Test - Review: PornoChallenge.com

Test: PornoChallenge.com

Test - Review: PornoChallenge.com

Test: PornoChallenge.com

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Porn Sites Review: PornoChallenge.com – Sex competitions and sex games in reality TV style 

I am always loo­king for excep­tio­nal, good sex movies to watch tog­e­ther with my life part­ner. However, fin­ding sui­ta­ble porn that appeals to both women and men is har­der than expected.

Porno Challenge

From expe­ri­ence, many women don’t like porn movies with over­sty­led models, ope­ra­ted faces, sili­co­ne breasts and dis­g­or­ged moans. The first dero­ga­to­ry comm­ents fol­low espe­ci­al­ly when the same porn stan­dard sche­me always runs: Blowjob, fuck, anal sex, facial.

There are good ero­tic sites with so-called couple-friendly or female-friendly porn, such as JoyBear.com – but many ero­tic films are a bit too soft for us. Even if many women do not admit it, but many feel the desi­re occa­sio­nal­ly „to be taken a litt­le har­der“. They have fan­ta­sies of pas­sio­na­te group sex, orgasm-intensive Big Black Cocks (BBC), ten­der les­bi­an sex or even a les­bi­an gang­bang (les­bi­an orgy) with real fee­lings and squirt splashes.

Wheel of debauchery - Porno Challenge
Wheel of debauch­ery – porn chall­enge with wheel of fortune

So one day I came across the sex site PornoChallenge.com. The theme of the site is „sex com­pe­ti­ti­ons“. In the English lan­guage one speaks of a chall­enge, com­pe­ti­ti­on or con­test. In the style of a com­pe­ti­ti­on or con­test, dif­fe­rent women and men com­pe­te against each other or with each other to have horny sex with each other in a very varied way.

The idea made me com­ple­te­ly curious. I was hoping to final­ly find some total­ly diver­se sex movies that would stand out from the American one-size-fits-all and also sti­mu­la­te women. In this PornoChallenge review, I’ll tell you what I expe­ri­en­ced while boo­king and in the mem­bers area. Please help me to make my review page more inte­res­t­ing and leave your opi­ni­on and expe­ri­ence below the test in the com­ment box. Immorallive

Visit PornoChallenge.com

Opinion about the preview section of PornoChallenge.com

When you look at the pre­view sec­tion of PornCallenge.com, you will imme­dia­te­ly see what it is all about. The motto is„Porn Challenge: Let batt­le com­mence!“. That trans­la­tes as „Porn Challenge: Let batt­le commence!“

Numerous pho­tos show par­ti­al­ly ani­ma­ted „small and lar­ger orgi­es“ with group sex bet­ween seve­ral bise­xu­al women as well as bet­ween seve­ral men and women 

The atten­ti­ve visi­tor alre­a­dy reco­gni­zes one or the other porn star, real orgasms and squirt again and again on the pic­tures. The sex seems to be very pas­sio­na­te and hard jud­ging by the lust-distorted faces.

But you also see a lot of smi­ling faces and happy win­ners who are award­ed with a medal, a cham­pi­on­ship belt and a tro­phy. But on the „Winner and Looser“ pho­tos even the losers don’t look very sad 😉

Lesbian challenge: Wer kommt zuerst?
Lesbian chall­enge: Who comes first?

The sex games can be summarized as follows:

  • On some pic­tures you can see a wheel of for­tu­ne. This is the base of many games. On it are 10 sex tasks, which I explain to you below in my review.
  • Often you can also see pho­tos of a Cock Sucking Battle as well as Handjob and Bowjob and Cumshot Challenge (jerk-off, blo­wjob and cumshot com­pe­ti­ti­on). There are always nice nasty cum games and ple­nty of „Facials“ and „Cum on Glasses“
    Creampies (sperm in the pussy), howe­ver, you will not find at all. I will explain the reason later.
  • Noticeable on the colorful pic­tures is the large share of sex toys – such as fairy mas­sa­gers, dil­dos, strap-ons (cal­led stra­pon), vibra­tors and even BDSM toys.
    These toys are used in every wank, squirt and orgasm con­test. In the mem­bers area you will also find sex machi­nes like the legen­da­ry Sybian and an effec­ti­ve G‑spot sti­mu­la­tor for squirting.

