Test - Review: ATKhairy.com

Test: ATKhairy.com

Test - Review: ATKhairy.com

Test: ATKhairy.com

2 34,996

Who would have thought in the eight­ies that body hair would even­tual­ly beco­me a fetish! Unfortunately, due to the beau­ty ide­als in the press and on tele­vi­si­on, nowa­days girls as young as twel­ve to four­teen years old start shaving their pubic hair and arm­pit hair as soon as the first hairs sprout. Between the ages of six­teen and forty there are hard­ly any women who con­fi­dent­ly wear their hair…

Who is sur­pri­sed that more and more men want to see „Back to the Roots“ once again women with pubic hair and arm­pit hair. Some men like it pri­mal and the others nice­ly trim­med and groo­med. But unfort­u­na­te­ly, even in the porn scene you will find almost no models who are not clean-shaven!

ATKhairy.com pro­mi­ses to show us men what has made us horny for mil­li­ons of years: Girls with pubic hair and arm­pit hair: Primal, natu­ral and breasts: silicone-free! We deci­ded to do this test becau­se of the unu­su­al genre and we will tell you our opi­ni­ons and expe­ri­en­ces below.

Visit ATKhairy.com

Opinion about the preview area of ATKhairy.com

The pre­view area of atkhairy.com is desi­gned exem­pla­ry! The visi­tor is real­ly tempt­ed to click around in the free area first. In a slider that can’t be over­loo­ked, num­e­rous pho­tos with slight­ly hairy, beau­tiful, young girls run as a slide show. On num­e­rous sub­pages you can get an excel­lent impres­si­on of what is offe­red in the mem­ber area.

Over the upper navi­ga­ti­on bar one can wit­hout registration:

  • view all models (incl. sedcard and pre­view pictures)
  • brow­se through the categories
  • View photo pre­views (sor­ted by actuality)
  • watch some demo videos
  • get an over­view of many ATK (Amateur and Teen Kingdom) porn movies in the DVD store
  • brow­se the ATK lounge – a blog
  • Watch excerp­ts from pre­vious web­cam shows

The visi­tor is pro­mi­sed 1600 models, 5500 ero­tic movies and 20,000 pic­tu­re sets with 2.7 mil­li­on pic­tures. If this pro­ves true in the mem­ber area, it would be quite an achie­ve­ment! Excitedly boo­ked the mem­bers area for our test report.

By the way, we have alre­a­dy pre­sen­ted the mother pro­ject ATKgalleria in a test review.

Porn site rating – registration

The link to sign up for the atkHairy mem­bers area, unli­ke other porn sites, is mere­ly dis­creet­ly loca­ted at the bot­tom of the page. If you click on the link Become a mem­ber now respec­tively Join nowif you click on the link, a page opens, on which the purcha­se argu­ments are lis­ted again: 1300 natu­ral and hairy models are wai­ting, mil­li­ons of hairy pic­tures are pro­mi­sed, dif­fe­rent pic­tu­re reso­lu­ti­ons, zip down­load and so on. And… ATKhairy is the big­gest and best hair site online.

First, you assign a user­na­me and pass­word of your own choice, you also have to enter an e‑mail address and choo­se the tariff. Unfortunately, you can only sel­ect CCBill as your bil­ling method, which requi­res a cre­dit card.
A page opens where you have to enter your per­so­nal data and cre­dit card information.

Important: A CCbill-typical trans­la­ti­on error can also be seen at ATKhairy: At the end of the form it says „Complete the purcha­se“ (It is miss­ing the „from“ → Complete the purcha­se).
A second but­ton cau­ses con­fu­si­on: „Complete the purcha­se and con­ti­nue shop­ping at CCbill“. It is the first but­ton that should be pressed!

Using the pre­paid cre­dit card worked! 😉

After the suc­cessful pay­ment, a page with the access data is dis­play­ed and an email with the access data is delivered.

Unfortunately, our test email address was lite­ral­ly floo­ded with SPAM just a few days after regis­tra­ti­on! We are curr­ent­ly recei­ving 8 to 13 SPAM mails a day. It looks like the site ope­ra­tor AND the bil­ling com­pa­ny are embezz­ling the e‑mail addres­ses of their cus­to­mers! It should be man­da­to­ry to set up a dis­posable email address or spam address befo­re sig­ning up with ATKhairy.com.

