Test - Review: AllFineGirls.com

Test: AllFineGirls.com

Test - Review: AllFineGirls.com

Test: AllFineGirls.com

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Review: Porn Site Test of the incredibly horny Russian teensex site AllFineGirls.com

On AllFineGirls.com you can see count­less teens from Russia. On the high-resolution pho­tos and vide­os you can watch the girls mas­tur­ba­ting alone or play­ing les­bi­an games in pairs and some­ti­mes even giving blo­wjobs and fucking.

The appeal of the Russian girls is obvious: they look very beau­tiful and come across incre­di­bly natu­ral wit­hout arro­gan­ce. The models are deli­ca­te and unspent … and they do just about any­thing for a few rubles. Unlike the teen porn sites from the German-speaking count­ries, the girls seem to be real­ly very young (bet­ween 18 and 21).

Since we know that teens in the Eastern Bloc count­ries work in front of the came­ra for litt­le money and at the same time high­ly moti­va­ted and per­mis­si­ve, we were very curious to see how they compa­re to European and American teen ero­tic sites in this review.

In this review, we would like to intro­du­ce AllFineGirls.com to you a bit clo­ser. We will not only go into the posi­ti­ve fea­tures, but also descri­be the nega­ti­ve expe­ri­en­ces. Feel free to send us your ques­ti­ons and opi­ni­ons below the review using the com­ment function.

Visit AllFineGirls.com

Opinion about the preview section of AllFineGirls.com

The pre­view web­site has a noble and tidy cha­rac­ter. However, in our opi­ni­on, it is very limited 

On the black-purple page you can find only 5 pre­view vide­os in HD qua­li­ty. You can also view a few non-enlargeable mini pho­tos of various models. Under Updates, 30 thumb­nails of the latest vide­os are listed.

Concrete details about the con­tent are unfort­u­na­te­ly not given. In advan­ce: There are more than 1000 self-produced photo and video sets wai­ting for the pay­ing user and every day (!) a new photo or video set is added.

All links ine­vi­ta­b­ly lead to the regis­tra­ti­on page. However, there is no infor­ma­ti­on about the price, mem­ber­ship or can­cel­la­ti­on in advance.

Rating of the porn sites registration

In the regis­tra­ti­on form, you sel­ect your desi­red rate and are then redi­rec­ted to an encrypt­ed page of the bil­ling com­pa­ny CCBill.com.

Here it also beco­mes clear why no pri­ces are given in advan­ce, becau­se these are given in dif­fe­rent sel­ec­ta­ble cur­ren­ci­es depen­ding on the exch­an­ge rate. Now name, address, e‑mail address, coun­try and cre­dit card num­ber must be ente­red. Payment by direct debit is not offered.

We were plea­sed to find that pre­paid cre­dit cards are accepted.

After sen­ding the pay­ment data, a boo­king con­fir­ma­ti­on is dis­play­ed and the note that the user name and pass­word are in the e‑mail

IMPORTANT: You get two emails! One mail comes from CCBill, which con­ta­ins a so-called „Subscription num­ber“, which is nee­ded to can­cel the sub­scrip­ti­on. The second mail is sent by dieselaccess.com and con­ta­ins the login data. It is pos­si­ble that this e‑mail ends up in your SPAM mailbox!

Test – Review Member Area

Via the domain DieselAccess.com one logs in and lands first on a per­so­na­li­zed admi­nis­tra­ti­on inter­face (see screen­shot). One should enter a nick­na­me – that is a nick­na­me – at the first login.

All pro­jects of the com­pa­ny Dieselaccess are mana­ged cen­tral­ly via this sys­tem. If you have boo­ked seve­ral pro­jects with this com­pa­ny, you can direct­ly access the respec­ti­ve mem­ber area with one mouse click, wit­hout having to enter pass­words again.

By the way, if you have a 3‑month mem­ber­ship (ABO), you auto­ma­ti­cal­ly get access to all (!) 14 web­sites of the pro­vi­der, which is a great offer.

