Test - Review: Extremegangbang.com

Test: ExtremeGangbang.com

Test - Review: Extremegangbang.com

Test: ExtremeGangbang.com

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Sex Sites Review: Review of Gangbang Porn Site ExtremeGangbang.com

What man has not drea­med of a gang­bang? A pack of horny men falls over one or more women, fuck them nice and hard and inse­mi­na­te them together 

Surprisingly, many women also fan­ta­size about being rough­ly touch­ed and made into a lust object. It flat­ters them when they can drive the many men crazy with their charms and satis­fy them. Therefore, it is no won­der that gang­bang vide­os are very popular.

Since I am very inte­res­ted in the topics of gang­bang, group sex and lots of sperm, I now also regis­tered with ExtremeGangbang.com in addi­ti­on to GermanGooGirls (GGG for short), Sperma Studio, RealGangBangs and GangbangCreampie in order to sub­ject the porn site to a tho­rough test.

Since this web­site is about German porn, I beca­me very curious. I was inte­res­ted in ExtremeGangbang.com to see if it was worth spen­ding money on a mem­ber­ship. Please write me a mes­sa­ge in the com­ment field below the review if you have any ques­ti­ons, expe­ri­en­ces or opinions.

Visit Extremegangbang.com

Opinion about the preview area of ExtremeGangbang.com

On Windows and on Apple MAC, the pre­view area of Extremegangbang.com looks very invi­ting at first sight. You can see some trai­lers and lots of screen­shots of wet pus­sies and stiff cocks.

However, the design of the ero­tic site is out­da­ted. With modern brow­sers and mobi­le devices, the look is now a disappointment.

On my main com­pu­ter, which uses Linux Ubuntu, I could not play the demo vide­os becau­se the out­da­ted Adobe Flash Player is used. On my secon­da­ry machi­ne run­ning Windows 10, play­back is pos­si­ble, but there was a prompt asking „if you want to allow Flash“. When cli­cking on a demo video hap­pens .… not­hing. The same pro­blem exists on mobi­le devices such as iPhone and Android – pho­nes and iPad and other tablets.

If you click on a screen­shot, you also see not­hing, but a form pops up asking you to book. With unea­sy fee­lings, I set out to book a membership 

Rating of the porn sites registration

First of all, you sel­ect German as the dis­play lan­guage by cli­cking on the cor­re­spon­ding flag 

  • To crea­te an account, click on the but­ton „Register here“. The usual boo­king form pops up, where you have to enter a user­na­me and pass­word. An e‑mail address is also requi­red

    I advi­se you to set up a spe­cial „porn address“ at GMail, which you use exclu­si­ve­ly for e‑mails with ero­tic con­tent. Some pro­vi­ders like T‑Online or Web-de reject e‑mails with ero­tic con­tent, so mes­sa­ges don’t even end up in spam. In addi­ti­on, this method pre­vents your nor­mal mail­box from being floo­ded with „hot“ e‑mails
  • In the next step you have to deci­de on a tariff. You can choo­se bet­ween a two-day trial, an annu­al mem­ber­ship and a 1‑month sub­scrip­ti­on. I opted for the lat­ter becau­se I did­n’t want to make a long-term com­mit­ment. Booking a trial account is not worth it, becau­se you usual­ly only have limi­t­ed access to the con­tent of the site 
  • Credit card or direct debit is offe­red as a pay­ment method. My choice was cre­dit card. I use a pre­paid cre­dit card, so I am safe from unaut­ho­ri­zed char­ges. To con­ti­nue, click on the „Create Account“ button.

