Test - Review: Amateur-Facials.com

Test: Amateur-Facials.com

Test - Review: Amateur-Facials.com

Test: Amateur-Facials.com

5 55,991

Website Review of the facial insemination porn site Amateur-Facials.com

The Amateur-Facials.com sex site is hos­ted in the United States and is aimed at facial fans. Young, American women have their pret­ty faces deco­ra­ted with cum shots by one to three men. Some girls get a good bang beforehand.

We found the pho­tos of Amateur-Facials.com again and again in some TGP lists and we were very inte­res­ted in what is behind this sperm site.

In the fol­lo­wing review we write you our expe­ri­en­ces to the sex site Amateur-Facials.com. Below the review you can tell us about your own opi­ni­ons and expe­ri­en­ces via the com­ment field.

Visit Amateur-Facials.com

Opinion about the preview area of Amateur-Facials.com

The pre­view area is with over 100 pho­tos in thumb­nail size very expres­si­ve, what kind of con­tent the cus­to­mer can expect. Via the links „Meet the Girls“ and „Order our ori­gi­nal DVD’s“ you can reach more pre­view cum pho­tos. Unfortunately, no demo images in ori­gi­nal size can be cal­led up via the thumbnails.

On the lower part of the web­site, adver­ti­sing is made for the bonus pages of cum queen Ashley Alicia and other facial – ama­teur girls, such as Completely Kayla, Purely Pamela and the ama­teur cum queen Simply Skye. Inevitably, you end up on the pay­ment page.

Rating of the porn sites registration

Payment is made through the popu­lar bil­ling pro­ces­sor CCBill by cre­dit card, debit or check. Payment by phone is reser­ved for Americans only.

Interestingly, peo­p­le wit­hout a cre­dit card can also pay by direct debit wit­hout any pro­blems via the „EU debit“ sel­ec­tion. Another plus is that you can sel­ect the lan­guage and all texts and sub­se­quent pages are rea­da­ble in some languages.

Directly after ente­ring the per­so­nal data and choo­sing the tariff, the login data for the mem­ber area of Amateur-facials.com is displayed.


Test – Review Member Area

The mem­ber area is a bit opaque. One is to call the web page www.gonzovision.com and can access bes­i­de Amateur-facials.com also free of char­ge fur­ther pro­jects of the offerer.

After cli­cking on Amateur-facials.com, one rea­ches an update over­view, over which one must click on the text „Originals“. Now a sober page with the lis­ting of Amateur Facials DVDs from 1 to 71 (as of March 2009) is cal­led. If one clicks on the newest DVDs (bot­tom right) one sees all the vide­os con­tai­ned on the DVD. Mostly the lis­ted vide­os are lin­ked with a pic­tu­re gal­lery and a descrip­ti­on text.

Horny photos on Amateur-Facials.com

If you are inte­res­ted in sperm sites, you will sure­ly have stumb­led across the demo pho­tos of Amateur-facials.com on the Internet. In the mem­ber area the pho­tos are razor sharp and through the ama­teu­rish and yet often very pret­ty actres­ses, the pho­tos get „that cer­tain something“.

Viewing the pic­tu­re gal­le­ries is defi­ni­te­ly a bit more sti­mu­la­ting than the vide­os offe­red, since you are not dis­trac­ted by the sur­roun­dings and the chat­ter of the came­ra­men. Full of cum faces and the white sperm on nose, eyes and mouth can be view­ed in peace. Some bise­xu­al / les­bi­an girls real­ly enjoy kis­sing with their cum mouths (cum swap­ping / snow­bal­ling) and licking clean faces (facial cum clean-up). The reso­lu­ti­on of 1024 x 768 pixels is not quite up to date, but still acceptable.

Antique videos

You have to dif­fe­ren­tia­te a bit when it comes to vide­os. Until 2004, only vide­os in 350x240’s reso­lu­ti­on, in RealMedia and Quicktime for­mat were offe­red for down­load. Then the 350x240’er WMV for­mat was added and at the end of 2005 also as video stream.

In the mean­ti­me, the site pro­vi­der has sett­led on the WMV for­mat, but with a high qua­li­ty reso­lu­ti­on of 640×480 pixels.

The movies show that many girls are dis­gus­ted by sperm and are happy to wipe it off their faces again. This takes away the illu­si­on that girls real­ly like sperm.

Basically, the site ope­ra­tor is not doing hims­elf any favors by offe­ring the vide­os in addi­ti­on to the great photos.

On the one hand, the vide­os have a „cer­tain some­thing“ and are highly(!!!)-stimulating at the end of the movie. Nevertheless, the video qua­li­ty is most­ly very bad. It is pho­to­gra­phed with „beep-beep – flash – BRRZZ“, some­ti­mes music or even a TV in the back­ground, the came­ra work is shaky and bad 

Facial insemination is not well staged

One came­ra­man con­stant­ly has the arm and came­ra of the other on it. The con­stant „Year-Year ‑This is right“ from the came­ra­man is annoy­ing and also the pho­to­grapher is always babb­ling full into the sound. Tripods are film­ed along, the illu­mi­na­ti­on is most­ly bad and much, much more – which is actual­ly annoying.

