Abuse / DMCA / Content Removal

This site con­ta­ins adult-oriented and sexu­al­ly expli­cit materials.

All models, actors, actres­ses or other per­sons that appear in any visu­al depic­tion of actu­al sexu­al­ly expli­cit con­duct con­tai­ned in this Website were over the age of eigh­te­en years at the time of the crea­ti­on of such depictions.

All vide­os are pro­vi­ded by third party, so we are not respon­si­ble for it. All pic­tures were uploa­ded by the site users and pro­vi­ded by third party.

To remo­ve the con­tent, plea­se pro­vi­de us pic­tu­re or gal­lery or thumb­nail URL. Send us cor­rect the URL / link / address, please.

Also, plea­se tell us a cou­ple of words about why you want to dele­te the picture.

Please, be pati­ent. The con­tent will be remo­ved, you will get an ans­wer to your email.

To remo­ve copy­righ­ted con­tent, you can noti­fy us as follows.