Test - Review: 1000facials.com

Test: 1000facials.com

Test - Review: 1000facials.com

Test: 1000facials.com

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Porn Sites Review: Andy’s Mission on 1000facials.com: Ejaculate 1000 Women in the Face

In your search for good porn, you’­ve pro­ba­b­ly come across the word „facial“ seve­ral times. The term is actual­ly self-explanatory: „Face“ is the English word for „face“.

1000 Facials

In a facial, the man does not eja­cu­la­te into the vagi­na, but into the face of the part­ner. Although the woman usual­ly has not­hing of it, but the Facial exerts a strong visu­al appeal to men. Especially when a lot of sperm squirts vigo­rous­ly from the penis. This sex prac­ti­ce is also cal­led facial inse­mi­na­ti­on in German.

A beau­tiful woman after a hot num­ber with a„Massive Facial Cumshot“ to squirt the whole cum full in the face, is one of the most popu­lar sexu­al fan­ta­sies. It beco­mes espe­ci­al­ly appe­al­ing if the lady has beau­tiful long hair and an impres­si­ve face or wears glas­ses. Since most women rare­ly tole­ra­te cum on the face in a com­mit­ted rela­ti­onship, this will unfort­u­na­te­ly always remain a fan­ta­sy for most men. But for­t­u­na­te­ly there is the Internet! ^^

I came across the porn site 1000facials.com many, many years ago. I was extre­me­ly attrac­ted by the detail­ed ero­tic pho­tos even then! I was very happy to final­ly beco­me a mem­ber for this review! In this review I have sum­ma­ri­zed the advan­ta­ges and dis­ad­van­ta­ges and explain to you whe­ther a mem­ber­ship is worth it 

visit 1000facials.com

Opinion about the preview area of 1000facials.com

The pre­view area makes a very invi­ting impres­si­on. It is domi­na­ted by various media play­ers that show girls in full action. You look at stiff, squir­ting cocks and faces as well as wide open mouths drip­ping with cum. The motto of the sex site is: „Big loads in pret­ty faces“.

If you click on a play­er, you can watch a trai­ler, com­ple­te­ly free and wit­hout regis­tra­ti­on. Unlike many other web­sites, there is no limit to the num­ber of pre­views on 1000facials.com. The length of the trai­lers varies bet­ween 40 and 70 seconds. You can sort the clips by Recency, Most view­ed and Best rated.
Further down you will find a big hint that 1000facials.com is part of the BlowPass network.

Just below you will find a gal­lery of porn stars whose movies are repre­sen­ted on the site. You can view them sor­ted by time­line­ss and popu­la­ri­ty. If you click on a pic­tu­re, you will see all the sce­nes that the girl is in. There is also a pos­si­bi­li­ty to watch a trailer 

Quite far down the page you can even find pho­tos of the porn stars, quite unu­su­al for a pre­view area. However, only one photo per porn star or scene is pro­vi­ded in the pre­view area 

At the bot­tom of the page there is a noti­ce that by beco­ming a mem­ber of 1000facials.com you will also beco­me a mem­ber of the fol­lo­wing sites:

The pre­view sec­tion real­ly made me extre­me­ly curious and I boo­ked a month­ly membership.

Rating of the porn sites registration

Step 1:

You can find the regis­tra­ti­on form on the top right above the menu via the „JOIN NOW“ button.

  • You can guess that 1000facials.com is not an inde­pen­dent site (any­mo­re), but a lock site for the MyXXXPass porn network.
  • In the form you enter your e‑mail address, user­na­me and password.
  • Below the input fields one choo­ses his mem­ber­ship. The pri­ces are inten­tio­nal­ly pre­sen­ted in a some­what con­fu­sing way. The 12-month plan is bro­ken down to a month­ly price and shown as the che­a­pest. I advi­se you to sign up for a regu­lar month­ly mem­ber­ship for 29,95 €.

Click „Continue“ to access the pay­ment form.

Step 2:

The pay­ment form of the bil­ling com­pa­ny Chargepay B.V. is cle­ar­ly laid out and can also be chan­ged to the German lan­guage via coun­try flags.