Erotikseitentest Atkhairy

Test – Review Member area

After the pay­ment one can log in on the side http://www.atkhairy.com/login/. A bit annoy­ing is that you always have to type the captcha gra­phic and the ses­si­on runs as a ses­si­on that expi­res after about 60 minu­tes. So you should always check the box „Remember me on this com­pu­ter“, so that the ses­si­on runs over a coo­kie, which saves the con­stant re-login.

After sig­ning up, a stran­ge mes­sa­ge comes up „We do not have your email­adress. Please click here to enter“. You should igno­re the mes­sa­ge if you don’t want to end up in a mas­si­ve SPAM mai­ling list. Be sure to click on „Do not show me this mes­sa­ge again“ and the X to close!

Now you land on the home­page of the atkhairy mem­ber area. Sometimes the lan­guage is English and some­ti­mes badly trans­la­ted into German. Via the menu item „Languages“ you can always chan­ge to German.

Over a top navi­ga­ti­on, one rea­ches the photo gal­le­ries and vide­os, a search func­tion, an account data admi­nis­tra­ti­on and the cus­to­mer ser­vice. If one clicks on the menu item „Top Picks“, one finds the most popu­lar models, cate­go­ries, pho­tos and vide­os. You can access the latest vide­os and pho­tos via „Latest Content“.

Annoying is the mas­si­ve adver­ti­sing for the other ATK pro­jects, which cau­ses con­fu­si­on in the begin­ning. The latest ATK news and updates can also be found via the homepage.

General porn page rating:

Looking at the ATKhairy mem­bers area, it is very obvious to see that the main focus of atkhairy.com has been main­ly pho­to­gra­phy for many years. The images come from many European, main­ly British pho­to­graph­ers. Also the models seem to be pri­ma­ri­ly from England, Czech Republic and Eastern Europe.

What is striking about ATKhairy is that the focus is on the models, not the action. Everywhere the models are seen with a name, age and an appe­al­ing facial portrait.

There are curr­ent­ly 1600 models in all facets to find: Blonde, bru­net­te or red hair, long or short.… All ages from young to matu­re… Amateurs, busi­ness ladies, pro­fes­sio­nal models… huge breasts or mini tits… long, slim, small or fat… trim­med tri­ang­le or wild bush… All women’s tas­tes are real­ly served!

Since the atkHairy vide­os are usual­ly a bit leng­thy, this ero­tic site is rather less sui­ta­ble for the hard­core porn wat­cher, but rather for the deman­ding image view­er. The main pre­re­qui­si­te is, of cour­se, that you like pubic hair and arm­pit hair.

A real bles­sing is the search func­tion. You can fil­ter accor­ding to your per­so­nal pre­fe­ren­ces using English search terms. For exam­p­le: hairy arm­pits and small tits or braces and very slim and many other com­bi­na­ti­ons are possible!

Before you start brow­sing, you should first set the fol­lo­wing set­tings via the top menu on ACCOUNT → Settings: Image Resolution = high, Thumbnail Bar = on the right, Thumbnail Per Page = all, Language = German. This makes the ope­ra­ti­on much easier.
Oh, and: You should use the Firefox brow­ser incl. the plug­in DownloadThemAll for surfing!

The pubic hair / armpit hair photos:

The pic­tu­re qua­li­ty can be clas­si­fied as very good to above avera­ge. Lighting, set con­s­truc­tion and loca­ti­on are almost always pro­fes­sio­nal. However, the authen­ti­ci­ty and natu­ral­ness of the actres­ses often suf­fers. Again and again one finds annoy­in­gly pic­tu­re series in which the girls with a trans­pa­rent vibra­tor WITHOUT bat­te­ries pre­tend to enjoy a high­ly blissful fee­ling or even a super orgasm!

About a very well ope­ra­ble gal­lery script you can brow­se and navi­ga­te excel­lent in the photo gal­le­ries. However, you always have to work with the right mouse but­ton and new brow­ser tabs, becau­se it is annoy­ing that in the gal­lery pages the top navi­ga­ti­on always disappears.

