Test - Review: SweatSweet.com

Test: SweatSweet.com

Test - Review: SweatSweet.com

Test: SweatSweet.com

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Teensex porn sites review: SweatSweet.com Test Report

You can often stumb­le upon the pho­tos of the teen site Sweatsweet.com on Usenet, free image sites and TGP lists. The pro­vi­der is very mas­si­ve in the fol­lo­wing cate­go­ries: Small breasts, teen­agers aged 18–19, young women around 20 (twens) and skin­nies (skin­ny = very slim women).

The free pic­tures and free vide­os tempt­ed us to want to see more, despi­te the hor­ri­ble pre­view area, and we curious­ly signed up for a membership.

In this porn site review we would like to intro­du­ce you to the tea sex site SweatSweet.com. We will explain to you what is hid­den in the mem­bers area and whe­ther it is worth boo­king a mem­ber­ship. You are wel­co­me to share your per­so­nal expe­ri­en­ces and opi­ni­ons below the review using the com­ment function.

Visit SweatSweet.com

Opinion about the preview area of SweatSweet.com

The pre­view area of SweatSweet.com is an abso­lu­te dis­as­ter. The lay­out is remi­nis­cent of the 90’s. If you navi­ga­te over the four pic­tures, you can get an impres­si­on how the mem­ber area looks like, too. Fortunately, some pre­view pic­tures and vide­os are downloadable.

The home­page adver­ti­ses horny ama­teur porn pic­tures, hot and young girl­fri­ends and wives, as well as real ama­teur porn and col­lege girls. The girls would have fun at home and out­doors. They have never seen the exclu­si­ve mate­ri­al befo­re. Unfortunately, these state­ments are only par­ti­al­ly true.

Via the menu item „Privacy Policy“ one lear­ns that the pro­ject owner is loca­ted in Ukraine. Obviously, the American mar­ket is the focus of the ope­ra­tor. The ser­ver loca­ti­on, howe­ver, is the Netherlands.

One asks for for­gi­ve­ness for the poor qua­li­ty pre­view vide­os, since the band­width is so expen­si­ve. High qua­li­ty vide­os with sound would be available in the MEMBERS AREA. Unfortunately, this is not enti­re­ly true eit­her. Good vide­os and pic­tures in accep­ta­ble size are rather the excep­ti­on – But more about that later.

You alre­a­dy get lost in the pre­view area with the few pages and you instinc­tively look for the home but­ton in vain.

But at least you can find an infor­ma­ti­on page with the pro­vi­der’s com­pa­ny data and an e‑mail address in case there are tech­ni­cal problems.

Rating of the porn sites registration

In order to regis­ter for the mem­ber area of SweatSweet.com, one clicks on the JOIN-NOW but­ton and a page of CCBill opens. There you can choo­se bet­ween the pay­ment methods cre­dit card and EU direct debit. For direct debit, an ID num­ber must be provided.

If one is aut­ho­ri­zed and the pay­ment was suc­cessful, one gets a page with the access data. In addi­ti­on, the new cus­to­mer recei­ves a con­fir­ma­ti­on mail. This e‑mail should not be dele­ted, becau­se it con­ta­ins the tran­sac­tion num­ber, which is requi­red for problem-free cancellation.

There is no sepa­ra­te noti­ce that this is a sub­scrip­ti­on. You are also not infor­med about the way to can­cel the subscription.

Since it con­cerns the respec­ta­ble accoun­tant CCBill, no SPAM is to be feared, but it is nevert­hel­ess recom­men­ded to set up a sepa­ra­te porn email address at GMX, Gmail.com etc.

Test – Review Member Area

If you are log­ged in for the first time, you think you are not loo­king pro­per­ly. The mem­ber area is as ugly desi­gned as the pre­view area.

Via four thumb­nails, you can navi­ga­te in an opaque way to num­e­rous photo and pic­tu­re gal­le­ries. One gets lost again and again and mis­ses a home but­ton. The visi­tor has no other chan­ce than to work with the for­ward and back but­tons of the browser 

One does not see through at all! Tangled navi­ga­ti­on but­tons labe­led „French Teens“ (French girls), „Euro Teens“ (European teen­agers), „Virgins“ (vir­gins) and „Hardcore“ (sex sce­nes) make the user wan­der back and forth.

Structure of the sex site Sweatsweet

We will try to explain the struc­tu­re of the page:

  • Via „French Teens“ you reach a page with thir­teen rela­ted pic­tu­re and video sce­nes. There is a scrol­ling func­tion for the (much too small) pic­tures. The struc­tu­re is still some­what understandable.
  • Via „Hardcore“ you get to a page with 37 vide­os, down­loa­da­ble in 1–8 MB seg­ments. ONLY from there you get to fur­ther pic­tu­re gal­le­ries via an equal­ly opaque structure.
  • Via „Euro Teen“ you get to a gal­lery page with six European girls.
  • Via Virgin you get to 40 vide­os, where it is pro­mi­sed that they are vir­gins. However, this is not true and at least you can find some flat-chested women there.

Poor presentation of the photos

If you somehow get to the pic­tu­re gal­lery, you expe­ri­ence an abso­lu­te dis­ap­point­ment here as well.