  • Credit card and direct debit are offe­red as pay­ment methods. Giropay, Sofortüberweisung or Paysafecard are unfort­u­na­te­ly not included.
  • Fortunately, no address is reques­ted for cre­dit card payments.
  • Before you start fil­ling out the bil­ling infor­ma­ti­on, you should SOFORT a nasty, pre­sel­ec­ted check! To the right of the black box it says:„Sign me up for a 3 days trial mem­ber­ship to Fuck Book Flix for 5.89 EUR. After 3 days, mem­ber­ship renews auto­ma­ti­cal­ly at 29.95 EUR every month“. This means that you are sig­ning up for a second sub­scrip­ti­on to the sex site www.fuckbookflix.com. This rip-off method is cal­led „cross-selling“ by the adult indus­try and leads to a lower rating in terms of fair­ness and payment.
  • The sub­scrip­ti­on and how to can­cel it is not poin­ted out.
  • I paid by SKRILL pre­paid cre­dit card, which was hap­pi­ly accepted.

Step 3:

Instead of the boo­king con­fir­ma­ti­on, an inter­me­dia­te page is dis­play­ed after sub­mit­ting the pay­ment form and an „offer“ is made again to beco­me a mem­ber of the ero­tic site fuckbookflix.com after all. Just click on „No Thanks.“

Step 4:

Now you will be redi­rec­ted to a wel­co­me page where user­na­me and pass­word are dis­play­ed, below you will be nag­ged again offers, inclu­ding Girlsway. Just click on„Go to Members Area.“

Step 5:

You will be log­ged in auto­ma­ti­cal­ly and alre­a­dy by the URL https://members.blowpass.com/ you can see that you have beco­me a mem­ber of a net­work and not of the site 1000Facials. The net­work Blowpass is abso­lut­e­ly great, but somehow you feel easi­ly foo­led. so 1000Facials is a sub-category of the BlowPass net­work.

Test – Review Member Area

The mem­ber area is visual­ly com­ple­te­ly dif­fe­rent from the pre­view area. The page is accor­ding to the colors of the BlowPass net­work now black, red and gray 

Cameron Canada Facial
Cameron Canada Facial

The navi­ga­ti­on pro­ved to be pro­ble­ma­tic at the begin­ning. In order to get to the con­tent of 1000facials in the first place, you have to sel­ect the cate­go­ry at the top of the page.

At first, only the most recent clips are dis­play­ed. If you want to get an over­view, click on „See all Scenes“.

In the navi­ga­ti­on, you can fil­ter by cer­tain cri­te­ria, inclu­ding the newest, most popu­lar and most view­ed vide­os. If you choo­se the opti­on: „Choose a Pornstar“, an alpha­be­ti­cal list of all porn­stars on 1000facials.com will pop up.

Right next to it, the opti­on „Choose a Category“ is offe­red. If you click on the but­ton, a menu with various cate­go­ries opens. However, the cate­go­ries are very gene­ral and not spe­ci­fic enough. 

Based on the date when the vide­os were pos­ted, an update is appar­ent­ly done every 2 weeks. The texts are in English.

The history of 1000Facials

Now that I was a mem­ber, I did an exten­si­ve rese­arch on the „Facial Cum Porn Site“. At this point I would like to tell you some­thing about the histo­ry of 1000facials.com befo­re my test verdict:

The inven­tor and foun­der of 1000Facials was one„Andy“ in 2003. His idea was to find 1000 beau­tiful women who would want to fuck him and then cum on their faces. Andy cal­led it „his mis­si­on“ and somehow the idea is cool. 🙂

Unfortunately, the pro­ject was taken over by BlowPass in January 2008. Andy had fucked 255 women until then. Since then, you now see chan­ging male per­for­mers to sug­gest to the cus­to­mer that the pro­ject lives on. From the Andy one sees and hears not­hing more. I assu­me that he sold the pro­ject, beca­me a good fami­ly dad or had enough of STDs ^^.

Andy was given a new name„Jack H“. Every now and then you can still see a porn of Jack H – But he was repla­ced by the male porn actors Will Powers, Johnny Fender, Talon, Marcus London, Donnie Cabo, Michael Vegas, Ralph Long, Brad Knight, Tyler Nixon and Tim Canon from 2010 on.

