Test - Review: Girlsway.com

Test: Girlsway.com

Test - Review: Girlsway.com

Test: Girlsway.com

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Porn Sites Review: Girlsway.com – One of the very best lesbian porn websites in the world

Probably no one can explain why mil­li­ons of men and women love to watch les­bi­an porn. When two or more women enga­ge with each other, a com­ple­te­ly dif­fe­rent sexu­al mood is crea­ted than in clas­sic man-woman sex movies.

However, the ten­der sen­sua­li­ty bet­ween women also has a great dan­ger: many les­bi­an films quick­ly beco­me long-winded and bor­ing: there is inde­ed horny smoo­ching, licking and fin­ge­ring.… but you don’t see any­thing squir­ting and somehow the „action“ is often miss­ing. Not infre­quent­ly, pas­si­on and orgasm are only (badly) acted. gääähn! 🥱

Girlsway.com on the other hand dares a cou­ra­ge­ous balan­cing act bet­ween ten­der ero­ti­cism, „a litt­le story around it“ and needle-free dirty les­bi­an por­no­gra­phy! There is unres­trai­ned squir­ting, with Squirt her­um­ge­fer­kelt, spit in each other’s mouths and fucked hard with stra­pon dil­dos. Again and again pussy is vio­lent­ly fin­ge­red and pussy juice gree­di­ly licked up and out… Many orgasms are real and thril­ling! Very horny!!!

I signed up with Girlsway to give the ero­tic site a test. I’ll tell you about the con­tent and qua­li­ty of the pho­tos and vide­os in my review and tell you if the regis­tra­ti­on is worth it. If you have any ques­ti­ons or expe­ri­en­ces, plea­se leave a com­ment below the review.

Visit Girlsway.com

Opinion about the preview area of Girlsway.com

Girlsway Review

Although Girlsway is a Dutch pro­vi­der, all texts are writ­ten in English. With a school know­ledge of English, an online trans­la­tor or the Google Crome web­site trans­la­ti­on func­tion, one can easi­ly under­stand what the pre­view pages are about.

Under large, ani­ma­ted adver­ti­sing ban­ners are sliders show­ing the latest les­bi­an porn. Information about per­for­mers and sub­ject mat­ter pro­vi­des a first over­view of Girlsway’s con­tent. Another slider informs about upco­ming sce­nes that the ero­tic por­tal will make available soon.

Incredibly horny lesbian porn with real lesbian actresses

Users also come across images of porn stars. Very popu­lar ero­tic models like Karla Kush, AJ Applegate or Cadence Lux are having seduc­ti­ve fun with each other.

I was real­ly sur­pri­sed during my first visit how deep you can surf on Girlsway wit­hout regis­tra­ti­on. Many movie sce­nes offer a pic­tu­re pre­view with up to five pho­tos and you can often exami­ne a trai­ler of about one minu­te, which offers a glim­pse into the actu­al les­bi­an movie. A short ero­tic text is used to descri­be the Girlsway.com scenes 

In the „Girl of the Month“ sec­tion, Girlsway.com has fea­tured a young girl with par­ti­cu­lar­ly good les­bi­an talents every month since 2015. Stars like Bree Daniels, Angela White or Kristen Scott have been award­ed Girl of the Month in the past. Such actres­ses can be seen in horny hard­core sce­nes that include many an orgasm.

Porn page rating – registration

Fans of hard­core porn sites know the pro­ce­du­re: Before enjoy­ing sce­nes, regis­tra­ti­on is requi­red. Girlsway.com regis­tra­ti­on is very simp­le and done in a few steps

1. ) First of all, new users click on the „Join Now“ but­ton which can be found in the upper right sec­tion of the web­site

2. ) Subsequently, a sim­ply struc­tu­red boo­king page opens. There you enter an e‑mail address, a user­na­me and a pass­word. A month­ly rate is sel­ec­ted from the out­set. In addi­ti­on to a three-day trial rate, Girlsway.com also offers three- and twelve-month terms. After sel­ec­ting the appro­pria­te opti­on, you have to click on the „Continue“ button.

