Test - Review: Privatamateure.com

Test: PrivatAmateure.com

Test - Review: Privatamateure.com

Test: PrivatAmateure.com

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Amateur Porn Sites Review: Review of German Private Porn Portal PrivatAmateure.com

Is there any­thing more awe­so­me than wat­ching real ama­teurs play­ing kinky sex games?

The con­cept of Privatamateure.com is inge­nious and simp­le at the same time. The ope­ra­tor pro­vi­des an ama­teur por­tal where pri­va­te men, women and cou­ples can earn money by uploa­ding their sex movies and pic­tures to the server 

The visi­tor of this site can pre­view the con­tent for free and pays only when he wants to see the movies and pic­tures properly 

Since PrivatAmateure.com is one of the lar­gest and most important ama­teur por­tals in the German lan­guage, just like MyDirtyHobby, we took a clo­ser look at the site for you. In the fol­lo­wing review, we descri­be how the ama­teur por­tal is struc­tu­red and explain the advan­ta­ges and disadvantages.

Visit Privatamateure.com

Opinion about the preview area of Privatamateure.com

As an unre­gis­tered visi­tor you have almost com­ple­te­ly unrest­ric­ted access to the many func­tions of Privatamateure.com. You can search for models and your own incli­na­ti­ons, read model pro­files, as well as pre­view vide­os and photos 

We like this con­cept very much, becau­se then the poten­ti­al cus­to­mer does not buy a pig in a poke (as is the case with many other sex sites).

Only if you want more, that is: look at pho­tos, movies or web­cam, cont­act the models and par­ti­ci­pa­te in the votings, you have to register.

Rating of the porn sites registration

Clicking on „Register for free“ opens a form where you have to enter your user­na­me, pass­word, e‑mail and bir­th­day. More data is not coll­ec­ted and you remain truly anony­mous. After saving the access data, one is imme­dia­te­ly for­ward­ed to the start page of Privatamateure.com.

In order to have access to the cove­ted con­tent, one must now use the „Load Coins“ but­ton to top up one’s cre­dit with 10,- , 20,- or 40,- EUR. 1 Coin cor­re­sponds to one cent. A varie­ty of pay­ment opti­ons are offe­red. It is sett­led com­ple­te­ly fair­ly not over a month­ly sub­scrip­ti­on sys­tem. So you have full cost con­trol, how much you are wil­ling to spend per month for the porn site.


Test – Review Member Area

Once you have loa­ded your coins, it is best to use the search func­tion and try out the search terms of your sexu­al inte­rests. And lo and behold… You will almost always find some­thing sui­ta­ble. The model descrip­ti­ons and thumb­nails quick­ly whet your appe­ti­te for more.

The amateur videos

If you have found an inte­res­t­ing video, you can see the price at the top and click on „Activate video“. The amount is then deduc­ted from the coin balan­ce. Then you get to a page where the video is offe­red strea­med. That means that in a reso­lu­ti­on of 640×480 pixels the movies are dis­play­ed in a flash player 

Depending on how fast the Internet con­nec­tion is, the video is prel­oa­ded and you can watch it direct­ly. If the reso­lu­ti­on is too small, you can switch to full screen mode, then the movie fills the enti­re moni­tor. You can also rate the vide­os and thus actively par­ti­ci­pa­te in the community.

Very horny and nasty amateur porn

We do not go into the video qua­li­ty in this genre, becau­se the films are almost wit­hout excep­ti­on shot by ama­teurs with a cam­cor­der from the free hand. Poor came­ra work, poor light­ing and not so opti­mal loca­ti­ons are nor­mal in ama­teur films and thus make their own charm.

Since the girls are not boo­ked by ero­tic com­pa­nies and have to come to orgasm on „came­ra, ACTION“, most films show real fee­lings and unac­ted orgasms in their home environment 

You can find just about any­thing your porn heart desi­res! Women are fucked hard, orgi­es, mas­tur­ba­ti­on, cum, face splas­hing, bon­da­ge, sado­ma­so, squir­ting (eja­cu­la­ting) women, bizar­re sex toys and and..

We feel that the pri­ces are quite high. However, the pay­ment of the models, as well as the pro­vi­si­on of com­pu­ting power, trans­fer volu­me, etc. jus­ti­fy every cent. You should real­ly look careful­ly befo­re what you book.


