Test - Review: TopModelFalle.com

Test: TopModelFalle.com

Test - Review: TopModelFalle.com

Test: TopModelFalle.com

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Review of the very authentic, German amateur sex porn site TopModelFalle.com (TopModelTrap)

At Topmodelfalle.com fake model scouts lure pret­ty women into a photo stu­dio with false pro­mi­ses. To do this, they roam the Czech Republic’s streets and shop­ping arca­des, con­stant­ly chat­ting up new girls and picking them up.

Once a bud­ding model has been per­sua­ded to take part in a photo shoot and has arri­ved at the stu­dio, the scouts take a few pho­tos and want more and more hot action in front of the came­ra. In the end, the model is naked and is per­sua­ded to have sex and mer­ci­less­ly fucked in the inte­rest of her own upco­ming career.

In this review, we would like to intro­du­ce you to the porn site TopModelFalle.com.

Visit TopModelFalle.com

Opinion about the preview area of TopModelFalle.com

In the pre­view area, you can watch short (cen­so­red) video trai­lers of 11 dif­fe­rent sets, in which the plot is sum­ma­ri­zed in a com­pres­sed way. So, you can get a good idea of what to expect 

Although there is a small FAQ, you only get infor­ma­ti­on about the price after ente­ring your email address. I also missed infor­ma­ti­on about the fre­quen­cy of updates.

Rating of the porn sites registration

In the regis­tra­ti­on form you enter your e‑mail address and a pass­word of your choice and then you can see the pri­ces. There is the pos­si­bi­li­ty to book a test access for 7,95 EUR or a month­ly packa­ge for 24,95 EUR 

Once you have deci­ded on an access opti­on, you can pay eit­her by direct debit or cre­dit card. I deci­ded to pay by cre­dit card and fil­led in the data in the fol­lo­wing form. The bil­ling is done by the com­pa­ny ViCash, a medium-sized German bil­ling com­pa­ny from Berlin.

After sen­ding the form I got the access data to the mem­ber area of Topmodelfalle.com by e‑mail.


Test – Review Memberarea

One can log in direct­ly over the pre­view web page and hard­ly one is in the mem­ber range, one is sur­pri­sed first once nega­tively, becau­se all vide­os and pho­tos are FSK16 cen­so­red! This was in the pre­view and in the FAQ not­hing to read and I was pret­ty dis­ap­poin­ted, after all, I had just paid money and wan­ted to get some­thing to see …

So now I had to, willy-nilly, take care of the paren­tal con­trols. You have two opti­ons, once by mail in the Post-Ident pro­ce­du­re or you send a photo with your face and ID card on it to the web­site support 

Unfortunately, gene­ral access gates such as Xcheck, über18 or simi­lar are not offe­red, so you have to go through the in-house Post-Ident pro­ce­du­re if you don’t want to send your photo. Anyway, I did­n’t feel like it and chose AVS acti­va­ti­on by mail.

Very annoying parental control check

Then it’s wait for the let­ter car­ri­er to come in a few days and iden­ti­fy me as an adult. I then wai­ted a litt­le over 2 weeks and not­hing hap­pen­ed. My trial (ends after a week) had since been exten­ded to a month­ly sub­scrip­ti­on becau­se I had­n’t can­cel­led and I still did­n’t have full access to the site. So I got in touch with sup­port. By the way, this is done quick­ly and easi­ly via live chat and I got as info that the AVS acti­va­ti­on should have been sent by mail direct­ly on the day I reques­ted it.

Well, not­hing arri­ved with me, why no one knew and I also not. So I was left with the „photo acti­va­ti­on“ opti­on. After I had mana­ged a reason­ab­ly accep­ta­ble photo, I sent it by e‑mail to the sup­port and within 12 hours I final­ly had full and uncen­so­red access to all pho­tos and videos.

Now sur­fing the mem­ber area was of cour­se more fun and now I was posi­tively sur­pri­sed, becau­se I not only have access to the mem­ber area of Topmodelfalle.com, but also to BittePoppen.com and SexyKurven.com. About these two mem­ber areas I will write again each for its­elf a report and are not to play a role here.