1000facials: Tara Lynn Foxx

Quality & impression of Facial Videos

The exact num­ber of vide­os offe­red is not dis­play­ed. If you click on „See all Scenes“ on 1000facials.com, 90 pages of 6 vide­os each are dis­play­ed. Accordingly, you can curr­ent­ly find 550 Facial Videos

You can watch the movies in stream as well as down­load them to your hard drive. For both opti­ons you have the choice bet­ween dif­fe­rent resolutions:

  • Low (160p)
  • Small (240p)
  • Medium (360p)
  • High (480p)
  • Web HD (540p)
  • HD (720p)
  • Full HD (1080p)

For vie­w­ing and down­loa­ding I recom­mend to choo­se at least HD reso­lu­ti­on. If neces­sa­ry, you can also use Web HD for strea­ming. If the reso­lu­ti­on is even lower, the pic­tu­re qua­li­ty suf­fers so much that wat­ching beco­mes more of a pain than a plea­su­re. Fast-forwarding and rewinding are no problem.

The tech­ni­cal qua­li­ty of the vide­os is mixed. The newest movies were pro­fes­sio­nal­ly shot with excel­lent came­ra work, appro­pria­te light­ing and cle­ar­ly under­stan­da­ble sound. However, most of the (ori­gi­nal) films were done gonzo style with shaky hand­held came­ras. The Andy was sexu­al actor, came­ra­man and inter­view­er at the same time.

The clips are bet­ween 15 and about 30 minu­tes long. They are typi­cal porn shorts with English dia­logs as an introduction.

1000facials: Dillion Harper

Many well-known porn actresses!

Both Andy and the BlowPass staff choo­se very beau­tiful actres­ses. There are a lot of unknown ama­teur girls, but also a lot of well-known porn­stars like e.g. Ivy Aura, horny braces teen brat Leah Luv, VNA girl Vicky Vette, Nicole Aniston, Kissy Kapri, Dillion Harper, Alexis Texas, Cassie Young, Kimber Day, Hillary Scot, Lexi Bell, Puma Swede, Tory Lane, horny MILF India Summer, Alektra Blue, Hillary Scott, Sasha Grey, Rachel Starr, dark-skinned Alexis Love, Aidra Fox, Abbey Brooks, Raven Bay, Holly Hendrix, Mindy Main, Lexi Love, Lexi Belle, Tory Lane, Alexis Monroe, Stephanie Cane, Savannah Stern, Kortney Kane, Talia Palmer, Rachel Roxxx, Abby Cross, Romi Rain, Christie Lee, Lara Brookes, Jenna Ivory, Samantha Ryan, Jessi Palmer, Kagney Linn Karter and Mischa Brooks. I per­so­nal­ly find Cameron Canada and Kat Dior very awesome 

Cum looks extre­me­ly awe­so­me on Black Girls(Black Facial Cumshots). The con­trast of black and white is awe­so­me. For exam­p­le you can see these dark-skinned porn­stars: Misty Stone, Chanell Heart, Luna Star, Neela Sky, Annie Cruz, Harley Dean, Tara Lynn Foxx, Lyla Storm, Juelz Ventura, Persia Black, Isabella Christin, Sophia Fiore, Amilian Kush, Mariah Hill, Naomi West, Tatiyana Foxx, Leah Luxxx, Asa Akira, Tori Taylor, Chanell Heart, Dolce Damone and Holly West.

Strongly arou­sing red-haired girls also have an effect! The con­trast bet­ween the white cum, cute freck­les and red hair is mega hot! This porn site fea­tures ero­tic stars Penny Pax, Kayla West, Emma Evans, Ela Darling, Ashley Graham, Tiffany Doll and Layla Exx.

Emphasis of the videos is NOT on facials!

With the con­tent qua­li­ty of the films I can unfort­u­na­te­ly 100% not befri­end. The pro­ject name 1000Facials meets the topic „sperm faces“ rather only incidentally.

  • For one thing, there are far fewer than 1,000 porn vide­os, as the pro­ject name suggests.
  • Secondly, the facials that the site is named after come up way too short!!! Instead, there are sequen­ces of blo­wjobs, deepthroats or mas­tur­ba­ti­on that drag on for see­mingly end­less minu­tes.