The photo func­tion is not quite opti­mal. Many pho­tos are only dis­play­ed in a reso­lu­ti­on of 640×480 pixels, others with 1360×1024 pixels and more. To be fair, the reso­lu­ti­on should be dis­play­ed befo­re buy­ing pictures 

We also don’t like the fact that the ori­gi­nal file names are not given when saving to disk. For every pic­tu­re you want to save, you have to manu­al­ly rena­me the file name cdns.privatamateure.com.jpeg. With a proud photo price of 15 cents, this is per­haps wort­hy of impro­ve­ment.

By the way, there are also very inspi­ring and also beau­tiful pho­tos. Every visi­tor should find some­thing to his taste.

Live chat, webcam and mail contacts

Another very nice fea­ture is that the girls can also be cont­ac­ted. You can write them emails and chat live via web­cam with those who are curr­ent­ly online. Some girls invi­te you to real gang­bangs, video shoots or pri­va­te meetings.

Opinions about site structure & design

Despite the enorm­ous amount of data offe­red, the page struc­tu­re is very clear and intui­ti­ve. Even as an unskil­led inter­net sur­fer you will be plea­sed about the inge­nious­ly simp­le hand­ling. Due to the uni­form link struc­tu­re, one does not get lost in the shal­lows of the gal­le­ries and the sur­fer has a safe fee­ling not to get lost.

Experiences with the subscription cancellation

Since there are no sub­scrip­ti­on obli­ga­ti­ons, there is basi­cal­ly no need to can­cel. All purcha­sed vide­os remain, regard­less of the coin balan­ce and can be view­ed again and again.

But if you still want to dele­te your account, you have to write a short mes­sa­ge via the pri­va­te ama­teurs ticket sys­tem. This cau­ses mas­si­ve point deductions.

Review judgement & conclusion of the Privatamateure.com test report

Privatamateure.com is an abso­lu­te tip! Hardly any ama­teur pro­ject has such a gigan­tic sel­ec­tion of real ama­teur models 

Almost all ero­tic niches are ser­ved. Through the pos­si­bi­li­ty to inter­act per­so­nal­ly, a large com­mu­ni­ty has grown tog­e­ther. In addi­ti­on to the German lan­guage, we espe­ci­al­ly like the fact that most of the girls real­ly enjoy shoo­ting vide­os and let­ting real fee­lings out 

The only draw­back is the high price for the pho­tos and vide­os, which we feel is jus­ti­fied. Great class!

Visit Privatamateure.com
Website Information
Country of operator:
Cost:0.00 EUR at registration
20 EUR / 2000 Coins
40 EUR / 4000 Coins
Test / Demo – Access:yes
Payment methods:Credit card, direct debit, bank trans­fer, ClickandBuy
Billing:Fiscal Group
Member manage­ment:yes
Parental fil­ter:no
Download limit:no
Cross-selling pre­sel­ec­ted:no
Offered con­tent
Photos / Images:
Quantity:1,030,000 porn images
Ø Resolution:dif­fe­rent pixels
Image gal­lery control:yes
ZIP archi­ves:no
Number:120,000 porn movies
Ø Resolution:640×480
Ø Length:10 minu­tes
Ø DL speed:373 kB/sec
Download pos­si­ble:no
Streaming pos­si­ble:yes
DRM copy protection:no


Test report summary for Privatamateure.com
  • Image qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Video qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Sound qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Exclusivity – 83%
  • Models – 100%
  • Authentic emo­ti­ons – 100%
  • Variety – 100%
  • Extraordinary – 100%
  • Content quan­ti­ty – 100%
  • Fairness – 83%
  • Promises / Reality – 100%
  • Sexual sti­mu­la­ti­on – 100%
  • Design – 83%
  • Navigation – 83%
  • Preview area (Tour pages) – 83%
  • Updates – 100%
  • Loading speed – 100%
  • Costs – 67%
  • Price-performance ratio – 100%
  • Payment – 83%
  • Price trans­pa­ren­cy – 83%
  • Advertising / Spam – 83%
  • Subscription can­cel­la­ti­on – 17%
  • Overall impres­si­on – 100%
User Review
0 (0 votes)


  • Huge photo & image archive
  • Mostly real fee­lings and orgasms
  • German lan­guage project
  • Models most­ly from Germany
  • Intuitive ope­ra­ti­on


  • Slightly too small photos
  • Relatively high price
  • Videos not downloadable
  • Photo down­load inconvenient
  • No can­cel­la­ti­on option
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