Test - Review: Girlfriendsfilms.com

Test: Girlfriendsfilms.com

Test - Review: Girlfriendsfilms.com

Test: Girlfriendsfilms.com

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Porn Sites Review: Porn With Real Lesbians and Bi Models: Girlfriendsfilms.com

There is hard­ly a more ero­tic sight than a fema­le, beau­tiful body. The eyes of most men wan­der with plea­su­re over the breasts, the thrus­ting pel­vis, the tight round butt, the well-shaped thighs and the see­mingly end­less legs. Through appro­pria­te out­fits such as cor­sa­ges, sus­pen­ders, sto­ckings, high heels or boots, they come even bet­ter to the fore.

But what if two or more girls have fun tog­e­ther, lick each other’s pus­sies, fin­ger them or even work on them with dil­dos or vibra­tors? Which man would not like to watch (and pre­fer­a­b­ly also participate)? 

If you like hot les­bi­an porn, girlfriendfilms.com is defi­ni­te­ly an ero­tic site you should check out. Because the porn label Girlfriend Films has been one of the most suc­cessful pro­du­cers of les­bi­an porn for many years.

Since I am per­so­nal­ly a fan of well-made les­bi­an ero­tic movies, I had to put GirlFriendFilms.com to the test. In this review I will intro­du­ce you to the les­bi­an porn site. I will not only dis­cuss the advan­ta­ges, but also the dis­ad­van­ta­ges. I am loo­king for­ward to your comm­ents under the review.

Visit GirlfriendsFilms.com

Opinion About the Preview Area of Girlfriendsfilms.com

Girlfriendsfilm Testbericht

The pre­view sec­tion of the web­site is very exten­si­ve and gives you a good idea of what to expect on girlfriendfilms.com.

You can find there for exam­p­le an over­view of the vide­os, sor­ted by the cate­go­ries newest and most popu­lar vide­os. Even wit­hout regis­tra­ti­on you can watch up to 6 trai­lers (pre­views) of 70 seconds each.

Below the pre­view area you will find a sel­ec­tion of popu­lar actres­ses with pho­tos of the stars. When you click on a photo, you can see all the vide­os of the girl that are available on GirlfriendFilms.com, sor­ted by newest, most wat­ched and hig­hest rated movies. If you wish, a trai­ler of these vide­os is also available for you.

In the lower part of the pre­view area you will find a sel­ec­tion of the latest Girlfriend Films DVDs. You can view front and back covers. A pre­view of the DVD is also offe­red as well as an over­view of all the sce­nes you can find on girlfriendfilms.com.

Overall, the pre­view area is very well-designed. If you brow­se around there a bit, you will get a good idea of what to expect in the mem­bers area.

Rating of the Porn Sites Registration

The regis­tra­ti­on pro­cess is basi­cal­ly quite simple:

1.) On the home page, you will find a „Join Now“ but­ton in the upper right cor­ner. When you click on it. a boo­king form opens. Unlike other web­sites, you do not need to pro­vi­de any detail­ed per­so­nal infor­ma­ti­on. A valid email address, a user­na­me and a pass­word are sufficient 

The tariff „1 Month Membership“ is alre­a­dy pre­sel­ec­ted by a check mark. This opti­on is the best, becau­se the quar­ter­ly and year­ly sub­scrip­ti­on are too expen­si­ve. The three-day test access is also not opti­mal. You get access to the mem­ber area, but you can’t watch vide­os or view pho­tos. But tha­t’s what girlfriendsex.com is all about! In the end you deci­de for the month­ly subscription.

Watch Out for the Subscription Trap!

2.) If you click on the but­ton „Continue“, you will be redi­rec­ted to the page of the Dutch bil­ling com­pa­ny ChargePay B.V.. The com­pa­ny offers pay­ment by cre­dit card or direct debit. I deci­ded to pay with my pre­paid cre­dit card, which to my reli­ef was accept­ed wit­hout any problems.