The mem­ber expects with Topmodelfalle altog­e­ther 11 sets with in each case 1 video (45 min) and per set approx. 500 pho­tos. That is not par­ti­cu­lar­ly much, but for it qua­li­ta­tively high-quality, abso­lut­e­ly exclu­si­ve and above all German-language con­tent. So no cheap purcha­sed goods from America, but spe­ci­al­ly crea­ted con­tent for this pro­ject. You rare­ly find that and I am accor­din­gly thrilled.

Test Verdict Porn Videos 

The vide­os can be view­ed in a flash play­er in 2 dif­fe­rent qua­li­ties, wher­eby the hig­her reso­lu­ti­on ver­si­on is pre­fera­ble. The play­er is very easy to use and the vide­os can be play­ed smooth­ly and wit­hout long wai­ting times. In addi­ti­on, there is the opti­on to watch the respec­ti­ve movie as a high-resolution DivX video in HD qua­li­ty (722×455 pixels) as a live stream. This is abso­lut­e­ly exem­pla­ry and more than up to date, becau­se even in full screen mode you can enjoy unpi­xel­a­ted and sharp pic­tu­re quality 

A down­load, howe­ver, is not pro­vi­ded and so you can only save the vide­os (assum­ing html know­ledge) via cum­ber­so­me source code popery.

Horny amateur porn with authentic storyline 

The video con­tent its­elf is great and I liked it very much. An invi­si­ble came­ra­man and the main actor always walk through shop­ping malls, streets or other public places in the begin­ning and then chat up a wort­hwhile „vic­tim“. After a bit of chat­ter, the girl comes along to the photo stu­dio, gets made up and photographed 

At some point the pho­to­grapher wants to see more and make hor­nier pic­tures, then the pro­s­pec­ti­ve super­mo­del und­res­ses more and more. As soon as she is naked, she is of cour­se gro­ped and fucked at the end. This sto­ry­line runs through all the vide­os, but due to the varia­ti­ons in terms of loca­ti­ons and dif­fe­rent girls, there is no boredom.

One is always curious how the model scouts will mana­ge to fuck the model at the end this time. In one of the vide­os, the girl does­n’t even par­ti­ci­pa­te and takes off. This pro­vi­des a bit of rea­lism and it does­n’t all seem too contrived.

Good porn actors

The acting talent is of cour­se limi­t­ed, but you like to watch and some of the girls do a great job. About 30% of each video is story and talk, the rest is hard­core sex action of the finest kind. The main actor has it real­ly good and takes the women so right through. He does it so well that the girls part­ly show real horn­i­ness and fee­lings and you don’t just get pre­sen­ted with con­tri­ved sce­nes – great!

Speaking of models – the actres­ses all look good, they are not teen fresh meat, but matu­re and plump twenty-somethings. So this is a plea­sant chan­ge from the usual teen craze on many other web­sites.

The came­ra work, the scene light­ing and the ori­gi­nal sound (wit­hout dis­tur­bing back­ground music) are impec­ca­ble. You noti­ce here were pro­fes­sio­nals at work and is so enthu­si­a­stic, that you could almost for­get the AVS-angst at the registration…

Rating porn photos

With approx. 5000 pho­tos divi­ded to approx. 500 pho­tos per set the pic­tu­re gal­lery is well equip­ped. All sce­nes from the vide­os were re-enacted and pho­to­gra­phed in high qua­li­ty. There is not much new to see, but it is great to have a look at the respec­ti­ve model. The pic­tu­re size of 1024 x 683 is okay, but some­ti­mes you would wish for big­ger pic­tures. The gal­lery script is o. k. and easy to use, but you also miss a zip down­load func­tion. This is a pity, here only helps to save all images by hand, becau­se a down­load tool does not work at Topmodelfalle unfortunately.


The offer includes 100 „Coins“ for the use of the 216 (!) web­cams in the mem­ber gal­lery. But these 100 coins are only enough for 100 seconds. More than a short look in is not pos­si­ble. Then, of cour­se, you have to buy new coins and that is quite expen­si­ve: 600 coins cost 25 EUR and cor­re­spond to 10 minu­tes of web­cam use. I did wit­hout, becau­se there are a lot of other and much che­a­per cam pro­vi­ders on the net. Too bad – I would have liked to have at least one web­cam for mem­bers, where you don’t have to pay extra.