To enter the mem­ber area of AllFineGirls.com, one clicks on the but­ton „MEMBER AREA“ and final­ly feels at home again in the design of the purple-black pre­view area.

Very nice and high-resolution teen videos

The mem­ber area of AllFineGirls.com pres­ents the offe­red vide­os and pho­tos in a com­ple­te­ly new way. The user has num­e­rous opti­ons in terms of screen reso­lu­ti­on and down­load speed, the pos­si­bi­li­ty to rate inter­ac­tively and can fil­ter and search accor­ding to his pre­fe­ren­ces via a dyna­mic search function 

In the video sec­tion, the user can expect (at the moment) 900 teen movies with a run­ning time of about 10–15 minu­tes each, which can be view­ed direct­ly via the inte­gra­ted Flash video play­er. Under the play­er are screen­shots from the respec­ti­ve video, over which one can jump into cer­tain sce­nes.
In addi­ti­on, you can down­load all movies as WMV in 3 dif­fe­rent reso­lu­ti­ons. The newest vide­os are in razor-sharp 4k UHD quality!

Very horny teen girls brilliantly staged

Not only tech­ni­cal­ly, but also in terms of con­tent, the video gal­lery can be seen. The many Diesel models are pret­ty, crisp and young – the majo­ri­ty real­ly seems to be bet­ween 18–21 years old.

The range of topics is varied: so there is solo mas­tur­ba­ti­on with posing or sex­t­oy games, cock suck­ing and sex, or les­bi­an games in pairs or three­so­mes to see.

It’s all quite nice to look at, but a lot of it seems a bit too posed and arti­fi­ci­al. Real fee­lings can be seen at most in the fuck sce­nes, in all other sub­ject areas there is pri­ma­ri­ly moa­ning around wit­hout real emo­ti­on or an orgasm is faked at the end. This is „usual“ in almost all films of the ero­tic indus­try, but I find it a pity that it is the same here.

The came­ra work is ok, but some­ti­mes seems a bit too shaky and the­r­e­fo­re only semi-professional. This also appli­es to the light­ing, becau­se it could be bet­ter in parts. The sound is also good, ori­gi­nal sound is used and only litt­le back­ground noise can be heard. However, some vide­os have been under­laid with music when spea­king in Russian. This is not to ever­yo­ne’s taste and quite annoy­ing in the long run.


We like the pic­tu­re gal­le­ries bet­ter than the vide­os. Because on the pic­tures you do not see that much is posed and you can give free rein to your own fan­ta­sies. Over 1000 photo sets with about 120 pic­tures each are available for imme­dia­te vie­w­ing or as a packed RAR file for down­loa­ding. The qua­li­ty of the pho­tos is abso­lut­e­ly top and reso­lu­ti­ons of 1280x 960 pixels on avera­ge leave not­hing to be desi­red. The the­mes are the same as those of the vide­os and varied.

Note: The demo links and demo images below do not show the ori­gi­nal size of the photos.

Opinions about page structure & design

The enti­re AllFineGirls.com web­site is kept very dark. Oddly enough, this does not inter­fe­re with brow­sing, brow­sing and vie­w­ing, but rather high­lights the pho­tos and vide­os a bit more. The lin­king struc­tu­re is also very logi­cal and easy to understand.

The mem­ber area of AllFineGirls.com pres­ents its­elf as a modern mix­tu­re of pic­tu­re gal­lery and inter­ac­ti­ve video por­tal. There is a model over­view, over which one can reach all sets to the respec­ti­ve Girl and a the­ma­tic sort­ing over so-called „Tags“ – thus are­key­words. By default, all gal­le­ries are sor­ted by date, so that you can always keep an eye on the latest updates (daily 1 new set). All in all very clear and well done.

One should not be mis­led by various mir­ror pages. The vide­os and pho­tos of AllFineGirls.com are also mir­rored 1:1 on the web­sites skinnysupergirl.com, sashablonde.com, beataporn.com and natashashy.com.