Beware of cross-selling subscription trap

  • After that, a page of the pay­ment ser­vice pro­vi­der CentroBill opens, which is known to be relia­ble and repu­ta­ble. The page is very cle­ar­ly arran­ged and self-explanatory. In the upper right cor­ner you can sel­ect German as the dis­play lan­guage. After you have ente­red your card details, click on the „Pay now“ but­ton.
    If you do not have a cre­dit card and do not want to pay by direct debit, you can click the yel­low but­ton „Other pay­ment methods“. There you can pay with Sofortüberweisung, ano­ther pro­ven and secu­re pay­ment method.
  • Caution, dan­ger of rip-off! Look at the pay­ment form careful­ly. You will dis­co­ver an incon­spi­cuous check­box with the check­mark alre­a­dy set. Make sure to uncheck it, other­wi­se you will auto­ma­ti­cal­ly book the myporndownloads.com web­site for 39.95 US dol­lars a month! This unfair sel­ling method is cal­led „cross sel­ling“ and is beco­ming more and more common.
  • If the pay­ment was suc­cessful, a page appears with the text: „Your order has been con­firm­ed“ tog­e­ther with the hint to print the page. I think this is non­sen­se, becau­se not­hing else is dis­play­ed. CentroBill sends you an e‑mail with the con­fir­ma­ti­on and the access data after the booking.

Test – Review Member area

The first impres­si­on is not very good. The site looks anti­qua­ted and does­n’t have much con­tent to offer. At the top of the dis­play you will find a bar with dif­fe­rent but­tons. When pres­sing the but­ton EGB Videos you can eit­her down­load vide­os or watch them in live stream. The navi­ga­ti­on in this area is tedious and confusing.

It looks a litt­le bet­ter with the vide­os in the „Bonus Content“ sec­tion. There you can at least see the release date of the video and the names of the models. One draw­back I noti­ced is that most of these bonus vide­os have not­hing to do with gang­bang. Moreover, they are only excerp­ts from various DVDs, not stan­da­lo­ne videos.

The „Deals“ and „Hot Sites“ but­tons hide adver­ti­se­ments for other pay sites. The „Sex Chat“ but­ton opens a page with various webcams.

It is not known how old the EGB vide­os are or when they will be updated. Although German was set as the lan­guage, most of the texts appear in English.

Quality and impression of the „Extreme Gangbang“ videos

The ero­tic site offers 183 porn vide­os online, which you can watch in stream. In addi­ti­on, there are 142 more vide­os available for download.

For strea­ming, an old Adobe Flash Player is used. It might be neces­sa­ry to install a plug-in for your brow­ser to be able to watch the movies at all 

You can choose from the following Flash streams:
  • medi­um qua­li­ty: reso­lu­ti­on 320 x 240 pixels, approx. 400 kbit/s
  • high qua­li­ty: reso­lu­ti­on 480 x 360 pixels, approx. 800 kbit/s
  • best qua­li­ty: reso­lu­ti­on 640 x 480 pixels, approx. 1,200 kbit/s

The best qua­li­ty is appro­xi­m­ate­ly half the reso­lu­ti­on of Full HD with 420p.
There is also a pos­si­bi­li­ty to down­load the vide­os. Three opti­ons are available for this:

  • Windows Media Klein with 603 kbit/s, file size 106 MB
  • Windows Media Medium with 1,102 kbit/s, file size 193 MB
  • Windows Media Large with 1,605 kbit/s, file size 281 MB

Old fashioned English group sex porn

Unfortunately, it tur­ned out that this is not German porn! Since there is no uni­form video pro­duc­tion style, no uni­form porn actors and no uni­form loca­ti­ons, it makes the impres­si­on that you bought a bought tog­e­ther non-exclusive American group sex porn collection.

The lan­guage of the dia­lo­gue is English, alt­hough that hard­ly mat­ters becau­se for the most part it’s just moa­ning any­way. Still, this has a bland after­tas­te, as the pre­view sec­tion („Tour“ as it is cal­led) sug­gests that this is a German gang­bang porn site.

The vide­os were most­ly pro­fes­sio­nal­ly shot in stu­di­os. This is noti­ceable in the equip­ment, the good light­ing and the came­ra work. The actres­ses are always loo­king for eye cont­act with the came­ra, the men are try­ing to posi­ti­on them­sel­ves so that the came­ra has a clear field of view. The vide­os run smooth­ly, wit­hout jud­der or dro­pouts. Fast-forwarding and rewinding is pos­si­ble wit­hout any problems.

