Test - Review: Mayashandjobs.com

Test: Mayashandjobs.com

Test - Review: Mayashandjobs.com

Test: Mayashandjobs.com

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Porn Site Review About mayashandjobs.com: Penis Games, Orgasm Control and Penis Edging

You’ve pro­ba­b­ly noti­ced during sex or mas­tur­ba­ti­on that alt­hough you’­re satis­fied and happy after an orgasm, unfort­u­na­te­ly the „lust“ also auto­ma­ti­cal­ly fizz­les out for the rest of the day or even seve­ral days 

The cul­prit for the loss of libi­do is a strong hor­mo­ne release during orgasm, which initia­tes the so-called refrac­to­ry phase. Unfortunately, for many men, mas­tur­ba­ti­on or sex is often over after 10 minu­tes becau­se of this.

However, you can out­smart the pro­cess! Men who like to fuck or jerk off for hours know that it is pos­si­ble to eja­cu­la­te wit­hout get­ting the pleasure-sucking final orgasm. The advan­ta­ges are that you stay horny for hours or even days, the penis stands like one and the fee­ling is abso­lut­e­ly mega.

In the Technical Jargon One Speaks Of:

Mayashandjobs.com deals with this very topic. A European MILF named Maya shows very impres­si­ve­ly on her hus­ban­d’s cock how multi-faceted you can sti­mu­la­te a penis. She uses a home­ma­de wan­king table (Milking Table or Handjob work­bench), ropes, cords, rub­ber bands, vibra­tors, penis rings, and much more. She ruins her hus­ban­d’s orgasm one to four times in her cum porn.

I boo­ked the porn site Mayashandjobs becau­se I am per­so­nal­ly inte­res­ted in the topic „rui­ning orgasm“ and I hoped for a lot of ideas and sug­ges­ti­ons. Secretly, I was hoping to find vide­os that I could show my wife to teach her about the sub­ject. I was aware that this is purely an ama­teur cou­ple’s site and don’t expect extre­me­ly high-quality pho­tos or luxu­ry design. In this review, I’ll tell you what there is to dis­co­ver on Mayashandjobs.com and whe­ther it’s worth booking.

Visit Mayashandjobs.com

Opinion About the Preview Section of Mayashandjobs.com

When you first open Mayashandjobs.com, you see a huge slider with three pho­tos of Maya alter­na­ting with a giant cum foun­tain. If you scroll down a bit, you will find very horny pho­tos, of the seven latest videos.

If you click on the pho­tos, you will quick­ly under­stand the rough struc­tu­re of the porn site. It is a simp­le blog based on the popu­lar WordPress soft­ware. In the blog posts you can see what the cor­re­spon­ding video is about. The English text can be easi­ly trans­la­ted with an online trans­la­tor and large pho­tos and ani­ma­ted images make you very curious about Maya’s porn.

Further explo­ra­ti­on of Maya’s hand­jobs via the top menu is very wort­hwhile. There is an incre­di­ble amount to dis­co­ver for free even as a non-member. For exam­p­le, the menu items „Blog“ „Photos and vide­os“ are exciting.

The menu item „VR“ lists vide­os that you can watch with card­board 3D glas­ses that you insert your smart­phone into. Via „Categories“ you can fil­ter all available vide­os. e.g. „Ruined orgasm“, „Multiple cumshots“, „CBT (Cock ball torture)“.

I was real­ly curious to see what is hid­den behind the menu item „Members“! 😉

Rating of the Porn Sites Registration

To book a mem­ber­ship at Mayashandjobs, click on „Members“ in the main menu. A JOIN page opens 

On six tiles, you can see dif­fe­rent price models. I recom­mend you to choo­se the bil­ling model CCBill, becau­se it is super sui­ta­ble for European cus­to­mers.
I chose with one click the upper left tile, for a one month membership.

A pink boo­king form from CCbill opens. Probably Maya chose this color. 🙂 Disappointed, one rea­li­zes that only a cre­dit card pay­ment is pos­si­ble. To be pro­tec­ted from uncon­trol­led pay­ments, I used my pre­paid cre­dit card here. Here you enter your bil­ling infor­ma­ti­on, an email address** a desi­red user­na­me, a password.

Fortunately, CCbill accept­ed the NETELLER card and a boo­king con­fir­ma­ti­on (Payment Confirmation) with the login data is dis­play­ed. At the same time, an email will be sent to you with the login details. Once you have recei­ved this, you can close the brow­ser window.

Test – Review Member Area

To log in to the mem­ber area of Mayashandjobs.com you can click on the link of the boo­king con­fir­ma­ti­on. You can also reach the login mask via the menu item „Members“ in the main menu. After log­ging in you will be taken back to the„Blog“. The menu item „Members“ has chan­ged to „Logout“.

Unfortunately, there is a gross redi­rec­tion error here! You can’t see vide­os in the artic­les in the blog! The cor­rect way is to access the vide­os via „Categories“ or „Photos and Videos → Latest videos“.