3.) A page of Chargepay B.V. opens, which takes over the pay­ment. There are only two pay­ment opti­ons available: Credit card and direct debit (DirectDebit).

Actually, I wan­ted to use my pre­paid cre­dit card – but curio­si­ty pre­vai­led as to how the direct debit pay­ment was implemented

Be attentive when booking!

But befo­re you enter any­thing into the forms, watch out for a lousy scam! You must first uncheck the pre-selected box on the right side. If you don’t uncheck the box, you will book the mem­ber­ship of ano­ther porn site(hardpornoflix.com) as well, which increa­ses the costs signi­fi­cant­ly with 5,98 for 3 days + 29,95 € for 30 days. This lousy scam is cal­led „cross-selling“

Now you can enter your name, address and pay­ment details. With a click on „Click here to purcha­se“ the pay­ment is completed 

4.) After the suc­cessful pay­ment, ano­ther page opens, which wel­co­mes the new mem­ber. There you will find the access data as well as a link lea­ding to the mem­bers area. This data is also sent by e‑mail. In the mes­sa­ge, there is again the note that it is a sub­scrip­ti­on that renews regularly.

Unfortunately, when loo­king at the cre­dit card invoice, it tur­ned out that 21% Dutch VAT was added to the pay­ment amount. This is very, very annoy­ing and unfair.

Erotikseitentest Girlsway Review

Test – Review Member Area

Logged in users will find the big slider on the start page, which con­ta­ins the latest vide­os. Below that are again the sce­nes that will be released in the coming days. Those who get a first over­view are reli­e­ved to find out that Girlsway.com is not a porn net­work. It is an inde­pen­dent ero­tic site that com­bi­nes les­bi­an and porn.

After regis­tra­ti­on, around 800 vide­os and seve­ral thousand pho­tos are available for use. It is easy to dis­co­ver appe­al­ing con­tent becau­se the menu navi­ga­ti­on always remains clear. Scenes fea­ture well-known actres­ses like Adriana Chechik, Julia Ann or Dillion Harper. Mature beau­ties like India Summer meet inno­cent prot­ago­nists like Sara Luvv.

Stylish lesbian porn without boredom

The vide­os can be seen their ela­bo­ra­te plan­ning and crea­ti­on pro­cess. Scenes from Girlsway.com not only con­tain hard­core con­tent with les­bi­ans, but often also a sto­ry­line that adds to the sizz­ling eroticism 

With series like „The Turning“, „Project Pandora“ or „Little Red“, the pro­vi­der offers sophisti­ca­ted sto­ries that frame les­bi­an love. Role-playing and fetish sce­nes are part of the offer. Female eja­cu­la­ti­on, also known as squir­ting in pro­fes­sio­nal cir­cles, are the focus of many porn sce­nes and photos.

Classic cli­chés are also ful­fil­led: An older woman intro­du­ces a young baby­sit­ter to les­bi­an sexua­li­ty. A tea­cher gives her inno­cent stu­dent very spe­cial tuto­ring. Or: Female poli­ce offi­cers inter­ro­ga­te a cri­mi­nal and, of cour­se, various mother-daughter fantasies.

Worth men­tio­ning are series like „Fashion Model“, which includes seve­ral sce­nes. The series is set in the model indus­try. Older fema­le mana­gers teach young models, drop­ping all inhi­bi­ti­ons. For exam­p­le, Lily Rader as a young model meets the matu­re beau­ty Angela White. Meanwhile, the series „Fantasy Factory“ com­bi­nes ero­tic sce­nes with a sci­ence fic­tion story that brings ple­nty of exci­te­ment to ero­ti­ca. „The Turning“ uses motifs from hor­ror movies to tell a les­bi­an ero­tic story with actres­ses such as Anikka Albrite and Dana Vespoli.

