Test - Review: Bluvista.tv

Test: Bluvista.tv

Test - Review: Bluvista.tv

Test: Bluvista.tv

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VoD Review: Review of the video-on-demand porn portal Bluvista.tv

Bluvista.tv is ano­ther online adult video store where you can watch ero­tic movies dis­creet­ly and legal­ly. The „video on demand“ por­tal comes from the Berlin com­pa­ny LOMEX Media GmbH and is rela­tively well known due to num­e­rous adver­ti­sing cam­paigns on the Internet and in ero­tic magazines.

Very plea­sant on bluvista.de are the German lan­guage and the rich video offer of about 10,000 ero­tic films of German porn labels such as Videorama, Magma, Vivid, Inflagranti and many more. It is also nice that you can admi­re num­e­rous German ero­tic models like Gina Wild, Sexy Cora, Leonie Saint, Tyra Misoux, Vivian Schmitt, Dolly Buster, Jana Bach, Annina Ucatis, Mandy Mystery, Kelly Trump, Briana Banks, Dru Berrymore, Katja Kassin etc. in this porn library.

Unfortunately, howe­ver, vie­w­ing the vide­os is only pos­si­ble for 24 hours, which is a big minus point com­pared to other VOD por­tals. The use of WMV DRM copy pro­tec­tion for the down­load vide­os also has a mas­si­ve dis­ad­van­ta­ge: Apple MACintosh, Linux and Unix users have no chan­ce to start the movies.

BLUVISTA adver­ti­ses that it was award­ed „best VoD por­tal“ in 2007, 2008 and 2009. We don’t know which cri­te­ria were used for the eva­lua­ti­on, but we are curious to see to what ext­ent this video-on-demand pro­ject is sui­ta­ble as an „ero­tic cine­ma for the home“. In this review we would like to give you our opi­ni­on about the online video store BLUVISTA.tv.

Visit Bluvista.tv

Opinion about the preview area of Bluvista.tv

The visi­tor, who is not yet regis­tered, can first con­vin­ce hims­elf of the web­site wit­hout any rest­ric­tions. The sedcards (bio­gra­phies) of models, screen­shots, pre­view movies and video covers give an inte­res­t­ing fore­tas­te, make a serious impres­si­on and you quick­ly get the desi­re to see more.

Unlike num­e­rous other ero­tic pro­jects, bluvista.tv has not moved its head­quar­ters abroad, but real­ly makes an effort to com­ply with the many German youth pro­tec­tion rest­ric­tions. Accordingly, num­e­rous texts and gra­phics are cen­so­red and there is an age check.

It is a pity that bluvista.tv is not satis­fied with the pay­ing visi­tor – but mas­si­ve­ly bul­lies him with adver­ti­se­ments. For exam­p­le, every time the start page of bluvista.tv is cal­led up, an annoy­ing pop-up win­dow opens with „Sofortflirt.de“ adver­ti­sing. On the whole pro­ject ban­ners are dis­tri­bu­ted again and again and the new­co­mer is taken by sur­pri­se imme­dia­te­ly with an ama­teur cam page and the club mem­ber­ship. Due to the many adver­ti­se­ments, one „gets lost“ a bit at the begin­ning and wan­ders around on the project.

What we defi­ni­te­ly miss is trans­pa­rent infor­ma­ti­on about the regis­tra­ti­on pro­cess and the youth pro­tec­tion check. Basically, you stumb­le from hurd­le to hurd­le and are glad when you have final­ly mana­ged ever­y­thing at the end.
Because what you don’t know, for exam­p­le, is that the down­load vide­os have DRM copy pro­tec­tion, which allows only the Windows com­mu­ni­ty to watch the movies!

Rating of the porn sites registration

If you have a Microsoft Windows com­pu­ter and a fast DSL line, you can regis­ter for a mem­ber­ship. To do this, click on „Test for free“ in the top menu of BLUVISTA.tv. A form opens in which you can enter a user­na­me and pass­word and also enter your e‑mail address and home address. Then you click on a large „Register for free“ button.

Now an e‑mail address check takes place. You have to click on a link in the wel­co­me email. Then you have to make an initi­al rech­ar­ge of at least €6.00. We imme­dia­te­ly and cou­ra­ge­ous­ly load 30,- EUR. You can pay by direct debit, cre­dit card, ClickandBuy or SOFORTpayment.

Once the money has been trans­fer­red, things get inte­res­t­ing. How did Bluvista.de solve the paren­tal con­trol aut­ho­riza­ti­on? Surprisingly, there is a con­ve­ni­ent express veri­fi­ca­ti­on via SofortIdent. Alternatively, you can wait a few days and then enter an unlock code from your account state­ment into a pre-designated field. Option num­ber three is the time-consuming Postident pro­ce­du­re at the post office counter.

Of cour­se, we chose the free proof of age with sofortident.de. Once again, you enter your name, address and date of birth and click on Send data. In com­bi­na­ti­on with the bank data of one’s house bank, a SCHUFA query is star­ted and one’s age and place of resi­dence are checked.

After suc­cessful age veri­fi­ca­ti­on, you final­ly have access to all porn, trai­lers and graphics.

Test – Review Member Area

After the regis­tra­ti­on mara­thon, you are happy when you can final­ly access the FSK18 ero­tic movies. As a log­ged in mem­ber, the bluvista.tv page looks exact­ly the same as in the pre­view area.

In the left menu there is now a box „My BLUVISTA“. Here you can see your video store cre­dit, mem­ber­ships and bonus movies at a glan­ce. You can also access your favo­ri­tes and per­so­nal data here.

If you want to watch movies, you can put them on the watch list, which is simi­lar to a shop­ping cart func­tion, or click direct­ly on a large „Start movie“ but­ton. A pop-up win­dow opens.

