Test - Review: Maschinen-Fick.com

Test: Machine Fuck.com

Test - Review: Maschinen-Fick.com

Test: Machine Fuck.com

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Review: Review of the German fuckmachine porn site Maschinen-Fick.com

After many bit­ter dis­ap­point­ments of German ero­tic sites, we wan­ted to test a real­ly great sex site again for this review. So we came across the pro­mi­sing ero­tic site maschinen-fick.com.

As the domain name alre­a­dy reve­als, it’s all about the exci­ting topic of sex machi­nes. The respec­ti­ve fuck machi­ne of the actress puts a rea­li­stic dildo into a thrus­ting moti­on and is sup­po­sed to pro­du­ce a vagi­nal orgasm.

If you are inte­res­ted in the topics of love machi­nes, real orgasms, hard fucks, mas­tur­ba­ti­on and squir­ting pus­sies, you will defi­ni­te­ly be tempt­ed to sign up for a mem­ber­ship with this delightful pre­view layout.

Unlike American sex machi­ne sites, the attrac­tion here is of cour­se that these are German girls and the web­site lan­guage is also German. We were very curious to see how this site per­forms in a direct com­pa­ri­son. In the fol­lo­wing lines we will give you our honest opi­ni­on about the ero­tic site Maschinen-Fick.com.

Visit Machines-Fuck.com

Opinion about the preview area of Maschinen-Fick.com

The pre­view area of maschinen-fick.com is extre­me­ly suc­cessful. On seven­teen pre­view pages, each with two video sets, you can see num­e­rous exci­ting pic­tures and even strea­med vide­os. The pho­tos are part­ly clickable and enlar­geable. As a loca­ti­on obvious­ly very often a gara­ge ser­ves, in which seve­ral girls are taken through with dif­fe­rent fuck machines.

In German, glo­wing, foa­ming and squir­ting pus­sies are pro­mi­sed in some­ti­mes very crude lan­guage, as well as hammer-hard fuck­ing sex machi­nes, mul­ti­ple and dou­ble pene­tra­ti­ons (pussy and butt at the same time), girls screa­ming and moa­ning with horn­i­ness and extre­me orgasms that you can no lon­ger count.

In addi­ti­on, horny fuck robots with mega dil­dos are to ensu­re that the girls in steam ham­mer fuck and extre­me pene­tra­ti­on abso­lut­e­ly kno­cked out and foamy to fuck until the horny sauce runs out of their pus­sies. (ori­gi­nal quotes)

The web­site looks a bit tech­ni­cal and ever­y­thing fits tog­e­ther. One is real­ly tempt­ed to sign up for a mem­ber­ship right away. Icons with iPod, Playstation, as well as WMV HD, Quicktime HD and a Fullmovie icon sug­gest abso­lu­te top qua­li­ty to the pro­s­pec­ti­ve customer.

Rating of the porn sites registration

The first con­fu­si­on is not long in coming. Namely, the costs are hid­den behind a form in which one has to enter one’s e‑mail address in order to „request access to the pro­tec­ted XXX area“. In any case, one should use a SPAM e‑mail address, becau­se it can be assu­med that „inte­res­t­ing offers“ are regu­lar­ly sent to the e‑mail address.

On the fol­lo­wing page, an acute design break takes place. On a glis­tening white page, the pri­ces are only now dis­play­ed. One is very sur­pri­sed about the high price for the 30-day access, but curio­si­ty about the Lovemachine vide­os prevails.

If you enter your pay­ment data and con­firm the num­ber but­ton, the access data is dis­play­ed on the next page. At the same time, an e‑mail with the login data is sent. The boo­king of the Dildomachine mem­ber area is done in three steps.


Test – Review Memberarea

One won­ders after the pay­ment alre­a­dy about the stran­ge URL http://www.memberarea.tv/members/ and after the first login one is struck first. Like most pro­jects of Cyberservices, you land on a por­tal web­site that takes some get­ting used to. In a left and upper navi­ga­ti­on, you can find a lot of links to sex sites, live cams, video on demand etc..

Some of the sites are included in the packa­ge of Maschinen-Fick.com for free – but honest­ly: We ONLY want to see the boo­ked machi­ne sex movies. The design is an abso­lu­te dis­as­ter and after a good minu­te under the item „Exclusive“ you final­ly find the link labe­led „Machine Fuck“.