Crass sex toys, sex machines, BBCs and dicks bring women to multiple orgasms

Sybian Orgasm Machine Competition
Sybian Orgasm Machine Competition
  • Passionate les­bi­an sex is what Pornochallenge.com is all about! Pussy licking and horny kis­sing women make your pants get tight! On the Lesbian Gangbang pho­tos, the Squirt Challenges are obvious­ly real­ly rough. As it should be for a les­bi­an orgy, sex­t­oxs and fin­gers are used tog­e­ther or against each other to fuck, jerk and fin­ger each other. Horny orgasms with squirt foun­ta­ins are the goal 
  • At the Best Ass Competition the most beau­tiful ass is award­ed. Anal sex and anal toys are also on dis­play at Anal Sex Challenges 
  • What does­n’t real­ly come across is the fact that both porn stars com­pe­te against each other. These are cal­led„Pornstar vs Pornstar Challenge“ and is com­pa­ra­ble to a pro­fes­sio­nal league fuck cham­pi­on­ship. And there are„Amateur VS Pornstar Challenges.“ Here ama­teurs fight among them­sel­ves or against porn­stars. This is to be com­pared with an ama­teur league fuck championship.
  • A popu­lar topic are peni­s­es of dif­fe­rent thic­k­ness and length. In my opi­ni­on, the Big Black Cock Challenge in par­ti­cu­lar should not go unmen­tio­ned: Several women have to pass a big-tailed African as a chall­enge. It depends on who can squirt or have an orgasm with the BBC giant penis first. Unfortunately, this com­pe­ti­ti­on is some­what lost in the pre­view sec­tion and can only be seen in the „Acrobatic Fucking“ photo.

At the bot­tom of the pre­view page you can see the most popu­lar porn­stars on the sex site. Aiden Ashley, AJ Applegate, Avril Hall, Britney Amber, Brynn Jay, Christy Mack, Emily Kae, Jennifer White, Karina White, Lia Lor, Loni Evans, Priya Rai, Randi Wright, Rikki Six Riley Reid, Taylor Wayne, Veronica Rodrigue.

Unfortunately, you can only see a pre­view page. Any click on pho­tos or links lead to the regis­tra­ti­on form. Motivated, I boo­ked my access to PornoChallenge.

Sehr harte Orgasmus Challenge
Very hard orgasm challenge

Porn site rating – registration

Since the sex site Porno Challenge is from the UK, the regis­tra­ti­on is also in English. However, you will be able to cope with it even with litt­le know­ledge of English 

To regis­ter, you have to click ontheInstant Access but­ton at the top, right of the pre­view page. You can also get to the next page by cli­cking on one of the many links on the page.

Geiler Bi- Lesbensex ist bei Immoral Live standard
Horny bi-lesbian sex is stan­dard on Immoral Live

A visual­ly appe­al­ing page opens with a regis­tra­ti­on form, with a cup and a Porn Challenge logo. A black box informs you about all the advantages.

When choo­sing your tariff model, you have the choice bet­ween three sub­scrip­ti­ons: you can opt for a one-month, three-month or six-month mem­ber­ship. The pri­ces are given in euros. There is no direct refe­rence to a subscription.

Very simple booking form

In the form you enter a user­na­me, pass­word and e‑mail address. The pass­word may only con­sist of let­ters and num­bers and must start with a let­ter. You are not allo­wed to use spe­cial characters 

No mat­ter what pay­ment method you want to use – leave the pay­ment method set to„Join by Credit Card“. Then click on the „Get full access“ button.

Orgasmus beim Sex
Crass orgasm during sex

A page with the pay­ment form will open. The Swiss bil­ling com­pa­ny VENDO is used. As a pay­ment method you can choo­se bet­ween cre­dit card, SEPA direct debit and instant bank trans­fer. VENDO is a very relia­ble pro­vi­der with whom there are usual­ly no problems.

Attention! Subscription trap!

Unfortunately, when pay­ing by cre­dit card and direct debit, the new cus­to­mer is fois­ted with sub­scrip­ti­ons to DDFnetwork and Gasm.com wit­hout any expli­cit noti­ce. Under the pay­ment form, the check­marks must be unche­cked befo­re pay­ment, other­wi­se you will sign up for two more $30 sub­scrip­ti­ons! In tech­ni­cal lan­guage this is cal­led cross-selling.

After suc­cessful pay­ment a web page opens with the text„Thank you for your purcha­se!“ A box con­ta­ins the access data, pay­ment details and cont­act infor­ma­ti­on of the VENDO cus­to­mer sup­port. In par­al­lel, the new mem­ber will recei­ve an email with the access data. You should not close the pay­ment pro­vi­der win­dow until the boo­king con­fir­ma­ti­on email has arrived.

