Test - Review: EuroSexparties.com

Test: EuroSexparties.com

Test - Review: EuroSexparties.com

Test: EuroSexparties.com

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Porn Sites Review: EuroSexparties.com – Sex parties with Eastern European pornstars

Of all the porn gen­res, group sex vide­os are by far the most appe­al­ing ero­tic movies. Instead of the came­ra being mono­to­no­us­ly focu­sed on one cou­ple, they offer varied chan­ges of perspective.

Based on our posi­ti­ve expe­ri­ence with CzechMegaSwingers and Partyhardcore, we sear­ched for more European sex party / group sex ero­tic sites.

Attractive loo­king group sex sites are hard to find in Germany, Austria or Switzerland, but we were happy to find eurosexparties.com in the end­less expan­ses of the inter­net. The domain name sug­gests that it’s all about steamy sex par­ties in Europe.

In this review we will give you our opi­ni­on about EuroSexparties.com. We will go into the advan­ta­ges and dis­ad­van­ta­ges and exami­ne whe­ther the porn con­su­mer is being rip­ped off. Please share your opi­ni­on and expe­ri­ence with us at the end of this review.

Visit EuroSexparties.com

Opinion about the preview section of EuroSexparties.com

The sex site Eurosexparties.com pro­mi­ses hila­rious sex par­ties, horny group sex and pas­sio­na­te gang­ban­ging in all varia­ti­ons in a humid and cheerful atmo­sphe­re! At first glan­ce, the porn site makes a very inte­res­t­ing impres­si­on. You can see num­e­rous thumb­nails with horny girls who are eit­her vigo­rous­ly fucked or eager­ly blo­wing cocks.

Free trai­lers of more than 100 sex vide­os are offe­red. They range from three­so­mes to four­so­mes to real group fucks where ever­yo­ne fucks ever­yo­ne. As it should be, the sex vide­os only seem to be fucked wit­hout a con­dom, which I like a lot.

The porn trai­lers are on avera­ge about one minu­te long each and shot in HD qua­li­ty. They are spe­ci­al­ly com­pi­led sce­nes from the par­ti­cu­lar movie they are sup­po­sed to intro­du­ce. The web­site ope­ra­tors have taken the trou­ble to also put a detail­ed DeepL descrip­ti­on online for each movie.

The pre­view vide­os are sor­ted accor­ding to the cri­te­ria of time­line­ss, rating and popu­la­ri­ty. Unfortunately, the pro­vi­der only allows 3 free trai­lers per day.

You can even watch which girls are having sexu­al fun at EuroSexparties. If you like one (or more) of the cute babes, you can find their bio­gra­phy and see what clips of them are on offer at eurosexparties.com.

What I found plea­sant is that you are not pene­t­ra­tingly asked to book. This is not even neces­sa­ry, since I was alre­a­dy horny any­way and could hard­ly wait to enter the mem­bers area and report on what awai­ted me there.

The pre­view area dis­creet­ly reve­als that eurosexparties.com is one of the web­sites that belong to the RealityKings net­work. However, one does not learn any detail­ed infor­ma­ti­on about the porn network.

Rating of the porn sites registration

Signing up for a mem­ber­ship at eurosexparties.com is done in two steps:

First, one clicks on the „Instant Access“ but­ton in the top menu or on one of the huge let­te­rings „Get Complete Access“ 

A page opens with a video screen­shot in the back­ground and a boo­king form.
There are three rates offe­red. You should not fall for the 2 day trial offer, as many things in the mem­bers area will not work and you will be rebil­led with the month­ly access any­way if you do not can­cel imme­dia­te­ly. It is best to choo­se 1 month.

In the form you have to enter your name, zip code and coun­try as well as an email address. At this point, it should be empha­ti­cal­ly poin­ted out that the pro­vi­der RKNetMedia occa­sio­nal­ly sends SPAM mails. One should defi­ni­te­ly use a dedi­ca­ted e‑mail address for porn sites (pre­fer­a­b­ly from Gmail).

After cli­cking on „Get full access today“ one lands on the cor­rect boo­king form. Nicely, the data has been taken over and you can now see the pri­ces in EURO as well as a note that it is a subscription 

Watch out in the booking form

Here is a very nasty tricks­ter built in! In the gray box at the very top it says „Promotional offer“ → „Yes. Sign me up for a 2‑day mem­ber­ship to realitykingsreel.com for EUR 0.83“. You should defi­ni­te­ly chan­ge that to„No thanks. I’m not inte­res­ted in this spe­cial offer“. Otherwise you will book a second mem­ber­ship, which will cost you ano­ther $35 if you don’t can­cel it within 2 days! This rip-off method is cal­led cross-selling.

Then one clicks on „Complete the purcha­se“ and starts the boo­king pro­cess. Unfortunately, EPOCH rejec­ted our Skrill pre­paid card. My Surprema pre­paid mas­ter­card was accepted.

If ever­y­thing work­ed out, one lands on an unador­ned white page where the mem­ber­ship and access data are displayed.