Before you enter the usual data in the pay­ment form, such as e‑mail, name, address, zip code and, of cour­se, the cre­dit card num­ber, there is one more important point to keep in mind. The ope­ra­tors of the web­site deli­bera­te­ly set a trap for users:

In the upper right cor­ner, a box is alre­a­dy pre-selected by a hook. If you don’t uncheck the box, you will auto­ma­ti­cal­ly book a mem­ber­ship at www.fuckbookflix.com. This mem­ber­ship would cost you an extra fee of $5.99 Euro + $32.99 per month! Therefore, you must not for­get to uncheck the box.

Under the so-called cross-selling „offer“ is the name of the pro­vi­der and the note that the boo­king is a recur­ring subscription.

I expe­ri­en­ced the next annoy­ing sur­pri­se when con­fir­ming my pay­ment. The amount of 29.95 euros for a month­ly sub­scrip­ti­on, dis­play­ed in large digits, does not include sales tax. This is added to the price during the boo­king pro­cess. In total, I had to pay 35.64 euros for the month­ly sub­scrip­ti­on. A proud price, which hop­eful­ly pays off!

3.) When you click on the „Purchase“ but­ton, the pro­vi­der once again dis­plays annoy­ing adver­ti­se­ments. They try to lure you with some spe­cial offers. The best way to igno­re the offer is to click on „No, Thanks“.

4.) You will be redi­rec­ted to the wel­co­me page of girlfriendfilms.com. There you will find your access data again and a hint that this is a sub­scrip­ti­on. The same data will be sent to your e‑mail address along with the price for your subscription 

Test – Review Member Area

Make Me Lesbian - Girlfriendsfilm

When you click on the link on the wel­co­me page, you will auto­ma­ti­cal­ly be direc­ted to the mem­bers area of girlfriendfilms.com. The access data is alre­a­dy ente­red After log­ging in, a mes­sa­ge about a new e‑mail pops up. You can safe­ly igno­re this mes­sa­ge, it is an auto­ma­tic wel­co­me message.

First of all, you will see a small slider at the top of the home­page with hints for dif­fe­rent series of the ero­tic site. Below that, the 39 newest vide­os are dis­play­ed. On the left side you can fil­ter the movies by 48 dif­fe­rent Girfriend Films series.

Real Lesbian Porn From a Lesbian Director

Girlfriendfilms.com offers far more than 1,300 vide­os and count­less pho­tos from this field of ero­ti­cism. This porn site is not part of a net­work, as is often the case with other providers 

Already at first sight you can see that this porn site is „dif­fe­rent“ and it is real­ly real les­bi­an porn. Compared to other porn labels, you can easi­ly see that the girls are les­bi­ans or at least bise­xu­al. For exam­p­le, the kis­sing sce­nes look extre­me­ly inti­ma­te and emo­tio­nal. There quick­ly beco­mes the pants tight! ^^

The vide­os are available in dif­fe­rent qua­li­ty. The band­width ran­ges from a reso­lu­ti­on of just 160 pixels (for smart­phone users) to full HD. You can eit­her watch the movies via strea­ming or down­load them. The pro­ce­du­re is very simp­le and works with all ope­ra­ting systems.

With your sub­scrip­ti­on, you have access to girlfriendfilms.com not only on your com­pu­ter, but also on your lap­top, smart­phone or tablet PC, even your TV (pro­vi­ded it has access to the Internet).

On the nega­ti­ve side, I noti­ce that most of the vide­os on the web­site are not stan­da­lo­ne movies, but excerp­ts from DVDs (sce­nes). This could be dif­fe­rent in the Watch VoD (Videos on Demand) cate­go­ry, but this is a sepa­ra­te site and not included in the girlfriendfilms.com subscription.

Great Structure of the Lesbian Erotic Site Girlfriendfilms.com

The ero­tic site girlfriendfilms.com offers a varie­ty of fil­ters so that you can find vide­os that match your taste exact­ly. For exam­p­le, you can search for spe­ci­fic cate­go­ries such as Anal, Black, Blonde, Latina, 3 Girls and others. If you like a cer­tain actress, click on a but­ton on the home page and a sub­me­nu will pop up, lis­ting the girls‘ names in alpha­be­ti­cal order.