Perverted scenes provide variety and a cum guarantee

If you are loo­king for varied con­tent, you will defi­ni­te­ly find it on Girlsway.com. Thus, the sex site offers many sce­nes in which toys are used. Especially when using vibra­tors and stra­pons, many girls come to an impres­si­ve orgasm wit­hout acting.

Compared to other les­bi­an porn sites, Girlsways porn is not only about car­essing, cuddling and licking, but it often gets real­ly hot!

You can see real goo­se­bumps, flus­hed skin and swol­len nipp­les during the orgasms. Most girls show real pas­si­on, where they fall over each other with a real greed and joy. And you always see horny squir­ting and sce­nes where the les­bi­ans gree­di­ly lick out their pus­sies and kiss each other inti­m­ate­ly with the pussy juice over and over again!

There is even horny anal sex with dil­dos. Some girls sniff worn pan­ties of their girl­fri­ends, mas­tur­ba­te while doing it and of cour­se get caught!

Modern technologies

While enjoy­ing the vide­os, which are most­ly bet­ween 20 and 40 minu­tes long, users are spared from annoy­ing adver­ti­se­ments. Clicking on the respec­ti­ve hard­core video opens a modern HTML5 play­er. Fast loa­ding times allow quick access to the con­tent, which is often strea­med at up to 1080p.

One can also down­load the movies in MP4 for­mat. Girlsway pro­vi­des the mate­ri­al in dif­fe­rent reso­lu­ti­ons. Depending on the inter­net con­nec­tion, one can down­load the sce­nes in a qua­li­ty ran­ging from 240p to 1080p.

The sce­nes are crea­ted in ela­bo­ra­te sets, using ela­bo­ra­te light­ing and expen­si­ve cos­tu­mes to pro­du­ce the hig­hest qua­li­ty. In fact, some sce­nes are remi­nis­cent of expen­si­ve TV pro­duc­tions becau­se simi­lar stan­dards are implemented.

Great photos show horny scenes

Also of high qua­li­ty are the photo series, of which the pro­vi­der curr­ent­ly offers seve­ral thousand vari­ants. Many pho­tos, which were taken in par­al­lel during film­ing, charm with the skillful sta­ging of the actresses 

It is prac­ti­cal that enti­re series, which the pro­vi­der makes available in the ZIP archi­ve, can be down­loa­ded at the click of a mouse, Such images can also be view­ed with smart­phones or tablets. A plea­sant con­trol sys­tem makes it pos­si­ble to brow­se through the image gal­le­ries wit­hout any problems.

Opinions on page structure & design

Basically, the home­page and the viewa­ble sub-areas con­vin­ce with a bright and tidy struc­tu­re. Due to the simp­le menu navi­ga­ti­on, all areas can be sel­ec­ted quick­ly. It is advan­ta­ge­ous that the struc­tu­re does not chan­ge after a registration 

Experiences with the Subscription Cancellation

As alre­a­dy men­tio­ned, the sub­scrip­ti­on is rene­wed after one month. You have the pos­si­bi­li­ty to can­cel the offer until the last day befo­re expiration.

1.) To do this, click on the „Support“ but­ton, which is loca­ted in the upper area of Girlsway.com.

2.) You will be taken to the sup­port page http://www.famesupport.com/cancel.php. In the menu struc­tu­re there you will find the menu item „Cancel Membership“.

3.) After cli­cking on it, you will be redi­rec­ted to the can­cel­la­ti­on form. Users must now enter data such as name, pass­word and e‑mail address. It is also neces­sa­ry to sel­ect the Girlsway page that is to be canceled. 

4.) Subsequently, a page with the title „Membership Cancellation“ opens. There one is made a spe­cial offer, but one sim­ply clicks on the „No thanks“ but­ton. You will be asked for the reason of the can­cel­la­ti­on. At “ Why are you lea­ving?“ just choo­se „Had enough / Lost inte­rest“ and click on the sub­mit button 

5.) Finally, a page will appear with the text: „Your Cancellation Request Has Been Sent
Your mem­ber­ship will stay acti­ve until expi­ra­ti­on date.“

An email again informs you that the sub­scrip­ti­on has been canceled.