Overall, most of the porn vide­os are very sti­mu­la­ting. The girls are lying in the most dif­fe­rent posi­ti­ons and loca­ti­ons of num­e­rous guys very pas­sio­na­te­ly fucked and spray­ed with sperm. You can see the pure lust and unbrid­led pas­si­on of the women. Man(n) would like very much to be there once in such an extre­me­ly horny group sex party.

Horny gangbang scenes with authentic feelings

However, many video clips resem­ble each other so much that you can hard­ly distin­gu­ish one group sex porn from ano­ther. Almost all sex vide­os con­sist most­ly of close-ups of fuck­ing peni­s­es into wet pus­sies. One is quick­ly tempt­ed to fast forward.

However, it gets more inte­res­t­ing when the dicks start twit­ching and cum vigo­rous­ly on or in the pussy. Especially the cre­am­pies and facials exci­ted me a lot in the later cour­se of this porn site review.

In some gang­bang sce­nes there are also nice out­door shoots, for exam­p­le in the pool or on the beach, which pro­vi­de variety.

The vide­os are sor­ted by release date. Searching by tags or models is not pos­si­ble. Under each clip you will find a short sum­ma­ry, which is only available in English. You can search for simi­lar vide­os using the cor­re­spon­ding key­words (tags).

The Gangbang vide­os are about 30–40 minu­tes long. You don’t get to know who the porn actors are. No effort was made to build a model over­view page either.

On a posi­ti­ve note, there is no volu­me limit and the down­loa­ded clips have no copy pro­tec­tion, so you can burn them to DVD or CD.

Quality of the photos

This point is ano­ther big dis­ap­point­ment, becau­se there are no pho­tos. Neither pho­tos of the models nor screen­shots from the vide­os. On the top left you will find the menu item Bonus Pictures with sup­po­sedly more than 77,000 photos 

If you click on it, you will get to a fol­der with about 300 pic­tures, but they have not­hing to do with Gangbang. There is no pos­si­bi­li­ty to down­load photos 

Opinions about page layout & design

The web­site looks as if it is from the pre­vious cen­tu­ry. Almost all the text is in English. Even chan­ging the lan­guage sel­ec­tion to German does not chan­ge this. To be able to read the texts, you need a good know­ledge of English.

Since the font is alre­a­dy small, vie­w­ing on smart­phones and tablets is a pain, espe­ci­al­ly since there is no mobile-optimized ver­si­on available. The navi­ga­ti­on is often mis­lea­ding. For exam­p­le, if you want to search for a video from a cer­tain cate­go­ry, no results are dis­play­ed. Only the cate­go­ry „All“ is available. Searching for spe­ci­fic models is also not possible.

As a plus point, I noti­ced that you are spared from annoy­ing adver­ti­sing on Extremegangbang.com. This is no won­der, who would want to place their adver­ti­sing on such a website?

Experiences with the subscription cancellation

If you want to can­cel your sub­scrip­ti­on to Extremegangbang.com, click on the link https://www.centrobill.com/de in the boo­king con­fir­ma­ti­on email. Then click on the but­ton „Cancel subscription“.

On the next page, enter your e‑mail address and click on „Submit“. Depending on the pay­ment method, you will be asked for ano­ther opti­on. In my case, I had to enter the last 4 cha­rac­ters of the cre­dit card.

After log­ging in, one lands on a page titled „List of your orders“ where the sub­scrip­ti­on is lis­ted. If you don’t under­stand the English text, you can chan­ge the lan­guage to German by cli­cking on the coun­try flag in the upper right corner.

Below the pay­ment data is the text „Your sub­scrip­ti­on is acti­ve. The next debit will take place on 2017-10-20 and will be 34,95 €“ click on the but­ton „Cancel membership“.

No automatic subscription cancellation

On the fol­lo­wing page you get sus­pi­cious. It says „Support repre­sen­ta­ti­ves will cont­act you soon and help you can­cel your mem­ber­ship“. Well… I was curious to see what would hap­pen next. About two sel­ec­tion boxes you are sup­po­sed to indi­ca­te the reason for can­cel­la­ti­on and what the ope­ra­tor could do, but not to cancel 

Unfortunately, there is no opti­on „Satisfied cus­to­mer“, but only nega­ti­ve reasons. I chose „too expen­si­ve“ and „not­hing“. Then I cli­cked on the but­ton „Cancel membership“.