Another opti­on is to search for sce­nes from a spe­ci­fic series. When you click on a video, you’ll be direc­ted to a page with a screen­shot that gives you seve­ral opti­ons. You can eit­her down­load the video in dif­fe­rent reso­lu­ti­ons or watch (stream) it in dif­fe­rent reso­lu­ti­ons as well. You can watch the whole movie right away or just watch a trailer.

Below the screen­shot you will find the names of the actres­ses. If you click on it, you will see all the vide­os of the girl that are available on girlfriendfilms.com. However, there is no detail­ed infor­ma­ti­on about the actres­ses or the con­tent of the movie. You will only get an idea about the con­tent through the cate­go­ries that are assi­gned to the movie in question.

Girlfriendsfilm - Review - Test - Lesbenpornos

Mega Horny Lesbian Porn

Just wat­ching five les­bi­an movies I thought to mys­elf „YESS, this is the place for you!“. Compared to other porn sites where bi women shoot various les­bi­an sce­nes, Girlfriendfilms is con­sider­a­b­ly more pas­sio­na­te. Many actres­ses sim­ply know how to lick / fin­ger a pussy pro­per­ly and ther­eby trig­ger a horny orgasm. The kis­ses are also much, much hor­nier! Probably the porn actors can also relax bet­ter with a fema­le director.

It is even more unin­hi­bi­ted in the sce­nes where three, four or even more les­bi­ans are invol­ved. Personally, the mother-daughter con­stel­la­ti­ons also appeal to me. Although I know that this is just acting, the older woman uncon­scious­ly exerts a domi­nant role on the girl. This has a very spe­cial charm.

What I also noti­ced: If various girls are „work­ed“ with a strap-on (strap-on dildo) or a good sex toy, it does not take long until they come very horny unac­ted to orgasm. WOW! 

Real Lesbians and Bi Models

Using the search and fil­ter func­tion, I very quick­ly found les­bi­an models that fit my booty pat­tern. The sel­ec­tion is real­ly incre­di­ble. Very horny I find Riley Nixon, teen girl Alice March, India Summer, Shyla Jennings, Lisa Ann, Lexi Belle, Jelena Jensen, Samantha Ryan, and the horny red­head Faye Reagan.

Opinions About Site Structure & Design

Girlfriendfilms.com makes a clear and appe­al­ing impres­si­on. The struc­tu­re of the site is self-explanatory and does not requi­re cum­ber­so­me instructions.

The design in white and pink fits well with the gir­lie theme of the web­site. The white back­ground pro­vi­des a good con­trast. This makes the font easy to read.

Although the site is in English, you don’t need any spe­cial lan­guage skills to under­stand what it’s all about. Normal school English is suf­fi­ci­ent for use.

Experiences With the Subscription Cancellation

As alre­a­dy men­tio­ned, the mem­ber­ship is a sub­scrip­ti­on. If you do not can­cel in time, it will be auto­ma­ti­cal­ly exten­ded for the pre­vious­ly boo­ked peri­od. The latest time for can­cel­la­ti­on is 48 hours (2 days) befo­re the expi­ra­ti­on of the sub­scrip­ti­on. Cancellation can be done through the web­site www.famesupport.com.

Click on „Cancel Membership“ in the top menu. A can­cel­la­ti­on form will open where you enter your user­na­me, pass­word and e‑mail address. Also, sel­ect „Girlfriendsfilms“ in the sel­ec­tion box.

On the second page it says „We have found the fol­lo­wing mem­ber­ship“. Below your sub­scrip­ti­on data you will see a spe­cial offer, which you have to reject by cli­cking the but­ton „No thanks“.

On the same page you will be asked for your can­cel­la­ti­on reason. Select „Had enough / Lost inte­rest“ and click the Submit button.

