Test - Review: JungfernFick.net

Test: JungfernFick.net

Test - Review: JungfernFick.net

Test: JungfernFick.net

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Teen Websites Review: Experiences with the Teensex- Site JungfernFick.net (VirginFuck)

The web­site JungfernFick.net was alle­gedly crea­ted by a woman named Natalie, who offers a video of her deflowe­ring for down­load. Her boy­fri­end Mike is said to have film­ed her at that time and since she is now „finan­ci­al­ly distres­sed“, she now publishes the film for cash.

Somehow this unu­su­al topic appea­led to me and I boo­ked an account for the mem­bers area.

In this porn site review, we would like to intro­du­ce you to the inter­net pro­ject Jungfern Fick. We will tell you what is hid­den in the members-area and whe­ther it is worth boo­king an account. You are wel­co­me to tell us your per­so­nal opi­ni­on about the teen­sex site below the review.

Visit JungfernFick.net

Opinion about the preview area of JungfernFick.net

A long text with the above men­tio­ned story can be read on the pre­view web­site and seems rela­tively con­vin­cing. The lay­out is deli­bera­te­ly kept simp­le and the text is deco­ra­ted with spel­ling mista­kes to give it a „touch of authenticity“ 

It is pro­mi­sed that it is „not a hoax“ and that the „deflowe­ring is 100% real“. Below that, a photo of a woman with a green bar over her face and tha­t’s it 

Now it’s eit­her pay 24.99 EUR to find out if it’s true or click the page shut. In retro­s­pect, I would have done bet­ter the lat­ter, but more on that later …

Rating of the porn sites registration

The regis­tra­ti­on is done by Netdebit, an exter­nal and repu­ta­ble bil­ling com­pa­ny. Here you can enter your data with con­fi­dence and you will not be bothe­red with spam 

When you have fil­led in the data and sel­ec­ted the boo­king packa­ge at 24.99 EUR, you spe­ci­fy the pay­ment method and send ever­y­thing to Netdebit. Shortly after that you will recei­ve an e‑mail with your access data to Jungfernfick.net.

Test – Review Member Area

You can log in direct­ly via the pre­view web­site and you will be redi­rec­ted to the mem­ber area. Here only a white page with an unador­ned text link to the video down­load awaits you. Below that is a box with access data and a link to various bonus web­sites. All in all it looks very spar­ta­nic and somehow unkind – I liked the pre­view area better.

I was able to down­load the video with 700 kb/s quite quick­ly and wat­ched it. So what is the story? To say it brief­ly: Fooling!

The woman is not a vir­gin and she does not look like on the photo in the pre­view. The video runs for about 15 minu­tes and you can see a woman lying on the bed with a suf­fe­ring face and list­less­ly doing wha­te­ver the male actor „Mike“ wants her to do. The lat­ter also gives her ins­truc­tions in English.

This teensex site is just plain bullshit!

First she pulls her labia apart and upwards, so that it should look as if her vagi­na is still „clo­sed“. Then Mike takes out his mons­trous penis and „tries“ to insert it and pre­tends that it does­n’t work by deli­bera­te­ly sin­king the cock into her labia past the pussy hole. All the while the woman screams like a banshee 

After a while he then puts the glans in the vagi­na and pre­tends that he can’t get any fur­ther in and after end­less 15 min he is then „pro­per­ly“ in and the movie is over. There is no fuck­ing to see, but only an eter­nal „fake pas­sing the vagi­na“ which is not only bor­ing but also total­ly unerotic.

From the half of the video, you can also look at his yel­low cheese feet and his hairy ass­ho­le – ew! Blood flows by the way also none, just as litt­le as sperm. One won­ders what the whole thing is about.

The dis­ap­poin­ting con­tent is matched by the equal­ly grot­ty pic­tu­re qua­li­ty. The reso­lu­ti­on of the video in WMV for­mat is a meager 360 x 288, the came­ra work, color repro­duc­tion and illu­mi­na­ti­on have ama­teur cha­rac­ter at best.