    The facial cumshot usual­ly hap­pens in the last 40 to 60 seconds of the movie. After the cumshot is often quick­ly dim­med and the film is over! 🙁 Desirable would have been a few more seconds of kinky sperm play, cock suck­ing or cle­a­nup attempts by the girls to give the view­er the oppor­tu­ni­ty to visual­ly enjoy the fresh­ly inse­mi­na­ted face.

This makes the films, as good as they may be tech­ni­cal­ly, too often a dis­ap­point­ment. Even the many porn stars can’t chan­ge that much.

In the sex sce­nes, the level of horn­i­ness varies from woman to woman. There are horny gre­na­des that enjoy fuck­ing to the ful­lest. However, many porn stars play their usual show and act out their lust. I did not expect a real orgasm in the genre „Facials“ and unfort­u­na­te­ly I could not dis­co­ver it.

Extremely horny cum photos

Every video on 1000facials.com is accom­pa­nied by a photo gal­lery. You can find it by cli­cking on a spe­ci­fic video. Below the play­er, you click on the but­ton „Related Pictures“ to get to the pho­tos. The num­ber of pho­tos per clip varies from just over 80 to almost 200.

1000Facials.com Review

They are main­ly par­al­lel shots of the cor­re­spon­ding porn video. Sometimes there are only screen­shots from the movie.

You can view the shots com­for­ta­b­ly with a navi­ga­tor, but you can also save the com­ple­te set as a ZIP file on your hard drive.

Many of the pho­tos are real­ly MEGA horny. Especially if the amount of sperm was rich, the skin color of the model gives a con­trast or if the illu­mi­na­ti­on was per­fect. These are exact­ly THE pho­tos that are free on the Internet around and have made me per­so­nal­ly horny a few years ago.

The main advan­ta­ge of these pho­tos is that you can see the cum glaze of the faces at your leisure.

Opinions about page layout & design

The site uses a black back­ground against which images, gra­phics and the text stand out well. Navigation is simp­le as the struc­tu­re of the page is also simple.

The simp­le struc­tu­re has a nega­ti­ve effect on the search. There are too few opti­ons and you end up scrol­ling around the page on a good chance.

On the posi­ti­ve side, I have to note that the short texts are easy to read even with basic school English. On my smart­phone, I was able to view the clips wit­hout any trou­ble becau­se 1000facials.com pro­vi­des a ver­si­on opti­mi­zed for mobi­le devices.

Experience with the subscription cancellation

The can­cel­la­ti­on of the sub­scrip­ti­on is very simp­le. Unfortunately, the site ope­ra­tor does not offer any con­cre­te assistance.

At the bot­tom of the page you will find the Support but­ton. If you click on it, you will be taken to the Openlife Support web­site. Click on „Cancel Membership“ in the menu. A form will open where you have to enter your user­na­me, pass­word and e‑mail. Select 1000Facials in the „Site“ field. You also have to type in a spam pro­tec­tion graphic.

On the fol­lo­wing page it says „We have found the fol­lo­wing mem­ber­ship“. We reject the „Special Offer!“ with „No Thanks“. A box will appear asking for the can­cel­la­ti­on reason. Just sel­ect: Had enough.

After sub­mit­ting the form, you will see: „Your Cancellation Request Has Been Sent. Your mem­ber­ship will stay acti­ve until expi­ra­ti­on date“. An e‑mail con­firms the can­cel­la­ti­on again.

Review verdict & conclusion of the 1000facials.com test report

The hard­core facial porn site 1000facials.com offers you a gigan­tic star lin­e­up with very horny pho­tos. Numerous porn stars have their beau­tiful faces artful­ly deco­ra­ted with cum. However, true video fans of cumshots and facials might be disappointed.

Because from the avera­ge 20 minu­tes of film length, you have only a few seconds to enjoy the facial! Unfortunately, the came­ra is usual­ly dim­med imme­dia­te­ly after the cumshot wit­hout cum mess.

Before the facial cumshot scene, there are usual­ly very leng­thy blo­wjobs and deepthroats. The sex sce­nes are most­ly very exci­ting depen­ding on the porn actress.