For most films, you will find a large but­ton that says „Stream“. A few vide­os also have a second but­ton that says „Download“. Once you com­mit to a vie­w­ing opti­on, you can’t chan­ge it. So you can’t watch the stream AND down­load the movie!

If you choo­se „Stream“, a Flash pro­gram opens in the popup, which con­ta­ins a video play­er con­trol. You can scale the movie to maxi­mum moni­tor size and fast for­ward and rewind. The good video qua­li­ty and the fast respon­se time of the ser­vice are striking. You can switch bet­ween chap­ters and sce­nes wit­hout annoy­ing loa­ding times.

If you choo­se the „Download Erotic Movie“ opti­on, you can only view it as a Microsoft Windows user. The porn movie is DRM encoded and after 24 hours the „licen­se to watch“ expi­res. What remains is a file of about 1GB with data gar­ba­ge. The down­load ver­si­on loo­ked sub­jec­tively a bit shar­per on a large moni­tor in our ero­tic site test.

Despite the 24-hour „ren­tal“ solu­ti­on, we find the over­all lay­out and imple­men­ta­ti­on of bluvista.tv to be well done.

Opinions on page layout & design

The bright blue color of bluvista.tv is a mat­ter of taste, but it is cat­chy and the­ma­ti­cal­ly fits the pro­ject name. In com­bi­na­ti­on with the colors pink and gray, the web­site harmonizes.

After a litt­le fami­lia­riza­ti­on, you will quick­ly find what you are loo­king for. Due to the German lan­guage and the rela­tively low pro­por­ti­on of for­eign words and tech­ni­cal terms, bluevista.tv does not repre­sent a lan­guage barrier.

Experience with the subscription cancellation

As long as one does not close the month­ly club mem­ber­ship, one does not have to can­cel any­thing. If one wants to close the cus­to­mer account, an e‑mail to the sup­port is sufficient.

However, the can­cel­la­ti­on of the club sub­scrip­ti­on is inten­tio­nal­ly com­pli­ca­ted at bluvista.tv.
One must down­load a can­cel­la­ti­on form in the help area as a PDF, fill it out and send it to the site ope­ra­tor by mail or fax. Cancellation by e‑mail is not possible.

Review judgement & conclusion of the Bluvista.tv test report

For peo­p­le who like to rent German porn, the VoD por­tal Bluvista.tv is an excel­lent place to start.

Bluvista porn can be view­ed for 24 hours only as a brow­ser stream or (for some movies) as a WMV down­load file. Clear advan­ta­ges of bluevista.tv are that the pro­ject is com­ple­te­ly German-language and that it com­pli­es with German youth pro­tec­tion regulations.

Somewhat annoy­ing is the mas­si­ve adver­ti­sing for third-party pro­jects and LiveCams in the form of ban­ners and pop-ups. The regis­tra­ti­on pro­cess and the youth pro­tec­tion query via SCHUFA and Postident may seem a bit off-putting.

Users of Apple MAC, Linux and Unix ope­ra­ting sys­tems can view the stream vide­os via a „Flash brow­ser plug-in“ wit­hout any pro­blems. However, in a direct com­pa­ri­son, there are video on demand por­tals that are che­a­per, more trans­pa­rent and more compatible.

Visit Bluvista.tv
Website infor­ma­ti­on
Country of operator:
Cost:Billing per film
€3.99 – €6.99
for 24 hours
Test / Demo – Access:yes
Payment methods:Credit card, direct debit, ClickandBuy, instant bank transfer
Member manage­ment:yes
Youth pro­tec­tion filter:yes
Download limit:no
Cross-selling pre­sel­ec­ted:no
Offered con­tent
Photos / Images:
Quantity:0 porn images
Ø Resolution:-
Image Gallery Control:-
ZIP archi­ves:-
Count:8,000 porn movies
Ø Resolution:640×480 to High Definition
Ø Length:60 minu­tes
Ø DL-Speed:1,000 kB/sec
Format:WMV, FLV
Download pos­si­ble:yes
Streaming pos­si­ble:yes
DRM copy protection:yes


Test report summary for Bluvista.tv

A very good, German porn platform

This porn strea­ming ser­vice is a mix­tu­re of VoD online video store and ero­tic cine­ma. The offer is very wide: rea­li­ty sex, swin­ger han­gout, out­door sex, point of view, porn­stars and much more. The costs of this plat­form are very fle­xi­ble: You can choo­se to sub­scri­be or top up a pre­paid account.

  • Image qua­li­ty – 60%
  • Video qua­li­ty – 60%
  • Sound qua­li­ty – 60%
  • Exclusivity – 60%
  • Models – 60%
  • Authentic emo­ti­ons – 60%
  • Variety – 60%
  • Extraordinary – 60%
  • Content quan­ti­ty – 50%
  • Fairness – 60%
  • Promises / Reality – 60%
  • Sexual sti­mu­la­ti­on – 60%
  • Design – 60%
  • Navigation – 60%
  • Preview area (Tour pages) – 60%
  • Updates – 60%
  • Loading speed – 60%
  • Costs – 50%
  • Price-performance ratio – 50%
  • Payment – 60%
  • Price trans­pa­ren­cy – 60%
  • Advertising / Spam – 50%
  • Subscription can­cel­la­ti­on – 60%
  • Overall impres­si­on – 50%
User Review
0 (0 votes)


  • German lan­guage
  • German porn labels + performers
  • Stream for all ope­ra­ting systems
  • Understandable page layout
  • Partially HD videos


  • Exclusively 24 hrs. porn rental
  • Predominantly brow­ser strea­ming movies
  • Youth pro­tec­tion check
  • WMV-Fomat with DRM – copy protection
  • Too much advertising
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