Big black cock - BBC
For one par­ti­ci­pant dreams come true: Horny sex with a Big black cock – BBC

Test – Review Member Area

When you enter the mem­ber area of PornoChallenge.com for the first time, you are first sur­pri­sed by the com­ple­te­ly dif­fe­rent design.

The nice happy colors, the laug­hing & orgasm dis­tor­ted faces, the squirt & cum splas­hes, the big dicks and wet pus­sies of the pre­view lay­out are now no lon­ger to be seen! Instead, a pink-turquoise-anthracite lay­out awaits the new customer.

Ashley Fires wird tief gefingert und zum Squirting Orgasmus geleckt
Ashley Fires gets fin­ge­red deep and licked to squir­ting orgasm

This is the soft­ware of the mem­ber area of RealSexpass.com. You now see a menu on the left with the items Home, Videos, Photos, Sites, Models. Confused, you click around wild­ly and after a some­what lon­ger search, you find a list of so-called chan­nels under Sites. Click there on the but­ton „Porn Challenge“. I recom­mend you to go direct­ly to the URL http://www.realsexpass.com/channels/25/porno-challenge/.

You will end up in a lis­ting of all PornoChallenge vide­os. Then comes the next dis­ap­point­ment! There are only 29 ero­tic movies to find. I per­so­nal­ly find this very unfair. The pre­view page has sug­gested seve­ral hundred porn.

Extremely horny sex movies with varied plots

After reco­ve­ring from the dis­ap­point­ment, you intui­tively look at the first sex movies. They are pre­sen­ted on a sepa­ra­te scene page in an HTML5 play­er when you click on the pre­view images. You learn in a scene descrip­ti­on what to expect in the ero­tic film and who the porn actors are. So-called „tags“ help you to find more movies in your area of interest.

Immoral Live - Orgasm Battle / Competition: Wer zuerst zum Orgasmus kommt, hat gewonnen.
Immoral Live – Orgasm Battle / Competition: The first to orgasm wins.

Very quick­ly the mood brigh­tens up again. Even though these are only a few porn movies, they are incre­di­bly horny.

As expec­ted, it goes well to the point in the approx. thirty-minute porn. There is incre­di­ble hard fuck­ing, licking, fin­ge­ring, jer­king, squir­ting and masturbating 

Due to the com­pe­ti­ti­ve pres­su­re of the oppon­ents (com­pe­ti­ti­on oppon­ents), all par­ti­ci­pa­ting team­ma­tes make an extra effort to do the task very well or above avera­ge. The porn stars ani­ma­te the ama­teur girls with their per­ver­ted ideas to per­form horny acts.

With cor­re­spon­din­gly inten­se sti­mu­la­ti­on, women can also cum, which is cal­led fema­le eja­cu­la­ti­on or in English squirt resp Squirting is cal­led! This is a spe­cial area on PornoChallenge.com! Many women mas­tur­ba­te to squirt orgasm with the help of high qua­li­ty sex toys.

What irri­ta­ted me, howe­ver, was the fact that no effort was made at all not to film the stu­dio envi­ron­ment. You can always see a big screen next to num­e­rous lamp and came­ra stands, chairs and shel­ves. I’ll tell you later what this is all about.

Wheel of Porno challenges
Wheel of Porno chal­lenges – the wheel of for­tu­ne around which many sex games revolve
The wheel of fortune – the heart of many sex games

As alre­a­dy writ­ten, the Wheel of Fortune is the cen­ter of many sex chal­lenges (chal­lenges, com­pe­ti­ti­ons). It is cal­led„Spin of the Wheel“,„Wheel of debauch­ery“ or„Wheel of porno chal­lenges“.

There are ten tasks writ­ten on it:

Britney Amber beim vaginalen Squirting durch G-Punkt-Massage und Massagegerät
Britney Amber doing vagi­nal squir­ting by G‑spot mas­sa­ge and massager
  • Girls Choice (decis­i­on of the girl)
  • Position „69“ – i.e. pussy licking (cun­ni­lin­gus) while licking pussy or suck­ing cock
  • Pussy Eating – licking pussy of ano­ther woman
  • Squirting (fema­le ejaculation)
  • Deep Throat (throat fuck)
  • Audience Chance (audi­ence decides)
  • Ass Eating (ass / butt hole licking ) – also cal­led rimming
  • Toy Time (sex toys)
  • Sloppy Blow Job (slop­py cock sucking)
  • Face Sitting (sit­ting with your pussy on your face)

Sometimes it also says 

  • Missionary (mis­sio­na­ry position)
  • Cow Girl (girl riding the cock)
  • Spoon (spoo­ning position)
  • Hand Job (jer­king off the cock)
  • Lap Dance (no idea 😉 )
  • Food Job (penis wan­king with feet)

The wheel of for­tu­ne is tur­ned only by the fema­le play­ers. Depending on where the poin­ter stops, the girl has to com­ple­te the task alone with the con­test lea­der (usual­ly a blon­de man), with her team­ma­te or with her teammate.