Incredibly horny armpit hair and pubic hair photos

Most of the girls look very appe­al­ing and sti­mu­la­ting! Especially in the newer photo gal­le­ries you can see every detail of the girls very high reso­lu­ti­on and sharp. Liver spots, freck­les, braces, tat­toos, body hair … The natu­ral­ness of many girls is sim­ply breath­ta­king. Some models look extre­me­ly cute and their arm­pit hair and pubic hair pro­vi­de a very cer­tain sti­mu­la­ting „some­thing“ that the view­er’s pants burst! Really class!

But bewa­re: On ATKhairy there are also many very pri­mal models, with leg hair like men or a mons­ter bush. If you are not 100% into it, you should close the gal­le­ries quick­ly. We were sho­cked seve­ral times while brow­sing, how stron­gly hairy some cute women can be. Definitely all hair fetis­hist incli­na­ti­ons are served! 😉

Opinion about the intimate hairstyles – erotic videos:

Since 2005 there are also vide­os on ATKhairy.com. The old vide­os are still cut into seve­ral parts for band­width reasons and are offe­red as MPEG4 in small reso­lu­ti­on. Since then, ATK goes with the times and mean­while there are very worth see­ing movies at ATKhairy. Since 2010 the vide­os are offe­red in a flash stream and the came­ra reso­lu­ti­on is get­ting bet­ter – tha­t’s why we only rate the vide­os from this time until today.

The illu­si­ons that the visi­tor can have when wat­ching „silent pho­tos“ of various models can be quick­ly des­troy­ed in vide­os. Even if a woman cor­re­sponds to the „prey sche­me“ of the view­er, in the film she can des­troy „her magic“ by bor­ing actions, stu­pid grins and lack of emotions.

In our opi­ni­on, you can find num­e­rous of these bor­ing movies on atkHairy. There is most­ly just fondling and „pre­ten­ding“. Real fee­lings are (most­ly!) absent!
When the actres­ses pluck at their arm­pit hair and pubic hair for 20 minu­tes and con­stant­ly grin into the came­ra, bore­dom quick­ly sets in.

Videos are sometimes a bit monotonous

Faked mas­tur­ba­ti­on sce­nes with cheap vibra­tors (some wit­hout bat­te­ries – so as not to dis­turb the sound!) and unemo­tio­nal innnnn-oouuuuut pene­tra­ti­on with dil­dos are very tiring. At least the women at the Hitachi Magic Wand could no lon­ger fake and real orgasms are put down.

Mostly the girls have to be fucked hard by men so that they show real fee­lings. Only various ama­teur girls show their prac­ti­ced dex­teri­ty, and if you are lucky, you can find a video that ends in an unac­ted orgasm. Very rare­ly, the ama­teur girls make them­sel­ves horny over their cunt juice. ← That’s what we men want to see!

Unfortunately, les­bi­an movies are most­ly just „okaaaay­yy“. What there is to cack­le for exam­p­le at horny orgasm machi­nes like the Sybian Orgasm Machine, ins­tead of sit­ting on it sen­si­bly and enjoy­ing a bru­tal orgasm, annoys the viewer.

If you know this in advan­ce, you won’t be dis­ap­poin­ted by the atkHairy porn vide­os. There are (as of 2011) some­thing like 100 very horny porn movies where the girls real­ly get off! You get in the video lis­tings quick­ly an eye for which vide­os are worth watching.

Opinions about page structure & design

The pre­view area and also the mem­ber area of atkhairy.com are kept simp­le and yet appe­al­ing. The girls are pre­sen­ted on a white page wit­hout any frills and wit­hout dis­trac­ting from the content.

In the mem­ber area, you quick­ly know where to click and can quick­ly find your way around. A real help in the huge model sel­ec­tion is the model search, which allows you to quick­ly find the girls accor­ding to indi­vi­du­al preferences.

In the mem­ber area you always have to work with the right mouse but­ton and tabs – Because you lose the usual struc­tu­re with the top navi­ga­ti­on in the model pages.

