Test - Review: GynoOrgasmVideos.com

Test: GynoOrgasmVideos.com

Test - Review: GynoOrgasmVideos.com

Test: GynoOrgasmVideos.com

1 21,129

Review of GynoOrgasmVideos.com porn site: gynecology and doctor games, gyn sex, white eroticism

Under the pro­mi­sing pro­ject name „Gyno Orgasm Videos“ we found an ero­tic site that pro­mi­ses to trig­ger cli­to­ral, vagi­nal and uthe­ral orgasms with gyneco­lo­gi­cal treatments.

Gynecologists, medi­cal sci­en­tists, les­bi­an gyneco­lo­gi­cal assistants and sexolo­gists use various sex toys and ana­ly­ze the orgasms with mir­rors, ther­mo­me­ters, various types of spe­cu­lums and issue an exami­na­ti­on report 

We were inte­res­ted in this porn site becau­se of the inte­res­t­ing pre­view pic­tures, where the legen­da­ry Hitachi Magic Wand, sti­mu­la­ti­on cur­rent (elec­tro­sex) and various high-quality vibra­tors and dil­dos can be seen on the pic­tures. Intense mul­ti­ple orgasms, pul­sa­ting clits, erect nipp­les and orgasm-distorted faces are pro­mi­sed on gynoorgasmvideos.com.

In this review, we will exami­ne the many pro­mi­ses for their truthful­ness and share our opi­ni­on about gynoorgasmvideos.com with you below.

Visit GynoOrgasmVideos.com

Opinion about the preview area of GynoOrgasmVideos.com

The pre­view area of gynoorgasmvideos.com turns out to be very meager. The top ban­ner is deco­ra­ted with 9 uni­que mini pic­tures and an English text reve­als what this porn site is about 

Just below the top ban­ner, adver­ti­sing for an offer has been cle­ver­ly hid­den, where you can book three GYNO pages for a spe­cial price.

Below that, 18 sets are lis­ted, each with five inte­res­t­ing thumb­nails (pre­view pho­tos) and a set description 

However, there are no enlar­geable demo images or video trai­lers. The thumb­nails fea­ture various doc­tor’s office loca­ti­ons and pri­ma­ri­ly fema­le „gyneco­lo­gists“ and pati­ents. The fre­quent use of mas­sa­ge devices is striking. So it is desi­gned to give the girls a real orgasm if possible.

We were attrac­ted by the topic and curious­ly boo­ked the mem­bers area.

Porn page rating – registration

If you want to beco­me a mem­ber at gynoorgasmvideos.com, you scroll down the long page and find a white area with the hea­ding „JOIN NOW“. Below that, you’ll find two but­tons, with opti­ons to sign up for a one-month or three-month membership.

A CCBill pay­ment form opens. You noti­ce that you can only pay by cre­dit card. In America, the cre­dit card is vir­tual­ly a vital means of pay­ment – but in Europe, quite a few peo­p­le are denied cre­dit cards. We suc­cessful­ly tried to pay with a pre­paid cre­dit card.

In the regis­tra­ti­on form, one enters one’s bil­ling and per­so­nal data and clicks on „Complete the Purchase“. Once the pay­ment details are accept­ed, one is redi­rec­ted to an unador­ned CCBill page with the pay­ment con­fir­ma­ti­on and login details. At the same moment, a con­fir­ma­ti­on email is sent to the email address provided.


Test – Review Member Area

After the first login to the mem­ber area of gynoorgasmvideos.com, you think to yours­elf „Oh no!!! What is this!!!“. You have the fee­ling that you have lan­ded on a rip-off sex site again. On only two unador­ned web pages, a total of 75 gyno vide­os are lis­ted in a long list.

Once you have reco­ver­ed from the design shock, howe­ver, you are still sur­pri­sed by the high qua­li­ty of the vide­os and pho­tos! Confessing gyno fans will defi­ni­te­ly get their money­’s worth!