The ori­gi­nal sound is okay, but is inters­per­sed with lots of annoy­ing back­ground noise.

Opinions on page layout & design

The pre­view lay­out and mem­bers area are abso­lut­e­ly poor­ly desi­gned, I have rare­ly seen such an ugly website.

Experiences with the subscription cancellation

Information about the account or how to can­cel is not available on the web­site. Obviously, the cus­to­mers should be deli­bera­te­ly not infor­med so that they do not can­cel the con­cluded sub­scrip­ti­on as soon as possible.

Fortunately, the pay­ment for the pro­ject is hand­led by the exter­nal bil­ling com­pa­ny Netdebit, which deals fair­ly with cus­to­mers, so the can­cel­la­ti­on is easi­ly pos­si­ble via the fol­lo­wing link: http://www.netdebit-payment.de/go/customer/login

Under „Bookings“ you can can­cel here with 2 mouse clicks and short­ly after­wards you will recei­ve a con­fir­ma­ti­on of can­cel­la­ti­on by e‑mail.

Review verdict & conclusion of the JungfernFick.net test report

The web­site Jungfernfick.net does not keep what the pre­view pro­mi­ses. The pro­mi­sed vir­gin is not one. The deflowe­ring turns out to be an ama­teu­rish­ly exe­cu­ted acting act and the pic­tu­re qua­li­ty is not exact­ly into­xi­ca­ting either 

What is offe­red here for the hor­ror sum of 24.99 EUR is pure foo­le­ry and not worth a cent. The equal­ly bad bonus pages can’t hide the fact that you’­re obvious­ly out to catch a sucker here.

If you want to see serious and legal teen­sex porn with young women over 18, you should rather check out Erotik.com or brow­se our Teens category 

Visit JungfernFick.net
Website infor­ma­ti­on
Country of operator:
Cost:24,99 EUR / month (sub­scrip­ti­on)
Test / Demo – Access:no
Payment methods:Credit card, direct debit, pay per call (tele­pho­ne), bank transfer
Member manage­ment:no
Youth pro­tec­tion filter:no
Download limit:no
Cross-selling pre­sel­ec­ted:no
Offered con­tent
Photos / Images:
Quantity:0 porn images
Ø Resolution:-
Image Gallery Control:-
ZIP archi­ves:-
Count:0 porn movies
Ø Resolution:-
Ø Length:-
Ø DL Speed:-
Download pos­si­ble:-
Streaming pos­si­ble:-
DRM copy protection:-


Test report summary for JungfernFick.net

Warning against this sex site!

We can only warn against this porn site. It is obvious­ly desi­gned to catch stu­pid peo­p­le and is not worth even a penny in terms of con­tent or appearance. Absolute scam!

  • Image qua­li­ty – 0%
  • Video qua­li­ty – 0%
  • Sound qua­li­ty – 50%
  • Exclusivity – 0%
  • Models – 0%
  • Authentic emo­ti­ons – 0%
  • Variety – 0%
  • Extraordinary – 0%
  • Content quan­ti­ty – 0%
  • Fairness – 50%
  • Promises / Reality – 0%
  • Sexual sti­mu­la­ti­on – 0%
  • Design – 0%
  • Navigation – 67%
  • Preview area (Tour pages) – 0%
  • Updates – 0%
  • Loading speed – 100%
  • Costs – 67%
  • Price-performance ratio – 0%
  • Payment – 100%
  • Price trans­pa­ren­cy – 50%
  • Advertising / Spam – 100%
  • Subscription can­cel­la­ti­on – 67%
  • Overall impres­si­on – 0%
User Review
0 (0 votes)


  • spam free pay­ment processing


  • Story was unfort­u­na­te­ly just fiction
  • Not a real deflowering
  • Image qua­li­ty poor
  • Too litt­le con­tent for the price
  • Extremely much adver­ti­sing, email spam
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