After the click, the enti­re page turns black at once and it beco­mes clea­rer. 45 mini-pictures with but­tons „Video“ and „Pics“ under­neath now show the latest vide­os. At the bot­tom, there is a link „» to the old epi­so­des »“. Unfortunately, when you click on this link, a blank, white page appears. (In gene­ral, there are some pro­blems with the Java based mem­ber area script. Constantly one encoun­ters various errors)

Since we only get to see 45 vide­os, we can only rate this num­ber. We igno­re the free movies and pic­tures in this review.

The atta­ched iPod logo is a mis­lea­ding sym­bol! It is untrue that you can enter the pro­ject with an iPhone, iPad or iPod. The „won­derful“ script of Memberarea.tv is based on Java and on the iPad the loa­ding bar unsuc­cessful­ly loads a wolf.

If one clicks on the „Pics“ but­tons, a pic­tu­re script awaits the visi­tor that dis­plays 9 thumb­nails each. You can jump back and forth in the gal­lery via NEXT, BACK and INDEX. Unfortunately, they did­n’t bother to include a set descrip­ti­on and you don’t know on which page you are. A note: „Page 3 of 9“ or simi­lar would be hel­pful. There are about 100 machi­ne sex pho­tos available per set.

Unfortunately, there is no com­for­ta­ble enlar­ge­ment func­tion for the pho­tos. It opens all pic­tures in a new brow­ser win­dow. We also lack a ZIP down­load func­tion in the machi­ne fuck mem­ber area.

Horny sex machines

With the pho­tos, you get the impres­si­on that they were shot after the video shoot – or the shoot was brief­ly inter­rupt­ed for the snapshots. There are damn horny per­spec­ti­ves to see, but unfort­u­na­te­ly miss­ing and the lust-distorted faces.

Especially horny are the close-ups of the pene­tra­ted pus­sies, which are part­ly very dila­ted by the extre­me­ly thick dil­dos. Also the shots with the fresh­ly pro­du­ced, very rich pussy juice are very inspiring!

On the pho­tos you can look at the respec­ti­ve dildo machi­ne in peace and find out that you can order some devices, for exam­p­le, on Amazon.

Rating of the machine fuck videos

The vide­os in the mem­ber area of maschinen-fick.com are only offe­red as Adobe Flash stream. This can be adjus­ted in three speed levels to his DSL speed. However, the pro­mi­sed HD qua­li­ty is not available.

In terms of con­tent, the movies seem incre­di­bly sti­mu­la­ting and exci­ting. The girls are fucked very per­sis­t­ent­ly and hard by high-quality dil­dos. Most of the time this ends in extre­me, some­ti­mes mul­ti­ple orgasms. Some girls choo­se a very thick dildo, which increa­ses the sti­mu­la­ting effect immense­ly and the girls come incre­di­bly intense.

Real orgasms and horny action

A car repair shop often ser­ves as loca­ti­ons. The light­ing and came­ra work make an ama­teu­rish or semi-professional impres­si­on. But just becau­se the films were not shot in pent­house gla­mour style, they come across incre­di­bly horny.

Flash is used as the strea­ming method, which rules out use on an iPod, iPad or iPhone, con­tra­ry to what is sta­ted in the pre­view lay­out. Unfortunately, there is no infor­ma­ti­on about updates to the video stock.

Tip: If you want to down­load the vide­os to your hard drive, you should down­load the brow­ser plug­in ANT. A small but­ton starts the down­load. More about this in our guide: Sucking XXX images and video content

Opinions about page structure & design

You have to dif­fe­ren­tia­te cle­ar­ly bet­ween the pre­view area and the mem­ber area at maschinen-fick.com. The pre­view lay­out is very well done and fits per­fect­ly with the stain­less steel design. The pre­view images and trai­lers are also very appealing.

The mem­ber area on the other hand is an abso­lu­te dis­as­ter! The design makes you feel like you’­re back in 1990. There is a lack of logi­cal menu navi­ga­ti­on, ins­tead: Advertising, adver­ti­sing, adver­ti­sing. The colors are a hor­ror and you don’t feel com­for­ta­ble from the beginning.

By the way, some fuck­ma­chi­ne domains, such as www.fickmaschinensex.com, sug­gest that it is an inde­pen­dent sex site. This is not true. One is always redi­rec­ted to www.memberarea.tv/members/ when cli­cking on „mem­bers“. This means that it is the con­tent of Maschinen-Fick.com.

