ning the mem­ber’s name. Directly below, you can make a few account set­tings and call up your per­so­nal favo­ri­tes list.

For initi­al ori­en­ta­ti­on, we recom­mend navi­ga­ting through the menu items in the box high­ligh­ted in red (with the star). This way, you can find the best-rated and most-viewed models and video/picture sets.

An Unimaginably Large Selection of Teen Models

Porn site test - Teen Dreams

Once you get used to the site struc­tu­re, you can deci­de whe­ther you want to see pho­tos or vide­os as a prio­ri­ty. In the menu, you can fil­ter by SoloGirl, Lesbian or Boy/Girl scenes.

The LiveCam box and the Our Friends link are negli­gi­ble since you only find ads for third-party sex sites.

The search engi­ne func­tion dis­ap­poin­ted us a bit in our test. You can only fil­ter by fashion pro­per­ties and their names. The free text search also only refers to the model names.

This makes it clear that the focus of TeenDreams.com is pri­ma­ri­ly on the models them­sel­ves – but not on what they do in the pho­tos and vide­os and what actions they put down. The impres­si­on is rein­forced by the fact that all thumb­nails of the video and pic­tu­re gal­le­ries fea­ture a smi­ling model in pass­port size.

Above-Average Quality Teen Photos

Very obvious­ly, when the pro­ject was crea­ted (9 years ago!), the crea­ti­on of high-quality photo mate­ri­al was put in the fore­ground. Not for not­hing, you can find almost two mil­li­on photographs.

TeenDreams.com bril­li­ant­ly mana­ges to put young women in the right light and crea­te pho­tos that, alt­hough posed, look abso­lut­e­ly natu­ral and sexu­al­ly appe­al­ing. With great reso­lu­ti­ons and razor-sharpness, the pic­tures even look like works of art most of the time.

The girls are all adults of full age – but appear very young. Obviously, no woman is older than 22. They are per­fect­ly made up and dres­sed. The loca­ti­ons are varied and well-lit. Rarely do you find shadows or blurs.

What’s great is that you can view the pho­tos in a nice image vie­w­ing gal­lery via JavaScript. There is even a slide show func­tion. If you find the pic­tu­re series nice, you can also easi­ly down­load it as a packed ZIP archive.

Very Horny Teen Videos in Razor-Sharp Quality

Cute Teen Girl Mila Azul
Cute Teen Girl Mila Azul

From the qua­li­ty of the vide­os, you can see how the mar­ket has chan­ged due to fast DSL Internet con­nec­tions and high-definition (HD) tech­no­lo­gy. Current movies are offe­red for down­load in incre­di­bly high resolution.

When it comes to video for­mats, there is still some dis­agree­ment. One finds WMV and MP4 files. However, they are all playa­ble with all ope­ra­ting sys­tems wit­hout any problems 

In addi­ti­on to the down­load func­tion, the vide­os can also be view­ed in an embedded HTML5 play­er. All con­trol ele­ments are included. However, long vide­os are some­ti­mes a bit pixel­a­ted and over-compressed.

If you like a teen porn movie, you have the opti­on to down­load it to your com­pu­ter’s hard drive. You can watch the video in impres­si­ve 4k UHD quality.

The action is very mixed. There are vide­os where you get bored to death, and there are movies where the action is so inten­se that your pants burst. Especially the group sex sce­nes with seve­ral girls are high­ly stimulating! 

You can also find extre­me­ly nasty models who work their pussy and nipp­les very inten­si­ve­ly and pre­sent horny, real orgasms. Also, the good old Hitachi Magic Wand mas­sa­ger deli­vers a damn hot orgasm gua­ran­tee in many mas­tur­ba­ti­on videos.

Varied Teen Porn Content

Compared to many other porn sites, one more inte­res­t­ing aspect should be men­tio­ned about the vide­os and pho­tos: The con­tent is appar­ent­ly pro­du­ced by seve­ral (inter­na­tio­nal­ly ope­ra­ting) pho­to­graph­ers and video teams. This has a huge advan­ta­ge that the con­tent does not beco­me monotonous.

This is becau­se the way of pro­duc­tion „grinds in“ with each pho­to­grapher and came­ra­man, and there is a risk that the con­tent beco­mes quite bland. So varie­ty is gua­ran­teed with Teen Dreams!

Even though we tes­ters are always a bit skep­ti­cal when a sex site claims to be „the big­gest“ or „the best“, we actual­ly have to pat the makers of teendreams.com on the back!

Incredibly horny is a large num­ber of real teen models. For exam­p­le, you can admi­re the beau­ties Mila Azul, Tracy Gold, Aiko Mai, and Mili Jay, the horny sow Gina Gerson, or Anfisa Anna with her small breasts. Incredibly cute are also Nancy A. and Sapphira A.