As a log­ged in mem­ber, you will now see a Flash video play­er in the video detail pages and a but­ton to the MP4 ver­si­on of the video and a short descrip­ti­on text to the right of the win­dow. Below the play­er you can click a like but­ton or add the video to your favo­ri­tes list.

Very Horny Penis Massages With Impressive Cum Shots

If you look at the latest vide­os, you are hea­vi­ly exci­ted! Maya knows her craft and mas­sa­ges her part­ner’s cock very pas­sio­na­te­ly. Sometimes she uses oil, some­ti­mes ropes and ano­ther time pan­ty­ho­se. Vibrators and penis rings are also used. Her latest favo­ri­te toy seems to be her so-called work­bench: a black woo­den plate with a hole through which the penis is inserted 

Maya usual­ly mas­sa­ges the penis in a very high­ly con­cen­tra­ted way. She knows exact­ly when to take her hands off the cock and a satis­fied smile flits across her face when she has mana­ged to ruin an orgasm

The cum foun­ta­ins are impres­si­ve. Probably Maya’s hus­band eats a very pro­te­in diet and is abs­ti­nent for seve­ral days. The penis must have been edged a few times alre­a­dy on the day of the video shoo­ting (maybe also on the abs­ti­nent days). A tre­men­dous pres­su­re of desam­pling has built up, which Maya reli­e­ves with plea­su­re and joy.

Lack of Variety in Tease and Denial Porn

After wat­ching the first ten Tease and Denial porn movies, dis­il­lu­sionment somehow sets in. There is defi­ni­te­ly a lack of variety:

  • In the older vide­os, a garish­ly green pain­ted bed­room ser­ves as the loca­ti­on count­less times. Newer vide­os show a nice­ly reno­va­ted, anthracite-colored room.
  • Maya’s cum fetish, howe­ver, is not about swal­lo­wing sper m or facial inse­mi­na­ti­on, but about rui­ning the orgasm. She often has her clo­thes and body inse­mi­na­ted in the pro­cess. Unfortunately, rare­ly her mouth or face.
  • You see the same per­spec­ti­ves over and over again – eit­her the came­ra is set up on the tri­pod to the left or right of the penis, or Maya’s hus­band has the came­ra in front of his face.
  • I’d also like to see other actors who Maya ruins the orgasm for or Maya could invi­te a second woman with whom she rides off and jerks off the cock(s) together.

Really annoy­ing is a strong back­ground noise from the came­ra micro­pho­ne. When Maya’s hus­band holds the came­ra, the loud grip noise sca­res you if you’­re wea­ring headphones.

Cool on the other hand is that you can also down­load the movies in 3D. The razor-sharp 1080p reso­lu­ti­on is also con­tem­po­ra­ry and super.

Who Is Maya?

Mayashandjobs.com has been around since 2006! Although time has not pas­sed Maya by wit­hout a trace, she is a very attrac­ti­ve MILF. To this day she has not lost the fun of hand­jobs and rui­ning orgasms.

It’s a pity that there is no „About Us“ page. It would be very inte­res­t­ing to know who Maya and her part­ner are, how it came to open the sex site and so on.

Sometimes Maya and her hus­band whisper in Polish or talk brief­ly. It’s a pity that they don’t com­mu­ni­ca­te in English, when they alre­a­dy make the whole web­site in English.

Maya’s Photos Are So „Lala“:

The pho­tos on Mayashandjobs did­n’t exci­te me. They rare­ly have any­thing to do with hand­jobs. They are most­ly posed soft­co­re shots (some­ti­mes Maya smo­kes a ciga­ret­te) and video screenshots.

For some gal­le­ries a down­load as ZIP file is pos­si­ble. The reso­lu­ti­on of the pho­tos is 1024×768.

With an online image view­er you can also view the pho­tos wit­hout down­loa­ding them.

Opinions About Page Structure & Design

You can see that there is no pro­fes­sio­nal com­pa­ny behind this sex site Mayashandjobs.

In January 2017, Mayashandjobs.com was com­ple­te­ly rede­si­gned. Probably tha­t’s where various lin­king errors come from here and there. The menu has a some­what con­fu­sing lay­out. The home but­ton links to a sub­page, ins­tead of the real home page and in gene­ral, it hangs a litt­le bit in the menu logic.

Nevertheless, the page struc­tu­re of the blog is unders­tood after a few minu­tes and you can navi­ga­te through the page wit­hout any pro­blems even with basic know­ledge of English.

You can not speak of a real design, becau­se it is a clas­sic, white theme (tem­p­la­te) of WordPress.

What I pain­ful­ly miss is a search form.

Experience With the Subscription Cancellation

At the very bot­tom of the page you will find the Cancel Membership link. The lin­ked page gives you links to both bil­ling com­pa­nies CCbill and Verotel. Since we were bil­led by CCbill, the first link is the cor­rect one.

