Test - Review: BigLeagueSquirters.com

Test: BigLeagueSquirters.com

Test - Review: BigLeagueSquirters.com

Test: BigLeagueSquirters.com

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Porn Sites Review: Review of squirting website BigLeagueSquirters.com

Squirting, also cal­led „fema­le eja­cu­la­ti­on“ or „fema­le squir­ting“ exci­tes many men. This refers to a phe­no­me­non that women, when sti­mu­la­ted with appro­pria­te inten­si­ty of the vagi­nal front wall, can gush a fluid that cor­re­sponds to the pro­sta­te fluid of the man.

BigLeaugueSquirter Review

Squirt porn with women squir­ting offers much more varie­ty than just a wild ramming. While rese­ar­ching this topic, we came across the porn site BigLeagueSquirters.com.

„Big League Squirters“ loo­se­ly trans­la­ted means „The big league of squirt­ers“. The site owner pro­mi­ses that he pres­ents the best squirt­ers in the world and that it is not about the „litt­le squirt­ers of the other web­sites“. With such super­la­ti­ve state­ments, we will take a clo­ser look at the truth con­tent in this test.

Already, while brow­sing the pre­view area, one has the unea­sy fee­ling that Bigleaguesquirters.com is again a poor­ly main­tai­ned sub-project of a porn net­work. Nevertheless, curio­si­ty won out and I boo­ked Bigleaguesquirters.com for a test. I will tell you in my review what I saw and expe­ri­en­ced on this porn site. Please share your opi­ni­on and expe­ri­ence below this review in the comm­ents section.

Visit BigLeagueSquirters.com

Opinion about the preview area of BigLeagueSquirters.com

If you take a look at the pre­view area, you imme­dia­te­ly know what it’s all about: squir­ting pus­sies! Thanks to the high-resolution ban­ners, pho­tos and video trai­lers, you quick­ly beco­me very curious. If you click on NEXT PAGE, a total of 21 vide­os are pre­sen­ted on 5 pages with small and lar­ger video screen­shots and an English descrip­ti­on text.

Sindee Jennings Pussy Ejaculation
Sindee Jennings Pussy Ejaculation

We suspect that some squirt pho­tos have been „hel­ped“ a bit with an image editing pro­gram, so that the squirts look a bit more spectacular.

It quick­ly beco­mes clear why the ope­ra­tor adver­ti­ses with the „Big League of Squirters“: There are well-known squirt queens who not only squirt wit­hout acting, but also real­ly enjoy squir­ting wildly!

Via the UPDATES but­ton, a model lis­ting is dis­play­ed to sug­gest that regu­lar updates will appear. If you click on SITE NETWORKS you will see a lis­ting of other web­sites from the porn net­work AllAdultPass.

Inevitably, one lands on the JOIN page of Bigleaguesquirters.com, where mem­ber­ship can be boo­ked for a huma­ne price.


Porn site rating – registration

If one deci­des to book the mem­ber area of BigLeagueSquirters.com, the appli­ca­ti­on works is very uncomplicated:

  • 1.) Through the many links, one lands on the JOIN page and gives a self-selected user­na­me and pass­word. One can choo­se bet­ween cre­dit card, phone and Ukash for the pay­ment methods.
    If you want to pay by direct debit, you still have to choo­se „Credit Card“ and you can choo­se „Electronic Direct Debit“ in step 2.
  • 2.) We pay by pre­paid cre­dit card and land on a bil­ling form from EPOCH, one of the lar­gest bil­ling com­pa­nies for American adult sites. There you enter your name and bil­ling infor­ma­ti­on.
    Those who book the annu­al access can even pay by Giropay.
  • 3.) That’s it! After suc­cessful veri­fi­ca­ti­on, you get your login data dis­play­ed and are, unfort­u­na­te­ly redi­rec­ted to the mem­ber area login page. Fortunately, the login data comes again by e‑mail.

Our obser­va­tions show that the e‑mail addres­ses of the cus­to­mers are misu­s­ed for spamming! Every day five to ten(!) e‑mails are sent to our test e‑mail address! Be sure to use a porn e‑mail address when regis­tering! It is unclear whe­ther the site ope­ra­tor or the bil­ling com­pa­ny is abusing the e‑mail addresses.

Squirting Cindy Starfall
Squirting Cindy Starfall

Test – Review Member area

Strictly spea­king, the mem­ber area of BigLeagueSquirters.com is a video-on-demand pro­ject where you can watch or down­load sce­nes from squir­ting porn DVDs.

The series was pro­du­ced by the stu­dio Lethal Hardcore and is com­mer­ci­al­ly available under the fol­lo­wing names:

Squirting Casey Cumz
Squirting Casey Cumz

Say: You get 11 DVDs with the boo­king of BigLeagueSquirters.com. As the name sug­gests, squir­ting girls are the main theme on the DVDs (in com­bi­na­ti­on with les­bi­ans, fuck­ing, sex toys and hard fingering).