Alexis and Tina: Lesbian Sex
Alexis and Tina: Lesbian Sex

Opinions About Page Layout & Design

The page design is cat­chy and appe­al­ing. The dar­ing shades of pink, gray, and white har­mo­ni­ze and give the site a teenage feel.

When eva­lua­ting the navi­ga­ti­on and page struc­tu­re, we are a bit torn. On the one hand, the page struc­tu­re is easy to navi­ga­te, but on the other hand, the mem­ber area lacks bet­ter navigation.

If you are on the photo or video detail pages, the left menu bar dis­ap­pears. You only have a hard link back to the home­page or to your favo­ri­tes. A bet­ter navi­ga­ti­on would be desi­ra­ble so that one knows where one is.

Experiences With the Subscription Cancellation

As with about 90% of all sex sites, you also sign up for a sub­scrip­ti­on with TeenDreams.com. But com­pared to other porn pro­jects, the sub­scrip­ti­on is not hid­den but descri­bed quite open­ly and honest­ly in the FAQ help pages.

Effortlessly and wit­hout obfus­ca­ti­on tac­tics, you can get to the CCbill can­cel­la­ti­on page and can­cel your sex sub­scrip­ti­on there with just a few mouse clicks in German.

Review Verdict & Conclusion of the teendreams.com Test Report

The porn site TeenDreams.com is the abso­lu­te top hit! Such a bril­li­ant as well as rich photo and video con­tent, cou­pled with abso­lu­te trans­pa­ren­cy, is rare­ly experienced.

The girls are all very young, and each girl has dif­fe­rent facets. You can book a mem­ber­ship with a good and calm con­sci­ence. We think that no one will be disappointed.

We could impro­ve the search func­tion and a per­ma­nent­ly available navi­ga­ti­on (e.g. above). Otherwise, the usa­bi­li­ty is a round thing: The pho­tos and vide­os can be view­ed com­for­ta­b­ly and down­loa­ded barrier-free 

The user is neither annoy­ed with copy pro­tec­tion nor paren­tal con­trols. However, one should have at least a basic know­ledge of English. TeenDreams is lonely top!

Visit TeenDreams.com
Website infor­ma­ti­on
Country of operator:
Cost:$29.95 / 1 month (sub­scrip­ti­on)
$44,95 / 2 months
$59,95 / 3 months
$99.95 / 6 months
Trial / Demo – Access:yes
Payment methods:Credit card, direct debit, pay per call (phone), check
Billing:CCBill or EPOCH
Member manage­ment:yes
Parental con­trol filter:no
Download limit:no
Cross-selling pre­sel­ec­ted:no
Offered con­tent
Photos / Images:
Quantity:2,300,000 porn images
Ø Resolution:> 1200 x 800 pixels
Image gal­lery control:yes
ZIP archi­ves:yes
Number:4,000 porn movies
Ø Resolution:SD to 4k Ultra-HD
Ø Length:15 to 30 minutes
Ø DL speed:1,000 kB/sec
Format:WMV, MP4
Download pos­si­ble:yes
Streaming pos­si­ble:yes
DRM copy protection:no


Demo Pics

Test report summary for TeenDreams.com

One of the worl­d’s best teen porn websites

This teen site is one of the lea­ding web­sites in the porn indus­try. The vide­os and pic­tures are incre­di­bly horny and of above-average qua­li­ty. In the uni­ma­gi­n­ab­ly large archi­ve, every porn fan can very quick­ly find sexy women with his prey sche­me and fetis­hes. Simply just horny!

  • Image qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Video qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Sound qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Exclusivity – 100%
  • Models – 100%
  • Authentic emo­ti­ons – 67%
  • Variety – 100%
  • Extraordinary – 100%
  • Content quan­ti­ty – 100%
  • Fairness – 100%
  • Promises / Reality – 100%
  • Sexual sti­mu­la­ti­on – 100%
  • Design – 100%
  • Navigation – 80%
  • Preview area (Tour pages) – 100%
  • Updates – 100%
  • Loading speed – 100%
  • Costs – 100%
  • Price-performance ratio – 100%
  • Payment – 100%
  • Price trans­pa­ren­cy – 100%
  • Advertising / Spam – 67%
  • Subscription can­cel­la­ti­on – 100%
  • Overall impres­si­on – 100%
User Review
0 (0 votes)


  • Infinite many HQ pho­tos & videos
  • Very young teen girls
  • Transparent pre­view area
  • No SPAM and no rip-off
  • Windows, MAC and Linux compatible
  • Full mobi­le friendly


  • Confusing navi­ga­ti­on
  • Improvable search function
  • Too few real orgasm videos
  • SPAM emails
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