As feared, the fol­lo­wing page dis­plays „Thank you! Your request has been sent to our sup­port. Please note that it may take some time to pro­cess your request.“

Clicking back to the sub­scrip­ti­on over­view also does not indi­ca­te that the sub­scrip­ti­on has ended. Nor does it fol­low up with a can­cel­la­ti­on con­fir­ma­ti­on email.

Twice, belie­ve it or not, we had to write back and forth with the sup­port via e‑mail whe­ther we real­ly wan­ted to end the sub­scrip­ti­on and whe­ther we could still be con­vin­ced to remain a mem­ber with various offers. With this method, the can­cel­la­ti­on peri­od was redu­ced by 5 days. This is extre­me­ly unfair!

Review conclusion of the Extremegangbang.com test report

Contrary to what is shown in the pre­view sec­tion, Extremegangbang.com is not about German porn! 

The gang­bang sex site embo­dies the tech­ni­cal state of the nine­ties. The struc­tu­re, the page design, as well as the tech­ni­cal qua­li­ty and pre­sen­ta­ti­on of the vide­os are very out­da­ted. On many modern devices, the con­tent can­not be play­ed at all or only with difficulties 

Most of the group sex porn is very horny. As you would expect from a gang­bang, the women are fucked nice and hard by num­e­rous men and spray­ed with ple­nty of cum. I have found some sti­mu­la­ting porn.

All in all, I was annoy­ed that I spent €34.95 for the month­ly mem­ber­ship. There are other sex sites like GGG, Spermastudio or We Love Bukkake that offer bet­ter value for money, are more modern and offer more con­tent. In my opi­ni­on, you should stay away from ExtremeGangbang.com.

Visit Extremegangbang.com
Website Information
Country of operator:
Cost:$1.00 / 2 days (sub­scrip­ti­on)
$34,95 / 1 month
$99,95 / 1 year
Test / Demo – Access:yes
Payment methods:Credit card, direct debit, instant bank transfer
Member manage­ment:no
Youth pro­tec­tion filter:no
Download limit:no
Cross-selling pre­sel­ec­ted:yes
Offered con­tent
Photos / Images:
Quantity:300 porn images
Ø Resolution:1903 x 1269 pixels
Image gal­lery control:no
ZIP archi­ves:no
Number:183 porn movies
Ø Resolution:480p
Ø Length:30 minu­tes
Ø DL speed:100,000 kB/sec
Format:WMV, FLV
Download pos­si­ble:yes
Streaming pos­si­ble:yes
DRM copy protection:no
Test report summary for Extremegangbang.com

Long over­due web­site relaunch

Although the mem­bers area hides very horny group sex and gang­bang porn, you can’t get an over­view of what con­tent is offe­red in the pre­view area with a modern brow­ser or a mobi­le device.

  • Image qua­li­ty – 50%
  • Video qua­li­ty – 50%
  • Sound qua­li­ty – 50%
  • Exclusivity – 50%
  • Models – 50%
  • Authentic emo­ti­ons – 50%
  • Variety – 50%
  • Extraordinary – 67%
  • Content quan­ti­ty – 17%
  • Fairness – 67%
  • Promises / Reality – 17%
  • Sexual sti­mu­la­ti­on – 50%
  • Design – 17%
  • Navigation – 17%
  • Preview area (Tour pages) – 17%
  • Updates – 17%
  • Loading speed – 100%
  • Costs – 33%
  • Price-performance ratio – 17%
  • Payment – 50%
  • Price trans­pa­ren­cy – 83%
  • Advertising / Spam – 50%
  • Subscription can­cel­la­ti­on – 67%
  • Overall impres­si­on – 17%
User Review
0 (0 votes)


  • German texts in pre­view layout
  • Damn horny group sex action
  • Rousing real lust & feelings
  • Unacted orgasms
  • Awesome buk­ka­ke & cum scenes


  • English lan­guage in the sex videos
  • Outdated video presentation
  • Outdated flash player
  • No HD qua­li­ty in the porn
  • Cross-selling in the boo­king form
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