On ccbill.com you click on the red but­ton „Manage order“. A form with the name „Search/Cancel a Subscription“ will open. If you want to read the form in German, you can click on the German flag in the upper right corner.

Enter your e‑mail address and the sub­scrip­ti­on num­ber (CCBill Order Number) from your e‑mail in the can­cel­la­ti­on form and click on the „Search“ button.

A page with the title „Subscription Summary“ will open. There you can mana­ge your sub­scrip­ti­on. Click on „Unsubscribe“ (Click here to can­cel your subscription.)

On the fol­lo­wing page it says: „Confirm that you want to can­cel your mem­ber­ship“. You should give a reason and you have to set a but­ton to YES. As a reason you can choo­se: „Satisfied customer“.

Afterwards, an infor­ma­ti­on appears: „Successfully unsub­scri­bed“ and one auto­ma­ti­cal­ly recei­ves an email with the can­cel­la­ti­on confirmation.

Review Conclusion of the mayashandjobs.com Test Report

MayasHandjobs a 100% ama­teur pro­ject that has been ope­ra­ted by a European MILF since 2006 

The focus here is on hand­jobs, tease & deni­al, orgasm con­trol and orgasm rui­ning. Maya takes thie­ving plea­su­re in jer­king her man’s penis in various ways and taking her hands off his cock one to four times over and over again at the last moment befo­re his orgasm. The vio­lent, uncon­trol­led jerks and sperm eja­cu­la­ti­ons are impressive 

In my opi­ni­on, women should also watch these vide­os to get ideas & inspi­ra­ti­on on how to sti­mu­la­te a penis in a varied way 

Very cool is that you can down­load some cum movies in 3D as well. However, after wat­ching about 15 mil­king vide­os, it quick­ly gets bor­ing becau­se the same thing always hap­pens in most of the vide­os. There is hard­ly any varie­ty in the loca­ti­on and it would also be nice to see a dif­fe­rent cock or woman once in a while 

After the relaunch of the web­site in January 2017, there are num­e­rous errors on the web­site. Unfortunately, no one responds to emails. Since Maya is from Poland, it would be good if she also thinks about the European cus­to­mers and acti­va­tes alter­na­ti­ve pay­ment methods. Not ever­yo­ne has a cre­dit card.

All in all, it is worth boo­king a month­ly account becau­se you can find vide­os of this kind very rare­ly. Orgasm con­trol is a horny topic for men and every man should deal with it once. Maya gives great sug­ges­ti­ons on how to do it right.

Visit Mayashandjobs.com
Website infor­ma­ti­on
Country of operator:
Cost:$29.95 / 1 month (sub­scrip­ti­on)
$59.95 / 3 months
$94.95 / 6 months
Test / Demo – Access:no
Payment methods:Credit card
Member manage­ment:yes
Parental fil­ter:no
Download limit:no
Updates:every 2 weeks
Cross-selling pre­sel­ec­ted:no
Offered con­tent
Photos / Images:
Number:3,000 Porn images
Ø Resolution:1024 x 768 pixels
Image gal­lery control:yes
ZIP archi­ves:yes
Quantity:580 porn movies
Ø Resolution:Full HD 1080p
Ø Length:10 minu­tes
Ø DL speed:11,000 kB/sec
Download pos­si­ble:yes
Streaming pos­si­ble:yes
DRM copy protection:no


Test report summary for Mayashandjobs.com

A vivid penis edging porn page

Are you inte­res­ted in orgasm con­trol, penis edging and cock mas­sa­ge? Then you should take a look at this porn site. An ama­teur cou­ple demons­tra­tes on their pri­va­te web­site dif­fe­rent ways to milk a cock. 

  • Image qua­li­ty – 83%
  • Video qua­li­ty – 67%
  • Sound qua­li­ty – 33%
  • Exclusivity – 100%
  • Models – 83%
  • Authentic emo­ti­ons – 100%
  • Variety – 33%
  • Extraordinary – 100%
  • Content quan­ti­ty – 50%
  • Fairness – 100%
  • Promises / Reality – 100%
  • Sexual sti­mu­la­ti­on – 67%
  • Design – 50%
  • Navigation – 50%
  • Preview area (Tour pages) – 67%
  • Updates – 67%
  • Loading speed – 100%
  • Costs – 50%
  • Price-performance ratio – 67%
  • Payment – 83%
  • Price trans­pa­ren­cy – 100%
  • Advertising / Spam – 100%
  • Subscription can­cel­la­ti­on – 100%
  • Overall impres­si­on – 67%
User Review
0 (0 votes)


  • Incredibly horny edging cumshots
  • Abundant sperm / pre­cum (pre-juice)
  • Innovative penis cum ideas
  • Penis bon­da­ge very descriptive
  • Maya is a sexy MILF


  • Very short clips (5−10 minutes)
  • Mostly the same bedroom
  • Always the same penis
  • Strong micro­pho­ne noise annoying
  • Only cre­dit card pay­ment possible
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