Opinions about page layout & design

The pre­view lay­out and the mem­ber area look abso­lut­e­ly the same, „You-see-what-you-get“ is on the agen­da and knows how to plea­se, becau­se no awk­ward log­ging in via any por­tals is neces­sa­ry. Navigation is done via the model images under the video play­er, which is simp­le and intui­ti­ve, but it requi­res a lot of scrol­ling around.

Graphically, Topmodelfalle pres­ents its­elf in a modern and very chic garb in the style of a video por­tal. I liked the clear account manage­ment, where you can keep an eye on your data and tran­sac­tions and where you can can­cel your account with just a few clicks, as alre­a­dy men­tio­ned. The FAQ, howe­ver, is a bit spar­se with only 5 ques­ti­ons and ans­wers, and unfort­u­na­te­ly there is no infor­ma­ti­on about updates either.

Experiences with the subscription cancellation

In the FAQ and in the account manage­ment, there is a trans­pa­rent and customer-friendly refe­rence to a simp­le can­cel­la­ti­on opti­on. You can easi­ly can­cel your mem­ber­ship at any time with a few mouse clicks. To do this, sim­ply send the can­cel­la­ti­on form, which can be found under „Account“, and then you will recei­ve a con­fir­ma­ti­on by e‑mail. Top!

Review verdict & conclusion of the TopModelFalle.com test report

Topmodelfalle con­vin­ces with German con­tent and a real story behind the fuck sce­nes. The exclu­si­ve, high-quality vide­os and the pho­tos in equal­ly good qua­li­ty, are worth see­ing and uni­que on the German porn market.

However, 11 sets are not very much and if you signed up just for this pro­ject, apart from the bonus access, it is too litt­le to jus­ti­fy a month­ly sub­scrip­ti­on for 24,90 EUR. But there is a cheap weekly access and the price-performance ratio is right again.

The paren­tal con­trols are a bit of a shame; one would wish that one could also authen­ti­ca­te via other estab­lished AVS sys­tems and not just via the in-house AVS sys­tem. Other than that, I enjoy­ed the pro­ject and left a posi­ti­ve impres­si­on. I’ll be happy to come back for more new con­tent in the future.

Visit TopModelFalle.com
Website Information
Country of operator:
Cost:7,95 EUR / 7 days (sub­scrip­ti­on)
24,95 EUR / 31 days
Test / Demo – Access:yes
Payment methods:Credit card, direct debit
Billing:ViCash, own system
Member manage­ment:yes
Youth pro­tec­tion filter:yes
Download limit:no
Cross-selling pre­sel­ec­ted:no
Offered con­tent
Photos / Images:
Number:5.000 Porn images
Ø Resolution:1024×683 pixels
Image gal­lery control:yes
ZIP archi­ves:no
Number:11 porn movies
Ø Resolution:722×455
Ø Length:45 minu­tes
Ø DL speed:1.500 kB/sec
Download pos­si­ble:no
Streaming pos­si­ble:yes
DRM copy protection:no



Test report summary for TopModelFalle.com

Good porn with bad online implementation

Although the porn movies of this porn site are excel­lent in terms of con­tent and visu­als, the con­tent quan­ti­ty is rather poor. Very annoy­ing is the child pro­tec­tion check and that you can­not down­load the vide­os and photos.

  • Image qua­li­ty – 67%
  • Video qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Sound qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Exclusivity – 100%
  • Models – 67%
  • Authentic emo­ti­ons – 67%
  • Variety – 50%
  • Extraordinary – 83%
  • Content quan­ti­ty – 17%
  • Fairness – 67%
  • Promises / Reality – 100%
  • Sexual sti­mu­la­ti­on – 100%
  • Design – 100%
  • Navigation – 67%
  • Preview area (Tour pages) – 83%
  • Updates – 17%
  • Loading speed – 100%
  • Costs – 67%
  • Price-performance ratio – 67%
  • Payment – 100%
  • Price trans­pa­ren­cy – 100%
  • Advertising / Spam – 100%
  • Subscription can­cel­la­ti­on – 100%
  • Overall impres­si­on – 100%
User Review
0 (0 votes)


  • German vide­os in top quality
  • Absolutely exclu­si­ve content
  • Fair tre­at­ment of customers
  • Fast sup­port with live chat
  • Great lay­out and design


  • Age veri­fi­ca­ti­on sys­tem after payment
  • Too litt­le content
  • No video down­load possible
  • No photo down­load pos­si­ble (ZIP)
  • No updates
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