Test – Review Member Area

If one logs in over the URL: http://members.realitykings.com/, one is initi­al­ly con­fu­sed. It is a por­tal of the porn net­work Realitykings. Fortunately, you get exact­ly what you were loo­king for.

On the main page of the net­work, you have to sel­ect „eurosexparties.com“ in the blue menu bar. Currently, there are 659 vide­os wai­ting to be viewed.

Upon ente­ring the page, you will first find all the vide­os in chro­no­lo­gi­cal order. Updates seem to hap­pen at regu­lar inter­vals, becau­se the newest vide­os are less than 8 weeks old. In addi­ti­on, there are also movies that are seve­ral years old.

Navigation is simp­le and offers search opti­ons by release date, rating, popu­la­ri­ty, title, model and other cri­te­ria, among others. You can tell if a video belongs to the eurosexparties.com web­site by the let­ters „ES“ just to the left of the title.

Since it is a pay site, you can enjoy eurosexparties.com in all its glory wit­hout being dis­tur­bed by advertisements.

However, you have to put up with the fact that all texts are writ­ten in English. Most Ami web­sites have a hard time with ver­si­ons in lan­guages other than English.

To the right of the hea­ding „Past Updates:“ you will find the link „VIEW ALL“. You now get to a much clea­rer page where all EuroSexparties vide­os are listed.

Very good presentation of the sexparty videos

As I said befo­re, you can watch more than 650 vide­os on eurosexparties.com. As far as I can tell, all the movies are shot in HD qua­li­ty. Besides strea­ming, the down­load of the clips is also offe­red. A modern media play­er is used for playback.

The clips ran flaw­less­ly and smooth­ly on all my devices (lap­top with Windows 10, lap­top with Linux, Android tablet), wit­hout the annoy­ing dro­pouts during play­back that are so com­mon with Adobe Flash Player, for exam­p­le. Fast-forwarding and rewinding also work­ed flaw­less­ly on all devices.

You can set dif­fe­rent qua­li­ties for strea­ming. Offered are for example:

  • HD 720p
  • Full HD 1080p
  • SD High 480p
  • SD Low 360p

This sel­ec­tion is also available for down­load. The file for­mat used is MP4. An inte­res­t­ing fea­ture is the speed of the movie. Normal speed is pre­set, but you can skim over bor­ing sce­nes with up to dou­ble speed, while you can watch inte­res­t­ing parts like cumshots or orgasms with up to four times slow motion.

On avera­ge, they are about 45 minu­tes long. Below each video you’ll find a bar with tags, for exam­p­le, anal, blo­wjob or cumshot. If you click on it, you will be auto­ma­ti­cal­ly taken to the cor­re­spon­ding scene.

No European Sex Parties!

Excitedly we star­ted to brow­se through the porn movies. But unfort­u­na­te­ly, within a few minu­tes, our anti­ci­pa­ti­on and moti­va­ti­on drop­ped almost to zero! 

As much as we sear­ched for this review.… We did­n’t find a sin­gle scene that lived up to the name „European Sex Party“. Mostly, it’s porn movies like you’­ve seen a thousand times befo­re: Two hea­vi­ly made-up porn models with sili­co­ne breasts get fucked by a porn actor with a giant penis.
Disappointingly, the few „European“ girls were most­ly mixed with American porn actres­ses. „Euro“ and „sex party“? Missing!

After we reco­ver­ed from the dis­ap­poin­ting rea­liza­ti­on, I tried to still find fun in the near­ly 500 porn movies. As cool as group sex is, I noti­ced that in most vide­os it takes what feels like an eter­ni­ty befo­re we final­ly get fucked. Before that, end­less chat­ting (in English), making out and gro­ping, some­ti­mes up to 15 minutes!

Although Reallity Kings makes very good porn, my expec­ta­ti­ons of European sex par­ties were not met. I rather recom­mend you the Czech sex site CzechMegaSwingers, the Dutch site PartyHardcore or the German site RealGangbangs.

High video quality


With the vide­os you imme­dia­te­ly noti­ce that they were shot by pro­fes­sio­nals. This is evi­den­ced not only by the high reso­lu­ti­on, but also by the good came­ra work wit­hout shaky shots, sud­den pans or con­stant zoo­ming. The came­ra lens made me feel direct­ly invol­ved in the action. Lighting and sound also leave not­hing to be desired.

I could­n’t spot any fami­li­ar faces among the models, which is no sur­pri­se since most of them are sup­po­sed to be ama­teurs. They also make a cor­re­spon­ding, natu­ral and unu­sed impression.

It is striking that many vide­os were shot out­doors. These are films that were pro­du­ced espe­ci­al­ly for eurosexparties.com.