Experiences with the subscription cancellation

If you want to can­cel your sub­scrip­ti­on to maschinen-fick.com, it is very easy and com­for­ta­ble. However, one must have alre­a­dy can­ce­led 10 days befo­re the sub­scrip­ti­on expi­res! This casts ano­ther shadow over the great pro­ject and leads to a deva­lua­ti­on in this test.

One clicks in the mem­ber area upper in the menu on „Account“ and sees a box „Your access“. There „Machine Fuck“ is lis­ted as a packa­ge with a dura­ti­on of 30 days. You just have to click on „Questions about your account“ and a box opens. The last sen­tence reads, „If you no lon­ger wish to do this, you can stop your sub­scrip­ti­on here.“ One clicks on the word sub­scrip­ti­on and ano­ther box pops up asking for the reasons.

After the con­fir­ma­ti­on click, one is redi­rec­ted back to the cus­to­mer area wit­hout ano­ther mes­sa­ge and sees there „Term 30 days“ and „Resume sub­scrip­ti­on“. At the same time, you will recei­ve an e‑mail as con­fir­ma­ti­on of can­cel­la­ti­on, where you will imme­dia­te­ly be adver­ti­sed for other Cyberservices sex sites.

After the can­ce­la­ti­on, you can visit the mem­ber area until the regu­lar end of the subscription.

Review conclusion to the test report of Maschinen-Fick.com

Without ques­ti­on, the machi­ne sex movies and fuck machi­ne pho­tos of Maschinen-Fick.com are extre­me­ly horny!

However, when it comes to making a judgment, there are angels and devils on our should­ers. The con­tent its­elf is above avera­ge. The action of many girls comes across incre­di­bly sti­mu­la­ting. The fuck­ing machi­nes bang the girls mer­ci­less­ly and there is a lot of pussy juice flowing! Some pus­sies cum and almost all girls expe­ri­ence one to seve­ral extre­me orgasms.

The other side of the coin is the memberarea.tv area: Full of ads, uncha­ri­ta­b­ly desi­gned and wit­hout com­for­ta­ble navi­ga­ti­on elements.

The flash movies have to be sucked up with a brow­ser plug­in and there is no ZIP func­tion for the pic­tures. Overall, howe­ver, we can still recom­mend you to beco­me a mem­ber due to the unu­su­al natu­re of the theme.

Visit Machine-Fuck.com
Website Information
Country of operator:
Cost:4.95 € / 3 days (sub­scrip­ti­on)
39.95 € / 30 days
59.95 € / 60 days
Test / Demo – Access:yes
Payment methods:Credit card, direct debit
Member manage­ment:yes
Parental fil­ter:no
Download limit:no
Cross-selling pre­sel­ec­ted:no
Offered con­tent
Photos / Images:
Quantity:500 porn images
Ø Resolution:1843 × 1224 pixels
Image gal­lery control:yes
ZIP archi­ves:no
Quantity:45 porn movies
Ø Resolution:720 x 576
Ø Length:30 minu­tes
Ø DL speed:500 kB/sec
Download pos­si­ble:no
Streaming pos­si­ble:yes
DRM copy protection:no


Demo pics

Test report summary for Maschinen-Fick.com
  • Image qua­li­ty – 83%
  • Video qua­li­ty – 83%
  • Sound qua­li­ty – 50%
  • Exclusivity – 100%
  • Models – 100%
  • Authentic emo­ti­ons – 67%
  • Variety – 67%
  • Extraordinary – 100%
  • Content quan­ti­ty – 33%
  • Fairness – 33%
  • Promises / Reality – 67%
  • Sexual sti­mu­la­ti­on – 100%
  • Design – 50%
  • Navigation – 50%
  • Preview area (Tour pages) – 83%
  • Updates – 0%
  • Loading speed – 100%
  • Costs – 17%
  • Price-performance ratio – 50%
  • Payment – 100%
  • Price trans­pa­ren­cy – 33%
  • Advertising / Spam – 50%
  • Subscription can­cel­la­ti­on – 50%
  • Overall impres­si­on – 83%
User Review
0 (0 votes)


  • Machine fuck­ing is an exci­ting topic
  • Many real orgasms
  • Stimulating, horny model reactions
  • Curious fuck­ing machines
  • Appropriate loca­ti­ons


  • Completely dif­fe­rent mem­ber area design
  • Much adver­ti­sing + SPAM mails
  • Costs are hidden
  • No vide­os down­load possible
  • Page struc­tu­re is very uncomfortable
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