Porn comes from immorallive.com

Somehow the blon­de guy who keeps appearing in the vide­os loo­ked fami­li­ar to me. After a litt­le rese­arch, I found out that it is porn pro­du­cer Dan Leal, who is also known as Porno Dan. He is the ope­ra­tor and host of the porn site ImmoralLive.com.

Immoral LIVE is a kind of live show that you know from regu­lar tele­vi­si­on. At a cer­tain time of the day, you can watch seve­ral times a month, chat direct­ly and inter­act with the other play­ers! That’s why you always see the big monitor.

I have since writ­ten an ImmoralLive review where you can learn more about the sex site.

Sex only with condom

Now comes my ans­wer, why you don’t see a full cum cunt and cre­am­pie on Immoral Live, or PornoChallenge.com. It is only fucked with a con­dom! Since I am a cre­am­pie fan, this dis­ap­points me, but the health of the porn actres­ses comes first. I suspect that in a few years it will be the norm for porn shoots to requi­re condoms.

Squirting Pussy
Squirting Pussy: Women eja­cu­la­te all the time.
High profile porn stars

In the porn vide­os of PornoChallenge.com you can find very famous porn­stars and porn star­lets. Among them are for exam­p­le: Angelina Valentine, Anika Albrite, Amy Brooke, Aaliyah Love, Allie James, Angel Summers, Abby Cross, Alexis Monroe, Teen Girl Ashlynn Taylor, Arial Rose, Ash Hollywood, Avril Sun, Aiden Ashley, Britney Amber, Punk Girl Christy Mack, Charley Monroe, Busty Wonder Christie Stevens, Destiny James, Elaina Raye, Emily Kae, Holly Taylor, Jennifer White, Redhead Jessica Robbins, Katie Zane, Kaylee Hilton, Katie Summers, Lylith Lavey, Leya Falcon, Melina Mason, Megan Piper, Nikki Sexxx, Nikita Von James, Rilynn Rae, MILF Randi Wright, Raven Bay, Sarah Vandella, Teen Tristan Berrimore, Taylor Wayne, Veronica Rodriguez, Whitney Westgate, Zoey Nixon, Zarena Summers

Opinions on page layout & design

First of all, you have to get used to the fact that the pre­view area has not­hing to do with the mem­bers area. Personally, I think the pre­view lay­out is nicer. The bold color com­bi­na­ti­on of pur­ple, pink and tur­quoi­se appeals to me in the mem­ber area after a bit of get­ting used to it

Unfortunately the pre­view lay­out con­sists of only one web page. In the mem­ber area, you quick­ly under­stand the lay­out and the page struc­tu­re. You can quick­ly find your way around.

The smartphone-compatible frame­work is excel­lent. All cur­rent mobi­le and sta­tio­na­ry screens are supported.

Experience with subscription cancellation

Elaina Raye - BBC - Big black cock - Massagegerät Orgasmus
Elaina Raye comes to orgasm with BBC (Big black cock) and massager
  • As with most American sex sites, you won’t find any noti­ce about the sub­scrip­ti­on and how to can­cel it 
  • Look for the email with the boo­king con­fir­ma­ti­on. There is a link to the bil­ling com­pa­ny included. Since I paid through VENDO, I went to the Vendo cus­to­mer por­tal https://secure.vend‑o.com/customers/profile/login/ for the can­cel­la­ti­on. If the lan­guage is auto­ma­ti­cal­ly not German, you can chan­ge it to „German“ in the sel­ec­tion box at the top right.
  • Enter your email address and pass­word in the login form, do the Google SPAM check (captcha) and click the LOGIN but­ton

    After log­ging in, you will be taken to a page titled „Your sub­scrip­ti­ons“. There you will find your sub­scrip­ti­on. Very cle­ar­ly, user­na­me, pass­word, sub­scrip­ti­on num­ber, order date, pay­ment details and the date of the next debit are dis­play­ed