When log­ged in, one is a bit dis­ori­en­ted at first, as the menu items „News“, „Channels“, „Pornstars“ etc. con­tain the vide­os of the enti­re porn net­work. However, one quick­ly finds out the menu structure.

Clear structure of the member area

The web­sites of the sce­nes are visual­ly very appe­al­ing and cle­ar­ly arran­ged. The movies are inte­gra­ted as a flash stream and can be star­ted imme­dia­te­ly in three qua­li­ty levels.

You can rate the vide­os, add them to your per­so­nal favo­ri­tes list and even dis­cuss the porn movie in the forum!

In addi­ti­on, one can find English-language infor­ma­ti­on about the gen­res, the DVD and a scene descrip­ti­on. Topic-relevant video recom­men­da­ti­ons can be found at the bot­tom of the web­site. Also worth men­tio­ning is the adver­ti­se­ment for the live­cam chat TNAcast on the right side. You can view the chats for free – but you have to regis­ter for a fee to chat with the girls.

Very horny squirting videos

Vaginal Gushing: Aile Waters
Vaginal Gushing: Aile Waters

The latest movies from Big League Squirters are available in high-resolution MPEG‑4 720p and WMV HD for­mat. This reso­lu­ti­on is com­pa­ra­ble to DVD quality.

For the inter­net users with slower inter­net con­nec­tions, the movies can be down­loa­ded in three lower resolutions 

The older movies are available in WMV HD and MPEG 4 with a reso­lu­ti­on of 1280 × 720 pixels. There is even a cell phone for­mat offe­red as MPEG 4.

Even if a total of „only“ 51 films with a length of about one hour each come tog­e­ther, it beco­mes clear after wat­ching two films that the crea­tors of the site did not put their mouths too full.

Unacted female ejaculation with squirting pornstars

For the most part, only ero­tic actres­ses who are known for real­ly squir­ting are included. As far as we could see, we did not find any fakes with paste or urine. So the eja­cu­la­ti­ons of the women are real.

Big Leaugue Squirter: Sara Faye
Big Leaugue Squirter: Sara Faye

The vide­os are very, very sti­mu­la­ting!!! The girls usual­ly get off on the inten­se G‑spot sti­mu­la­ti­on and scream the room tog­e­ther with plea­su­re. After they cum, they look tur­ned on, some exhaus­ted – but always a litt­le proud of what a mess they’­ve made.

However, at some Models, howe­ver, the action seems too pro­fes­sio­nal and exaggerated.

With the high HD qua­li­ty would have to give 6 stars in our review (review)!!! The ero­tic movies are crys­tal clear and the depth of field is breath­ta­king. You feel as if you are live at the fuck­ing and squirting!

With the new BigLeagueSquirters movies, you get both a screen­shot gal­lery and a pic­tu­re gal­lery for each video. With the screen­shot gal­lery, you can get an over­view if the movie is worth wat­ching or not.

A very clear and easy to navi­ga­te script allows you to brow­se and view the pic­tures of the pic­tu­re gal­lery in three reso­lu­ti­ons: 800 pixels, 1024 pixels and 1600 pixels.
You can choo­se how many thumb­nails to dis­play and a slide­show is also inte­gra­ted on the website.

In sum­ma­ry, we can defi­ni­te­ly recom­mend boo­king the sex site. There are only 51 movies, but you should not for­get that the 11 squirt DVDs tog­e­ther curr­ent­ly cost $200. So the price is quite ok. The horny movies are worth it!

The following pornstars play in the ejaculation videos:

Female ejaculation of Aliz
Female eja­cu­la­ti­on of Aliz

Casey Cumz, Ashli Ames, Sharon Lee, Cali Carter, Tiffany Foxx, Cytherea, Tiffany Foxx, Sheena Shaw, Cindy Starfall, Lizzy London, Mahina Zaltana, Zoey Monroe, Molly Bennett, Nicki Blue, Lea Falcon, Vicky Vixen, Heather Starlet, Annie Cruz, Allison Moore, Briella Bounce, Aliz.

Chloe Dash, Ashli Orion, Carmen McCarthy, Flower Tucci, Audrianna Angel, Bella Cole, Beverly Hills, Pyrah Lee, Sophie Dee, India Summer, Monica Morales, Morgan Reigns, Kayme Kai, Charley Chase, Sara Faye, Leighlani Red, Lola Banks, Rachel Milan, Ariel Summers, Samantha Sinn, Amile Waters, Emma Cummings, Marsha Lords, Lexi Love, Mckenzee Miles, Jamie Tyler, Sindee Jennings

Opinions on page layout & design

Both the pre­view area and the mem­ber area of BigLeagueSquirters.com are har­mo­nious in terms of color. In the pre­view area blue, white and gray tones har­mo­ni­ze and in the mem­ber area the page is kept in subt­le gray, black and white.

We also like the menu navi­ga­ti­on and the page lay­out. You always know exact­ly where you are and where to click. The sharp thumb­nails arou­se the curio­si­ty to click fur­ther and fur­ther and fur­ther … Great!