Experience with subscription cancellation

Unfortunately, there is no indi­ca­ti­on on the web­site or in the emails how to can­cel the access again. It is not very fair to make it dif­fi­cult for the cus­to­mer to cancel 

Only in the email from CCBill is there some­what hid­den infor­ma­ti­on that the tran­sac­tion details can be view­ed at https://support.ccbill.com

There, or in the DieselAccess area under „Account > Subscriptions“, a can­cel­la­ti­on form can be cal­led up, which can be used to can­cel the account with 2 mouse clicks.

Review verdict & conclusion of the AllFineGirls.com test report

There is no other way to say it after our porn site test: The Russians do an incre­di­bly good job! The mem­bers area of AllFineGirls.com impres­ses with real, extre­me­ly young and natu­ral teens.

Especially the photo gal­le­ries are worth see­ing and well fil­led with horny pho­tos in top qua­li­ty. The video gal­lery is also impres­si­ve, but many sce­nes in the movies often look posed and unnatural.

The amount of con­tent is sur­pri­sin­gly large with about 1000 video and photo sets. We would not have expec­ted so much given the res­trai­ned pre­view area. The pre­sen­ta­ti­on in the style of a chic video por­tal knows how to plea­se and is very clear.

Visit AllFineGirls.com
Website Information
Country of operator:
Cost:$29.95 / month
$99.95 / 3 months
Test / Demo – Access:no
Payment methods:Credit card, direct debit, instant bank trans­fer, check
Member manage­ment:yes
Parental con­trol filter:no
Download limit:no
Cross-selling pre­sel­ec­ted:yes
Offered con­tent
Photos / Images:
Number:30,000 Porn images
Ø Resolution:1280 x 960 pixels
Image gal­lery control:no
ZIP archi­ves:yes
Quantity:1,500 porn movies
Ø Resolution:HD 1080p tp 4k UHD
Ø Length:10–15 minu­tes
Ø DL speed:1,500 kB/sec
Format:WMV, MP4
Download pos­si­ble:yes
Streaming pos­si­ble:yes
DRM copy protection:no


Test report summary for AllFineGirls.com

Very, very sweet and real­ly young teen girls

Are you loo­king for teen sex vide­os with real­ly young but legal women bet­ween 18 and 21? Then you should take a look at this Russian porn site. You will find there incre­di­bly pret­ty girls with stun­nin­gly cute sweet looks in hot hard­core sex sce­nes. But also, the soft­co­re gal­le­ries are abso­lut­e­ly worth see­ing! Both thumbs up!

  • Image qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Video qua­li­ty – 67%
  • Sound qua­li­ty – 67%
  • Exclusivity – 83%
  • Models – 83%
  • Authentic emo­ti­ons – 33%
  • Variety – 100%
  • Extraordinary – 67%
  • Content quan­ti­ty – 100%
  • Fairness – 50%
  • Promises / Reality – 100%
  • Sexual sti­mu­la­ti­on – 83%
  • Design – 100%
  • Navigation – 100%
  • Preview area (Tour pages) – 33%
  • Updates – 100%
  • Loading speed – 100%
  • Costs – 67%
  • Price-performance ratio – 83%
  • Payment – 83%
  • Price trans­pa­ren­cy – 83%
  • Advertising / Spam – 100%
  • Subscription can­cel­la­ti­on – 67%
  • Overall impres­si­on – 83%
User Review
5 (1 vote)


  • Real very young teens (Age: 18 – 21)
  • Very hot / sti­mu­la­ting videos
  • High-quality and beau­tiful photos
  • Lots of teen sex content
  • Nice, noble web­site layout
  • Simply navi­ga­ti­on
  • Fast down­loads


  • Feelings / orgasms par­ti­al­ly faked
  • Background music sucks (vide­os)
  • Note on sub­scrip­ti­on / can­cel­la­ti­on missing
  • Cross-selling trap in the boo­king form
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