One ine­vi­ta­b­ly clicks the fast-forward but­ton, becau­se 8 minu­tes of suck­ing tail are some­ti­mes a bit too long 

WELL – BUT STILL!!! The last film sec­tions still seem extre­me­ly horny. The very horny cumshots that shoot into the faces of the actres­ses makes up for all the fluff. Maybe it’s becau­se the view­er feels somehow invol­ved from the per­spec­ti­ve from above and can ima­gi­ne how the love juice from the cock splas­hes direct­ly into the face of the models.

Amateur Facials Review

Opinions on page layout & design

Another point that we can’t appro­ve of in our porn site test is the obfus­ca­ti­on of the updates. By chan­ce, we find out that the gal­le­ries only go up to December 2007! And not­hing hap­pen­ed on the page with the „cur­rent“ updates during our test peri­od. We suspect that Amateur-Facials.com is curr­ent­ly no lon­ger updated. That would be a great, great pity!

In gene­ral, it is noti­ceable that many links no lon­ger work. There used to be a month­ly news­let­ter, a chat and a forum. Why this was abo­lished can only be spe­cu­la­ted. Maybe the pro­ject was sold and is the­r­e­fo­re not con­tin­ued since 2007.

In our opi­ni­on, one quick­ly gets lost on the many, too deep­ly nes­ted sub­pages in the mem­ber area. In addi­ti­on, the ubi­qui­tous „Buy DVD“ opti­on is con­fu­sing. The design is some­what gray­ed out from a pro­gramming point of view.

What we like very much is that the access con­trol has been sol­ved via .htac­cess, which allows the use of down­load tools. We always recom­mend Firefox brow­ser and the Firefox plug-in Downthemall for sur­fing anyway.

Unfortunately, in the prac­ti­cal test we found out that a down­load limit is acti­va­ted on the ser­ver. You can down­load about 5 GB of data per day. Then „Error 403 – Forbidden – You don’t have per­mis­si­on to access“ appears. It’s best to use a down­load tool, with which you can just keep on down­loa­ding one day later 😉

Experiences with the subscription cancellation

As an atten­ti­ve web sur­fer, you will imme­dia­te­ly look for the can­cel­la­ti­on opti­ons when you sign up. From all CCBill web­sites you can reach a sup­port form of CCBill. By ente­ring the pro­ject ID, cre­dit card num­ber and e‑mail address, this form makes it easy to can­cel the subscription.

Review verdict & conclusion of the Amateur-Facials.com test report

Amateur-Facials.com is a sex site with its very own cha­rac­ter. The pre­sen­ta­ti­on, the design, the came­ra work, the loca­ti­ons as well as the models all seem ama­teu­rish and yet this web­site hits the „2nd brain of the man“ like a bomb! 

You’re vir­tual­ly live in per­spec­ti­ve when cum-sucking peni­s­es fill the models‘ faces – ever­y­thing looks authen­tic and true to detail. The pho­tos are very high qua­li­ty and also very exci­ting to look at.

If you are into cum faces, you should not miss amateur-facials.com. Even though there are appar­ent­ly no more ongo­ing updates, you still have tons of real­ly horny(!!!) con­tent to suck down.

Visit Amateur-Facials.com
Website Information
Country of operator:
Cost:$29.95 / Month (sub­scrip­ti­on)
$54.95 / 2 Month
$79.95 / 3 Month
Test / Demo – Access:no
Payment methods:Credit card, direct debit, pay per call (phone), check
Member manage­ment:yes
Youth pro­tec­tion filter:no
Download limit:yes
Cross-selling pre­sel­ec­ted:no
Content offe­red
Photos / Images:
Number:20,000 Porn images
Ø Resolution:1024 x 768 pixels
Image gal­lery control:yes
ZIP archi­ves:yes
Quantity:400 porn movies
Ø Resolution:640×480
Ø Length:10 minu­tes
Ø DL speed:350 kB/sec
Format:WMV, MOV, RM
Download pos­si­ble:yes
Streaming pos­si­ble:yes
DRM copy protection:no


Demo pics

Test report summary for Amateur-Facials.com

Geile Gesichtsbesamungs- Fotos

If you like cum facials (cumshots to the face), this is the porn site for you. A mix­tu­re of ama­teur and facial cum shots makes for an extre­me­ly sti­mu­la­ting atmo­sphe­re. Unfortunately, the web­site owner is not very good at crea­ting video mate­ri­al. Nevertheless, this porn site is very recommendable.

  • Image qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Video qua­li­ty – 50%
  • Sound qua­li­ty – 17%
  • Exclusivity – 100%
  • Models – 100%
  • Authentic emo­ti­ons – 50%
  • Variety – 83%
  • Extraordinary – 100%
  • Content quan­ti­ty – 100%
  • Fairness – 83%
  • Promises / Reality – 100%
  • Sexual sti­mu­la­ti­on – 100%
  • Design – 17%
  • Navigation – 33%
  • Preview area (Tour pages) – 33%
  • Updates – 17%
  • Loading speed – 67%
  • Costs – 50%
  • Price-performance ratio – 100%
  • Payment – 100%
  • Price trans­pa­ren­cy – 83%
  • Advertising / Spam – 100%
  • Subscription can­cel­la­ti­on – 83%
  • Overall impres­si­on – 83%
User Review
0 (0 votes)


  • Extremely sti­mu­la­ting cum images
  • Stimulating sperm videos
  • Great con­tent quantity
  • Many free part­ner galleries
  • Download tools are possible


  • Non-transparent navi­ga­ti­on
  • No recent updates
  • Bad video recordings
  • Many bro­ken links
  • Customer sup­port does not respond
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