Vagina ejaculation: McKenzee Miles
Vagina eja­cu­la­ti­on: McKenzee Miles

Experiences with subscription cancellation

Despite the gigan­tic bonus net­work, at some point it is time to can­cel the mem­ber­ship of BigLeagueSquirters. Nicely, EPOCH informs in its email with the access data that the mem­ber­ship renews monthly.

Gushing pussy: Ashli Orion
Gushing pussy: Ashli Orion

In any case, you should pro­vi­de a real email address when regis­tering, becau­se other­wi­se the account can only be can­ce­led via cus­to­mer sup­port. On the page https://epoch.com/billingsupport/ gives two of the fol­lo­wing details are requi­red: Email address, user­na­me, cre­dit card num­ber and mem­ber­ship num­ber. Then click on „Find purchase“.

On the next page, move the mouse over the „Activities“ but­ton and sel­ect „Cancellation“. Then it con­ti­nues in English and one sel­ects as reason „No pro­blem, just moving on“ and clicks on „Cancel Order“. After that, the user is annoy­ed with a spe­cial offer page and one sel­ects „No Thanks – Please can­cel my mem­ber­ship“ and clicks on „Submit“.

If ever­y­thing work­ed out, it says again in German: „Your mem­ber­ship at www.BigLeagueSquirters.com has been can­ce­led. You will not be char­ged any fur­ther fees. Your pass­word is valid until XXX-XX-XX.“

BigLeaugueSquirter.com Test report

Test verdict & conclusion to the review of BigLeagueSquirters.com

I was abso­lut­e­ly plea­sant­ly sur­pri­sed when revie­w­ing the BigLeagueSquirters.com porn site. Although it is actual­ly sce­nes from 11 porn DVDs, the visi­tor of the site will find his desi­red „Female Ejaculation“ porn vide­os at a fair price.

Squirt: Sophie Dee
Squirt: Sophie Dee

As of August 2012, there were 51 squir­ting vide­os and razor-sharp photo sets down­loa­da­ble. The action of the squir­ting women is breath­ta­kin­gly horny and real­ly great to watch! Many girls sow with their squirt even still real­ly horny around!

The pussy squirts look real and not acted. Anyone who has ever seen and tas­ted a real pussy eja­cu­la­ti­on knows how cool it is. However, some of the girls (espe­ci­al­ly the popu­lar porn stars) look a bit too professional.

The navi­ga­ti­on and func­tions of the por­tal soft­ware are wit­hout flaws.

What is real­ly a pity is that there are unfort­u­na­te­ly no updates. Since the porn site has been dis­con­tin­ued in 2022, we recom­mend you to stream or down­load the sucky squir­ting porn at one of the video-on-demand porn por­tals men­tio­ned above.

Visit BigLeagueSquirters.com
Website Information
Country of operator:
Cost:$4.99 / 2 days (sub­scrip­ti­on)
$24,95 / month
$89,99 / year
Trial / Demo – Access:yes
Payment methods:Credit card, direct debit, pay per call (phone), wire transfer
Member manage­ment:yes
Parental fil­ter:no
Download limit:no
Cross-selling pre­sel­ec­ted:no
Offered con­tents
Photos / Images:
Number:20,000 Porn images
Ø Resolution:1,600 × 1,067 pixels
Image gal­lery control:yes
ZIP archi­ves:yes
Quantity:51 porn movies
Ø Resolution:720p HD
Ø Length:60 minu­tes
Ø DL speed:8,000 kB/sec
Format:WMV, MPEG, MP4
Download pos­si­ble:yes
Streaming pos­si­ble:yes
DRM copy protection:no



Test report summary for BigLeagueSquirters.com

Extremely horny sce­nes from 11 squir­ting DVDs

Unfortunately, in this review we dis­co­ver­ed that there are only 11 porn DVDs with the titles Big League Squirters and Real Squirters. We recom­mend you to watch the porn direct­ly on a video-on-demand por­tal in bet­ter quality.

  • Image qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Video qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Sound qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Exclusivity – 17%
  • Models – 100%
  • Authentic emo­ti­ons – 67%
  • Variety – 100%
  • Extraordinary – 83%
  • Content quan­ti­ty – 33%
  • Fairness – 100%
  • Promises / Reality – 83%
  • Sexual sti­mu­la­ti­on – 100%
  • Design – 100%
  • Navigation – 67%
  • Preview area (Tour pages) – 50%
  • Updates – 0%
  • Loading speed – 100%
  • Costs – 83%
  • Price-performance ratio – 100%
  • Payment – 100%
  • Price trans­pa­ren­cy – 100%
  • Advertising / Spam – 33%
  • Subscription can­cel­la­ti­on – 67%
  • Overall impres­si­on – 100%
User Review
0 (0 votes)


  • Squirting women = delightful topic
  • High-resolution pho­tos and videos
  • Very horny squirt ero­tic movies
  • Imposing fema­le squirt
  • Gigantic bonus material !!!


  • Satellite site for a porn network
  • Models look (rare­ly) too artificial
  • No updates of squirt movies
  • Massive SPAM emails
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