Each video set is lis­ted in a table. In the left column is a link of the video down­load and in the right column one finds a link into the respec­ti­ve pic­tu­re gal­lery. Below each video is a rating func­tion (from one to five) 

Unfortunately, no effort was made to show the descrip­ti­on texts of the pre­view page also in the sets in the mem­ber area. Thus one makes quite a blind flight, which action one finds in the Gyn videos.

Rating of the videos

You can down­load the movies from gynoorgasmvideos.com as WMV direct­ly to your hard disk. Oddly enough, some vide­os are also dis­play­ed as a flash stream in par­al­lel with the down­load. The reso­lu­ti­on can almost be descri­bed as HD qua­li­ty – howe­ver, the movies were some­ti­mes com­pres­sed a bit too much.

In our test, we noti­ced one annoyan­ce: It is not exclu­si­ve­ly Gyno Orgasm vide­os, but vide­os from other pro­jects of the same ope­ra­tor (e.g. medicalfemdom.com, specialexercises.com) are also mixed in the lis­ting. The lan­guage in the vide­os seems to be Russian.

For those who like gyneco­lo­gy and doc­tor play vide­os, it is clear that the per­for­mers are not medi­cal per­son­nel. There is a lot of acting and various pro­ce­du­res in the exami­na­ti­on films should not be put on the gold scale from a medi­cal point of view. On GynoOrgasmVideos.com, for exam­p­le, a vol­ta­ge mea­su­ring device from the elec­tro­nics indus­try and other stran­ge uten­sils are used 

Also the mea­su­re­ments of blood pres­su­re, pulse and vagi­nal tem­pe­ra­tu­re etc. are not real­ly meaningful in the con­text of the sexu­al pro­blems of the pati­ents – and pro­vi­ded howe­ver with us tes­ters rather for a smirk. Some nur­ses or doc­tors seem very inse­cu­re and don’t real­ly know what to do. Various cos­tu­mes don’t real­ly fit and look rather silly.

However, a real spe­cial fea­ture is the use of mas­tur­ba­ti­on tech­ni­ques, mas­sa­gers and other sex toys, with which one or the other actress expe­ri­en­ces a real, horny orgasm. It is also nice that the view­er can look into various spe­cu­lums to learn about various vagi­nal pro­ces­ses of the „pati­ents“. Very impres­si­ve­ly, one sees in a video through a spe­cu­lum how the pussy juice beco­mes more and more during sti­mu­la­ti­on with elec­tro­sex and a mas­sa­ger (Hitachi Magic Wand) and how the vagi­na twit­ches rhyth­mi­cal­ly during orgasm.

Also inte­res­t­ing is the occa­sio­nal use of clamps, vas­cu­lar clamps and very thick dil­dos. Occasionally the girls are also fis­ted with latex gloves and medi­ca­ted lube by their kinky gyno doc­tors and les­bi­an the­ra­pists. Most models bra­ve­ly endu­re the tre­at­ments and are very recep­ti­ve to their therapy.

To sum­ma­ri­ze the plot of the vide­os for this test, we could say that the plot in the ero­tic vide­os is not abso­lut­e­ly super, but not that bad eit­her. In our opi­ni­on, the movies are in the mid­field and ama­teur gyneco­lo­gists will find some inte­res­t­ing clips espe­ci­al­ly becau­se of the real orgasms.

Evaluation of the photos

The pho­tos are appar­ent­ly taken at the same time as the video shoot. They are very high-resolution and part­ly quite stimulating.

Unfortunately, they did­n’t bother to include a navi­ga­ti­on script that allows you to scroll back and forth through the gal­le­ries. On the con­tra­ry, the page navi­ga­ti­on dis­ap­pears com­ple­te­ly! We also find it fatal that the pho­tos open in the same win­dow – if you don’t pay atten­ti­on, you click the photo clo­sed and the whole mem­ber area is gone.

It’s also a pity that there is no down­load func­tion to down­load the whole pic­tu­re gal­le­ries as a ZIP file.

Opinions about page structure & design

The design of gynoorgasmvideos.com lea­ves a lot to be desi­red – but unfort­u­na­te­ly there is not much choice in this sex niche. While the unador­ned pre­view area is almost bleak, the new mem­ber is dis­ap­poin­ted in the mem­ber area.