    To the right of this are two gray boxes. One of them says ACTIVE and the other one says CANCEL 
  • To can­cel the sub­scrip­ti­on, click on the unfort­u­na­te trans­la­ted CANCEL button.
  • A web page will open asking for the can­cel­la­ti­on reason. You should sel­ect „I don’t want to renew.“ here and then click the „CANCEL SUBSCRIPTION“ button.
  • You will be redi­rec­ted back to the main page. An onfo­box will dis­play the text, „You have suc­cessful­ly can­cel­led your sub­scrip­ti­on.“ The green but­ton „ACTIVE“ has now chan­ged to „EXPIRING“.
  • Automatically you will also get a can­cel­la­ti­on con­fir­ma­ti­on by email.
Gruppensex mit Big Black Cock
Group sex with Big Black Cock

Test verdict & conclusion of the PornoChallenge.com review

I am very torn about the rating of PornoChallenge.com. It is only 29 non-exclusive porn from immorallive.com

Dean Leal ist oft beim Gangbang und Gruppensex dabei
Dean Leal is often invol­ved in gang­bang and group sex

Nevertheless, the sex movies are by no means unero­tic. On the con­tra­ry PornoChallenge.com shows how varied and joyful sex can be. Instead of the bor­ing porn that you can find on the inter­net, you can see varied sce­nes and per­ver­ted sex ideas here. 

Not only is there hard fuck­ing and cum spray­ing, but also ple­nty of squir­ting. In almost all films you will find real orgasms.

Also worth men­tio­ning is the exci­ting mix of very famous porn stars, beau­tiful porn stars and real ama­teurs. An incre­di­bly horny group dyna­mic is crea­ted in the movies. The porn stars ani­ma­te the ama­teurs to per­form kinky and filt­hy sexu­al acts.

Squirting-Orgasmus nach Vibrator, Lecken und Fingern
Squirting orgasm after vibra­tor, licking and fingering

Due to the feed­back that the pros get, they don’t play their stan­dard act at pro­fes­sio­nal porn labels, but also behave rela­tively naturally 

The many mas­sa­gers, the Sybian orgasm machi­ne and strap-ons lead to many unac­ted orgasms!

The Realsexpass net­work is a very spe­cial treat for peo­p­le who like to see unac­ted plea­su­re and horny ama­teur sex. 

Therefore, despi­te the small amount of PornoChallenge porn, it is still worth beco­ming a member.

Visit PornoChallenge.com
Website Information
Country of operator:
GroßbritannienUnited Kingdom
Cost:$34.95 / month (sub­scrip­ti­on)
$79,95 / 3 months
$99,95 / 6 months
Test / Demo – Access:no
Payment methods:Credit card, direct debit, instant bank transfer
Member manage­ment:yes
Parental con­trol filter:no
Download limit:no
Cross-selling pre­sel­ec­ted:no
Offered con­tent
Photos / Images:
Quantity:0 porn images
Ø Resolution:-
Image Gallery Control:-
ZIP archi­ves:-
Count:29 porn movies
Ø Resolution:720p
Ø Length:30 minu­tes
Ø DL speed:10,000 kB/sec
Download pos­si­ble:no
Streaming pos­si­ble:yes
DRM copy protection:no
Test report summary for PornoChallenge.com
  • Image qua­li­ty – 150%
  • Video qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Sound qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Exclusivity – 17%
  • Models – 100%
  • Authentic emo­ti­ons – 100%
  • Variety – 100%
  • Extraordinary – 100%
  • Content quan­ti­ty – 17%
  • Fairness – 50%
  • Promises / Reality – 50%
  • Sexual sti­mu­la­ti­on – 100%
  • Design – 100%
  • Navigation – 100%
  • Preview area (Tour pages) – 100%
  • Updates – 17%
  • Loading speed – 100%
  • Costs – 50%
  • Price-performance ratio – 50%
  • Payment – 83%
  • Price trans­pa­ren­cy – 83%
  • Advertising / Spam – 100%
  • Subscription can­cel­la­ti­on – 83%
  • Overall impres­si­on – 50%
User Review
0 (0 votes)


  • Very varied porn
  • Many famous porn stars
  • Real orgasms & real feelings
  • Dirty hard­core sex scenes
  • Horny les­bi­an sex with squirt


  • No exclu­si­ve videos
  • No video down­load possible
  • Only 29 sex videos
  • Always the same main actor
  • Subscription trap in pay­ment form
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