Quality of the photos

There are seve­ral hundred pho­tos for each video. You can find them by cli­cking on the „Gallery“ but­ton above the media play­er. They can be view­ed as sin­gle pic­tures or as a slide­show. The down­load is offe­red as a ZIP file, but is only pos­si­ble for the com­ple­te set 

Opinions about page structure & design

Against the white back­ground, the high-contrast gra­phics and vide­os as well as the black font stand out well and are cle­ar­ly legi­ble. The design is appe­al­ing and fits the theme 

Although the web­site is in English, the navi­ga­ti­on is simp­le enough that no spe­cial know­ledge is nee­ded. There are a varie­ty of search opti­ons, inclu­ding by model and cate­go­ry. All in all, the site struc­tu­re and design are very appealing.

Experience with subscription cancellation

The sub­scrip­ti­on of eurosexparties.com can be can­cel­led easi­ly and sim­ply via www.epoch.com/de/. It is very plea­sant that the pro­cess can take place in German to a cer­tain ext­ent. In the can­cel­la­ti­on form one enters at least two of the fol­lo­wing data: User name, mem­ber­ship num­ber. Credit card num­ber (Card Num) and e‑mail address.

If the data is valid you will get to the sub­scrip­ti­on manage­ment. You can find your sub­scrip­ti­on in the table „Membership / Subscription Search Results“. Interesting is the sta­tus, the access data and „Password Active Until“ ← That is, until when the pass­word is valid.

If you then click on Cancel or Cancel it con­ti­nues in English. First you sel­ect „No pro­blem, just moving on“ as the reason for can­cel­la­ti­on and then click on „Cancel Order“. Now the still sub­scri­ber is annoy­ed with a spe­cial offer page and you sel­ect „No Thanks – Please can­cel my mem­ber­ship“. Finally, click on „Submit“.

When ever­y­thing has work­ed out, it says again in German: „Your mem­ber­ship with www.eurosexparties.comwurde can­cel­led. You will not be char­ged any fur­ther fees. Your pass­word is valid until XXX-XX-XX.“

Review verdict & conclusion of the EuroSexparties.com test report

Behind the eurosexparties.com sex site is the RealKings net­work. The net­work is not bad, but the pro­ject name has not­hing to do with sex par­ties, which is what we hoped for when boo­king for this test review. You can find about 500 porn movies on this ero­tic site, which pri­ma­ri­ly include three­so­me group sex sce­nes with most­ly two women and one man.

To our taste, the sce­nes don’t have much to do with „Euro“ eit­her. It’s more likely that we’re tal­king about Romania, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic and Hungary, where the sala­ries of beau­tiful pro­fes­sio­nal porn models are at the pocket money limit.

All in all, the FFM, MFF and MMFF group sex movies are nice to look at, but did not meet our expec­ta­ti­ons for horny sex parties.

Visit EuroSexparties.com
Website Information
Country of operator:
Cost:$1.00 / 2 days (sub­scrip­ti­on)
$24.95 / 1 month
$95.40 / 12 months
Test / Demo – Access:yes
Payment methods:Credit card, direct debit, ClickandBuy
Biller:EPOCH, PROBiller, CentroBill
Member manage­ment:yes
Parental fil­ter:no
Download limit:no
Updates:every 2–3 days
Cross-selling pre­sel­ec­ted:no
Offered con­tent
Photos / Images:
Number:100,000 Porn images
Ø Resolution:1903 x 1269 pixels
Image gal­lery control:yes
ZIP archi­ves:no
Quantity:700 porn movies
Ø Resolution:1080p HD
Ø Length:30 minu­tes
Ø DL speed:10,000 kB/sec
Format:WMV, MP4
Download pos­si­ble:yes
Streaming pos­si­ble:yes
DRM copy protection:no


Test report summary for EuroSexparties.com

European sex par­ties look different!

This porn site shows that the taste of Europeans is dif­fe­rent from Americans. Even if the porn actres­ses look beau­tiful, the per­cen­ta­ge of those who have under­go­ne cos­me­tic sur­gery is sho­ckin­gly high. In this coun­try, peo­p­le go for the ama­teur type and you will look for this in vain here. Likewise, the horny, rela­xed atmo­sphe­re of real, European sex parties.

  • Image qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Video qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Sound qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Exclusivity – 70%
  • Models – 67%
  • Authentic emo­ti­ons – 30%
  • Variety – 30%
  • Extraordinary – 30%
  • Content quan­ti­ty – 67%
  • Fairness – 33%
  • Promises / Reality – 30%
  • Sexual sti­mu­la­ti­on – 30%
  • Design – 70%
  • Navigation – 50%
  • Preview area (Tour pages) – 10%
  • Updates – 9%
  • Loading speed – 100%
  • Costs – 67%
  • Price-performance ratio – 13%
  • Payment – 70%
  • Price trans­pa­ren­cy – 83%
  • Advertising / Spam – 33%
  • Subscription can­cel­la­ti­on – 33%
  • Overall impres­si­on – 40%
User Review
0 (0 votes)


  • Great video reso­lu­ti­ons in HD
  • Professional light­ing
  • Gorgeous models
  • Razor-sharp ero­tic photos
  • Beautiful loca­ti­ons


  • Pre-selected cross sell form
  • Barely any European actresses
  • No sex party atmosphere
  • Confusing page structure
  • Reality King porn network
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