You get the fee­ling that the web­mas­ter can’t do any bet­ter or that gynoorgasmvideos.com was sim­ply cob­bled tog­e­ther wit­hout any heart and soul in order to pick up as many gen­res as possible.

The link struc­tu­re is no bet­ter. There is a lack of per­ma­nent­ly available navi­ga­ti­on so you know where you are. The many sets could have been spread out from two pages to seve­ral pages, which would save the etern­al­ly long scrol­ling. In the photo gal­le­ries, all navi­ga­ti­on ele­ments dis­ap­pear and you can’t even find the home link.

Experiences with the subscription cancellation

Even though the crea­tors of gynoorgasmvideos.com do not point out how to get rid of the sub­scrip­ti­on to the sex site, a glan­ce at the wel­co­me e‑mail from CCBill is enough.

You will find a link to the can­cel­la­ti­on form where you enter your sub­scrip­ti­on iden­ti­fi­ca­ti­on num­ber and e‑mail address. Then you sel­ect the reason for can­cel­la­ti­on, click YES and your mem­ber­ship is terminated.

Review conclusion of the GynoOrgasmVideos.com test report

When eva­lua­ting gynoorgasmvideos.com, „litt­le angels and litt­le devils“ weigh on our shoulders.

On the one hand, the enti­re design of the pre­view and mem­ber area is unpro­fes­sio­nal­ly slap­ped tog­e­ther and the navi­ga­ti­on is a dis­as­ter, but on the other hand, the mem­ber area hides quite well-made video and image material 

The vide­os are high defi­ni­ti­on and their action is real­ly sti­mu­la­ting in parts. Very cle­ver is the com­bi­na­ti­on with mer­ci­less mas­sa­gers with which the pati­ents get real orgasms.

In our opi­ni­on, a one-month mem­ber­ship is worth it, but you should can­cel it quick­ly after down­loa­ding the movies.

Visit GynoOrgasmVideos.com
Website infor­ma­ti­on
Country of operator:
Cost:$29.95 / 1 month (sub­scrip­ti­on)
$59.95 / 3 months
Test / Demo – Access:no
Payment methods:Credit card
Member manage­ment:yes
Parental fil­ter:no
Download limit:no
Cross-selling pre­sel­ec­ted:no
Content offe­red
Photos / Images:
Number:8,000 Porn images
Ø Resolution:1280 × 720 pixels
Image gal­lery control:no
ZIP archi­ves:no
Quantity:80 porn movies
Ø Resolution:1280 × 720
Ø Length:25 minu­tes
Ø DL speed:600 kB/sec
Download pos­si­ble:yes
Streaming pos­si­ble:no
DRM copy protection:no


Test report summary for GynoOrgasmVideos.com
  • Image qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Video qua­li­ty – 83%
  • Sound qua­li­ty – 67%
  • Exclusivity – 83%
  • Models – 83%
  • Authentic emo­ti­ons – 67%
  • Variety – 83%
  • Extraordinary – 100%
  • Content quan­ti­ty – 50%
  • Fairness – 100%
  • Promises / Reality – 67%
  • Sexual sti­mu­la­ti­on – 67%
  • Design – 17%
  • Navigation – 50%
  • Preview area (Tour pages) – 17%
  • Updates – 67%
  • Loading speed – 83%
  • Costs – 50%
  • Price-performance ratio – 50%
  • Payment – 83%
  • Price trans­pa­ren­cy – 50%
  • Advertising / Spam – 50%
  • Subscription can­cel­la­ti­on – 67%
  • Overall impres­si­on – 67%
User Review
0 (0 votes)


  • per­ver­ses & inter­es­san­tes Thema
  • zahl­rei­che echte Orgasmen
  • sehr tap­fe­re Patientinnen
  • ver­dammt geile vagi­na­le Einblicke
  • Abrechnung über CCBill


  • nur Kreditkarten- Zahlung möglich
  • keine Vorschaufotos & ‑vide­os
  • eini­ge Ärztinnen wir­ken unsicher
  • rus­si­sche Sprache
  • keine ver­nünf­ti­ge Navigation
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