Test verdict & conclusion to the Girlsway.com test report

For those who are into extre­me­ly horny and at the same time extra­or­di­na­ry les­bi­an porn, Girlsway.com is a must! I was very happy to find this les­bi­an sex porn site, like a need­le in a haystack.

Even though I don’t think much of „porn with a plot“, I think the Girlsway team has done an incre­di­ble job of com­bi­ning style, qua­li­ty, aes­the­tics and extre­me­ly kinky sce­nes! The ima­gi­na­ti­ve sto­ries fire the ima­gi­na­ti­on and will also delight les­bi­an and bise­xu­al women.

In addi­ti­on to affec­tion­a­te kis­sing and plea­sura­ble pussy licking, much is offe­red. Toys, strap-on dil­dos, role play, wild group sex as well as mes­ses with pussy juice, squirt and spit make the view­er extre­me­ly horny.

High-quality HD equip­ment is always used in the pro­duc­tion. Elaborate light­ing, sty­lish loca­ti­ons and expen­si­ve cos­tu­mes stand out plea­sant­ly from the por­no­gra­phic uni­for­mi­ty, wit­hout appearing too artificial.

I did not reg­ret sig­ning up. Movies with fema­le eja­cu­la­ti­on and les­bi­an orgi­es were my favo­ri­te porn. I could access con­tent not only from my desk­top com­pu­ter, but also via smart­phone or tablet. Because of the down­load fea­ture, my favo­ri­te movies remain­ed even after I canceled.

Visit Girlsway.com
Website Information
Country of operator:
Cost:2,95 € / 3 days (sub­scrip­ti­on)
29,95 € / 1 month
68,95 € / 3 months
119,40 € / 1 year
Test / Demo – Access:yes
Payment methods:Credit card, direct debit
Billing:Chargepay B.V., Digigamma B.V.
Member manage­ment:no
Youth pro­tec­tion filter:no
Download limit:no
Updates:every 2–3 days
Cross-selling pre­sel­ec­ted:yes
Offered con­tent
Photos / Images:
Number:70,000 Porn images
Ø Resolution:1920 × 1280 pixels
Image gal­lery control:yes
ZIP archi­ves:yes
Quantity:760 porn movies
Ø Resolution:Full HD 1080p
Ø Length:35 minu­tes
Ø DL speed:11,000 kB/sec
Download pos­si­ble:yes
Streaming pos­si­ble:yes
DRM copy protection:no


Test report summary for Girlsway.com

The epi­to­me of les­bi­an porn

Whoever is inte­res­ted in horny les­bi­an porn with unac­ted orgasms, squir­ting and kinky les­bi­an sex sce­nes sim­ply can­not avoid this porn site! The per­for­mers are real­ly les­bi­ans or have strong bise­xu­al ten­den­ci­es. This porn site is worth it.

  • Image qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Video qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Sound qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Exclusivity – 100%
  • Models – 100%
  • Authentic emo­ti­ons – 67%
  • Variety – 83%
  • Extraordinary – 100%
  • Content quan­ti­ty – 100%
  • Fairness – 67%
  • Promises / Reality – 100%
  • Sexual sti­mu­la­ti­on – 83%
  • Design – 100%
  • Navigation – 100%
  • Preview area (Tour pages) – 100%
  • Updates – 100%
  • Loading speed – 100%
  • Costs – 50%
  • Price-performance ratio – 100%
  • Payment – 100%
  • Price trans­pa­ren­cy – 100%
  • Advertising / Spam – 83%
  • Subscription can­cel­la­ti­on – 83%
  • Overall impres­si­on – 100%
User Review
0 (0 votes)


  • Very horny les­bi­an vide­os included
  • Partially real orgasms and feelings
  • Unacted squir­ting fountains
  • Modern, com­for­ta­ble video player
  • High qua­li­ty built website


  • Partly too over-styled models
  • Horniness often acted
  • No hints how to can­cel subscription
  • Pre-selected check­box
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