In my opi­ni­on, in 2008 „the magic“ of the pro­ject has been lost a bit due to the take­over of MyXXXpass / BlowPass. The ori­gi­nal cool idea of an Andy’s to deco­ra­te the face of 1000 beau­tiful women has ended after 255 women. The motto at the time was „One Man. One Camera. One Mission.“

Unfortunately Andy sold the porn site 1000facials!

Since then the pro­ject is fil­led up every 2 weeks with porn of famous porn­stars. In con­trast to the first 255 por­nos of Andy, also the „way of depo­si­ting sperm“ has beco­me quite unspec­ta­cu­lar! The came­ra usual­ly no lon­ger stops direct­ly from the POV per­spec­ti­ve (point of view = from the view of the inse­mi­na­tor) on the sperm splash on it, but films the scene quite bor­ing – from a long distance.

Extremely posi­ti­ve are the detail­ed sperm pho­tos! Although most­ly only a fucker squirts in the face of the woman, the pho­to­grapher knows his craft and can put many orna­te faces well in the „right light“.

I also like the rela­tively simp­le page struc­tu­re, the modern look, the good tech­ni­cal qua­li­ty of the vide­os and the great pre­sen­ta­ti­on in the pre­view area. Ingenious are the many, many well-known porn stars – becau­se they know how to hand­le a cock passionately.

1000facials is not bad – If you are expli­cit­ly loo­king for porn with a focus on „Facial“, you will not be dis­ap­poin­ted by the many face splash scenes.

visit 1000facials.com
Website Information
Country of operator:
Cost:$1.00 / 2 days (sub­scrip­ti­on)
$29.99 / month
$59.95/ 3 months
$119.88 / 6 months
Test / Demo – Access:yes
Payment methods:Credit card, direct debit
Billing:Chargepay B.V
Member manage­ment:yes
Youth pro­tec­tion filter:no
Download limit:no
Cross-selling pre­sel­ec­ted:no
Offered con­tent
Photos / Images:
Quantity:1,500 porn images
Ø Resolution:1920×1280 pixels
Image gal­lery control:yes
ZIP archi­ves:yes
Quantity:540 porn movies
Ø Resolution:1080p Full HD
Ø Length:20 minu­tes
Ø DL Speed:10,000 kB/sec
Download pos­si­ble:yes
Streaming pos­si­ble:yes
DRM copy protection:no


Demo pics

Test report summary for 1000facials.com

A very horny buk­ka­ke and facial porn site

If you like facial inse­mi­na­ti­on, buk­ka­ke and facials, you should not miss this porn site. Even though the initi­al con­cept of a man who wants to inse­mi­na­te 1000 faces is no lon­ger con­tin­ued – you will find incre­di­bly horny porn and pho­tos here. The mix­tu­re of ama­teur women and pro­fes­sio­nal came­ra tech­no­lo­gy have a very sti­mu­la­ting effect on the view­er and make the con­tent of this pro­ject uni­que and abso­lut­e­ly worth seeing.

  • Image qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Video qua­li­ty – 67%
  • Sound qua­li­ty – 83%
  • Exclusivity – 83%
  • Models – 100%
  • Authentic emo­ti­ons – 50%
  • Variety – 50%
  • Extraordinary – 67%
  • Content quan­ti­ty – 83%
  • Fairness – 50%
  • Promises / Reality – 50%
  • Sexual sti­mu­la­ti­on – 67%
  • Design – 100%
  • Navigation – 100%
  • Preview area (Tour pages) – 100%
  • Updates – 67%
  • Loading speed – 100%
  • Costs – 50%
  • Price-performance ratio – 100%
  • Payment – 67%
  • Price trans­pa­ren­cy – 83%
  • Advertising / Spam – 50%
  • Subscription can­cel­la­ti­on – 67%
  • Overall impres­si­on – 67%
User Review
0 (0 votes)


  • Funny basic idea of the project
  • Very horny facial PHOTOS
  • High qua­li­ty porn in HD
  • Very many famous pornstars
  • Awesome, sti­mu­la­ting sex scenes


  • Very much porn advertising
  • Pre-selected cross-selling field
  • Prices plus 20% tax
  • Splash scene maxi­mum one minute
  • Few horny cumshot perspectives
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