That’s it. You will see a noti­ce that your sub­scrip­ti­on has been can­cel­led, but you can log in until the expi­ra­ti­on date. At the same time, a con­fir­ma­ti­on of can­cel­la­ti­on is sent by e‑mail.

Test Verdict & Conclusion of the girlfriendsfilms.com Review

If you are into les­bi­an sex, this ero­tic site is defi­ni­te­ly recom­men­da­ble. I was plea­sed with this review to have final­ly found not a bor­ing les­bi­an site.

Girlfriendfilms.com offers you a rich sel­ec­tion of movies of dif­fe­rent cate­go­ries, with many real les­bi­an and bise­xu­al actres­ses. So, com­pared to other porn sites, the les­bi­an fee­lings here are real!

In terms of con­tent, they stand out from num­e­rous pseu­do les­bi­an porn with bi women. On Girlfriendfilms the women are much more pas­sio­na­te with each other and know „how to touch a woman pro­per­ly“. Especially horny are the sce­nes where three women or more go at each other! Often you can see real orgasms here.

You can watch the vide­os online or down­load them. The web­site is simp­le and easy to under­stand wit­hout long ins­truc­tions. The design in white and pink fits well with the gir­lie theme. On the nega­ti­ve side, it is noti­ceable that the movies only seem to be excerp­ts from DVDs, which you are con­stant­ly encou­ra­ged to buy.

Visit Girlfriendsfilms.com
Website infor­ma­ti­on
Country of operator:
Cost:$5.00 / 1 month, strea­ming only (sub­scrip­ti­on)
$29.95 / 1 month
$68.95 / 3 months
$95.40 / 1 year
Test / Demo – Access:yes
Payment methods:Credit card, direct debit
Billing:Chargepay B.V., Gamma Billing Inc.
Member manage­ment:yes
Youth pro­tec­tion filter:no
Download limit:no
Updates:every 2–3 days
Cross-selling pre­sel­ec­ted:yes
Offered con­tent
Photos / Images:
Quantity:0 porn images
Ø Resolution:-
Image Gallery Control:-
ZIP archi­ves:-
Count:1,500 porn movies
Ø Resolution:HD 1080p
Ø Length:30 minu­tes
Ø DL Speed:80,000 kB/sec
Download pos­si­ble:yes
Streaming pos­si­ble:yes
DRM copy protection:no
Test report summary for Girlfriendsfilms.com

Authentic porn movies from a les­bi­an film director

If you are loo­king for genui­ne les­bi­an porn with real les­bi­an or bise­xu­al women, you can’t avoid this ero­tic site. The ero­tic movies are very, very, very horny! The fee­lings and pas­si­on are most­ly real and unac­ted. Even real orgasms can be seen. Absolutely top!

  • Image qua­li­ty – 150%
  • Video qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Sound qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Exclusivity – 100%
  • Models – 100%
  • Authentic emo­ti­ons – 67%
  • Variety – 67%
  • Extraordinary – 83%
  • Content quan­ti­ty – 67%
  • Fairness – 50%
  • Promises / Reality – 83%
  • Sexual sti­mu­la­ti­on – 100%
  • Design – 83%
  • Navigation – 100%
  • Preview area (Tour pages) – 100%
  • Updates – 83%
  • Loading speed – 100%
  • Costs – 33%
  • Price-performance ratio – 83%
  • Payment – 83%
  • Price trans­pa­ren­cy – 67%
  • Advertising / Spam – 67%
  • Subscription can­cel­la­ti­on – 67%
  • Overall impres­si­on – 83%
User Review
0 (0 votes)


  • Very horny les­bi­an vide­os included
  • Partial real orgasms & feelings
  • Lesbian film director
  • Modern HTML5 player
  • Every 2 days updates
  • Real les­bi­an and bise­xu­al performers


  • Snogging / licking often boring
  • Partially poor­ly lighted
  • No hints about cancellation
  • Preselected cross-selling in sign-up form
  • Only cre­dit card and direct debit
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