Experiences with the subscription cancellation

In the boo­king con­fir­ma­ti­on of atkhairy.com is com­ple­te­ly fair on the sub­scrip­ti­on poin­ted out and it is even a link to the can­cel­la­ti­on form added. Exactly so, we expect that actual­ly from all ero­tic sites!

If you click on the link, you land on a CCbill page. The first thing you should do is click the German coun­try flag at the top to read ever­y­thing in German.

In three steps one ans­wers a few ques­ti­ons and gets a can­cel­la­ti­on con­fir­ma­ti­on on the web­site wit­hout any pro­blems. At the same time, you will recei­ve an e‑mail con­fir­ming the can­cel­la­ti­on in English (Cancellation of subscription).

Review verdict & conclusion of the ATKhairy.com test report

Atkhairy.com keeps ever­y­thing that is pro­mi­sed to the cus­to­mer: Thousands of likeable and natu­ral girls in all body shapes, ages and in all ima­gi­nable body fea­tures. From the well-coiffured pubic hair tri­ang­le to the pri­mal bush … with and wit­hout arm­pit hair … You will defi­ni­te­ly find your models to your taste!

New updates are added daily. ATKHairy.com also keeps pace with the tech­ni­cal deve­lo­p­ment and pres­ents the latest movies and pho­tos in razor-sharp HD quality!

However, ATKhairy is rather some­thing for the deman­ding photo lover. The vide­os are most­ly a bit bor­ing and the girls are too camera-fixated, from which the authen­ti­ci­ty suffers.

Visit ATKhairy.com
Website Information
Country of operator:
Cost:$29.99 / 30 days (sub­scrip­ti­on)
$49.95 / 60 days
$64.99 / 90 days
Test / Demo – Access:no
Payment methods:Credit card, direct debit, pay per call (phone), check
Member manage­ment:yes
Youth pro­tec­tion filter:no
Download limit:no
Cross-selling pre­sel­ec­ted:no
Offered con­tent
Photos / Images:
Number:2,000,000 porn images
Ø Resolution:3000×1996 pixels
Image gal­lery control:yes
ZIP archi­ves:yes
Number:5,000 porn movies
Ø Resolution:1080p HD
Ø Length:30 minu­tes
Ø DL speed:6,000 kB/sec
Format:WMV, MPEG
Download pos­si­ble:yes
Streaming pos­si­ble:yes
DRM copy protection:no



Test report summary for ATKhairy.com

Very horny porn site for body hair lovers

This porn site is defi­ni­te­ly one of the lea­ders in hairy con­tent. The sight of pubic hair and arm­pit hair strikes the male view­er’s brain like a light­ning bolt! Ancient natu­ral instincts are awa­ken­ed. The gigan­ti­cal­ly model data­ba­se makes it pos­si­ble for every visi­tor to quick­ly find women in his booty pat­tern. Really, a horny side!

  • Image qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Video qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Sound qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Exclusivity – 100%
  • Models – 100%
  • Authentic emo­ti­ons – 50%
  • Variety – 100%
  • Extraordinary – 100%
  • Content quan­ti­ty – 100%
  • Fairness – 100%
  • Promises / Reality – 100%
  • Sexual sti­mu­la­ti­on – 83%
  • Design – 100%
  • Navigation – 67%
  • Preview area (Tour pages) – 100%
  • Updates – 100%
  • Loading speed – 100%
  • Costs – 50%
  • Price-performance ratio – 100%
  • Payment – 83%
  • Price trans­pa­ren­cy – 83%
  • Advertising / Spam – 50%
  • Subscription can­cel­la­ti­on – 83%
  • Overall impres­si­on – 100%
User Review
0 (0 votes)


  • Giant archi­ve: over 2 mil­li­on photos!
  • High-resolution pho­tos and HD videos
  • Artful, detail­ed photos
  • Very likeable models
  • Daily updates
  • Armpit and pubic hair pro­vi­de an extre­me­ly ero­tic effect


  • Focus is on photography
  • Girls very came­ra fixated
  • Hardly any real orgasms & feelings
  • Very few sex scenes
  • SPAM emails
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