The offe­red pic­tu­re gal­le­ries are a hor­ror. The pho­tos are from the early days of the Internet and are most­ly poor­ly pho­to­gra­phed. The edge length of the pho­tos is most­ly under 1000 pixels and used to be very easy on the eyes for 15 inch monitors.

Every now and then you get lucky and stumb­le across a series of pic­tures with slight­ly lar­ger pho­tos. Since some pho­tos look like scan­ned and actres­ses like Anne Howe can be found bet­ween many Russian loo­king girls, we don’t assu­me that not all pic­tures are exclu­si­ve to Sweatsweet. It’s also annoy­ing that many thumb­nails (pre­view images) don’t match the large images at all. It often opens com­ple­te­ly dif­fe­rent pho­tos than expected!

Resignedly you try to gather what somehow looks some­what inte­res­t­ing. With a lot of luck and per­se­ver­ance, you can find some nice photo gal­le­ries or vide­os to your taste. The vide­os are almost all unusable.

Also, the update inter­vals are not under­stan­da­ble. The reason­ab­ly cur­rent date is shown and yet it is always just the old content.

Opinions on page layout & design

The page design from the nine­ties is quite out­da­ted. It is kept in a beige tone and was cob­bled tog­e­ther lovelessly 

As men­tio­ned seve­ral times, one mis­ses a regu­lar struc­tu­re and a pos­si­bi­li­ty to come back to the home­page. Only by chan­ce, one finds the exten­si­ve pic­tu­re gallery.

In addi­ti­on, a bet­ter scrol­ling func­tion for the pic­tures in the mem­ber area is to be wis­hed and a ZIP down­load func­tion, in order to be able to down­load the whole gallery.

Experiences with the subscription cancellation

To can­cel the sub­scrip­ti­on, go to the CCBill sup­port page and enter the tran­sac­tion num­ber and your email address.

On the fol­lo­wing page, you have to sel­ect a reason for can­cel­la­ti­on and con­firm again with a sel­ec­tion but­ton with YES that you real­ly want to can­cel the ABO. We gave the reason „dis­sa­tis­fied with the content“.

Once the can­cel­la­ti­on is com­ple­te, you will recei­ve an e‑mail with a con­fir­ma­ti­on of cancellation.

Review verdict & conclusion of the SweatSweet.com test report

This is exact­ly the kind of sex site we would like to warn you about with our ero­tic site test project! 

Sweatsweet.com has not been up-to-date in terms of pic­tu­re and video qua­li­ty for 10 years. The pho­tos and pic­tures are much too small. If you have found seve­ral free pho­tos on the Internet, you do not need to expect signi­fi­cant­ly more con­tent in the mem­ber area.

Often you will find per­for­mers / ‑insi­de in the American 80s look with perm and baggy clo­thes, mixed with many Russian faces and some inter­na­tio­nal porn models.

We doubt that all the con­tent is real­ly exclu­si­ve. As crass as it sounds, boo­king Sweatsweet.com is money down the drain.

Visit SweatSweet.com
Website Information
Country of operator:
Cost:$12.95 / 10 days (sub­scrip­ti­on)
$29.95 / 30 days
Test / Demo – Access:no
Payment methods:Credit card, direct debit
Member manage­ment:yes
Youth pro­tec­tion filter:no
Download limit:no
Cross-selling pre­sel­ec­ted:yes
Offered con­tent
Photos / Images:
Number:5,000 Porn images
Ø Resolution:768×502 pixels
Image gal­lery control:no
ZIP archi­ves:no
Quantity:90 porn movies
Ø Resolution:352 × 262
Ø Length:10 minu­tes
Ø DL speed:250 kB/sec
Download pos­si­ble:yes
Streaming pos­si­ble:no
DRM copy protection:no


Test report summary for SweatSweet.com

Hands off this teens porn site!

This teen­sex site is an exam­p­le of how gul­li­ble con­su­mers are deli­bera­te­ly decei­ved and foo­led by some porn pro­vi­ders. On free ero­tic por­tals, the sex site is neat­ly adver­ti­sed and in the mem­bers area hides almost only gar­ba­ge. The teen pho­tos and vide­os are not even remo­te­ly worth their month­ly fee.

  • Image qua­li­ty – 0%
  • Video qua­li­ty – 0%
  • Sound qua­li­ty – 0%
  • Exclusivity – 0%
  • Models – 50%
  • Authentic emo­ti­ons – 50%
  • Variety – 50%
  • Extraordinary – 0%
  • Content quan­ti­ty – 0%
  • Fairness – 50%
  • Promises / Reality – 0%
  • Sexual sti­mu­la­ti­on – 0%
  • Design – 0%
  • Navigation – 0%
  • Preview area (Tour pages) – 0%
  • Updates – 0%
  • Loading speed – 83%
  • Costs – 83%
  • Price-performance ratio – 0%
  • Payment – 100%
  • Price trans­pa­ren­cy – 50%
  • Advertising / Spam – 67%
  • Subscription can­cel­la­ti­on – 33%
  • Overall impres­si­on – 17%
User Review
0 (0 votes)


  • A few sexy teen pictures
  • Girls have part­ly very small breasts
  • Partially sti­mu­la­ting ama­teur girls


  • Too small vide­os and photos
  • Poor pic­tu­re and video quality
  • Miserable page structure
  • Actors from the 80’s
  • Very anti­qua­ted web design
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